korc_HDF5 Module

@param h5error HDF5 error status.

@param h5error HDF5 error status.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the datum. @param[out] rdatum Real datum read from HDF5 file and casted to KORC's real precision type. @param[out] attr Attribute of datum read from HDF5 file. @param raw_datum Datum read from HDF5 file. @param aname Name of rdatum attribute. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 datum space identifier. @param aspace_id HDF5 datum's attribute space identifier. @param attr_id HDF5 datum's attribute identifier. @param atype_id Native HDF5 attribute type. @param dims Dimensions of data read from HDF5 file. @param adims Dimensions of data's attributes read from HDF5 file. @param h5error HDF5 error status.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the data. @param[out] rdata 1-D array of real values read from HDF5 file and casted to KORC's real precision type. @param[out] attr 1-D array of attributes of rdata. @param raw_data 1-D array read from HDF5 file. @param aname Name of rdata attribute. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 datum space identifier. @param aspace_id HDF5 datum's attribute space identifier. @param attr_id HDF5 datum's attribute identifier. @param atype_id Native HDF5 attribute type. @param dims Dimensions of data read from HDF5 file. @param adims Dimensions of data's attributes read from HDF5 file. @param h5error HDF5 error status.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the data. @param[out] rdata 2-D array of real values read from HDF5 file and casted to KORC's real precision type. @param[out] attr 2-D array of attributes of rdata. @param raw_data 2-D array read from HDF5 file. @param aname Name of rdata attribute. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 datum space identifier. @param aspace_id HDF5 datum's attribute space identifier. @param attr_id HDF5 datum's attribute identifier. @param atype_id Native HDF5 attribute type. @param dims Dimensions of data read from HDF5 file. @param adims Dimensions of data's attributes read from HDF5 file. @param h5error HDF5 error status.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the data. @param[out] rdata 3-D array of real values read from HDF5 file and casted to KORC's real precision type. @param[out] attr 3-D array of attributes of rdata. @param raw_data 3-D array read from HDF5 file. @param aname Name of rdata attribute. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 datum space identifier. @param aspace_id HDF5 datum's attribute space identifier. @param attr_id HDF5 datum's attribute identifier. @param atype_id Native HDF5 attribute type. @param dims Dimensions of data read from HDF5 file. @param adims Dimensions of data's attributes read from HDF5 file. @param h5error HDF5 error status.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the datum. @param[in] idatum Integer datum read from HDF5 file. @param[in] attr Attribute of datum read from HDF5 file. @param aname Name of idatum attribute. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 datum space identifier. @param aspace_id HDF5 datum's attribute space identifier. @param attr_id HDF5 datum's attribute identifier. @param atype_id Native HDF5 attribute type. @param dims Dimensions of data read from HDF5 file. @param adims Dimensions of data's attributes read from HDF5 file. @param rank Number of dimensions of idatum's dataspace. @param arank Number of dimensions of attr's dataspace. @param attrlen Lenght of idatum attribute's name. @param h5error HDF5 error status.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the datum. @param[in] idatum Integer datum read from HDF5 file. @param[in] attr Attribute of datum read from HDF5 file. @param aname Name of idatum attribute. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 datum space identifier. @param aspace_id HDF5 datum's attribute space identifier. @param attr_id HDF5 datum's attribute identifier. @param atype_id Native HDF5 attribute type. @param dims Dimensions of data read from HDF5 file. @param adims Dimensions of data's attributes read from HDF5 file. @param rank Number of dimensions of idatum's dataspace. @param arank Number of dimensions of attr's dataspace. @param attrlen Lenght of idatum attribute's name. @param h5error HDF5 error status.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the datum. @param[in] idatum Integer datum read from HDF5 file. @param[in] attr Attribute of datum read from HDF5 file. @param aname Name of idatum attribute. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 datum space identifier. @param aspace_id HDF5 datum's attribute space identifier. @param attr_id HDF5 datum's attribute identifier. @param atype_id Native HDF5 attribute type. @param dims Dimensions of data read from HDF5 file. @param adims Dimensions of data's attributes read from HDF5 file. @param rank Number of dimensions of idatum's dataspace. @param arank Number of dimensions of attr's dataspace. @param attrlen Lenght of idatum attribute's name. @param h5error HDF5 error status.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the datum. @param[in] idatum Integer datum read from HDF5 file. @param[in] attr Attribute of datum read from HDF5 file. @param aname Name of idatum attribute. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 datum space identifier. @param aspace_id HDF5 datum's attribute space identifier. @param attr_id HDF5 datum's attribute identifier. @param atype_id Native HDF5 attribute type. @param dims Dimensions of data read from HDF5 file. @param adims Dimensions of data's attributes read from HDF5 file. @param rank Number of dimensions of idatum's dataspace. @param arank Number of dimensions of attr's dataspace. @param attrlen Lenght of idatum attribute's name. @param h5error HDF5 error status.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the data. @param[in] idata Data written to HDF5 file. @param[in] attr Attributes of data written to HDF5 file. @param aname Name of idata attributes. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 data space identifier. @param aspace_id HDF5 data's attribute space identifier. @param attr_id HDF5 data's attribute identifier. @param atype_id Native HDF5 attribute type. @param dims Dimensions of data writen to HDF5 file. @param adims Dimensions of data's attributes written to HDF5 file. @param rank Number of dimensions of idata's dataspace. @param arank Number of dimensions of attr's dataspace. @param attrlen Lenght of idata attribute's name. @param h5error HDF5 error status. @param rr Rank iterator. @param dd Dimension iterator.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the datum. @param[in] rdatum Real datum written to HDF5 file. @param[in] attr Attribute of datum written to HDF5 file. @param aname Name of rdatum attribute. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 datum space identifier. @param aspace_id HDF5 datum's attribute space identifier. @param attr_id HDF5 datum's attribute identifier. @param atype_id Native HDF5 attribute type. @param dims Dimensions of data written to HDF5 file. @param adims Dimensions of data's attributes read from HDF5 file. @param rank Number of dimensions of rdatum's dataspace. @param arank Number of dimensions of attr's dataspace. @param attrlen Lenght of rdatum attribute's name. @param h5error HDF5 error status.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the data. @param[in] rdata Data written to HDF5 file. @param[in] attr Attributes of data written to HDF5 file. @param aname Name of rdata attributes. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 data space identifier. @param aspace_id HDF5 data's attribute space identifier. @param attr_id HDF5 data's attribute identifier. @param atype_id Native HDF5 attribute type. @param dims Dimensions of data writen to HDF5 file. @param adims Dimensions of data's attributes written to HDF5 file. @param rank Number of dimensions of rdata's dataspace. @param arank Number of dimensions of attr's dataspace. @param attrlen Lenght of rdata attribute's name. @param h5error HDF5 error status. @param rr Rank iterator. @param dd Dimension iterator.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the data. @param[in] rdata Data written to HDF5 file. @param[in] attr Attributes of data written to HDF5 file. @param aname Name of rdata attributes. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 data space identifier. @param aspace_id HDF5 data's attribute space identifier. @param attr_id HDF5 data's attribute identifier. @param atype_id Native HDF5 attribute type. @param dims Dimensions of data writen to HDF5 file. @param adims Dimensions of data's attributes written to HDF5 file. @param rank Number of dimensions of rdata's dataspace. @param arank Number of dimensions of attr's dataspace. @param attrlen Lenght of rdata attribute's name. @param h5error HDF5 error status. @param rr Rank iterator. @param dd Dimension iterator.

@param[in] h5file_id HDF5 file identifier. @param[in] dset String containing the name of the array of strings. @param[in] string_array Array of characters containing the strings to be written to HDF5 file. @param dset_id HDF5 data set identifier. @param dspace_id HDF5 data space identifier. @param dims Number of strings to be written to file. @param data_dims Dimensions of data written to HDF5 file. This is equal to (Maximum length of KORC string)x(Number of strings). @param str_len Size of strings to be written to file without blank spaces. @param string_type Native HDF5 string type. @param h5error HDF5 error status.


  • module~~korc_hdf5~~UsesGraph module~korc_hdf5 korc_HDF5 module~korc_constants korc_constants module~korc_hdf5->module~korc_constants module~korc_hpc korc_hpc module~korc_hdf5->module~korc_hpc module~korc_types korc_types module~korc_hdf5->module~korc_types HDF5 HDF5 module~korc_hdf5->HDF5 module~korc_constants->module~korc_types module~korc_hpc->module~korc_types omp_lib omp_lib module~korc_hpc->omp_lib mpi mpi module~korc_hpc->mpi iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~korc_types->iso_c_binding

Used by

  • module~~korc_hdf5~~UsedByGraph module~korc_hdf5 korc_HDF5 module~korc_initialize korc_initialize module~korc_initialize->module~korc_hdf5 module~korc_spatial_distribution korc_spatial_distribution module~korc_initialize->module~korc_spatial_distribution module~korc_velocity_distribution korc_velocity_distribution module~korc_initialize->module~korc_velocity_distribution module~korc_fields korc_fields module~korc_initialize->module~korc_fields module~korc_avalanche korc_avalanche module~korc_avalanche->module~korc_hdf5 module~korc_profiles korc_profiles module~korc_avalanche->module~korc_profiles module~korc_avalanche->module~korc_fields module~korc_profiles->module~korc_hdf5 module~korc_interp korc_interp module~korc_profiles->module~korc_interp module~korc_fio korc_fio module~korc_fio->module~korc_hdf5 module~korc_energy_pdfs korc_energy_pdfs module~korc_energy_pdfs->module~korc_hdf5 program~main main program~main->module~korc_hdf5 program~main->module~korc_initialize program~main->module~korc_profiles program~main->module~korc_fio module~korc_collisions korc_collisions program~main->module~korc_collisions program~main->module~korc_fields module~korc_finalize korc_finalize program~main->module~korc_finalize module~korc_ppusher korc_ppusher program~main->module~korc_ppusher program~main->module~korc_interp module~korc_simple_equilibrium_pdf korc_simple_equilibrium_pdf module~korc_simple_equilibrium_pdf->module~korc_hdf5 module~korc_collisions->module~korc_hdf5 module~korc_collisions->module~korc_profiles module~korc_collisions->module~korc_fio module~korc_collisions->module~korc_fields module~korc_collisions->module~korc_interp module~korc_experimental_pdf korc_experimental_pdf module~korc_experimental_pdf->module~korc_hdf5 module~korc_experimental_pdf->module~korc_fields module~korc_experimental_pdf->module~korc_interp module~korc_spatial_distribution->module~korc_hdf5 module~korc_spatial_distribution->module~korc_avalanche module~korc_spatial_distribution->module~korc_profiles module~korc_spatial_distribution->module~korc_experimental_pdf module~korc_spatial_distribution->module~korc_fields module~korc_velocity_distribution->module~korc_hdf5 module~korc_velocity_distribution->module~korc_avalanche module~korc_velocity_distribution->module~korc_energy_pdfs module~korc_velocity_distribution->module~korc_simple_equilibrium_pdf module~korc_velocity_distribution->module~korc_experimental_pdf module~korc_velocity_distribution->module~korc_fields module~korc_fields->module~korc_hdf5 module~korc_fields->module~korc_interp module~korc_finalize->module~korc_profiles module~korc_finalize->module~korc_fields module~korc_ppusher->module~korc_profiles module~korc_ppusher->module~korc_collisions module~korc_ppusher->module~korc_fields module~korc_ppusher->module~korc_interp module~korc_interp->module~korc_fio



TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
integer(kind=HID_T), private :: KORC_HDF5_REAL

HDF5 real precision data type to be used in the simulation.

integer(kind=SIZE_T), private :: rp_hdf5

Size of the HDF5 real precision data type used in the simulation.


public interface load_from_hdf5

  • private subroutine iload_from_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idatum, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    integer, intent(out) :: idatum
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(out), optional :: attr
  • private subroutine rload_from_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdatum, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    real(kind=rp), intent(out) :: rdatum
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(out), optional :: attr

public interface load_array_from_hdf5

  • private subroutine rload_1d_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    real(kind=rp), intent(inout), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: rdata
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(out), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr
  • private subroutine rload_3d_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    real(kind=rp), intent(inout), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: rdata
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr
  • private subroutine rload_2d_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    real(kind=rp), intent(inout), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: rdata
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr

public interface save_to_hdf5

  • private subroutine i1save_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idatum, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    integer(kind=1), intent(in) :: idatum
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional :: attr
  • private subroutine i2save_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idatum, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    integer(kind=2), intent(in) :: idatum
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional :: attr
  • private subroutine i4save_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idatum, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: idatum
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional :: attr
  • private subroutine i8save_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idatum, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    integer(kind=8), intent(in) :: idatum
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional :: attr
  • private subroutine rsave_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdatum, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: rdatum
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional :: attr

public interface save_1d_array_to_hdf5

  • private subroutine isave_1d_array_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idata, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:):: idata
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr
  • private subroutine rsave_1d_array_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    real(kind=rp), intent(in), DIMENSION(:):: rdata
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr

public interface save_2d_array_to_hdf5

  • private subroutine rsave_2d_array_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    real(kind=rp), intent(in), DIMENSION(:,:):: rdata
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr

public interface save_3d_array_to_hdf5

  • public subroutine rsave_3d_array_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    real(kind=rp), intent(in), DIMENSION(:,:,:):: rdata
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr

public interface save_array_to_hdf5

  • private subroutine isave_1d_array_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idata, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:):: idata
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr
  • private subroutine rsave_1d_array_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    real(kind=rp), intent(in), DIMENSION(:):: rdata
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr
  • private subroutine rsave_2d_array_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    real(kind=rp), intent(in), DIMENSION(:,:):: rdata
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr
  • public subroutine rsave_3d_array_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
    real(kind=rp), intent(in), DIMENSION(:,:,:):: rdata
    character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr


public subroutine initialize_HDF5()



public subroutine finalize_HDF5()



private subroutine iload_from_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idatum, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
integer, intent(out) :: idatum
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(out), optional :: attr

private subroutine rload_from_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdatum, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
real(kind=rp), intent(out) :: rdatum
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(out), optional :: attr

private subroutine rload_1d_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
real(kind=rp), intent(inout), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: rdata
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(out), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr

private subroutine rload_2d_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
real(kind=rp), intent(inout), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: rdata
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr

private subroutine rload_3d_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
real(kind=rp), intent(inout), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: rdata
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr

private subroutine i1save_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idatum, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
integer(kind=1), intent(in) :: idatum
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional :: attr

private subroutine i2save_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idatum, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
integer(kind=2), intent(in) :: idatum
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional :: attr

private subroutine i4save_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idatum, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: idatum
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional :: attr

private subroutine i8save_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idatum, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
integer(kind=8), intent(in) :: idatum
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional :: attr

private subroutine isave_1d_array_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, idata, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:):: idata
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr

private subroutine rsave_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdatum, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: rdatum
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional :: attr

private subroutine rsave_1d_array_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
real(kind=rp), intent(in), DIMENSION(:):: rdata
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr

private subroutine rsave_2d_array_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
real(kind=rp), intent(in), DIMENSION(:,:):: rdata
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr

public subroutine rsave_3d_array_to_hdf5(h5file_id, dset, rdata, attr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
real(kind=rp), intent(in), DIMENSION(:,:,:):: rdata
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: attr

public subroutine save_string_parameter(h5file_id, dset, string_array)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: h5file_id
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in) :: dset
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), DIMENSION(:):: string_array

public subroutine save_simulation_parameters(params, spp, F, P)

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(in) :: params

Core KORC simulation parameters.

type(SPECIES), intent(in), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: spp

An instance of KORC's derived type SPECIES containing all the information of different electron species. See korc_types.

type(FIELDS), intent(in) :: F

An instance of KORC's derived type FIELDS containing all the information about the fields used in the simulation. See korc_types and korc_fields.

type(PROFILES), intent(in) :: P

An instance of KORC's derived type PROFILES containing all the information about the plasma profiles used in the simulation. See korc_types and korc_profiles.

public subroutine save_simulation_outputs(params, spp, F)

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(in) :: params

Core KORC simulation parameters.

type(SPECIES), intent(in), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: spp

An instance of KORC's derived type SPECIES containing all the information of different electron species. See korc_types.

type(FIELDS), intent(in) :: F

public subroutine save_restart_variables(params, spp, F)

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(in) :: params

params Core KORC simulation parameters.

type(SPECIES), intent(in), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: spp

An instance of KORC's derived type SPECIES containing all the information of different electron species. See korc_types.

type(FIELDS), intent(in) :: F

public subroutine load_time_stepping_params(params)

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(inout) :: params

Core KORC simulation parameters.

public subroutine load_prev_time(params)

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(inout) :: params

Core KORC simulation parameters.

public subroutine load_prev_iter(params)

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(inout) :: params

Core KORC simulation parameters.

public subroutine load_particles_ic(params, spp, F)

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(inout) :: params

Core KORC simulation parameters.

type(SPECIES), intent(inout), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: spp

An instance of KORC's derived type SPECIES containing all the information of different electron species. See korc_types.f90.

type(FIELDS), intent(inout) :: F