Module | Source File | Description |
korc_avalanche | korc_avalanche.f90 | |
korc_collisions | korc_collisions.f90 | |
korc_constants | korc_constants.f90 | @brief Module containing physical and mathematical constants to be used in KORC. @details In this module we define the constant parameters to be used in KORC. Notice that the numerical precision of these quantities is '_rp', see korc_types.f90. Any new constant needs to be compliant with the numerical precision used in KORC. |
korc_coords | korc_coords.f90 | |
korc_energy_pdfs | korc_energy_pdfs.f90 | @brief Module that contains subroutines and functions to sample various energy distributions. |
korc_experimental_pdf | korc_experimental_pdf.f90 | |
korc_fields | korc_fields.f90 | |
korc_finalize | korc_finalize.f90 | |
korc_fio | korc_fio_interface.f90 | |
korc_hammersley_generator | korc_hammersley_generator.f90 | @brief Module containing subroutines for generating 1-D and 2-D Hammersley quasi-Monte Carlo sequences. @details The algorithm and code for generating the 1-D Hammersley sequence was developed by John Burkardt at the Florida State University. Visit "" for more information. The algorithm and code for generating the 2-D Hammersley sequence was developed by L. Carbajal at the Oak Ridge National Lab. |
korc_HDF5 | korc_HDF5.f90 | |
korc_hpc | korc_hpc.f90 | |
korc_initialize | korc_initialize.f90 | |
korc_input | korc_input.f90 | |
korc_interp | korc_interp.f90 | |
korc_ppusher | korc_ppusher.f90 | |
korc_profiles | korc_profiles.f90 | |
korc_random | korc_random.f90 | $OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(thread_num) |
korc_rnd_numbers | korc_rnd_numbers.f90 | |
korc_simple_equilibrium_pdf | korc_simple_equilibrium_pdf.f90 | |
korc_spatial_distribution | korc_spatial_distribution.f90 | |
korc_types | korc_types.f90 | |
korc_units | korc_units.f90 | |
korc_velocity_distribution | korc_velocity_distribution.f90 | |
nr | special_fun_modules.f90 | @brief Module containing interfaces used in the modules of the Numerical Recipes book software. @details For details we refer the user to "FORTRAN Numerical Recipes: Numerical recipes in FORTRAN 90". |
nrtype | special_fun_modules.f90 | @brief Module containing types used in the modules of the Numerical Recipes book software. @details For details we refer the user to "FORTRAN Numerical Recipes: Numerical recipes in FORTRAN 90". |
nrutil | special_fun_modules.f90 | @brief Module containing interfaces used in the modules of the Numerical Recipes book software. @details For details we refer the user to "FORTRAN Numerical Recipes: Numerical recipes in FORTRAN 90". |
special_functions | special_fun_modules.f90 | @brief Module with calls to subroutines for calculating various special functions. @details All the subroutines in this module were taken from the free software available as part of the book Numerical Recipes. For details we refer the user to "FORTRAN Numerical Recipes: Numerical recipes in FORTRAN 90". |