module korc_interp !! @note Module containing functions and subroutines for performing !! interpolations using the PSPLINE library. @endnote !! For a detailed documentation of the PSPLINE library we refer the !! user to "". use korc_types use korc_coords use korc_rnd_numbers use korc_hpc #ifdef PSPLINE use EZspline_obj ! psplines module use EZspline ! psplines module #endif #ifdef FIO use korc_fio #endif !$ use OMP_LIB IMPLICIT NONE #ifdef PSPLINE #ifdef DOUBLE_PRECISION TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 3-D PSPLINE interpolants for !! cylindrical components of vector fields !! \(\mathbf{F}(R,\phi,Z) = F_R\hat{e}_R + F_\phi\hat{e}_phi + !! F_Z\hat{e}_Z\). Real precision of 8 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline3) :: A !! Interpolant of a scalar field \(A(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3) :: R !! Interpolant of \(F_R(R,\phi,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3) :: PHI !! Interpolant of \(F_\phi(R,\phi,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3) :: Z !! Interpolant of \(F_Z(R,\phi,Z)\). INTEGER :: NR !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER :: NPHI !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(\phi\)-axis. INTEGER :: NZ !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(Z\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSR = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(R\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSPHI = (/ -1, -1 /) !! Periodic boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(\phi\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSZ = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(Z\) direction. END TYPE KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_2X1T_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 3-D PSPLINE interpolants for !! cylindrical components of vector fields !! \(\mathbf{F}(R,\phi,Z) = F_R\hat{e}_R + F_\phi\hat{e}_phi + !! F_Z\hat{e}_Z\). Real precision of 8 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline3) :: A !! Interpolant of a scalar field \(A(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3) :: R !! Interpolant of \(F_R(R,\phi,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3) :: T !! Interpolant of \(F_\phi(R,\phi,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3) :: Z !! Interpolant of \(F_Z(R,\phi,Z)\). INTEGER :: NR !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER :: NT !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(\phi\)-axis. INTEGER :: NZ !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(Z\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSR = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(R\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCST = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Periodic boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(\phi\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSZ = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(Z\) direction. END TYPE KORC_2X1T_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_2DX_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 2-D PSPLINE interpolants for !! cylindrical components of vector fields \(\mathbf{F}(R,Z) = !! F_R\hat{e}_R + F_\phi\hat{e}_phi+ F_Z\hat{e}_Z\). !! Real precision of 8 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline2) :: A !! Interpolant of a scalar field \(A(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2) :: X !! Interpolant of \(F_X(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2) :: Y !! Interpolant of \(F_Y(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2) :: Z !! Interpolant of \(F_Z(R,Z)\). INTEGER :: NR !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER :: NZ !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(Z\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSR = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(R\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSZ = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(Z\) direction. END TYPE KORC_2DX_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 2-D PSPLINE interpolants for !! cylindrical components of vector fields \(\mathbf{F}(R,Z) = !! F_R\hat{e}_R + F_\phi\hat{e}_phi+ F_Z\hat{e}_Z\). !! Real precision of 8 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline2) :: A !! Interpolant of a scalar field \(A(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2) :: R !! Interpolant of \(F_R(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2) :: PHI !! Interpolant of \(F_\phi(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2) :: Z !! Interpolant of \(F_Z(R,Z)\). INTEGER :: NR !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER :: NZ !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(Z\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSR = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(R\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSZ = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(Z\) direction. END TYPE KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_1D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 2-D PSPLINE interpolants for !! cylindrical components of vector fields \(\mathbf{F}(R,Z) = !! F_R\hat{e}_R + F_\phi\hat{e}_phi+ F_Z\hat{e}_Z\). !! Real precision of 8 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline1) :: A !! Interpolant of a scalar field \(A(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline1) :: R !! Interpolant of \(F_R(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline1) :: PHI !! Interpolant of \(F_\phi(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline1) :: Z !! Interpolant of \(F_Z(R,Z)\). INTEGER :: Nrm !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSrm = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(R\) direction. INTEGER :: NPSIP !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSPSIP = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(R\) direction. END TYPE KORC_1D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_3D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 3-D PSPLINE interpolants for cylindrical !! components of the density \(n_e(R,\phi,Z)\), !! temperature \(T_e(R,\phi,Z)\), and effective charge number !! \(Z_{eff}(R,\phi,Z)\) profiles. Real precision of 8 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline3) :: ne !! Interpolant of background electron density \(n_e(R,\phi,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3) :: Te !! Interpolant of background electron temperature \(T_e(R,\phi,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3) :: Zeff !! Interpolant of effective charge number \(Z_{eff}(R,\phi,Z)\). INTEGER :: NR !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER :: NPHI !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(\phi\)-axis. INTEGER :: NZ !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(Z\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSR = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends !! of the \(R\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSPHI = (/ -1, -1 /) !! Periodic boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends of !! the \(\phi\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSZ = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends !! of the \(Z\) direction. END TYPE KORC_3D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_2D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 2-D PSPLINE interpolants for cylindrical !! components of the density \(n_e(R,Z)\), temperature \(T_e(R,Z)\), and !! effective charge number \(Z_{eff}(R,Z)\) profiles. !! Real precision of 8 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline2) :: ne !! Interpolant of background electron density \(n_e(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2) :: Te !! Interpolant of background electron temperature \(T_e(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2) :: Zeff !! Interpolant of effective charge number \(Z_{eff}(R,Z)\) TYPE(EZspline2) :: RHON TYPE(EZspline2) :: nRE TYPE(EZspline2) :: nAr0 TYPE(EZspline2) :: nAr1 TYPE(EZspline2) :: nAr2 TYPE(EZspline2) :: nAr3 TYPE(EZspline2) :: nD TYPE(EZspline2) :: nD1 INTEGER :: NR !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER :: NZ !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(Z\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSR = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(R\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSZ = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(Z\) direction. END TYPE KORC_2D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_2D_HOLLMANN_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 2-D PSPLINE interpolants for cylindrical !! components of the density \(n_e(R,Z)\), temperature \(T_e(R,Z)\), and !! effective charge number \(Z_{eff}(R,Z)\) profiles. !! Real precision of 8 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline2) :: fRE_E TYPE(EZspline2) :: fRE_pitch INTEGER :: NE !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER :: NRHO !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(Z\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCRHO = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(R\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCE = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(Z\) direction. END TYPE KORC_2D_HOLLMANN_INTERPOLANT #elif SINGLE_PRECISION TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 3-D PSPLINE interpolants for cylindrical !! components of vector fields \(\mathbf{F}(R,\phi,Z) = F_R\hat{e}_R + !! F_\phi\hat{e}_phi + F_Z\hat{e}_Z\). !! Real precision of 4 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline3_r4) :: R !! Interpolant of \(F_R(R,\phi,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3_r4) :: PHI !! Interpolant of \(F_\phi(R,\phi,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3_r4) :: Z !! Interpolant of \(F_Z(R,\phi,Z)\). INTEGER :: NR !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER :: NPHI !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(\phi\)-axis. INTEGER :: NZ !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(Z\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSR = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends !! of the \(R\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSPHI = (/ -1, -1 /) !! Periodic boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends of !! the \(\phi\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSZ = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends of !! the \(Z\) direction. END TYPE KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_2X1T_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 3-D PSPLINE interpolants for cylindrical !! components of vector fields \(\mathbf{F}(R,\phi,Z) = F_R\hat{e}_R + !! F_\phi\hat{e}_phi + F_Z\hat{e}_Z\). !! Real precision of 4 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline3_r4) :: R !! Interpolant of \(F_R(R,\phi,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3_r4) :: T !! Interpolant of \(F_\phi(R,\phi,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3_r4) :: Z !! Interpolant of \(F_Z(R,\phi,Z)\). INTEGER :: NR !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER :: NT !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(\phi\)-axis. INTEGER :: NZ !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(Z\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSR = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends !! of the \(R\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCST = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Periodic boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends of !! the \(\phi\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSZ = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends of !! the \(Z\) direction. END TYPE KORC_2X1T_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 2-D PSPLINE interpolants for cylindrical !! components of vector fields \(\mathbf{F}(R,Z) = F_R\hat{e}_R + !! F_\phi\hat{e}_phi+ F_Z\hat{e}_Z\). !! Real precision of 4 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline2_r4) :: A !! Interpolant of a scalar field \(A(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2_r4) :: R !! Interpolant of \(F_R(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2_r4) :: PHI !! Interpolant of \(F_\phi(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2_r4) :: Z !! Interpolant of \(F_Z(R,Z)\). INTEGER :: NR !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER :: NZ !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(Z\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSR = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends !! of the \(R\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSZ = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends !! of the \(Z\) direction. END TYPE KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_1D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 2-D PSPLINE interpolants for !! cylindrical components of vector fields \(\mathbf{F}(R,Z) = !! F_R\hat{e}_R + F_\phi\hat{e}_phi+ F_Z\hat{e}_Z\). !! Real precision of 8 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline1_r4) :: A !! Interpolant of a scalar field \(A(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline1_r4) :: R !! Interpolant of \(F_R(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline1_r4) :: PHI !! Interpolant of \(F_\phi(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline1_r4) :: Z !! Interpolant of \(F_Z(R,Z)\). INTEGER :: Nrm !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSrm = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both !! ends of the \(R\) direction. END TYPE KORC_1D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_3D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 3-D PSPLINE interpolants for cylindrical !! components of the density \(n_e(R,\phi,Z)\), !! temperature \(T_e(R,\phi,Z)\), and effective charge number !! \(Z_{eff}(R,\phi,Z)\) profiles. !! Real precision of 4 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline3_r4) :: ne !! Interpolant of background electron density \(n_e(R,\phi,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3_r4) :: Te !! Interpolant of background electron temperature \(T_e(R,\phi,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline3_r4) :: Zeff !! Interpolant of effective charge number \(Z_{eff}(R,\phi,Z)\). INTEGER :: NR !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER :: NPHI !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(\phi\)-axis. INTEGER :: NZ !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(Z\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSR = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends of !! the \(R\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSPHI = (/ -1, -1 /) !! Periodic boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends of !! the \(\phi\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSZ = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends !! of the \(Z\) direction. END TYPE KORC_3D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_2D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT !! @note Derived type containing 2-D PSPLINE interpolants for !! cylindrical components of the density \(n_e(R,Z)\), !! temperature \(T_e(R,Z)\), and effective charge number \(Z_{eff}(R,Z)\) profiles. !! Real precision of 8 bytes. @endnote TYPE(EZspline2_r4) :: ne !! Interpolant of background electron density \(n_e(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2_r4) :: Te !! Interpolant of background electron temperature \(T_e(R,Z)\). TYPE(EZspline2_r4) :: Zeff !! Interpolant of effective charge number \(Z_{eff}(R,Z)\). INTEGER :: NR !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(R\)-axis. INTEGER :: NZ !! Size of mesh containing the field data along the \(Z\)-axis. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSR = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends !! of the \(R\) direction. INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: BCSZ = (/ 0, 0 /) !! Not-a-knot boundary condition for the interpolants at both ends !! of the \(Z\) direction. END TYPE KORC_2D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT #endif TYPE, PRIVATE :: KORC_INTERPOLANT_DOMAIN !! @note Derived type containing 2-D and 3-D arrays with the information of !! the spatial domain where the fields and profiles are known. !! This info is used for detecting when a particle is lost, and therefore not !! followed anymore. @endnote INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: FLAG1D !! 2-D array with info of the spatial domain where the axisymmetric fields !! and plasma profiles are known. INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: FLAG2D !! 2-D array with info of the spatial domain where the axisymmetric fields !! and plasma profiles are known. INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: FLAG3D !! 3-D array with info of the spatial domain where the 3-D fields and plasma !! profiles are known. INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: LCFS2D !! 2-D array with info of the spatial domain where the axisymmetric fields !! and plasma profiles are known. REAL(rp) :: Ro !! Smaller radial position of the fields and profiles domain. REAL(rp) :: Zo !! Smaller vertical position of the fields and profiles domain REAL(rp) :: To REAL(rp) :: Drm REAL(rp) :: DPSIP REAL(rp) :: DR !! Separation between grid points along the radial direction. REAL(rp) :: DPHI ! ! Separation between grid points along the azimuthal direction. REAL(rp) :: DT ! ! Separation between grid points along the azimuthal direction. REAL(rp) :: DZ !! Separation between grid points along the vertical direction. END TYPE KORC_INTERPOLANT_DOMAIN TYPE(KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: bfield_2d !! An instance of KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT for interpolating !! the magnetic field. TYPE(KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: bfield_3d !! An instance of KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT for interpolating !! the magnetic field. TYPE(KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: b1Refield_2d TYPE(KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: b1Imfield_2d TYPE(KORC_2DX_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: b1Refield_2dx TYPE(KORC_2DX_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: b1Imfield_2dx TYPE(KORC_2DX_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: e1Refield_2dx TYPE(KORC_2DX_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: e1Imfield_2dx TYPE(KORC_2X1T_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: bfield_2X1T TYPE(KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: dbdR_2d TYPE(KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: dbdPHI_2d TYPE(KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: dbdZ_2d !! An instance of KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT for interpolating !! the magnetic field. TYPE(KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: dbdR_3d TYPE(KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: dbdPHI_3d TYPE(KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: dbdZ_3d !! An instance of KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT for interpolating !! the magnetic field. TYPE(KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: efield_2d !! An instance of KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT for interpolating !! the electric field. TYPE(KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: efield_3d !! An instance of KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT for interpolating !! the electric field. TYPE(KORC_1D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: efield_SC1d !! An instance of KORC_1D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT for interpolating !! the self-consistent electric field. TYPE(KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: gradB_2d !! An instance of KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT for interpolating !! the magnetic field. TYPE(KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: curlb_2d !! An instance of KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT for interpolating !! the magnetic field. TYPE(KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: gradB_3d !! An instance of KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT for interpolating !! the magnetic field. TYPE(KORC_3D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: curlb_3d !! An instance of KORC_2D_FIELDS_INTERPOLANT for interpolating !! the magnetic field. TYPE(KORC_INTERPOLANT_DOMAIN), PRIVATE :: fields_domain !! An instance of KORC_INTERPOLANT_DOMAIN used for interpolating fields. TYPE(KORC_2D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: profiles_2d !! An instance of KORC_2D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT for interpolating plasma !! profiles. TYPE(KORC_3D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: profiles_3d !! An instance of KORC_3D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT for interpolating plasma !! profiles. TYPE(KORC_2D_HOLLMANN_INTERPOLANT), PRIVATE :: hollmann_2d !! An instance of KORC_2D_PROFILES_INTERPOLANT for interpolating plasma !! profiles. TYPE(KORC_INTERPOLANT_DOMAIN), PRIVATE :: profiles_domain !! An instance of KORC_INTERPOLANT_DOMAIN used for interpolating plasma !! profiles. INTEGER :: ezerr !! Error status during PSPLINE interpolations. #endif #ifdef PSPLINE PUBLIC :: interp_fields,& interp_fields_p,& interp_fields_3D_p,& interp_FOfields_p,& interp_FOfields1_p,& interp_bmag_p,& interp_collision_p,& ! interp_fields_FO_p,& interp_profiles,& initialize_fields_interpolant,& initialize_profiles_interpolant,& finalize_interpolants,& calculate_initial_magnetic_field,& calculate_magnetic_field_p,& calculate_GCfields_p,& calculate_GCfieldswE_p,& calculate_GCfields_2x1t_p,& calculate_GCfields_p_FS,& calculate_2DBdBfields_p,& calculate_3DBdBfields_p,& calculate_3DBdBfields1_p,& sample_poloidal_flux,& initialize_SC1D_field_interpolant,& add_interp_SCE_p,& initialize_SC1D_field_interpolant_FS,& add_interp_SCE_p_FS PRIVATE :: interp_3D_bfields,& interp_2D_bfields,& interp_3D_efields,& interp_2D_efields,& interp_2D_profiles,& interp_3D_profiles,& check_if_in_fields_domain,& check_if_in_LCFS,& check_if_in_profiles_domain,& check_if_in_profiles_domain_p,& check_if_in_fields_domain_p,& interp_2D_gradBfields,& interp_2D_curlbfields,& gradient_2D_Bfields #else PUBLIC :: interp_fields #endif CONTAINS #ifdef PSPLINE subroutine initialize_fields_interpolant(params,F) !! @note Subroutine that initializes fields interpolants. @endnote !! This subroutine initializes either 2-D or 3-D PSPLINE interpolants !! using the data of fields in the KORC-dervied-type variable F. TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(INOUT) :: F !! An instance of KORC's derived type FIELDS containing all the information !! about the fields used in the simulation. !! See [[korc_types]] and [[korc_fields]]. integer :: ii,jj if (((params%field_model(1:8) .EQ. 'EXTERNAL').or. & (params%field_eval.eq.'interp')).and. & (.not.TRIM(params%field_model).eq.'M3D_C1'.and. & .not.TRIM(params%field_model).eq.'NIMROD')) then if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * INITIALIZING FIELDS INTERPOLANT * * * *")') end if ! * * * * * * * * MAGNETIC FIELD * * * * * * * * ! if (F%Bflux.or.F%ReInterp_2x1t.or. & ((params%orbit_model(1:2).eq.'FO').and.F%axisymmetric_fields)) then write(output_unit_write,*) '2D poloidal flux function' if(F%ReInterp_2x1t) then if (.not.(EZspline_allocated(bfield_2d%A))) then bfield_2d%NR = F%dims(1) bfield_2d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing poloidal flux interpolant call EZspline_init(bfield_2d%A,bfield_2d%NR,bfield_2d%NZ, & bfield_2d%BCSR,bfield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) bfield_2d%A%x1 = F%X%R bfield_2d%A%x2 = F%X%Z end if !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(bfield_2d%A, F%PSIp3D(:,F%ind_2x1t,:), & ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(output_unit_write,'("bfield_2d%A: ",E17.10)') bfield_2d%A%fspl(1,:,:) if (.not.ALLOCATED(fields_domain%FLAG2D)) & ALLOCATE(fields_domain%FLAG2D(bfield_2d%NR,bfield_2d%NZ)) fields_domain%FLAG2D = F%FLAG3D(:,F%ind_2x1t,:) if (.not.ALLOCATED(fields_domain%LCFS2D)) & ALLOCATE(fields_domain%LCFS2D(bfield_2d%NR,bfield_2d%NZ)) fields_domain%LCFS2D = F%LCFS3D(:,F%ind_2x1t,:) fields_domain%DR = ABS(F%X%R(2) - F%X%R(1)) fields_domain%DZ = ABS(F%X%Z(2) - F%X%Z(1)) F%Bflux3D = .FALSE. else if (EZspline_allocated(bfield_2d%A)) & call Ezspline_free(bfield_2d%A, ezerr) bfield_2d%NR = F%dims(1) bfield_2d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing poloidal flux interpolant call EZspline_init(bfield_2d%A,bfield_2d%NR,bfield_2d%NZ, & bfield_2d%BCSR,bfield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) bfield_2d%A%x1 = F%X%R bfield_2d%A%x2 = F%X%Z #if DBG_CHECK !write(6,*) 'R',F%X%R !write(6,*) 'Z',F%X%Z #endif call EZspline_setup(bfield_2d%A, F%PSIp, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(output_unit_write,'("bfield_2d%A: ",E17.10)') bfield_2d%A%fspl(1,:,:) if (.not.ALLOCATED(fields_domain%FLAG2D)) & ALLOCATE(fields_domain%FLAG2D(bfield_2d%NR,bfield_2d%NZ)) fields_domain%FLAG2D = F%FLAG2D if (.not.ALLOCATED(fields_domain%LCFS2D)) & ALLOCATE(fields_domain%LCFS2D(bfield_2d%NR,bfield_2d%NZ)) fields_domain%LCFS2D = F%LCFS2D fields_domain%DR = ABS(F%X%R(2) - F%X%R(1)) fields_domain%DZ = ABS(F%X%Z(2) - F%X%Z(1)) endif end if if(F%B1field) then if (params%field_model(10:13).eq.'MARS') then write(output_unit_write,*) '2D n=1 MARS magnetic fields' b1Refield_2d%NR = F%dims(1) b1Refield_2d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing BR1Re interpolant call EZspline_init(b1Refield_2d%R,b1Refield_2d%NR, & b1Refield_2d%NZ,b1Refield_2d%BCSR,b1Refield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Refield_2d%R%x1 = F%X%R b1Refield_2d%R%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(b1Refield_2d%R, F%B1Re_2D%R, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%B1Re_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'B1Re_2D%R',F%B1Re_2D%R(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo ! Initializing BPHI1Re interpolant call EZspline_init(b1Refield_2d%PHI,b1Refield_2d%NR, & b1Refield_2d%NZ,b1Refield_2d%BCSR,b1Refield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Refield_2d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R b1Refield_2d%PHI%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(b1Refield_2d%PHI, F%B1Re_2D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing BZ1_Re interpolant call EZspline_init(b1Refield_2d%Z,b1Refield_2d%NR, & b1Refield_2d%NZ,b1Refield_2d%BCSR,b1Refield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Refield_2d%Z%x1 = F%X%R b1Refield_2d%Z%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(b1Refield_2d%Z, F%B1Re_2D%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Imfield_2d%NR = F%dims(1) b1Imfield_2d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing BR1RIm interpolant call EZspline_init(b1Imfield_2d%R,b1Imfield_2d%NR, & b1Imfield_2d%NZ,b1Imfield_2d%BCSR,b1Imfield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Imfield_2d%R%x1 = F%X%R b1Imfield_2d%R%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(b1Imfield_2d%R, F%B1Im_2D%R, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing BPHI1Im interpolant call EZspline_init(b1Imfield_2d%PHI,b1Imfield_2d%NR, & b1Imfield_2d%NZ,b1Imfield_2d%BCSR,b1Imfield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Imfield_2d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R b1Imfield_2d%PHI%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(b1Imfield_2d%PHI, F%B1Im_2D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing BZ1_Im interpolant call EZspline_init(b1Imfield_2d%Z,b1Imfield_2d%NR, & b1Imfield_2d%NZ,b1Imfield_2d%BCSR,b1Imfield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Imfield_2d%Z%x1 = F%X%R b1Imfield_2d%Z%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(b1Imfield_2d%Z, F%B1Im_2D%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) else if (params%field_model(10:14).eq.'AORSA') then write(output_unit_write,*) '2D AORSA magnetic fields' flush(output_unit_write) b1Refield_2dx%NR = F%dims(1) b1Refield_2dx%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing BX1Re interpolant call EZspline_init(b1Refield_2dx%X,b1Refield_2dx%NR, & b1Refield_2dx%NZ,b1Refield_2dx%BCSR,b1Refield_2dx%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Refield_2dx%X%x1 = F%X%R b1Refield_2dx%X%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(b1Refield_2dx%X, F%B1Re_2DX%X, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%B1Re_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'B1Re_2DX%X',F%B1Re_2DX%X(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo ! Initializing BY1Re interpolant call EZspline_init(b1Refield_2dx%Y,b1Refield_2dx%NR, & b1Refield_2dx%NZ,b1Refield_2dx%BCSR,b1Refield_2dx%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Refield_2dx%Y%x1 = F%X%R b1Refield_2dx%Y%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(b1Refield_2dx%Y, F%B1Re_2DX%Y, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%B1Re_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'B1Re_2D%R',F%B1Re_2D%R(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo ! Initializing BZ1Re interpolant call EZspline_init(b1Refield_2dx%Z,b1Refield_2dx%NR, & b1Refield_2dx%NZ,b1Refield_2dx%BCSR,b1Refield_2dx%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Refield_2dx%Z%x1 = F%X%R b1Refield_2dx%Z%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(b1Refield_2dx%Z, F%B1Re_2DX%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%B1Re_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'B1Re_2D%R',F%B1Re_2D%R(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo b1Imfield_2dx%NR = F%dims(1) b1Imfield_2dx%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing BX1Im interpolant call EZspline_init(b1Imfield_2dx%X,b1Imfield_2dx%NR, & b1Imfield_2dx%NZ,b1Imfield_2dx%BCSR,b1Imfield_2dx%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Imfield_2dx%X%x1 = F%X%R b1Imfield_2dx%X%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(b1Imfield_2dx%X, F%B1Im_2DX%X, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%B1Im_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'B1Im_2D%R',F%B1Im_2D%R(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo ! Initializing BY1Im interpolant call EZspline_init(b1Imfield_2dx%Y,b1Imfield_2dx%NR, & b1Imfield_2dx%NZ,b1Imfield_2dx%BCSR,b1Imfield_2dx%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Imfield_2dx%Y%x1 = F%X%R b1Imfield_2dx%Y%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(b1Imfield_2dx%Y, F%B1Im_2DX%Y, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%B1Im_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'B1Im_2D%R',F%B1Im_2D%R(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo ! Initializing BZ1Im interpolant call EZspline_init(b1Imfield_2dx%Z,b1Imfield_2dx%NR, & b1Imfield_2dx%NZ,b1Imfield_2dx%BCSR,b1Imfield_2dx%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) b1Imfield_2dx%Z%x1 = F%X%R b1Imfield_2dx%Z%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(b1Imfield_2dx%Z, F%B1Im_2DX%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%B1Im_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'B1Im_2D%R',F%B1Im_2D%R(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo endif end if if (F%Bflux3D) then if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("3D psi potential")') end if if(F%Dim2x1t) then write(output_unit_write,*) '2X1T poloidal flux function' bfield_2X1T%NR = F%dims(1) bfield_2X1T%NT = F%dims(2) bfield_2X1T%NZ = F%dims(3) call EZspline_init(bfield_2X1T%A, bfield_2X1T%NR, bfield_2X1T%NT, & bfield_2X1T%NZ,& bfield_2X1T%BCSR, bfield_2X1T%BCST, bfield_2X1T%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) bfield_2X1T%A%x1 = F%X%R bfield_2X1T%A%x2 = F%X%PHI bfield_2X1T%A%x3 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,*) F%X%PHI call EZspline_setup(bfield_2X1T%A, F%PSIp3D, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (.not.ALLOCATED(fields_domain%FLAG3D)) & ALLOCATE(fields_domain%FLAG3D(bfield_2X1T%NR,bfield_2X1T%NT, & bfield_2X1T%NZ)) fields_domain%FLAG3D = F%FLAG3D fields_domain%DR = ABS(F%X%R(2) - F%X%R(1)) fields_domain%DT = ABS(F%X%PHI(2) - F%X%PHI(1)) fields_domain%DZ = ABS(F%X%Z(2) - F%X%Z(1)) fields_domain%To = F%X%PHI(1) else write(output_unit_write,*) '3D poloidal flux function' bfield_3d%NR = F%dims(1) bfield_3d%NPHI = F%dims(2) bfield_3d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing R component of interpolant call EZspline_init(bfield_3d%A, bfield_3d%NR, bfield_3d%NPHI, & bfield_3d%NZ,& bfield_3d%BCSR, bfield_3d%BCSPHI, bfield_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) bfield_3d%A%x1 = F%X%R ! bfield_3d%R%x2 = F%X%PHI bfield_3d%A%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(bfield_3d%A, F%PSIp3D, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end if end if if (F%Bfield) then if (F%axisymmetric_fields) then write(output_unit_write,*) '2D magnetic field' bfield_2d%NR = F%dims(1) bfield_2d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing R component call EZspline_init(bfield_2d%R,bfield_2d%NR,bfield_2d%NZ, & bfield_2d%BCSR,bfield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) bfield_2d%R%x1 = F%X%R bfield_2d%R%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(bfield_2d%R, F%B_2D%R, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing PHI component call EZspline_init(bfield_2d%PHI,bfield_2d%NR,bfield_2d%NZ, & bfield_2d%BCSR,bfield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) bfield_2d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R bfield_2d%PHI%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(bfield_2d%PHI, F%B_2D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing Z component call EZspline_init(bfield_2d%Z,bfield_2d%NR,bfield_2d%NZ, & bfield_2d%BCSR,bfield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) bfield_2d%Z%x1 = F%X%R bfield_2d%Z%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(bfield_2d%Z, F%B_2D%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! do ii=1_idef,bfield_2d%PHI%n1 ! do jj=1_idef,bfield_2d%PHI%n2 ! write(output_unit_write,'("BPHI_spline1 at R ",E17.10,", Z ",E17.10,": ",E17.10)') & ! bfield_2d%PHI%x1(ii)*params%cpp%length, & ! bfield_2d%PHI%x2(jj)*params%cpp%length, & ! bfield_2d%PHI%fspl(1,ii,jj)*params%cpp%Bo ! end do ! end do if (params%orbit_model.eq.'GCpre') then write(output_unit_write,*) '2D precalculated auxiliary fields' gradB_2d%NR = F%dims(1) gradB_2d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing GRADBR component call EZspline_init(gradB_2d%R,gradB_2d%NR,gradB_2d%NZ, & gradB_2d%BCSR,gradB_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) gradB_2d%R%x1 = F%X%R gradB_2d%R%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(gradB_2d%R, F%gradB_2D%R, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing GRADBPHI component call EZspline_init(gradB_2d%PHI,gradB_2d%NR,gradB_2d%NZ, & gradB_2d%BCSR,gradB_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) gradB_2d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R gradB_2d%PHI%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(gradB_2d%PHI, F%gradB_2D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing GRADBZ component call EZspline_init(gradB_2d%Z,gradB_2d%NR,gradB_2d%NZ, & gradB_2d%BCSR,gradB_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) gradB_2d%Z%x1 = F%X%R gradB_2d%Z%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(gradB_2d%Z, F%gradB_2D%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) curlb_2d%NR = F%dims(1) curlb_2d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing CURLBR component call EZspline_init(curlb_2d%R,curlb_2d%NR,curlb_2d%NZ, & curlb_2d%BCSR,curlb_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) curlb_2d%R%x1 = F%X%R curlb_2d%R%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(curlb_2d%R, F%curlb_2D%R, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing CURLBPHI component call EZspline_init(curlb_2d%PHI,curlb_2d%NR,curlb_2d%NZ, & curlb_2d%BCSR,curlb_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) curlb_2d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R curlb_2d%PHI%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(curlb_2d%PHI, F%curlb_2D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing CURLBZ component call EZspline_init(curlb_2d%Z,curlb_2d%NR,curlb_2d%NZ, & curlb_2d%BCSR,curlb_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) curlb_2d%Z%x1 = F%X%R curlb_2d%Z%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(curlb_2d%Z, F%curlb_2D%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end if if (.not.ALLOCATED(fields_domain%FLAG2D)) & ALLOCATE(fields_domain%FLAG2D(bfield_2d%NR,bfield_2d%NZ)) fields_domain%FLAG2D = F%FLAG2D if (.not.ALLOCATED(fields_domain%LCFS2D)) & ALLOCATE(fields_domain%LCFS2D(bfield_2d%NR,bfield_2d%NZ)) fields_domain%LCFS2D = F%LCFS2D fields_domain%DR = ABS(F%X%R(2) - F%X%R(1)) fields_domain%DZ = ABS(F%X%Z(2) - F%X%Z(1)) else write(output_unit_write,*) '3D magnetic field' bfield_3d%NR = F%dims(1) bfield_3d%NPHI = F%dims(2) bfield_3d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing R component of interpolant call EZspline_init(bfield_3d%R, bfield_3d%NR, bfield_3d%NPHI, & bfield_3d%NZ,& bfield_3d%BCSR, bfield_3d%BCSPHI, bfield_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) bfield_3d%R%x1 = F%X%R bfield_3d%R%x2 = F%X%PHI bfield_3d%R%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(bfield_3d%R, F%B_3D%R, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,'("bfield_3d%R: ",E17.10)') bfield_3d%R%fspl(1,:,:,:) !do ii=1_idef,bfield_3d%R%n1 ! do jj=1_idef,bfield_3d%R%n3 ! write(6,'("BR_spline1 at R ",E17.10,", Z ",E17.10,": ",E17.10)') & ! bfield_3d%R%x1(ii)*params%cpp%length, & ! bfield_3d%R%x3(jj)*params%cpp%length, & ! bfield_3d%R%fspl(1,ii,1,jj)*params%cpp%Bo ! end do !end do ! Initializing PHI component of interpolant call EZspline_init(bfield_3d%PHI, bfield_3d%NR, bfield_3d%NPHI, & bfield_3d%NZ,& bfield_3d%BCSR, bfield_3d%BCSPHI, bfield_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) bfield_3d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R bfield_3d%PHI%x2 = F%X%PHI bfield_3d%PHI%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(bfield_3d%PHI, F%B_3D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(output_unit_write,*) bfield_3d%PHI%x2 ! Initializing Z component of interpolant call EZspline_init(bfield_3d%Z, bfield_3d%NR, bfield_3d%NPHI, & bfield_3d%NZ,& bfield_3d%BCSR, bfield_3d%BCSPHI, bfield_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) bfield_3d%Z%x1 = F%X%R bfield_3d%Z%x2 = F%X%PHI bfield_3d%Z%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(bfield_3d%Z, F%B_3D%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (params%orbit_model.eq.'GCpre') then write(output_unit_write,*) '3D precalculated auxiliary fields' gradB_3d%NR = F%dims(1) gradB_3d%NPHI = F%dims(2) gradB_3d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing GRADBR component call EZspline_init(gradB_3d%R,gradB_3d%NR,gradB_3d%NPHI,& gradB_3d%NZ,gradB_3d%BCSR,gradB_3d%BCSPHI, & gradB_3d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) gradB_3d%R%x1 = F%X%R !gradB_3d%R%x2 = F%X%PHI gradB_3d%R%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(gradB_3d%R, F%gradB_3D%R, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing GRADBPHI component call EZspline_init(gradB_3d%PHI,gradB_3d%NR,gradB_3d%NPHI,& gradB_3d%NZ,gradB_3d%BCSR,gradB_3d%BCSPHI, & gradB_3d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) gradB_3d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R !gradB_3d%PHI%x2 = F%X%PHI gradB_3d%PHI%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(gradB_3d%PHI, F%gradB_3D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing GRADBZ component call EZspline_init(gradB_3d%Z,gradB_3d%NR,gradB_3d%NPHI,& gradB_3d%NZ,gradB_3d%BCSR,gradB_3d%BCSPHI, & gradB_3d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) gradB_3d%Z%x1 = F%X%R !gradB_3d%Z%x2 = F%X%PHI gradB_3d%Z%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(gradB_3d%Z, F%gradB_3D%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) curlb_3d%NR = F%dims(1) curlb_3d%NPHI = F%dims(2) curlb_3d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing CURLBR component call EZspline_init(curlb_3d%R,curlb_3d%NR,curlb_3d%NPHI,& curlb_3d%NZ,curlb_3d%BCSR,curlb_3d%BCSPHI, & curlb_3d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) curlb_3d%R%x1 = F%X%R !curlb_3d%R%x2 = F%X%PHI curlb_3d%R%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(curlb_3d%R, F%curlb_3D%R, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing CURLBPHI component call EZspline_init(curlb_3d%PHI,curlb_3d%NR,curlb_3d%NPHI,& curlb_3d%NZ,curlb_3d%BCSR,curlb_3d%BCSPHI, & curlb_3d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) curlb_3d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R !curlb_3d%PHI%x2 = F%X%PHI curlb_3d%PHI%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(curlb_3d%PHI, F%curlb_3D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing CURLBZ component call EZspline_init(curlb_3d%Z,curlb_3d%NR,curlb_3d%NPHI,& curlb_3d%NZ,curlb_3d%BCSR,curlb_3d%BCSPHI, & curlb_3d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) curlb_3d%Z%x1 = F%X%R !curlb_3d%Z%x2 = F%X%PHI curlb_3d%Z%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(curlb_3d%Z, F%curlb_3D%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end if ALLOCATE(fields_domain%FLAG3D(bfield_3d%NR,bfield_3d%NPHI, & bfield_3d%NZ)) fields_domain%FLAG3D = F%FLAG3D fields_domain%DR = ABS(F%X%R(2) - F%X%R(1)) fields_domain%DPHI = 2.0_rp*C_PI/bfield_3d%NPHI fields_domain%DZ = ABS(F%X%Z(2) - F%X%Z(1)) end if end if if (F%dBfield) then if (F%axisymmetric_fields) then write(output_unit_write,*) '2D precalculated gradient fields' ! dBdR dbdR_2d%NR = F%dims(1) dbdR_2d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing R component call EZspline_init(dbdR_2d%R,dbdR_2d%NR,dbdR_2d%NZ, & dbdR_2d%BCSR,dbdR_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdR_2d%R%x1 = F%X%R dbdR_2d%R%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdR_2d%R, F%dBdR_2D%R, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing PHI component call EZspline_init(dbdR_2d%PHI,dbdR_2d%NR,dbdR_2d%NZ, & dbdR_2d%BCSR,dbdR_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdR_2d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R dbdR_2d%PHI%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdR_2d%PHI, F%dBdR_2D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing Z component call EZspline_init(dbdR_2d%Z,dbdR_2d%NR,dbdR_2d%NZ, & dbdR_2d%BCSR,dbdR_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdR_2d%Z%x1 = F%X%R dbdR_2d%Z%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdR_2d%Z, F%dBdR_2D%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !dBdPHI dbdPHI_2d%NR = F%dims(1) dbdPHI_2d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing R component call EZspline_init(dbdPHI_2d%R,dbdPHI_2d%NR,dbdPHI_2d%NZ, & dbdPHI_2d%BCSR,dbdPHI_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdPHI_2d%R%x1 = F%X%R dbdPHI_2d%R%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdPHI_2d%R, F%dBdPHI_2D%R, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing PHI component call EZspline_init(dbdPHI_2d%PHI,dbdPHI_2d%NR,dbdPHI_2d%NZ, & dbdPHI_2d%BCSR,dbdPHI_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdPHI_2d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R dbdPHI_2d%PHI%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdPHI_2d%PHI, F%dBdPHI_2D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing Z component call EZspline_init(dbdPHI_2d%Z,dbdPHI_2d%NR,dbdPHI_2d%NZ, & dbdPHI_2d%BCSR,dbdPHI_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdPHI_2d%Z%x1 = F%X%R dbdPHI_2d%Z%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdPHI_2d%Z, F%dBdPHI_2D%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !dBdZ dbdZ_2d%NR = F%dims(1) dbdZ_2d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing R component call EZspline_init(dbdZ_2d%R,dbdZ_2d%NR,dbdZ_2d%NZ, & dbdZ_2d%BCSR,dbdZ_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdZ_2d%R%x1 = F%X%R dbdZ_2d%R%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdZ_2d%R, F%dBdZ_2D%R, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing PHI component call EZspline_init(dbdZ_2d%PHI,dbdZ_2d%NR,dbdZ_2d%NZ, & dbdZ_2d%BCSR,dbdZ_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdZ_2d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R dbdZ_2d%PHI%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdZ_2d%PHI, F%dBdZ_2D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing Z component call EZspline_init(dbdZ_2d%Z,dbdZ_2d%NR,dbdZ_2d%NZ, & dbdZ_2d%BCSR,dbdZ_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdZ_2d%Z%x1 = F%X%R dbdZ_2d%Z%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdZ_2d%Z, F%dBdZ_2D%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) else write(output_unit_write,*) '3D precalculated gradient fields' ! dBdR dbdR_3d%NR = F%dims(1) dbdR_3d%NPHI = F%dims(2) dbdR_3d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing R component of interpolant call EZspline_init(dbdR_3d%R, dbdR_3d%NR, dbdR_3d%NPHI, & dbdR_3d%NZ,& dbdR_3d%BCSR, dbdR_3d%BCSPHI, dbdR_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdR_3d%R%x1 = F%X%R ! dbdR_3d%R%x2 = F%X%PHI dbdR_3d%R%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdR_3d%R, F%dBdR_3D%R, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing PHI component of interpolant call EZspline_init(dbdR_3d%PHI, dbdR_3d%NR, dbdR_3d%NPHI, & dbdR_3d%NZ,& dbdR_3d%BCSR, dbdR_3d%BCSPHI, dbdR_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdR_3d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R ! dbdR_3d%PHI%x2 = F%X%PHI dbdR_3d%PHI%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdR_3d%PHI, F%dBdR_3D%PHI, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(output_unit_write,*) dbdR_3d%PHI%x2 ! Initializing Z component of interpolant call EZspline_init(dbdR_3d%Z, dbdR_3d%NR, dbdR_3d%NPHI, & dbdR_3d%NZ,& dbdR_3d%BCSR, dbdR_3d%BCSPHI, dbdR_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdR_3d%Z%x1 = F%X%R ! dbdR_3d%Z%x2 = F%X%PHI dbdR_3d%Z%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdR_3d%Z, F%dBdR_3D%Z, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !dBdPHI dbdPHI_3d%NR = F%dims(1) dbdPHI_3d%NPHI = F%dims(2) dbdPHI_3d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing R component of interpolant call EZspline_init(dbdPHI_3d%R, dbdPHI_3d%NR, dbdPHI_3d%NPHI, & dbdPHI_3d%NZ,& dbdPHI_3d%BCSR, dbdPHI_3d%BCSPHI, dbdPHI_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdPHI_3d%R%x1 = F%X%R ! dbdPHI_3d%R%x2 = F%X%PHI dbdPHI_3d%R%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdPHI_3d%R, F%dBdPHI_3D%R, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing PHI component of interpolant call EZspline_init(dbdPHI_3d%PHI, dbdPHI_3d%NR, dbdPHI_3d%NPHI, & dbdPHI_3d%NZ,& dbdPHI_3d%BCSR, dbdPHI_3d%BCSPHI, dbdPHI_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdPHI_3d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R ! dbdPHI_3d%PHI%x2 = F%X%PHI dbdPHI_3d%PHI%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdPHI_3d%PHI, F%dBdPHI_3D%PHI, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(output_unit_write,*) dbdPHI_3d%PHI%x2 ! Initializing Z component of interpolant call EZspline_init(dbdPHI_3d%Z, dbdPHI_3d%NR, dbdPHI_3d%NPHI, & dbdPHI_3d%NZ,& dbdPHI_3d%BCSR, dbdPHI_3d%BCSPHI, dbdPHI_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdPHI_3d%Z%x1 = F%X%R ! dbdPHI_3d%Z%x2 = F%X%PHI dbdPHI_3d%Z%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdPHI_3d%Z, F%dBdPHI_3D%Z, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !dBdZ dbdZ_3d%NR = F%dims(1) dbdZ_3d%NPHI = F%dims(2) dbdZ_3d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing R component of interpolant call EZspline_init(dbdZ_3d%R, dbdZ_3d%NR, dbdZ_3d%NPHI, & dbdZ_3d%NZ,& dbdZ_3d%BCSR, dbdZ_3d%BCSPHI, dbdZ_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdZ_3d%R%x1 = F%X%R ! dbdZ_3d%R%x2 = F%X%PHI dbdZ_3d%R%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdZ_3d%R, F%dBdZ_3D%R, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing PHI component of interpolant call EZspline_init(dbdZ_3d%PHI, dbdZ_3d%NR, dbdZ_3d%NPHI, & dbdZ_3d%NZ,& dbdZ_3d%BCSR, dbdZ_3d%BCSPHI, dbdZ_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdZ_3d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R ! dbdZ_3d%PHI%x2 = F%X%PHI dbdZ_3d%PHI%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdZ_3d%PHI, F%dBdZ_3D%PHI, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(output_unit_write,*) dbdZ_3d%PHI%x2 ! Initializing Z component of interpolant call EZspline_init(dbdZ_3d%Z, dbdZ_3d%NR, dbdZ_3d%NPHI, & dbdZ_3d%NZ,& dbdZ_3d%BCSR, dbdZ_3d%BCSPHI, dbdZ_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) dbdZ_3d%Z%x1 = F%X%R ! dbdZ_3d%Z%x2 = F%X%PHI dbdZ_3d%Z%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(dbdZ_3d%Z, F%dBdZ_3D%Z, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end if end if fields_domain%Ro = F%X%R(1) fields_domain%Zo = F%X%Z(1) ! * * * * * * * * ELECTRIC FIELD * * * * * * * * ! if (F%Efield.AND.(params%field_eval.eq.'interp')) then if (F%axisymmetric_fields) then if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,*) '2D electric fields' endif if(F%ReInterp_2x1t) then if (.not.(EZspline_allocated(efield_2d%PHI))) then efield_2d%NR = F%dims(1) efield_2d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing R component call EZspline_init(efield_2d%R,efield_2d%NR,efield_2d%NZ, & efield_2d%BCSR,efield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) efield_2d%R%x1 = F%X%R efield_2d%R%x2 = F%X%Z ! Initializing PHI component call EZspline_init(efield_2d%PHI,efield_2d%NR,efield_2d%NZ, & efield_2d%BCSR,efield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) efield_2d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R efield_2d%PHI%x2 = F%X%Z ! Initializing Z component call EZspline_init(efield_2d%Z,efield_2d%NR,efield_2d%NZ, & efield_2d%BCSR,efield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) efield_2d%Z%x1 = F%X%R efield_2d%Z%x2 = F%X%Z end if call EZspline_setup(efield_2d%R, F%E_3D%R(:,F%ind_2x1t,:), & ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) call EZspline_setup(efield_2d%PHI, F%E_3D%PHI(:,F%ind_2x1t,:), & ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) call EZspline_setup(efield_2d%Z, F%E_3D%Z(:,F%ind_2x1t,:), & ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! write(output_unit_write,'("efield_2d%PHI: ",E17.10)') efield_2d%PHI%fspl(1,:,:) else efield_2d%NR = F%dims(1) efield_2d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing R component call EZspline_init(efield_2d%R,efield_2d%NR,efield_2d%NZ, & efield_2d%BCSR,efield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) efield_2d%R%x1 = F%X%R efield_2d%R%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(efield_2d%R, F%E_2D%R, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing PHI component call EZspline_init(efield_2d%PHI,efield_2d%NR,efield_2d%NZ, & efield_2d%BCSR,efield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) efield_2d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R efield_2d%PHI%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(efield_2d%PHI, F%E_2D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing Z component call EZspline_init(efield_2d%Z,efield_2d%NR,efield_2d%NZ, & efield_2d%BCSR,efield_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) efield_2d%Z%x1 = F%X%R efield_2d%Z%x2 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(efield_2d%Z, F%E_2D%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end if else write(output_unit_write,*) '3D electric fields' efield_3d%NR = F%dims(1) efield_3d%NPHI = F%dims(2) efield_3d%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing R component of interpolant call EZspline_init(efield_3d%R, efield_3d%NR, efield_3d%NPHI, efield_3d%NZ,& efield_3d%BCSR, efield_3d%BCSPHI, efield_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) efield_3d%R%x1 = F%X%R ! efield_3d%R%x2 = F%X%PHI efield_3d%R%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(efield_3d%R, F%E_3D%R, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing PHI component of interpolant call EZspline_init(efield_3d%PHI, efield_3d%NR, efield_3d%NPHI, & efield_3d%NZ,efield_3d%BCSR, efield_3d%BCSPHI, efield_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) efield_3d%PHI%x1 = F%X%R ! efield_3d%PHI%x2 = F%X%PHI efield_3d%PHI%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(efield_3d%PHI, F%E_3D%PHI, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing Z component of interpolant call EZspline_init(efield_3d%Z, efield_3d%NR, efield_3d%NPHI, efield_3d%NZ,& efield_3d%BCSR, efield_3d%BCSPHI, efield_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) efield_3d%Z%x1 = F%X%R ! efield_3d%Z%x2 = F%X%PHI efield_3d%Z%x3 = F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(efield_3d%Z, F%E_3D%Z, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end if end if if(F%E1field) then write(output_unit_write,*) '2D AORSA electric fields' flush(output_unit_write) e1Refield_2dx%NR = F%dims(1) e1Refield_2dx%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing BX1Re interpolant call EZspline_init(e1Refield_2dx%X,e1Refield_2dx%NR, & e1Refield_2dx%NZ,e1Refield_2dx%BCSR,e1Refield_2dx%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) e1Refield_2dx%X%x1 = F%X%R e1Refield_2dx%X%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(e1Refield_2dx%X, F%E1Re_2DX%X, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%E1Re_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'E1Re_2D%R',F%E1Re_2D%R(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo ! Initializing BY1Re interpolant call EZspline_init(e1Refield_2dx%Y,e1Refield_2dx%NR, & e1Refield_2dx%NZ,e1Refield_2dx%BCSR,e1Refield_2dx%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) e1Refield_2dx%Y%x1 = F%X%R e1Refield_2dx%Y%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(e1Refield_2dx%Y, F%E1Re_2DX%Y, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%E1Re_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'E1Re_2D%R',F%E1Re_2D%R(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo ! Initializing BZ1Re interpolant call EZspline_init(e1Refield_2dx%Z,e1Refield_2dx%NR, & e1Refield_2dx%NZ,e1Refield_2dx%BCSR,e1Refield_2dx%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) e1Refield_2dx%Z%x1 = F%X%R e1Refield_2dx%Z%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(e1Refield_2dx%Z, F%E1Re_2DX%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%E1Re_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'E1Re_2D%R',F%E1Re_2D%R(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo e1Imfield_2dx%NR = F%dims(1) e1Imfield_2dx%NZ = F%dims(3) ! Initializing BX1Im interpolant call EZspline_init(e1Imfield_2dx%X,e1Imfield_2dx%NR, & e1Imfield_2dx%NZ,e1Imfield_2dx%BCSR,e1Imfield_2dx%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) e1Imfield_2dx%X%x1 = F%X%R e1Imfield_2dx%X%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(e1Imfield_2dx%X, F%E1Im_2DX%X, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%E1Im_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'E1Im_2D%R',F%E1Im_2D%R(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo ! Initializing BY1Im interpolant call EZspline_init(e1Imfield_2dx%Y,e1Imfield_2dx%NR, & e1Imfield_2dx%NZ,e1Imfield_2dx%BCSR,e1Imfield_2dx%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) e1Imfield_2dx%Y%x1 = F%X%R e1Imfield_2dx%Y%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(e1Imfield_2dx%Y, F%E1Im_2DX%Y, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%E1Im_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'E1Im_2D%R',F%E1Im_2D%R(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo ! Initializing BZ1Im interpolant call EZspline_init(e1Imfield_2dx%Z,e1Imfield_2dx%NR, & e1Imfield_2dx%NZ,e1Imfield_2dx%BCSR,e1Imfield_2dx%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) e1Imfield_2dx%Z%x1 = F%X%R e1Imfield_2dx%Z%x2 = F%X%Z !write(output_unit_write,'("R",E17.10)') F%X%R !write(output_unit_write,'("Z",E17.10)') F%X%Z call EZspline_setup(e1Imfield_2dx%Z, F%E1Im_2DX%Z, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'size',size(F%E1Im_2D%R(:,200)) !write(6,*) 'E1Im_2D%R',F%E1Im_2D%R(:,200)*params%cpp%Bo end if if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * * * INTERPOLANT INITIALIZED * * * * * *",/)') end if else if (params%field_model(1:10) .EQ. 'ANALYTICAL') then if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * USING ANALYTICAL MAGNETIC FIELD * * * *",/)') end if else if (params%field_model .EQ. 'UNIFORM') then if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * USING UNIFORM MAGNETIC FIELD * * * *",/)') end if end if end subroutine initialize_fields_interpolant subroutine initialize_Hollmann_interpolant(params,Nrho,NE,rho_axis,g_axis,fRE_E,fRE_pitch) !! @note Subroutine that initializes fields interpolants. @endnote !! This subroutine initializes either 2-D or 3-D PSPLINE interpolants !! using the data of fields in the KORC-dervied-type variable F. TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Nrho,NE REAL(rp),DIMENSION(Nrho), INTENT(IN) :: rho_axis REAL(rp),DIMENSION(NE), INTENT(IN) :: g_axis REAL(rp),DIMENSION(Nrho,NE), INTENT(IN) :: fRE_E,fRE_pitch hollmann_2d%NRHO = Nrho hollmann_2d%NE = NE ! initialize fRE_E call EZspline_init(hollmann_2d%fRE_E,hollmann_2d%NRHO, & hollmann_2d%NE,hollmann_2d%BCRHO,hollmann_2d%BCE,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) hollmann_2d%fRE_E%x1 = rho_axis hollmann_2d%fRE_E%x2 = g_axis call EZspline_setup(hollmann_2d%fRE_E, fRE_E, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! initialize fRE_pitch call EZspline_init(hollmann_2d%fRE_pitch,hollmann_2d%NRHO, & hollmann_2d%NE,hollmann_2d%BCRHO,hollmann_2d%BCE,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) hollmann_2d%fRE_pitch%x1 = rho_axis hollmann_2d%fRE_pitch%x2 = g_axis call EZspline_setup(hollmann_2d%fRE_pitch, fRE_pitch, & ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end subroutine initialize_Hollmann_interpolant subroutine initialize_SC1D_field_interpolant(params,F) !! @note Subroutine that initializes fields interpolants. @endnote !! This subroutine initializes either 2-D or 3-D PSPLINE interpolants !! using the data of fields in the KORC-dervied-type variable F. TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F !! An instance of KORC's derived type FIELDS containing all the information !! about the fields used in the simulation. !! See [[korc_types]] and [[korc_fields]]. integer :: ii,jj ! if (EZspline_allocated(efield_SC1d%PHI)) & ! call Ezspline_free(efield_SC1d%PHI, ezerr) if (.not.(EZspline_allocated(efield_SC1d%PHI))) then efield_SC1d%Nrm = F%dim_1D call EZspline_init(efield_SC1d%PHI,efield_SC1d%Nrm, & efield_SC1d%BCSrm,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) efield_SC1d%PHI%x1 = F%r_1D/params%cpp%length end if call EZspline_setup(efield_SC1d%PHI, F%E_SC_1D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (.not.ALLOCATED(fields_domain%FLAG1D)) & ALLOCATE(fields_domain%FLAG1D(efield_SC1d%Nrm)) fields_domain%Drm = ABS(F%r_1D(2) - F%r_1D(1)) end subroutine initialize_SC1D_field_interpolant subroutine initialize_SC1D_field_interpolant_FS(params,F) !! @note Subroutine that initializes fields interpolants. @endnote !! This subroutine initializes either 2-D or 3-D PSPLINE interpolants !! using the data of fields in the KORC-dervied-type variable F. TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F !! An instance of KORC's derived type FIELDS containing all the information !! about the fields used in the simulation. !! See [[korc_types]] and [[korc_fields]]. integer :: ii,jj ! if (EZspline_allocated(efield_SC1d%PHI)) & ! call Ezspline_free(efield_SC1d%PHI, ezerr) if (.not.(EZspline_allocated(efield_SC1d%PHI))) then efield_SC1d%NPSIP = F%dim_1D call EZspline_init(efield_SC1d%PHI,efield_SC1d%NPSIP, & efield_SC1d%BCSPSIP,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) efield_SC1d%PHI%x1 = F%PSIP_1D/(params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length**2) end if call EZspline_setup(efield_SC1d%PHI, F%E_SC_1D%PHI, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (.not.ALLOCATED(fields_domain%FLAG1D)) & ALLOCATE(fields_domain%FLAG1D(efield_SC1d%Nrm)) fields_domain%DPSIP = ABS(F%PSIP_1D(2) - F%PSIP_1D(1)) end subroutine initialize_SC1D_field_interpolant_FS subroutine check_if_in_fields_domain(F,Y,flag) !! @note Subrotuine that checks if particles in the simulation are within !! the spatial domain where interpolants and fields are known. @endnote !! External fields and interpolants can have different spatial domains where !! they are defined. Therefore, it is necessary to !! check if a given particle has left these spatial domains to stop !! following it, otherwise this will cause an error in the simulation. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y !! Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, !! Y(1,:) = \(R\), Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: flag !! Flag that determines whether particles are followed in the !! simulation (flag=1), or not (flag=0). INTEGER :: IR !! Variable used to localize the grid cell in the \((R,\phi,Z)\) !! or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that corresponds !! to the radial position of the particles. INTEGER :: IPHI !! Variable used to localize the grid cell in the \((R,\phi,Z)\) !! or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that corresponds !! to the azimuthal position of the particles. INTEGER :: IZ !! Variable used to localize the grid cell in the \((R,\phi,Z)\) !! or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that corresponds !! to the vertical position of the particles. INTEGER(ip) :: pp !! Particle iterator. INTEGER(ip) :: ss !! Species iterator. REAL(rp) :: Rwall if (size(Y,1).eq.1) then ss = size(Y,1) else if (Y(2,1).eq.0) then ss=1_idef else ss = size(Y,1) end if endif ! write(output_unit_write,'("R: ",E15.10)') Y(1,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("PHI: ",E15.10)') Y(2,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Z: ",E15.10)') Y(1,3) ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'Flag',flag(1) if (ALLOCATED(fields_domain%FLAG3D)) then if (F%Dim2x1t) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,IR,IZ) & !$OMP& SHARED(Y,flag,fields_domain,bfield_2X1T) do pp=1_idef,ss IR = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,1) - fields_domain%Ro + 0.5_rp* & fields_domain%DR)/fields_domain%DR) + 1.0_rp,idef) IZ = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,3) + ABS(fields_domain%Zo) + 0.5_rp* & fields_domain%DZ)/fields_domain%DZ) + 1.0_rp,idef) if ((fields_domain%FLAG3D(IR,1,IZ).NE.1_is).OR. & ((IR.GT.bfield_2X1T%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.bfield_2X1T%NZ))) then if (F%Analytic_IWL.eq.'NONE') then flag(pp) = 0_is else if (F%Analytic_IWL.eq.'D3D') then if (( & ( & (*bfield_2d%NZ/5._rp))) then Rwall=F%circumradius*cos(C_PI/F%ntiles)/ & (cos((mod(Y(pp,2),2*C_PI/F%ntiles))-C_PI/F%ntiles)) if (Y(pp,1).lt.Rwall) flag(pp) = 0_is else flag(pp) = 0_is endif endif !write(output_unit_write,'("YR:",E17.10)') Y(1,1) !write(output_unit_write,'("YZ:",E17.10)') Y(1,3) !write(output_unit_write,'("IR: ",I16)') IR !write(output_unit_write,'("IZ: ",I16)') IZ end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO else !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,IR,IPHI,IZ) & !$OMP& SHARED(Y,flag,fields_domain,bfield_3d) do pp=1_idef,ss IR = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,1) - fields_domain%Ro + 0.5_rp* & fields_domain%DR)/fields_domain%DR) + 1.0_rp,idef) IPHI = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,2) + 0.5_rp*fields_domain%DPHI)/ & fields_domain%DPHI) + 1.0_rp,idef) IZ = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,3) + ABS(fields_domain%Zo) + 0.5_rp* & fields_domain%DZ)/fields_domain%DZ) + 1.0_rp,idef) if ((fields_domain%FLAG3D(IR,IPHI,IZ).NE.1_is).OR. & ((IR.GT.bfield_3d%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.bfield_3d%NZ))) then flag(pp) = 0_is !write(output_unit_write,'("YR:",E17.10)') Y(1,1) !write(output_unit_write,'("YZ:",E17.10)') Y(1,3) !write(output_unit_write,'("IR: ",I16)') IR !write(output_unit_write,'("IZ: ",I16)') IZ end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end if else if (ALLOCATED(fields_domain%FLAG2D)) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,IR,IZ) & !$OMP& SHARED(Y,flag,fields_domain,bfield_2d) do pp=1_idef,ss IR = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,1) - fields_domain%Ro + 0.5_rp* & fields_domain%DR)/fields_domain%DR) + 1.0_rp,idef) IZ = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,3) + ABS(fields_domain%Zo) + 0.5_rp* & fields_domain%DZ)/fields_domain%DZ) + 1.0_rp,idef) #if DBG_CHECK if (( & bfield_2d%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.bfield_2d%NZ)) then write(6,'("YR:",E17.10)') Y(1,1) write(6,'("YZ:",E17.10)') Y(1,3) write(6,'("IR: ",I16)') IR write(6,'("IZ: ",I16)') IZ !call KORC_ABORT(23) end if #endif !write(output_unit_write,'("IR: ",I16)') IR !write(output_unit_write,'("IZ: ",I16)') IZ if ((( & (IR.GT.bfield_2d%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.bfield_2d%NZ)).or. & (fields_domain%FLAG2D(IR,IZ).NE.1_is)) then !write(output_unit_write,*) 'here' if (F%Analytic_IWL.eq.'NONE') then flag(pp) = 0_is else if (F%Analytic_IWL.eq.'D3D') then if (( & ( & (*bfield_2d%NZ/5._rp))) then Rwall=F%circumradius*cos(C_PI/F%ntiles)/ & (cos((mod(Y(pp,2),2*C_PI/F%ntiles))-C_PI/F%ntiles)) if (Y(pp,1).lt.Rwall) flag(pp) = 0_is else flag(pp) = 0_is endif endif end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end if end subroutine check_if_in_fields_domain subroutine check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag) !! @note Subrotuine that checks if particles in the simulation are within !! the spatial domain where interpolants and fields are known. @endnote !! External fields and interpolants can have different spatial domains where !! they are defined. Therefore, it is necessary to !! check if a given particle has left these spatial domains to !! stop following it, otherwise this will cause an error in the simulation. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: flag !! Flag that determines whether particles are followed in the !! simulation (flag=1), or not (flag=0). INTEGER :: IR !! Variable used to localize the grid cell in the \((R,\phi,Z)\) !! or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that corresponds !! to the radial position of the particles. INTEGER :: IPHI !! Variable used to localize the grid cell in the \((R,\phi,Z)\) !! or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that corresponds !! to the azimuthal position of the particles. INTEGER :: IZ !! Variable used to localize the grid cell in the \((R,\phi,Z)\) !! or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that corresponds !! to the vertical position of the particles. INTEGER(ip) :: pp !! Particle iterator. INTEGER(ip) :: ss !! Species iterator. REAL(rp) :: Rwall ! write(output_unit_write,'("YR:",E17.10)') Y_R ! write(output_unit_write,'("YPHI:",E17.10)') Y_PHI ! write(output_unit_write,'("YZ:",E17.10)') Y_Z ! write(output_unit_write,'("Ro:",E17.10)') fields_domain%Ro ! write(output_unit_write,'("Zo:",E17.10)') fields_domain%Zo ! write(output_unit_write,'("DR:",E17.10)') fields_domain%DR ! write(output_unit_write,'("DZ:",E17.10)') fields_domain%DZ ! write(output_unit_write,'("DT:",E17.10)') fields_domain%DT if (ALLOCATED(fields_domain%FLAG3D)) then if (F%Dim2x1t) then !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned(IR,IPHI,IZ) do pp=1_idef,pchunk IR = INT(FLOOR((Y_R(pp) - fields_domain%Ro + & 0.5_rp*fields_domain%DR)/fields_domain%DR) + 1.0_rp,idef) IZ = INT(FLOOR((Y_Z(pp) + ABS(fields_domain%Zo) + & 0.5_rp*fields_domain%DZ)/fields_domain%DZ) + 1.0_rp,idef) ! write(output_unit_write,'("IR: ",I16)') IR ! write(output_unit_write,'("IPHI: ",I16)') IPHI ! write(output_unit_write,'("IZ: ",I16)') IZ if ((fields_domain%FLAG3D(IR,1,IZ).NE.1_is).OR. & ((IR.GT.bfield_2X1T%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.bfield_2X1T%NZ))) then if (F%Analytic_IWL.eq.'NONE') then flag(pp) = 0_is else if (F%Analytic_IWL.eq.'D3D') then if (( & ( & (*bfield_2d%NZ/5._rp))) then Rwall=F%circumradius*cos(C_PI/F%ntiles)/ & (cos((mod(Y_PHI(pp),2*C_PI/F%ntiles))-C_PI/F%ntiles)) if (Y_R(pp).lt.Rwall) flag(pp) = 0_is else flag(pp) = 0_is endif endif !write(output_unit_write,'("YR:",E17.10)') Y_R(pp) !write(output_unit_write,'("YPHI:",E17.10)') Y_PHI(pp) !write(output_unit_write,'("YZ:",E17.10)') Y_Z(pp) !write(output_unit_write,'("IR: ",I16)') IR !write(output_unit_write,'("IPHI: ",I16)') IPHI !write(output_unit_write,'("IZ: ",I16)') IZ !call KORC_ABORT() end if !write(output_unit_write,'("IPHI: ",I16)') IPHI !write(output_unit_write,'("flag: ",I16)') flag(pp) end do !$OMP END SIMD else !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned(IR,IPHI,IZ) do pp=1_idef,pchunk IR = INT(FLOOR((Y_R(pp) - fields_domain%Ro + & 0.5_rp*fields_domain%DR)/fields_domain%DR) + 1.0_rp,idef) IPHI = INT(FLOOR((Y_PHI(pp) + 0.5_rp*fields_domain%DPHI)/ & fields_domain%DPHI) + 1.0_rp,idef) IZ = INT(FLOOR((Y_Z(pp) + ABS(fields_domain%Zo) + & 0.5_rp*fields_domain%DZ)/fields_domain%DZ) + 1.0_rp,idef) if ((fields_domain%FLAG3D(IR,IPHI,IZ).NE.1_is).OR. & ((IR.GT.bfield_3d%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.bfield_3d%NZ))) then flag(pp) = 0_is !write(output_unit_write,'("YR:",E17.10)') Y_R !write(output_unit_write,'("YPHI:",E17.10)') Y_PHI !write(output_unit_write,'("YZ:",E17.10)') Y_Z !write(output_unit_write,'("IR: ",I16)') IR !write(output_unit_write,'("IPHI: ",I16)') IPHI !write(output_unit_write,'("IZ: ",I16)') IZ !call KORC_ABORT() end if !write(output_unit_write,'("IPHI: ",I16)') IPHI !write(output_unit_write,'("flag: ",I16)') flag(pp) end do !$OMP END SIMD end if else if (ALLOCATED(fields_domain%FLAG2D)) then !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned(IR,IZ) do pp=1_idef,pchunk !write(output_unit_write,*) Y_R(pp),Y_Z(pp),fields_domain%Ro,fields_domain%DR,fields_domain%Zo,fields_domain%DZ IR = INT(FLOOR((Y_R(pp) - fields_domain%Ro + & 0.5_rp*fields_domain%DR)/fields_domain%DR) + 1.0_rp,idef) IZ = INT(FLOOR((Y_Z(pp) + ABS(fields_domain%Zo) + & 0.5_rp*fields_domain%DZ)/fields_domain%DZ) + 1.0_rp,idef) ! write(output_unit_write,*) pp ! write(output_unit_write,'("Size of fields_domain R: ",I16)') & ! size(fields_domain%FLAG2D,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Size of fields_domain Z: ",I16)') & ! size(fields_domain%FLAG2D,2) ! if (( then ! write(output_unit_write,'("YR:",E17.10)') Y_R(pp) ! write(output_unit_write,'("YZ:",E17.10)') Y_Z(pp) ! write(output_unit_write,'("IR: ",I16)') IR ! write(output_unit_write,'("IZ: ",I16)') IZ ! end if #if DBG_CHECK if (( & bfield_2d%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.bfield_2d%NZ)) then !write(6,'("YR:",E17.10)') Y_R(pp) !write(6,'("YZ:",E17.10)') Y_Z(pp) !write(6,'("IR: ",I16)') IR !write(6,'("IZ: ",I16)') IZ !write(6,*) 'NR',bfield_2d%NR !write(6,*) 'NZ',bfield_2d%NZ !write(6,*) 'FLAG',fields_domain%FLAG2D(IR,IZ) !call KORC_ABORT(23) end if #endif if (( & (IR.GT.bfield_2d%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.bfield_2d%NZ).or. & (fields_domain%FLAG2D(IR,IZ).NE.1_is)) then if (F%Analytic_IWL.eq.'NONE') then flag(pp) = 0_is else if (F%Analytic_IWL.eq.'D3D') then if (( & ( & (*bfield_2d%NZ/5._rp))) then Rwall=F%circumradius*cos(C_PI/F%ntiles)/ & (cos((mod(Y_PHI(pp),2*C_PI/F%ntiles))-C_PI/F%ntiles)) if (Y_R(pp).lt.Rwall) flag(pp) = 0_is else flag(pp) = 0_is endif endif ! write(output_unit_write,'("Shit''s fucked.")') end if end do !$OMP END SIMD ! write(output_unit_write,'("Shit''s not fucked.")') end if end subroutine check_if_in_fields_domain_p subroutine check_if_in_LCFS(F,Y,inLCFS) !! @note Subrotuine that checks if particles in the simulation are within !! the spatial domain where interpolants and fields are known. @endnote !! External fields and interpolants can have different spatial domains where !! they are defined. Therefore, it is necessary to !! check if a given particle has left these spatial domains to stop !! following it, otherwise this will cause an error in the simulation. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y !! Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, !! Y(1,:) = \(R\), Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: inLCFS !! Flag that determines whether particles are followed in the !! simulation (flag=1), or not (flag=0). INTEGER :: IR !! Variable used to localize the grid cell in the \((R,\phi,Z)\) !! or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that corresponds !! to the radial position of the particles. INTEGER :: IPHI !! Variable used to localize the grid cell in the \((R,\phi,Z)\) !! or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that corresponds !! to the azimuthal position of the particles. INTEGER :: IZ !! Variable used to localize the grid cell in the \((R,\phi,Z)\) !! or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that corresponds !! to the vertical position of the particles. INTEGER(ip) :: pp !! Particle iterator. INTEGER(ip) :: ss !! Species iterator. REAL(rp) :: Rwall if (size(Y,1).eq.1) then ss = size(Y,1) else if (Y(2,1).eq.0) then ss=1_idef else ss = size(Y,1) end if endif ! write(output_unit_write,'("R: ",E15.10)') Y(1,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("PHI: ",E15.10)') Y(2,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Z: ",E15.10)') Y(1,3) ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'Flag',flag(1) !write(6,*) 'ss',ss !write(6,*) 'inLCFS',inLCFS !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,IR,IZ) & !$OMP& SHARED(Y,inLCFS,fields_domain,bfield_2d) do pp=1_idef,ss IR = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,1) - fields_domain%Ro + 0.5_rp* & fields_domain%DR)/fields_domain%DR) + 1.0_rp,idef) IZ = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,3) + ABS(fields_domain%Zo) + 0.5_rp* & fields_domain%DZ)/fields_domain%DZ) + 1.0_rp,idef) #if DBG_CHECK if (( & bfield_2d%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.bfield_2d%NZ)) then write(6,'("YR:",E17.10)') Y(1,1) write(6,'("YZ:",E17.10)') Y(1,3) write(6,'("IR: ",I16)') IR write(6,'("IZ: ",I16)') IZ !call KORC_ABORT(23) end if #endif !write(output_unit_write,'("IR: ",I16)') IR !write(output_unit_write,'("IZ: ",I16)') IZ if ((( & (IR.GT.bfield_2d%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.bfield_2d%NZ)).or. & (fields_domain%LCFS2D(IR,IZ).NE.1_is)) then !write(output_unit_write,*) 'here' inLCFS(pp) = 0_is end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end subroutine check_if_in_LCFS subroutine initialize_profiles_interpolant(params,P) !! @note Subroutine that initializes plasma profiles interpolants. @endnote !! This subroutine initializes either 2-D or 3-D PSPLINE interpolants !! using the data of plasma profiles in the KORC-dervied-type variable P. TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(PROFILES), INTENT(INOUT) :: P !! An instance of KORC's derived type PROFILES containing !! all the information about the plasma profiles used in the simulation. !! See [[korc_types]] and [[korc_profiles]]. !#ifdef FIO ! P%FIO_ne = -1 ! P%FIO_te = -1 ! P%FIO_zeff = -1 !#endif if (params%collisions.or.params%radiation) then if (params%profile_model(1:8) .EQ. 'EXTERNAL') then if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * INITIALIZING PROFILES INTERPOLANT * * * *")') end if if (P%axisymmetric) then if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,*) '2D ne, Te, Zeff' flush(output_unit_write) end if profiles_2d%NR = P%dims(1) profiles_2d%NZ = P%dims(3) ! write(output_unit_write,'("NR",I15)') profiles_2d%NR ! write(output_unit_write,'("NZ",I15)') profiles_2d%NR ! Initializing ne call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%ne,profiles_2d%NR,profiles_2d%NZ, & profiles_2d%BCSR,profiles_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_2d%ne%x1 = P%X%R profiles_2d%ne%x2 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%ne, P%ne_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing Te call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%Te,profiles_2d%NR,profiles_2d%NZ, & profiles_2d%BCSR,profiles_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_2d%Te%x1 = P%X%R profiles_2d%Te%x2 = P%X%Z ! write(output_unit_write,'("Te_interp_R",E17.10)') profiles_2d%Te%x1 ! write(output_unit_write,'("Te_interp_Z",E17.10)') profiles_2d%Te%x2 ! write(output_unit_write,'("Te",E17.10)') P%Te_2D(10,:) call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%Te, P%Te_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing Zeff call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%Zeff,profiles_2d%NR, & profiles_2d%NZ,profiles_2d%BCSR,profiles_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_2d%Zeff%x1 = P%X%R profiles_2d%Zeff%x2 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%Zeff, P%Zeff_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (params%profile_model(10:10) .EQ. 'H') then if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,*) '2D Hollmann impurities' flush(output_unit_write) end if ! Initializing RHON call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%RHON,profiles_2d%NR, & profiles_2d%NZ,profiles_2d%BCSR,profiles_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_2d%RHON%x1 = P%X%R profiles_2d%RHON%x2 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%RHON, P%RHON, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(output_unit_write,'("profiles_2d%RHON: ",E17.10)') profiles_2d%RHON%fspl(1,:,:) ! Initializing nRE call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nRE,profiles_2d%NR, & profiles_2d%NZ,profiles_2d%BCSR,profiles_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_2d%nRE%x1 = P%X%R profiles_2d%nRE%x2 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nRE, P%nRE_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing nAr0 call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nAr0,profiles_2d%NR, & profiles_2d%NZ,profiles_2d%BCSR,profiles_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_2d%nAr0%x1 = P%X%R profiles_2d%nAr0%x2 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nAr0, P%nAr0_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing nAr1 call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nAr1,profiles_2d%NR, & profiles_2d%NZ,profiles_2d%BCSR,profiles_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_2d%nAr1%x1 = P%X%R profiles_2d%nAr1%x2 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nAr1, P%nAr1_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing nAr2 call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nAr2,profiles_2d%NR, & profiles_2d%NZ,profiles_2d%BCSR,profiles_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_2d%nAr2%x1 = P%X%R profiles_2d%nAr2%x2 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nAr2, P%nAr2_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing nAr3 call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nAr3,profiles_2d%NR, & profiles_2d%NZ,profiles_2d%BCSR,profiles_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_2d%nAr3%x1 = P%X%R profiles_2d%nAr3%x2 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nAr3, P%nAr3_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing nD call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nD,profiles_2d%NR, & profiles_2d%NZ,profiles_2d%BCSR,profiles_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_2d%nD%x1 = P%X%R profiles_2d%nD%x2 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nD, P%nD_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing nD1 call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nD1,profiles_2d%NR, & profiles_2d%NZ,profiles_2d%BCSR,profiles_2d%BCSZ,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_2d%nD1%x1 = P%X%R profiles_2d%nD1%x2 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nD1, P%nD1_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end if ALLOCATE(profiles_domain%FLAG2D(profiles_2d%NR,profiles_2d%NZ)) profiles_domain%FLAG2D = P%FLAG2D profiles_domain%DR = ABS(P%X%R(2) - P%X%R(1)) profiles_domain%DZ = ABS(P%X%Z(2) - P%X%Z(1)) else if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,*) '3D ne, Te, Zeff' end if profiles_3d%NR = P%dims(1) profiles_3d%NPHI = P%dims(2) profiles_3d%NZ = P%dims(3) ! Initializing ne call EZspline_init(profiles_3d%ne, profiles_3d%NR, & profiles_3d%NPHI, profiles_3d%NZ,& profiles_3d%BCSR, profiles_3d%BCSPHI, profiles_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_3d%ne%x1 = P%X%R ! profiles_3d%ne%x2 = P%X%PHI profiles_3d%ne%x3 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_3d%ne, P%ne_3D, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing Te call EZspline_init(profiles_3d%Te, profiles_3d%NR, & profiles_3d%NPHI, profiles_3d%NZ,& profiles_3d%BCSR, profiles_3d%BCSPHI, profiles_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_3d%Te%x1 = P%X%R ! profiles_3d%Te%x2 = P%X%PHI profiles_3d%Te%x3 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_3d%Te, P%Te_3D, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! Initializing Zeff call EZspline_init(profiles_3d%Zeff, profiles_3d%NR, & profiles_3d%NPHI, profiles_3d%NZ,& profiles_3d%BCSR, profiles_3d%BCSPHI, profiles_3d%BCSZ, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) profiles_3d%Zeff%x1 = P%X%R ! profiles_3d%Zeff%x2 = P%X%PHI profiles_3d%Zeff%x3 = P%X%Z call EZspline_setup(profiles_3d%Zeff, P%Zeff_3D, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ALLOCATE(profiles_domain%FLAG3D(profiles_3d%NR,profiles_3d%NPHI, & profiles_3d%NZ)) profiles_domain%FLAG3D = P%FLAG3D profiles_domain%DR = ABS(P%X%R(2) - P%X%R(1)) profiles_domain%DPHI = 2.0_rp*C_PI/profiles_3d%NPHI profiles_domain%DZ = ABS(P%X%Z(2) - P%X%Z(1)) end if profiles_domain%Ro = P%X%R(1) profiles_domain%Zo = P%X%Z(1) if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * * * INTERPOLANT INITIALIZED * * * * * *",/)') end if else if (params%profile_model(1:10) .EQ. 'ANALYTICAL') then if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * USING ANALYTICAL PROFILES * * * *",/)') end if else if (params%profile_model .EQ. 'UNIFORM') then if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * UNIFORM PLASMA: NO PROFILES USED * * * *",/)') end if end if end if end subroutine initialize_profiles_interpolant subroutine check_if_in_profiles_domain(Y,flag) !! @note Subrotuine that checks if particles in the simulation are !! within the spatial domain where interpolants and plasma profiles !! are known. @endnote !!External plasma profiles and interpolants can have different spatial !! domains where they are defined. Therefore, it is necessary to check !! if a given particle has left these spatial domains to stop following !! it, otherwise this will cause an error in the simulation. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y !! Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, !! Y(1,:) = \(R\), Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: flag !! Flag that determines whether particles are followed !! in the simulation (flag=1), or not (flag=0). INTEGER :: IR !! @param IR Variable used to localize the grid cell in !! the \((R,\phi,Z)\) or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that !! corresponds to the radial position of the particles. INTEGER :: IPHI !! @param IPHI Variable used to localize the grid cell in !! the \((R,\phi,Z)\) or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that !! corresponds to the azimuthal position of the particles. INTEGER :: IZ !! @param IZ Variable used to localize the grid cell in the !! \((R,\phi,Z)\) or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that !! corresponds to the vertical position of the particles. INTEGER(ip) :: pp !! @param pp Particle iterator. INTEGER(ip) :: ss !! @param ss Species iterator. if (size(Y,1).eq.1) then ss = size(Y,1) else if (Y(2,1).eq.0) then ss=1_idef else ss = size(Y,1) end if endif if (ALLOCATED(profiles_domain%FLAG3D)) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,IR,IPHI,IZ) & !$OMP& SHARED(Y,flag,profiles_domain,profiles_3d) do pp=1_idef,ss IR = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,1) - profiles_domain%Ro + & 0.5_rp*profiles_domain%DR)/profiles_domain%DR) + 1.0_rp,idef) IPHI = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,2) + 0.5_rp*profiles_domain%DPHI)/ & profiles_domain%DPHI) + 1.0_rp,idef) IZ = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,3) + ABS(profiles_domain%Zo) + & 0.5_rp*profiles_domain%DZ)/profiles_domain%DZ) + 1.0_rp,idef) if ((profiles_domain%FLAG3D(IR,IPHI,IZ).NE.1_is).OR. & ((IR.GT.profiles_3d%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.profiles_3d%NZ))) then flag(pp) = 0_is end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO else !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,IR,IZ) & !$OMP& SHARED(Y,flag,profiles_domain,profiles_2d) do pp=1_idef,ss IR = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,1) - profiles_domain%Ro + & 0.5_rp*profiles_domain%DR)/profiles_domain%DR) + 1.0_rp,idef) IZ = INT(FLOOR((Y(pp,3) + ABS(profiles_domain%Zo) + & 0.5_rp*profiles_domain%DZ)/profiles_domain%DZ) + 1.0_rp,idef) if ((profiles_domain%FLAG2D(IR,IZ).NE.1_is).OR. & ((IR.GT.profiles_2d%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.profiles_2d%NZ))) then flag(pp) = 0_is end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end if end subroutine check_if_in_profiles_domain subroutine check_if_in_profiles_domain_p(pchunk,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: flag !! Flag that determines whether particles are followed !! in the simulation (flag=1), or not (flag=0). INTEGER :: IR !! @param IR Variable used to localize the grid cell in !! the \((R,\phi,Z)\) or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that !! corresponds to the radial position of the particles. INTEGER :: IPHI !! @param IPHI Variable used to localize the grid cell in !! the \((R,\phi,Z)\) or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that !! corresponds to the azimuthal position of the particles. INTEGER :: IZ !! @param IZ Variable used to localize the grid cell in the !! \((R,\phi,Z)\) or \((R,Z)\) grid containing the fields data that !! corresponds to the vertical position of the particles. INTEGER(ip) :: pp !! @param pp Particle iterator. INTEGER(ip) :: ss !! @param ss Species iterator. if (ALLOCATED(profiles_domain%FLAG3D)) then !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned(IR,IPHI,IZ) do pp=1_idef,pchunk IR = INT(FLOOR((Y_R(pp) - profiles_domain%Ro + & 0.5_rp*profiles_domain%DR)/profiles_domain%DR) + 1.0_rp,idef) IPHI = INT(FLOOR((Y_PHI(pp) + 0.5_rp*profiles_domain%DPHI)/ & profiles_domain%DPHI) + 1.0_rp,idef) IZ = INT(FLOOR((Y_Z(pp) + ABS(profiles_domain%Zo) + & 0.5_rp*profiles_domain%DZ)/profiles_domain%DZ) + 1.0_rp,idef) if ((profiles_domain%FLAG3D(IR,IPHI,IZ).NE.1_is).OR. & ((IR.GT.profiles_3d%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.profiles_3d%NZ))) then flag(pp) = 0_is end if end do !$OMP END SIMD else !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned(IR,IZ) do pp=1_idef,pchunk IR = INT(FLOOR((Y_R(pp) - profiles_domain%Ro + & 0.5_rp*profiles_domain%DR)/profiles_domain%DR) + 1.0_rp,idef) IZ = INT(FLOOR((Y_Z(pp) + ABS(profiles_domain%Zo) + & 0.5_rp*profiles_domain%DZ)/profiles_domain%DZ) + 1.0_rp,idef) if ((profiles_domain%FLAG2D(IR,IZ).NE.1_is).OR. & ((IR.GT.profiles_2d%NR).OR.(IZ.GT.profiles_2d%NZ))) then flag(pp) = 0_is ! write(output_unit_write,'("Shit''s fucked.")') end if end do !$OMP END SIMD ! write(output_unit_write,'("Shit''s not fucked.")') end if end subroutine check_if_in_profiles_domain_p subroutine interp_2D_bfields(params,Y,B,flag) !! @note Subroutine for interpolating the pre-computed, axisymmetric magnetic !! field to the particles' position. @endnote TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y !! Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, Y(1,:) = \(R\), !! Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: B !! Cartesian components of interpolated magnetic field components. !! B(1,:)=\(B_x\), B(2,:)=\(B_y\), and B(3,:)=\(B_z\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: F !! Cylindrical components of interpolated magnetic field components. !! F(1,:)=\(B_R\), F(2,:)=\(B_\phi\), and F(3,:)=\(B_Z\). INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: flag !! Flag that indicates whether particles are followed in the simulation !! (flag=1), or not (flag=0). INTEGER :: pp !! Particle iterator. INTEGER :: ss !! Species iterator. ss = size(Y,1) ALLOCATE(F(ss,3)) !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,ezerr) & !$OMP& SHARED(F,Y,B,flag,bfield_2d) do pp=1_idef,ss if ( flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is ) then call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%R, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(pp,1), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (ezerr .NE. 0) then ! We flag the particle as lost flag(pp) = 0_is end if call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%PHI, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(pp,2), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%Z, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(pp,3), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (.not.params%GC_coords) then B(pp,1) = F(pp,1)*COS(Y(pp,2)) - F(pp,2)*SIN(Y(pp,2)) B(pp,2) = F(pp,1)*SIN(Y(pp,2)) + F(pp,2)*COS(Y(pp,2)) B(pp,3) = F(pp,3) else B(pp,1) = F(pp,1) B(pp,2) = F(pp,2) B(pp,3) = F(pp,3) end if end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO DEALLOCATE(F) end subroutine interp_2D_bfields subroutine gradient_2D_Bfields(Y,BR,BPHI,BZ,flag) !! @note Subroutine for interpolating the pre-computed, axisymmetric !! gradient of the magnitude of themagnetic field to the particles' !! position. Stored as cylindrical components of field. @endnote REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y !! Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, Y(1,:) = \(R\), !! Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: BR !! Cylindrical components of gradient of R-component of magnetic field. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: BPHI !! Cylindrical components of gradient of R-component of magnetic field. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: BZ !! Cylindrical components of gradient of R-component of magnetic field. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: F !! Cylindrical components of interpolated magnetic field components. !! F(1,:)=\(B_R\), F(2,:)=\(B_\phi\), and F(3,:)=\(B_Z\). INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: flag !! Flag that indicates whether particles are followed in the simulation !! (flag=1), or not (flag=0). INTEGER :: pp !! Particle iterator. INTEGER :: ss !! Species iterator. ss = size(Y,1) ALLOCATE(F(2,ss)) !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,ezerr) & !$OMP& SHARED(Y,BR,BPHI,BZ,flag,bfield_2d) do pp=1_idef,ss if ( flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is ) then call EZspline_gradient(bfield_2d%R, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(:,pp), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) BR(pp,1) = F(pp,1) BR(pp,2) = 0._rp BR(pp,3) = F(pp,2) if (ezerr .NE. 0) then ! We flag the particle as lost flag(pp) = 0_is end if call EZspline_gradient(bfield_2d%PHI, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(:,pp), & ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) BPHI(pp,1) = F(pp,1) BPHI(pp,2) = 0._rp BPHI(pp,3) = F(pp,2) call EZspline_gradient(bfield_2d%Z, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(:,pp), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) BZ(pp,1) = F(pp,1) BZ(pp,2) = 0._rp BZ(pp,3) = F(pp,2) end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO DEALLOCATE(F) end subroutine gradient_2D_Bfields subroutine interp_2D_gradBfields(Y,gradB,flag) !! @note Subroutine for interpolating the pre-computed, axisymmetric !! gradient of the magnitude of themagnetic field to the particles' !! position. Stored as cylindrical components of field. @endnote REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y !! Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, Y(1,:) = \(R\), !! Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: gradB !! Cylindirical components of interpolated gradient of magnitude of !! magnetic field. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: F !! Cylindrical components of interpolated magnetic field components. !! F(1,:)=\(B_R\), F(2,:)=\(B_\phi\), and F(3,:)=\(B_Z\). INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: flag !! Flag that indicates whether particles are followed in the simulation !! (flag=1), or not (flag=0). INTEGER :: pp !! Particle iterator. INTEGER :: ss !! Species iterator. ss = size(Y,1) ALLOCATE(F(ss,3)) !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,ezerr) & !$OMP& SHARED(F,Y,gradB,flag,gradB_2d) do pp=1_idef,ss if ( flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is ) then call EZspline_interp(gradB_2d%R, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(pp,1), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (ezerr .NE. 0) then ! We flag the particle as lost flag(pp) = 0_is end if call EZspline_interp(gradB_2d%PHI, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(pp,2), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) call EZspline_interp(gradB_2d%Z, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(pp,3), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! write(output_unit_write,'("PS R-gradB ",E17.10)') F(pp,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("PS PHI-gradB ",E17.10)') F(pp,2) ! write(output_unit_write,'("PS Z-gradB ",E17.10)') F(pp,3) gradB(pp,1) = F(pp,1) gradB(pp,2) = F(pp,2) gradB(pp,3) = F(pp,3) ! write(output_unit_write,'("PHI-gradB ",E17.10)') gradB(2,1) end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO DEALLOCATE(F) end subroutine interp_2D_gradBfields subroutine interp_2D_curlbfields(Y,curlb,flag) !! @note Subroutine for interpolating the pre-computed, axisymmetric !! curl of the magnetic field unit vector to the particles' !! position. Stored as cylindrical components of field. @endnote REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y !! Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, Y(1,:) = \(R\), !! Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: curlb !! Cylindirical components of interpolated curl of direction of !! magnetic field. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: F !! Cylindrical components of interpolated magnetic field components. !! F(1,:)=\(B_R\), F(2,:)=\(B_\phi\), and F(3,:)=\(B_Z\). INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: flag !! Flag that indicates whether particles are followed in the simulation !! (flag=1), or not (flag=0). INTEGER :: pp !! Particle iterator. INTEGER :: ss !! Species iterator. ss = size(Y,1) ALLOCATE(F(ss,3)) !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,ezerr) & !$OMP& SHARED(F,Y,curlb,flag,curlb_2d) do pp=1_idef,ss if ( flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is ) then call EZspline_interp(curlb_2d%R, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(pp,1), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (ezerr .NE. 0) then ! We flag the particle as lost flag(pp) = 0_is end if call EZspline_interp(curlb_2d%PHI, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(pp,2), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) call EZspline_interp(curlb_2d%Z, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(pp,3), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) curlb(pp,1) = F(pp,1) curlb(pp,2) = F(pp,2) curlb(pp,3) = F(pp,3) end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO DEALLOCATE(F) end subroutine interp_2D_curlbfields subroutine interp_FOfields_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_X,B_Y,B_Z, & E_X,E_Y,E_Z,PSIp,flag_cache) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: B_X,B_Y,B_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: B_R,B_PHI REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: E_X,E_Y,E_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: PSIp REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: E_R,E_PHI REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: cP,sP ! INTEGER(ip) :: ezerr INTEGER :: cc !! Particle chunk iterator. INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%A,pchunk,Y_R, Y_Z,PSIp, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%R,bfield_2d%PHI,bfield_2d%Z,efield_2d%R, & efield_2d%PHI,efield_2d%Z,pchunk,Y_R,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned (cP,sP,B_X,B_Y,E_X,E_Y,Y_PHI,B_R,B_PHI,E_R,E_PHI) do cc=1_idef,pchunk cP(cc)=cos(Y_PHI(cc)) sP(cc)=sin(Y_PHI(cc)) B_X(cc) = B_R(cc)*cP(cc) - B_PHI(cc)*sP(cc) B_Y(cc) = B_R(cc)*sP(cc) + B_PHI(cc)*cP(cc) E_X(cc) = E_R(cc)*cP(cc) - E_PHI(cc)*sP(cc) E_Y(cc) = E_R(cc)*sP(cc) + E_PHI(cc)*cP(cc) end do !$OMP END SIMD end subroutine interp_FOfields_p subroutine interp_FO3Dfields_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_X,B_Y,B_Z, & E_X,E_Y,E_Z,flag_cache) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: B_X,B_Y,B_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: B_R,B_PHI REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: E_X,E_Y,E_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: E_R,E_PHI REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: cP,sP ! INTEGER(ip) :: ezerr INTEGER :: cc !! Particle chunk iterator. INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_interp(bfield_3d%R,bfield_3d%PHI,bfield_3d%Z,efield_3d%R, & efield_3d%PHI,efield_3d%Z,pchunk,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'B_R',B_R !write(6,*) 'B_PHI',B_PHI !write(6,*) 'B_Z',B_Z !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned (cP,sP,B_X,B_Y,E_X,E_Y,Y_PHI,B_R,B_PHI,E_R,E_PHI) do cc=1_idef,pchunk cP(cc)=cos(Y_PHI(cc)) sP(cc)=sin(Y_PHI(cc)) B_X(cc) = B_R(cc)*cP(cc) - B_PHI(cc)*sP(cc) B_Y(cc) = B_R(cc)*sP(cc) + B_PHI(cc)*cP(cc) E_X(cc) = E_R(cc)*cP(cc) - E_PHI(cc)*sP(cc) E_Y(cc) = E_R(cc)*sP(cc) + E_PHI(cc)*cP(cc) end do !$OMP END SIMD end subroutine interp_FO3Dfields_p subroutine interp_FOfields1_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_X,B_Y,B_Z, & E_X,E_Y,E_Z,PSIp,flag_cache) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: B_X,B_Y,B_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: B_R,B_PHI REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: E_X,E_Y,E_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: PSIp REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: E_R,E_PHI REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: cP,sP ! INTEGER(ip) :: ezerr INTEGER :: cc !! Particle chunk iterator. INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%A,pchunk,Y_R, Y_Z,PSIp, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) call calculate_magnetic_field_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z) call EZspline_interp(efield_2d%R,efield_2d%PHI,efield_2d%Z,pchunk,Y_R,Y_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned (cP,sP,B_X,B_Y,E_X,E_Y,Y_PHI,B_R,B_PHI,E_R,E_PHI) do cc=1_idef,pchunk cP(cc)=cos(Y_PHI(cc)) sP(cc)=sin(Y_PHI(cc)) B_X(cc) = B_R(cc)*cP(cc) - B_PHI(cc)*sP(cc) B_Y(cc) = B_R(cc)*sP(cc) + B_PHI(cc)*cP(cc) E_X(cc) = E_R(cc)*cP(cc) - E_PHI(cc)*sP(cc) E_Y(cc) = E_R(cc)*sP(cc) + E_PHI(cc)*cP(cc) end do !$OMP END SIMD end subroutine interp_FOfields1_p subroutine interp_FOfields_mars(prtcls, F, params) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params TYPE(PARTICLES), INTENT(INOUT) :: prtcls TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: B_R,B_PHI,Y_R,Y_Z,Y_PHI REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: B0_R,B0_PHI,B0_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: B1_R,B1_PHI,B1_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: B1Re_R,B1Re_PHI,B1Re_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: B1Im_R,B1Im_PHI,B1Im_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: cP,sP REAL(rp), DIMENSION(1,3) :: A ! INTEGER(ip) :: ezerr INTEGER :: pp,ss !! Particle chunk iterator. REAL(rp) :: psip_conv REAL(rp) :: amp if (size(prtcls%Y,1).eq.1) then ss = size(prtcls%Y,1) else if (prtcls%Y(2,1).eq.0) then ss=1_idef else ss = size(prtcls%Y,1) end if endif psip_conv=F%psip_conv amp=F%AMP !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP& PRIVATE(pp,ezerr,A,B1Re_R,B1Re_PHI,B1Re_Z,B1Im_R,B1Im_PHI,B1Im_Z, & !$OMP& B0_R,B0_PHI,B0_Z,B1_R,B1_PHI,B1_Z,cP,sP,B_R,B_PHI,Y_R,Y_Z,Y_PHI) & !$OMP& FIRSTPRIVATE(psip_conv,amp) & !$OMP& SHARED(prtcls,F,params) do pp = 1,ss Y_R(1)=prtcls%Y(pp,1) Y_PHI(1)=prtcls%Y(pp,2) Y_Z(1)=prtcls%Y(pp,3) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%A,b1Refield_2d%R,b1Refield_2d%PHI, & b1Refield_2d%Z,b1Imfield_2d%R,b1Imfield_2d%PHI,b1Imfield_2d%Z, & 1,Y_R,Y_Z,A,B1Re_R,B1Re_PHI,B1Re_Z, & B1Im_R,B1Im_PHI,B1Im_Z,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) prtcls%PSI_P=A(1,1) B0_R = psip_conv*A(1,3)/prtcls%Y(pp,1) B0_PHI = -F%Bo*F%Ro/prtcls%Y(pp,1) B0_Z = -psip_conv*A(1,2)/prtcls%Y(pp,1) cP=cos(prtcls%Y(pp,2)) sP=sin(prtcls%Y(pp,2)) B1_R = amp*(B1Re_R*cP-B1Im_R*sP) B1_PHI = amp*(B1Re_PHI*cP-B1Im_PHI*sP) B1_Z = amp*(B1Re_Z*cP-B1Im_Z*sP) B_R = B0_R+B1_R B_PHI = B0_PHI+B1_PHI prtcls%B(pp,3) = B0_Z(1)+B1_Z(1) prtcls%B(pp,1) = B_R(1)*cP(1) - B_PHI(1)*sP(1) prtcls%B(pp,2) = B_R(1)*sP(1) + B_PHI(1)*cP(1) !write(6,*) '(R,PHI,Z)',Y_R*params%cpp%length,Y_PHI,Y_Z*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'amp',amp,'cP,sP',cP,sP,'cnP,snP',cnP,snP !write(6,*) 'psi',PSIp*params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length**2 !write(6,*) 'dpsidR',A(:,2)*params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'dpsidZ',A(:,3)*params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'B0',B0_R*params%cpp%Bo,B0_PHI*params%cpp%Bo,B0_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'AMP',amp !write(6,*) 'B1Re',B1Re_R*params%cpp%Bo,B1Re_PHI*params%cpp%Bo,B1Re_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'B1Im',B1Im_R*params%cpp%Bo,B1Im_PHI*params%cpp%Bo,B1Im_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'B1',B1_R*params%cpp%Bo,B1_PHI*params%cpp%Bo,B1_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'B',B_R*params%cpp%Bo,B_PHI*params%cpp%Bo,prtcls%B(pp,3)*params%cpp%Bo end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end subroutine interp_FOfields_mars subroutine interp_FOfields_mars_p(params,pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_X,B_Y,B_Z, & PSIp,flag_cache) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: B_X,B_Y,B_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: B_R,B_PHI REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: B0_R,B0_PHI,B0_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: B1_R,B1_PHI,B1_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: B1Re_R,B1Re_PHI,B1Re_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: B1Im_R,B1Im_PHI,B1Im_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: PSIp REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: cP,sP REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk,3) :: A ! INTEGER(ip) :: ezerr INTEGER :: cc !! Particle chunk iterator. INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache REAL(rp) :: psip_conv REAL(rp) :: amp psip_conv=F%psip_conv amp=F%AMP call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%A,b1Refield_2d%R,b1Refield_2d%PHI, & b1Refield_2d%Z,b1Imfield_2d%R,b1Imfield_2d%PHI,b1Imfield_2d%Z, & pchunk,Y_R,Y_Z,A,B1Re_R,B1Re_PHI,B1Re_Z,B1Im_R,B1Im_PHI,B1Im_Z,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !$OMP SIMD do cc=1_idef,pchunk PSIp(cc)=A(cc,1) B0_R(cc) = psip_conv*A(cc,3)/Y_R(cc) B0_PHI(cc) = -F%Bo*F%Ro/Y_R(cc) B0_Z(cc) = -psip_conv*A(cc,2)/Y_R(cc) cP(cc)=cos(Y_PHI(cc)) sP(cc)=sin(Y_PHI(cc)) B1_R(cc) = amp*(B1Re_R(cc)*cP(cc)-B1Im_R(cc)*sP(cc)) B1_PHI(cc) = amp*(B1Re_PHI(cc)*cP(cc)-B1Im_PHI(cc)*sP(cc)) B1_Z(cc) = amp*(B1Re_Z(cc)*cP(cc)-B1Im_Z(cc)*sP(cc)) B_R(cc) = B0_R(cc)+B1_R(cc) B_PHI(cc) = B0_PHI(cc)+B1_PHI(cc) B_Z(cc) = B0_Z(cc)+B1_Z(cc) B_X(cc) = B_R(cc)*cP(cc) - B_PHI(cc)*sP(cc) B_Y(cc) = B_R(cc)*sP(cc) + B_PHI(cc)*cP(cc) end do !$OMP END SIMD !write(6,*) '(R,PHI,Z)',Y_R*params%cpp%length,Y_PHI*params%cpp%length, & ! Y_Z*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'psi',PSIp*params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length**2 !write(6,*) 'dpsidR',A(:,2)*params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'dpsidZ',A(:,3)*params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'B0',B0_R*params%cpp%Bo,B0_PHI*params%cpp%Bo,B0_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'AMP',amp !write(6,*) 'B1Re',B1Re_R*params%cpp%Bo,B1Re_PHI*params%cpp%Bo,B1Re_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'B1Im',B1Im_R*params%cpp%Bo,B1Im_PHI*params%cpp%Bo,B1Im_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'B1',B1_R*params%cpp%Bo,B1_PHI*params%cpp%Bo,B1_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'B',B_X*params%cpp%Bo,B_Y*params%cpp%Bo,B_Z*params%cpp%Bo end subroutine interp_FOfields_mars_p subroutine interp_FOfields_aorsa(prtcls, F, params) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params TYPE(PARTICLES), INTENT(INOUT) :: prtcls TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: B0_R,B0_PHI,B0_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: B0_X,B0_Y REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: B1_X,B1_Y,B1_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: B1Re_X,B1Re_Y,B1Re_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: B1Im_X,B1Im_Y,B1Im_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: E1Re_X,E1Re_Y,E1Re_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: E1Im_X,E1Im_Y,E1Im_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(1) :: cP,sP,cnP,snP REAL(rp), DIMENSION(1,3) :: A ! INTEGER(ip) :: ezerr INTEGER :: pp,ss !! Particle chunk iterator. REAL(rp) :: psip_conv REAL(rp) :: amp,nmode if (size(prtcls%Y,1).eq.1) then ss = size(prtcls%Y,1) else if (prtcls%Y(2,1).eq.0) then ss=1_idef else ss = size(prtcls%Y,1) end if endif psip_conv=F%psip_conv amp=F%AMP nmode=F%AORSA_nmode !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP& PRIVATE(pp,ezerr,A,B1Re_X,B1Re_Y,B1Re_Z,B1Im_X,B1Im_Y,B1Im_Z, & !$OMP& E1Re_X,E1Re_Y,E1Re_Z,E1Im_X,E1Im_Y,E1Im_Z, & !$OMP& B0_R,B0_PHI,B0_X,B0_Y,B0_Z,B1_X,B1_Y,B1_Z,cP,sP,cnP,snP,Y_R,Y_Z,Y_PHI)& !$OMP& FIRSTPRIVATE(psip_conv,amp,nmode) & !$OMP& SHARED(prtcls,F,params) do pp = 1,ss Y_R(1)=prtcls%Y(pp,1) Y_PHI(1)=prtcls%Y(pp,2) Y_Z(1)=prtcls%Y(pp,3) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%A,& b1Refield_2dx%X,b1Refield_2dx%Y,b1Refield_2dx%Z, & b1Imfield_2dx%X,b1Imfield_2dx%Y,b1Imfield_2dx%Z, & e1Refield_2dx%X,e1Refield_2dx%Y,e1Refield_2dx%Z, & e1Imfield_2dx%X,e1Imfield_2dx%Y,e1Imfield_2dx%Z, & 1,Y_R,Y_Z,A,B1Re_X,B1Re_Y,B1Re_Z,B1Im_X,B1Im_Y,B1Im_Z, & E1Re_X,E1Re_Y,E1Re_Z,E1Im_X,E1Im_Y,E1Im_Z,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) prtcls%PSI_P=A(1,1) B0_R = psip_conv*A(1,3)/prtcls%Y(pp,1) B0_PHI = -F%Bo*F%Ro/prtcls%Y(pp,1) B0_Z = -psip_conv*A(1,2)/prtcls%Y(pp,1) cnP=cos(nmode*Y_PHI) snP=sin(nmode*Y_PHI) cP=cos(Y_PHI) sP=sin(Y_PHI) B1_X = amp*(B1Re_X*cnP-B1Im_X*snP) B1_Y = amp*(B1Re_Y*cnP-B1Im_Y*snP) B1_Z = amp*(B1Re_Z*cnP-B1Im_Z*snP) prtcls%E(pp,1) = amp*(E1Re_X(1)*cnP(1)-E1Im_X(1)*snP(1)) prtcls%E(pp,2) = amp*(E1Re_Y(1)*cnP(1)-E1Im_Y(1)*snP(1)) prtcls%E(pp,3) = amp*(E1Re_Z(1)*cnP(1)-E1Im_Z(1)*snP(1)) B0_X = B0_R*cP - B0_PHI*sP B0_Y = B0_R*sP + B0_PHI*cP prtcls%B(pp,3) = B0_Z(1)+B1_Z(1) prtcls%B(pp,1) = B0_X(1)+B1_X(1) prtcls%B(pp,2) = B0_Y(1)+B1_Y(1) !write(6,*) '(R,PHI,Z)',Y_R*params%cpp%length,Y_PHI, & ! Y_Z*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'amp',amp,'cP,sP',cP,sP,'cnP,snP',cnP,snP !write(6,*) 'psi',PSIp*params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length**2 !write(6,*) 'dpsidR',A(:,2)*params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'dpsidZ',A(:,3)*params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'B0',B0_R*params%cpp%Bo,B0_PHI*params%cpp%Bo,B0_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'AMP',amp !write(6,*) 'B1Re',B1Re_X*params%cpp%Bo,B1Re_Y*params%cpp%Bo,B1Re_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'B1Im',B1Im_X*params%cpp%Bo,B1Im_Y*params%cpp%Bo,B1Im_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'B1',B1_X*params%cpp%Bo,B1_Y*params%cpp%Bo,B1_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'B',B_X*params%cpp%Bo,B_Y*params%cpp%Bo,B_Z*params%cpp%Bo end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end subroutine interp_FOfields_aorsa subroutine interp_FOfields_aorsa_p(time,params,pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z, & B_X,B_Y,B_Z,E_X,E_Y,E_Z,PSIp,flag_cache) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: time INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: B_X,B_Y,B_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: E_X,E_Y,E_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: B0_R,B0_PHI,B0_Z,B0_X,B0_Y REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: B1_X,B1_Y,B1_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: B1Re_X,B1Re_Y,B1Re_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: B1Im_X,B1Im_Y,B1Im_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: E1Re_X,E1Re_Y,E1Re_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: E1Im_X,E1Im_Y,E1Im_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: PSIp REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk) :: cP,sP,cnP,snP REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk,3) :: A ! INTEGER(ip) :: ezerr INTEGER :: cc !! Particle chunk iterator. INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache REAL(rp) :: psip_conv REAL(rp) :: amp,nmode,omega psip_conv=F%psip_conv amp=F%AMP nmode=F%AORSA_nmode omega=2*C_PI*F%AORSA_freq call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%A,b1Refield_2dx%X,b1Refield_2dx%Y, & b1Refield_2dx%Z,b1Imfield_2dx%X,b1Imfield_2dx%Y,b1Imfield_2dx%Z, & e1Refield_2dx%X,e1Refield_2dx%Y,e1Refield_2dx%Z, & e1Imfield_2dx%X,e1Imfield_2dx%Y,e1Imfield_2dx%Z, & pchunk,Y_R,Y_Z,A,B1Re_X,B1Re_Y,B1Re_Z,B1Im_X,B1Im_Y,B1Im_Z, & E1Re_X,E1Re_Y,E1Re_Z,E1Im_X,E1Im_Y,E1Im_Z,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !$OMP SIMD do cc=1_idef,pchunk PSIp(cc)=A(cc,1) B0_R(cc) = psip_conv*A(cc,3)/Y_R(cc) B0_PHI(cc) = -F%Bo*F%Ro/Y_R(cc) B0_Z(cc) = -psip_conv*A(cc,2)/Y_R(cc) cP(cc)=cos(Y_PHI(cc)) sP(cc)=sin(Y_PHI(cc)) B0_X(cc) = B0_R(cc)*cP(cc) - B0_PHI(cc)*sP(cc) B0_Y(cc) = B0_R(cc)*sP(cc) + B0_PHI(cc)*cP(cc) cnP(cc)=cos(omega*time+nmode*Y_PHI(cc)) snP(cc)=sin(omega*time+nmode*Y_PHI(cc)) B1_X(cc) = amp*(B1Re_X(cc)*cnP(cc)-B1Im_X(cc)*snP(cc)) B1_Y(cc) = amp*(B1Re_Y(cc)*cnP(cc)-B1Im_Y(cc)*snP(cc)) B1_Z(cc) = amp*(B1Re_Z(cc)*cnP(cc)-B1Im_Z(cc)*snP(cc)) B_X(cc) = B0_X(cc)+B1_X(cc) B_Y(cc) = B0_Y(cc)+B1_Y(cc) B_Z(cc) = B0_Z(cc)+B1_Z(cc) E_X(cc) = amp*(E1Re_X(cc)*cnP(cc)-E1Im_X(cc)*snP(cc)) E_Y(cc) = amp*(E1Re_Y(cc)*cnP(cc)-E1Im_Y(cc)*snP(cc)) E_Z(cc) = amp*(E1Re_Z(cc)*cnP(cc)-E1Im_Z(cc)*snP(cc)) end do !$OMP END SIMD #if DBG_CHECK !write(6,*) '(R,PHI,Z,time)',Y_R*params%cpp%length,Y_PHI, & ! Y_Z*params%cpp%length,time !write(6,*) 'psi',PSIp*params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length**2 !write(6,*) 'dpsidR',A(:,2)*params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'dpsidZ',A(:,3)*params%cpp%Bo*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'B0',B0_R*params%cpp%Bo,B0_PHI*params%cpp%Bo,B0_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'AMP',amp !write(6,*) 'B1Re',B1Re_X*params%cpp%Bo,B1Re_Y*params%cpp%Bo,B1Re_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'B1Im',B1Im_X*params%cpp%Bo,B1Im_Y*params%cpp%Bo,B1Im_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'B1',B1_X*params%cpp%Bo,B1_Y*params%cpp%Bo,B1_Z*params%cpp%Bo !write(6,*) 'B',B_X*params%cpp%Bo,B_Y*params%cpp%Bo,B_Z*params%cpp%Bo #endif end subroutine interp_FOfields_aorsa_p subroutine interp_FOcollision_p(pchunk,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,ne,Te,Zeff,flag_cache) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: ne,Te,Zeff INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache call check_if_in_profiles_domain_p(pchunk,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) ! write(output_unit_write,'("YR: ",E17.10)') Y_R(1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("YPHI: ",E17.10)') Y_PHI(1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("YZ: ",E17.10)') Y_Z(1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Te_interp_R",E17.10)') profiles_2d%Te%x1 ! write(output_unit_write,'("Te_interp_Z",E17.10)') profiles_2d%Te%x2 call EZspline_interp(profiles_2d%ne,profiles_2d%Te, & profiles_2d%Zeff,pchunk,Y_R,Y_Z,ne,Te,Zeff,ezerr) ! this will call PSPLINE routine EZspline_interp2_bmag_cloud as there ! is the same number of entries call EZspline_error(ezerr) end subroutine interp_FOcollision_p subroutine interp_fields_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z, & curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z,flag_cache) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: curlB_R,curlB_PHI,curlB_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: E_R,E_PHI,E_Z INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache !write(output_unit_write,*) Y_R,Y_Z,flag_cache call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%R,bfield_2d%PHI,bfield_2d%Z,efield_2d%R, & efield_2d%PHI,efield_2d%Z,gradB_2d%R,gradB_2d%PHI,gradB_2d%Z, & curlb_2d%R,curlb_2d%PHI,curlb_2d%Z,pchunk,Y_R,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z,curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z, & ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end subroutine interp_fields_p subroutine interp_fields_3D_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z, & curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z,flag_cache) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: curlB_R,curlB_PHI,curlB_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: E_R,E_PHI,E_Z INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: Y_PHI_mod Y_PHI_mod=modulo(Y_PHI,2._rp*C_PI) ! write(output_unit_write,*) Y_PHI(1) ! write(output_unit_write,*) Y_PHI_mod(1) call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI_mod,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_interp(bfield_3d%R,bfield_3d%PHI,bfield_3d%Z,efield_3d%R, & efield_3d%PHI,efield_3d%Z,gradB_3d%R,gradB_3d%PHI,gradB_3d%Z, & curlb_3d%R,curlb_3d%PHI,curlb_3d%Z,pchunk,Y_R,Y_PHI_mod,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z,curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z, & ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end subroutine interp_fields_3D_p subroutine interp_collision_p(pchunk,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z, & ne,Te,Zeff,flag_cache) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: E_R,E_PHI,E_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: ne,Te,Zeff INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache ! INTEGER(ip) :: ezerr call check_if_in_profiles_domain_p(pchunk,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%R,bfield_2d%PHI,bfield_2d%Z,efield_2d%R, & efield_2d%PHI,efield_2d%Z,profiles_2d%ne,profiles_2d%Te, & profiles_2d%Zeff,pchunk,Y_R,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,ne,Te,Zeff,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end subroutine interp_collision_p subroutine interp_bmag_p(pchunk,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z ! INTEGER(ip) :: ezerr call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%R,bfield_2d%PHI,bfield_2d%Z, & pchunk,Y_R,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end subroutine interp_bmag_p !> @brief Subroutine for interpolating the pre-computed, 3-D magnetic field to the particles' position. !! !! @param[in] Y Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, Y(1,:) = \(R\), Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). !! @param[in,out] B Cartesian components of interpolated magnetic field components. B(1,:)=\(B_x\), B(2,:)=\(B_y\), and B(3,:)=\(B_z\). !! @param F Cylindrical components of interpolated magnetic field components. F(1,:)=\(B_R\), F(2,:)=\(B_\phi\), and F(3,:)=\(B_Z\). !! @param flag Flag that indicates whether particles are followed in the simulation (flag=1), or not (flag=0). !! @param pp Particle iterator. !! @param ss Species iterator. subroutine interp_3D_bfields(params,Y,B,flag) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: B REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: F INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: flag INTEGER :: pp INTEGER :: ss ss = size(Y,1) ALLOCATE(F(ss,3)) !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,ezerr) & !$OMP& SHARED(F,Y,B,flag,bfield_3d) do pp=1_idef,ss if ( flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is ) then call EZspline_interp(bfield_3d%R, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,2), Y(pp,3), & F(pp,1), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (ezerr .NE. 0) then ! We flag the particle as lost flag(pp) = 0_is end if call EZspline_interp(bfield_3d%PHI, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,2), Y(pp,3), & F(pp,2), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) call EZspline_interp(bfield_3d%Z, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,2), Y(pp,3), & F(pp,3), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (.not.params%GC_coords) then B(pp,1) = F(pp,1)*COS(Y(pp,2)) - F(pp,2)*SIN(Y(pp,2)) B(pp,2) = F(pp,1)*SIN(Y(pp,2)) + F(pp,2)*COS(Y(pp,2)) B(pp,3) = F(pp,3) else B(pp,1) = F(pp,1) B(pp,2) = F(pp,2) B(pp,3) = F(pp,3) end if end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO DEALLOCATE(F) end subroutine interp_3D_bfields !> @brief Subroutine that calculates the axisymmetric magnetic field to the particles' position using the poloidal magnetic flux. !! @details When the poloidal magnetic flux \(\Psi(R,Z)\) is used in a KORC simulation, the magnetic field components are calculated as it follows: !! !! !! $$B_R = \frac{1}{R}\frac{\partial \Psi}{\partial Z},$$ !! $$B_\phi = \frac{RoBo}{R}\),$$ !! $$B_Z = -\frac{1}{R}\frac{\partial \Psi}{\partial R},$$ !! !! !! where \(Ro\) and \(Bo\) are the radial position of the magnetic axis and the magnetic field as measured at the magnetic axis, respectively. !! First, the derivatives of the poloidal magnetic flux are calculated at the particles' position using the PSPLINE interpolant of !! the poloidal magnetic flux. Then, we calculate the cylindrical components of the magnetic field, and finally we calculate its Cartesian !! components that will be used in the particle pusher. !! !! @param[in] Y Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, Y(1,:) = \(R\), Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). !! @param[in] F An instance of KORC's derived type FIELDS containing all the information about the fields used in the simulation. !! See korc_types.f90 and korc_fields.f90. !! @param[in,out] B Cartesian components of interpolated magnetic field components. B(1,:)=\(B_x\), B(2,:)=\(B_y\), and B(3,:)=\(B_x\). !! @param flag Flag that indicates whether particles are followed in the simulation (flag=1), or not (flag=0). !! @param A Variable containing the partial derivatives of the poloidal magnetic flux \(\Psi(R,Z)\) and the cylindrical components !! of the magnetic field (its value changes through the subroutine). !! @param pp Particle iterator. !! @param ss Species iterator. subroutine calculate_magnetic_field(params,Y,F,B,E,PSI_P,flag) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: B REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: E REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: PSI_P INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: flag REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: A INTEGER :: pp INTEGER :: ss REAL(rp) :: psip_conv psip_conv=F%psip_conv if (size(Y,1).eq.1) then ss = size(Y,1) else if (Y(2,1).eq.0) then ss=1_idef else ss = size(Y,1) end if endif ALLOCATE(A(ss,3)) A=0._rp if(F%Dim2x1t.and.(.not.F%ReInterp_2x1t)) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,ezerr) & !$OMP& SHARED(F,Y,A,B,flag,bfield_2X1T,PSI_P) do pp=1_idef,ss ! write(output_unit_write,'("pp: ",I16)') pp ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_R: ",E17.10)') Y(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_PHI: ",E17.10)') Y(:,2) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_Z: ",E17.10)') Y(:,3) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2X1T%A, Y(pp,1), F%t0_2x1t, Y(pp,3), & PSI_P(pp), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! write(output_unit_write,'("PSI_P: ",E17.10)') PSI_P(1) ! FR = (dA/dZ)/R call EZspline_derivative(bfield_2X1T%A, 0, 0, 1, Y(pp,1), F%t0_2x1t, & Y(pp,3), A(pp,1), ezerr) ! call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (ezerr .NE. 0) then ! We flag the particle as lost flag(pp) = 0_is else ! write(output_unit_write,'("R*B_R: ",E17.10)') A(pp,1) !if(params%SC_E) A(pp,1)=A(pp,1)/(2*C_PI) A(pp,1) = psip_conv*A(pp,1)/Y(pp,1) ! FPHI = Fo*Ro/R A(pp,2) = -F%Bo*F%Ro/Y(pp,1) ! FR = -(dA/dR)/R call EZspline_derivative(bfield_2X1T%A, 1, 0, 0, Y(pp,1), & F%t0_2x1t, Y(pp,3), A(pp,3), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! write(output_unit_write,'("R*B_Z: ",E17.10)') A(pp,3) !if(params%SC_E) A(pp,3)=A(pp,3)/(2*C_PI) call EZspline_derivative(bfield_2X1T%A, 0, 1, 0, Y(pp,1), & F%t0_2x1t, Y(pp,3), E(pp,2), ezerr) E(pp,2) = E(pp,2)/(2*C_PI*Y(pp,1)) A(pp,3) = -psip_conv*A(pp,3)/Y(pp,1) if (.not.params%GC_coords) then B(pp,1) = A(pp,1)*COS(Y(pp,2)) - A(pp,2)*SIN(Y(pp,2)) B(pp,2) = A(pp,1)*SIN(Y(pp,2)) + A(pp,2)*COS(Y(pp,2)) B(pp,3) = A(pp,3) E(pp,1) = -E(pp,2)*sin(Y(pp,2)) E(pp,2) = E(pp,2)*cos(Y(pp,2)) else B(pp,1) = A(pp,1) B(pp,2) = A(pp,2) B(pp,3) = A(pp,3) end if end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO else !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,ezerr) & !$OMP& SHARED(F,Y,A,B,flag,bfield_2d,PSI_P) do pp=1_idef,ss ! write(output_unit_write,'("pp: ",I16)') pp ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_R: ",E17.10)') Y(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_PHI: ",E17.10)') Y(:,2) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_Z: ",E17.10)') Y(:,3) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%A, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), & PSI_P(pp), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! write(output_unit_write,'("PSI_P: ",E17.10)') PSI_P(1) ! FR = (dA/dZ)/R call EZspline_derivative(bfield_2d%A, 0, 1, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), & A(pp,1), ezerr) ! call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (ezerr .NE. 0) then ! We flag the particle as lost flag(pp) = 0_is else ! write(output_unit_write,'("R*B_R: ",E17.10)') A(pp,1) !if(params%SC_E) A(pp,1)=A(pp,1)/(2*C_PI) A(pp,1) = psip_conv*A(pp,1)/Y(pp,1) ! FPHI = Fo*Ro/R A(pp,2) = -F%Bo*F%Ro/Y(pp,1) ! FR = -(dA/dR)/R call EZspline_derivative(bfield_2d%A, 1, 0, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), & A(pp,3), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! write(output_unit_write,'("R*B_Z: ",E17.10)') A(pp,3) !if(params%SC_E) A(pp,3)=A(pp,3)/(2*C_PI) A(pp,3) = -psip_conv*A(pp,3)/Y(pp,1) if (.not.params%GC_coords) then B(pp,1) = A(pp,1)*COS(Y(pp,2)) - A(pp,2)*SIN(Y(pp,2)) B(pp,2) = A(pp,1)*SIN(Y(pp,2)) + A(pp,2)*COS(Y(pp,2)) B(pp,3) = A(pp,3) else B(pp,1) = A(pp,1) B(pp,2) = A(pp,2) B(pp,3) = A(pp,3) end if end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end if ! write(output_unit_write,'("calculate_fields")') ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_R: ",E17.10)') A(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_PHI: ",E17.10)') A(:,2) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Z: ",E17.10)') A(:,3) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_X: ",E17.10)') B(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Y: ",E17.10)') B(:,2) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Z: ",E17.10)') B(:,3) DEALLOCATE(A) end subroutine calculate_magnetic_field subroutine calculate_magnetic_field_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_Z TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z INTEGER :: pp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: PSIp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk,2) :: A REAL(rp) :: psip_conv psip_conv=F%psip_conv call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%A, pchunk, Y_R, Y_Z, & PSIp, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! FR = (dA/dZ)/R call EZspline_gradient(bfield_2d%A, pchunk, Y_R, Y_Z, & A, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(output_unit_write,'("dPSIp/dR: ",E17.10)') A(:,1) !write(output_unit_write,'("dPSIp/dZ: ",E17.10)') A(:,2) !write(output_unit_write,'("Y_R: ",E17.10)') Y_R B_R = psip_conv*A(:,2)/Y_R ! FPHI = Fo*Ro/R B_PHI = -F%Bo*F%Ro/Y_R ! FR = -(dA/dR)/R ! write(output_unit_write,'("R*B_Z: ",E17.10)') B_Z(1) B_Z= -psip_conv*A(:,1)/Y_R ! write(output_unit_write,'("PSIp: ",E17.10)') PSIp ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_R: ",E17.10)') Y_R(1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_Z: ",E17.10)') Y_Z(1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_R: ",E17.10)') B_R ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_PHI: ",E17.10)') B_PHI ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Z: ",E17.10)') B_Z end subroutine calculate_magnetic_field_p subroutine calculate_2DBdBfields_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & flag_cache,PSIp) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk,3) :: BR,BPHI,BZ REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: dBRdR,dBPHIdR,dBZdR REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: dBRdPHI,dBPHIdPHI,dBZdPHI REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: dBRdZ,dBPHIdZ,dBZdZ REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: E_R,E_PHI,E_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: PSIp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: Bmag INTEGER :: cc REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk,6) :: A INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%R,bfield_2d%PHI,bfield_2d%Z, & efield_2d%R,efield_2d%PHI,efield_2d%Z,bfield_2d%A, & pchunk,Y_R,Y_Z,BR,BPHI,BZ,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,PSIp,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%R,bfield_2d%PHI,bfield_2d%Z, & ! dbdR_2d%R,dbdR_2d%PHI,dBdR_2d%Z, & ! dbdPHI_2d%R,dbdPHI_2d%PHI,dbdPHI_2d%Z, & ! dbdZ_2d%R,dbdZ_2d%PHI,dbdZ_2d%Z, & ! efield_2d%R,efield_2d%PHI,efield_2d%Z,8,Y_R,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & ! dBRdR,dBPHIdR,dBZdR,dBRdPHI,dBPHIdPHI,dBZdPHI,dBRdZ,dBPHIdZ,dBZdZ, & ! E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,ezerr) ! call EZspline_error(ezerr) !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned(PSIp,A,B_R,Y_R,B_PHI,B_Z,Bmag,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & ! !$OMP& curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z) do cc=1_idef,pchunk B_R(cc)=BR(cc,1) B_PHI(cc)=BPHI(cc,1) B_Z(cc)=BZ(cc,1) dBRdR(cc)=BR(cc,2) dBRdPHI(cc)=0._rp dBRdZ(cc)=BR(cc,3) dBPHIdR(cc)=BPHI(cc,2) dBPHIdPHI(cc)=0._rp dBPHIdZ(cc)=BPHI(cc,3) dBZdR(cc)=BZ(cc,2) dBZdPHI(cc)=0._rp dBZdZ(cc)=BZ(cc,3) Bmag(cc)=sqrt(B_R(cc)*B_R(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*B_PHI(cc)+B_Z(cc)*B_Z(cc)) gradB_R(cc)=(B_R(cc)*dBRdR(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*dBPHIdR(cc)+ & B_Z(cc)*dBZdR(cc))/Bmag(cc) gradB_PHI(cc)=(B_R(cc)*dBRdPHI(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*dBPHIdPHI(cc)+ & B_Z(cc)*dBZdPHI(cc))/(Y_R(cc)*Bmag(cc)) gradB_Z(cc)=(B_R(cc)*dBRdZ(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*dBPHIdZ(cc)+ & B_Z(cc)*dBZdZ(cc))/Bmag(cc) curlb_R(cc)=(Bmag(cc)*dBZdPHI(cc)/Y_R(cc)-B_Z(cc)*gradB_PHI(cc)- & Bmag(cc)*dBPHIdZ(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*gradB_Z(cc))/(Bmag(cc)*bmag(cc)) curlb_PHI(cc)=(Bmag(cc)*dBRdZ(cc)-B_R(cc)*gradB_Z(cc)- & Bmag(cc)*dBZdR(cc)+B_Z(cc)*gradB_R(cc))/(Bmag(cc)*bmag(cc)) curlb_Z(cc)=(Bmag(cc)*B_PHI(cc)/Y_R(cc)+Bmag(cc)*dBPHIdR(cc)- & B_PHI(cc)*gradB_R(cc)-Bmag(cc)*dBRdPHI(cc)/Y_R(cc)+ & B_R(cc)*gradB_PHI(cc))/(Bmag(cc)*bmag(cc)) end do !$OMP END SIMD ! write(output_unit_write,'("PSIp: ",E17.10)') PSIp ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_R: ",E17.10)') Y_R ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_Z: ",E17.10)') Y_Z ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_R: ",E17.10)') B_R ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_PHIinterp: ",E17.10)') B_PHI ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Z: ",E17.10)') B_Z end subroutine calculate_2DBdBfields_p subroutine calculate_3DBdBfields_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & flag_cache) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z real(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: Y_PHI_mod TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: dBRdR,dBPHIdR,dBZdR REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: dBRdPHI,dBPHIdPHI,dBZdPHI REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: dBRdZ,dBPHIdZ,dBZdZ REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: E_R,E_PHI,E_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: Bmag INTEGER :: cc INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache Y_PHI_mod=modulo(Y_PHI,2._rp*C_PI) call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI_mod,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%R,bfield_2d%PHI,bfield_2d%Z, & dbdR_2d%R,dbdR_2d%PHI,dBdR_2d%Z, & dbdPHI_2d%R,dbdPHI_2d%PHI,dbdPHI_2d%Z, & dbdZ_2d%R,dbdZ_2d%PHI,dbdZ_2d%Z, & efield_2d%R,efield_2d%PHI,efield_2d%Z,pchunk,Y_R,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & dBRdR,dBPHIdR,dBZdR,dBRdPHI,dBPHIdPHI,dBZdPHI,dBRdZ,dBPHIdZ,dBZdZ, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned(PSIp,A,B_R,Y_R,B_PHI,B_Z,Bmag,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & ! !$OMP& curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z) do cc=1_idef,pchunk Bmag(cc)=sqrt(B_R(cc)*B_R(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*B_PHI(cc)+B_Z(cc)*B_Z(cc)) gradB_R(cc)=(B_R(cc)*dBRdR(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*dBPHIdR(cc)+ & B_Z(cc)*dBZdR(cc))/Bmag(cc) gradB_PHI(cc)=(B_R(cc)*dBRdPHI(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*dBPHIdPHI(cc)+ & B_Z(cc)*dBZdPHI(cc))/(Y_R(cc)*Bmag(cc)) gradB_Z(cc)=(B_R(cc)*dBRdZ(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*dBPHIdZ(cc)+ & B_Z(cc)*dBZdZ(cc))/Bmag(cc) curlb_R(cc)=(Bmag(cc)*dBZdPHI(cc)/Y_R(cc)-B_Z(cc)*gradB_PHI(cc)- & Bmag(cc)*dBPHIdZ(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*gradB_Z(cc))/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_PHI(cc)=(Bmag(cc)*dBRdZ(cc)-B_R(cc)*gradB_Z(cc)- & Bmag(cc)*dBZdR(cc)+B_Z(cc)*gradB_R(cc))/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_Z(cc)=(Bmag(cc)*B_PHI(cc)/Y_R(cc)+Bmag(cc)*dBPHIdR(cc)- & B_PHI(cc)*gradB_R(cc)-Bmag(cc)*dBRdPHI(cc)/Y_R(cc)+ & B_R(cc)*gradB_PHI(cc))/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) end do !$OMP END SIMD ! write(output_unit_write,'("PSIp: ",E17.10)') PSIp ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_R: ",E17.10)') Y_R ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_Z: ",E17.10)') Y_Z ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_R: ",E17.10)') B_R ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_PHIinterp: ",E17.10)') B_PHI ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Z: ",E17.10)') B_Z end subroutine calculate_3DBdBfields_p subroutine calculate_3DBdBfields1_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & flag_cache,PSIp) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z real(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: Y_PHI_mod TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk,4) :: BR,BPHI,BZ REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: dBRdR,dBPHIdR,dBZdR REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: dBRdPHI,dBPHIdPHI,dBZdPHI REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: dBRdZ,dBPHIdZ,dBZdZ REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: E_R,E_PHI,E_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: PSIp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: Bmag INTEGER :: cc REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk,6) :: A INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache Y_PHI_mod=modulo(Y_PHI,2._rp*C_PI) call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI_mod,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_interp(bfield_3d%R,bfield_3d%PHI,bfield_3d%Z, & efield_3d%R,efield_3d%PHI,efield_3d%Z,bfield_3d%A, & pchunk,Y_R,Y_PHI_mod,Y_Z,BR,BPHI,BZ,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,PSIp,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%R,bfield_2d%PHI,bfield_2d%Z, & ! dbdR_2d%R,dbdR_2d%PHI,dBdR_2d%Z, & ! dbdPHI_2d%R,dbdPHI_2d%PHI,dbdPHI_2d%Z, & ! dbdZ_2d%R,dbdZ_2d%PHI,dbdZ_2d%Z, & ! efield_2d%R,efield_2d%PHI,efield_2d%Z,8,Y_R,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & ! dBRdR,dBPHIdR,dBZdR,dBRdPHI,dBPHIdPHI,dBZdPHI,dBRdZ,dBPHIdZ,dBZdZ, & ! E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,ezerr) ! call EZspline_error(ezerr) !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned(PSIp,A,B_R,Y_R,B_PHI,B_Z,Bmag,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & ! !$OMP& curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z) do cc=1_idef,pchunk B_R(cc)=BR(cc,1) B_PHI(cc)=BPHI(cc,1) B_Z(cc)=BZ(cc,1) dBRdR(cc)=BR(cc,2) dBRdPHI(cc)=BR(cc,3) dBRdZ(cc)=BR(cc,4) dBPHIdR(cc)=BPHI(cc,2) dBPHIdPHI(cc)=BPHI(cc,3) dBPHIdZ(cc)=BPHI(cc,4) dBZdR(cc)=BZ(cc,2) dBZdPHI(cc)=BZ(cc,3) dBZdZ(cc)=BZ(cc,4) Bmag(cc)=sqrt(B_R(cc)*B_R(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*B_PHI(cc)+B_Z(cc)*B_Z(cc)) gradB_R(cc)=(B_R(cc)*dBRdR(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*dBPHIdR(cc)+ & B_Z(cc)*dBZdR(cc))/Bmag(cc) gradB_PHI(cc)=(B_R(cc)*dBRdPHI(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*dBPHIdPHI(cc)+ & B_Z(cc)*dBZdPHI(cc))/(Y_R(cc)*Bmag(cc)) gradB_Z(cc)=(B_R(cc)*dBRdZ(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*dBPHIdZ(cc)+ & B_Z(cc)*dBZdZ(cc))/Bmag(cc) curlb_R(cc)=(Bmag(cc)*dBZdPHI(cc)/Y_R(cc)-B_Z(cc)*gradB_PHI(cc)- & Bmag(cc)*dBPHIdZ(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*gradB_Z(cc))/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_PHI(cc)=(Bmag(cc)*dBRdZ(cc)-B_R(cc)*gradB_Z(cc)- & Bmag(cc)*dBZdR(cc)+B_Z(cc)*gradB_R(cc))/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_Z(cc)=(Bmag(cc)*B_PHI(cc)/Y_R(cc)+Bmag(cc)*dBPHIdR(cc)- & B_PHI(cc)*gradB_R(cc)-Bmag(cc)*dBRdPHI(cc)/Y_R(cc)+ & B_R(cc)*gradB_PHI(cc))/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) end do !$OMP END SIMD ! write(output_unit_write,'("PSIp: ",E17.10)') PSIp ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_R: ",E17.10)') Y_R ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_Z: ",E17.10)') Y_Z ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_R: ",E17.10)') B_R ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_PHIinterp: ",E17.10)') B_PHI ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Z: ",E17.10)') B_Z end subroutine calculate_3DBdBfields1_p subroutine calculate_GCfieldswE_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z, & curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z,flag_cache,PSIp) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: E_R,E_PHI,E_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: Bmag,EPHI INTEGER :: cc REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: PSIp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk,6) :: A INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache REAL(rp) :: psip_conv psip_conv=F%psip_conv call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_derivative(bfield_2d%A, efield_2d%PHI, pchunk, Y_R, Y_Z, A, & EPHI, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !A(:,1) = PSIp !A(:,2) = dPSIp/dR !A(:,3) = dPSIp/dZ !A(:,4) = d^2PSIp/dR^2 !A(:,5) = d^2PSIp/dZ^2 !A(:,6) = d^2PSIp/dRdZ !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned(PSIp,A,B_R,Y_R,B_PHI,B_Z,Bmag,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & ! !$OMP& curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z) do cc=1_idef,pchunk PSIp(cc)=A(cc,1) B_R(cc) = psip_conv*A(cc,3)/Y_R(cc) ! BR = (dA/dZ)/R B_PHI(cc) = -F%Bo*F%Ro/Y_R(cc) ! BPHI = Fo*Ro/R B_Z(cc) = -psip_conv*A(cc,2)/Y_R(cc) ! BR = -(dA/dR)/R Bmag(cc)=sqrt(B_R(cc)*B_R(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*B_PHI(cc)+B_Z(cc)*B_Z(cc)) gradB_R(cc)=(B_R(cc)*psip_conv*A(cc,6)-B_Z(cc)*psip_conv*A(cc,4)- & Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc))/(Y_R(cc)*Bmag(cc)) gradB_PHI(cc)=0._rp gradB_Z(cc)=(B_R(cc)*psip_conv*A(cc,5)-B_Z(cc)*psip_conv*A(cc,6))/ & (Y_R(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_R(cc)=B_PHI(cc)*gradB_Z(cc)/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_PHI(cc)=(Bmag(cc)/Y_R(cc)*(B_Z(cc)+psip_conv*A(cc,4)+ & psip_conv*A(cc,5))-B_R(cc)*gradB_Z(cc)+B_Z(cc)*gradB_R(cc))/ & (Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_Z(cc)=-B_PHI(cc)*gradB_R(cc)/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) if (F%E_2x1t) then E_R(cc) = 0._rp E_PHI(cc) = EPHI(cc) E_Z(cc) = 0._rp else E_R(cc) = 0._rp E_PHI(cc) = 0._rp E_Z(cc) = 0._rp end if end do end subroutine calculate_GCfieldswE_p subroutine calculate_GCfields_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z, & curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z,flag_cache,PSIp) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: E_R,E_PHI,E_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: Bmag INTEGER :: cc REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: PSIp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk,6) :: A INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache REAL(rp) :: psip_conv psip_conv=F%psip_conv call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_derivative(bfield_2d%A, pchunk, Y_R, Y_Z, A, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !A(:,1) = PSIp !A(:,2) = dPSIp/dR !A(:,3) = dPSIp/dZ !A(:,4) = d^2PSIp/dR^2 !A(:,5) = d^2PSIp/dZ^2 !A(:,6) = d^2PSIp/dRdZ !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned(PSIp,A,B_R,Y_R,B_PHI,B_Z,Bmag,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & ! !$OMP& curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z) do cc=1_idef,pchunk PSIp(cc)=A(cc,1) B_R(cc) = psip_conv*A(cc,3)/Y_R(cc) ! BR = (dA/dZ)/R B_PHI(cc) = -F%Bo*F%Ro/Y_R(cc) ! BPHI = Fo*Ro/R B_Z(cc) = -psip_conv*A(cc,2)/Y_R(cc) ! BR = -(dA/dR)/R Bmag(cc)=sqrt(B_R(cc)*B_R(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*B_PHI(cc)+B_Z(cc)*B_Z(cc)) gradB_R(cc)=(B_R(cc)*psip_conv*A(cc,6)-B_Z(cc)*psip_conv*A(cc,4)- & Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc))/(Y_R(cc)*Bmag(cc)) gradB_PHI(cc)=0._rp gradB_Z(cc)=(B_R(cc)*psip_conv*A(cc,5)-B_Z(cc)*psip_conv*A(cc,6))/ & (Y_R(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_R(cc)=B_PHI(cc)*gradB_Z(cc)/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_PHI(cc)=(Bmag(cc)/Y_R(cc)*(B_Z(cc)+psip_conv*A(cc,4)+ & psip_conv*A(cc,5))-B_R(cc)*gradB_Z(cc)+B_Z(cc)*gradB_R(cc))/ & (Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_Z(cc)=-B_PHI(cc)*gradB_R(cc)/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) E_R(cc) = 0._rp E_PHI(cc) = F%Eo*F%Ro/Y_R(cc) E_Z(cc) = 0._rp end do end subroutine calculate_GCfields_p subroutine calculate_GCfields_2x1t_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & flag_cache,PSIp,time) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: E_R,E_PHI,E_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: Bmag INTEGER :: cc REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: PSIp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk,7) :: A INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: time REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: Y_T REAL(rp) :: psip_conv psip_conv=F%psip_conv !$OMP SIMD do cc=1_idef,pchunk Y_T(cc)=F%t0_2x1t+time end do !$OMP END SIMD !write(output_unit_write,*) 't0',F%t0_2x1t,'time',time,'Y_T',Y_T(1) call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_T,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_derivative(bfield_2X1T%A, pchunk, Y_R, Y_T, Y_Z, A, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !A(:,1) = PSIp !A(:,2) = dPSIp/dR !A(:,3) = dPSIp/dT !A(:,4) = dPSIp/dZ !A(:,5) = d^2PSIp/dR^2 !A(:,6) = d^2PSIp/dZ^2 !A(:,7) = d^2PSIp/dRdZ !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned(PSIp,A,B_R,Y_R,B_PHI,B_Z,Bmag,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & ! !$OMP& curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z) do cc=1_idef,pchunk PSIp(cc)=A(cc,1) B_R(cc) = psip_conv*A(cc,4)/Y_R(cc) ! BR = (dA/dZ)/R B_PHI(cc) = -F%Bo*F%Ro/Y_R(cc) ! BPHI = Fo*Ro/R B_Z(cc) = -psip_conv*A(cc,2)/Y_R(cc) ! BR = -(dA/dR)/R Bmag(cc)=sqrt(B_R(cc)*B_R(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*B_PHI(cc)+B_Z(cc)*B_Z(cc)) gradB_R(cc)=(B_R(cc)*psip_conv*A(cc,7)-B_Z(cc)*psip_conv*A(cc,5)- & Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc))/(Y_R(cc)*Bmag(cc)) gradB_PHI(cc)=0._rp gradB_Z(cc)=(B_R(cc)*psip_conv*A(cc,6)-B_Z(cc)*psip_conv*A(cc,7))/ & (Y_R(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_R(cc)=B_PHI(cc)*gradB_Z(cc)/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_PHI(cc)=(Bmag(cc)/Y_R(cc)*(B_Z(cc)+psip_conv*A(cc,5)+ & psip_conv*A(cc,6))-B_R(cc)*gradB_Z(cc)+B_Z(cc)*gradB_R(cc))/ & (Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_Z(cc)=-B_PHI(cc)*gradB_R(cc)/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) if (F%E_2x1t) then E_R(cc) = 0._rp E_PHI(cc) = A(cc,3)/(2._rp*C_PI*Y_R(cc)) E_Z(cc) = 0._rp else E_R(cc) = 0._rp E_PHI(cc) = 0._rp E_Z(cc) = 0._rp end if end do !$OMP END SIMD end subroutine calculate_GCfields_2x1t_p subroutine calculate_GCfields_p_FS(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,B_R,B_PHI,B_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & flag_cache,PSIp) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: E_R,E_PHI,E_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk) :: Bmag INTEGER :: cc REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: PSIp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(pchunk,6) :: A INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache REAL(rp) :: psip_conv psip_conv=F%psip_conv call check_if_in_fields_domain_p(pchunk,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) call EZspline_derivative(bfield_2d%A, pchunk, Y_R, Y_Z, A, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write (output_unit_write,*) A(1,1),A(1,2) !A(:,1) = PSIp !A(:,2) = dPSIp/dR !A(:,3) = dPSIp/dZ !A(:,4) = d^2PSIp/dR^2 !A(:,5) = d^2PSIp/dZ^2 !A(:,6) = d^2PSIp/dRdZ !$OMP SIMD ! !$OMP& aligned(PSIp,A,B_R,Y_R,B_PHI,B_Z,Bmag,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & ! !$OMP& curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,E_R,E_PHI,E_Z) do cc=1_idef,pchunk PSIp(cc)=A(cc,1) A(cc,2)=psip_conv*A(cc,2)/(2*C_PI) A(cc,3)=psip_conv*A(cc,3)/(2*C_PI) A(cc,4)=psip_conv*A(cc,4)/(2*C_PI) A(cc,5)=psip_conv*A(cc,5)/(2*C_PI) A(cc,6)=psip_conv*A(cc,6)/(2*C_PI) B_R(cc) = A(cc,3)/Y_R(cc) ! BR = (dA/dZ)/R B_PHI(cc) = -F%Bo*F%Ro/Y_R(cc) ! BPHI = Fo*Ro/R B_Z(cc) = -A(cc,2)/Y_R(cc) ! BR = -(dA/dR)/R Bmag(cc)=sqrt(B_R(cc)*B_R(cc)+B_PHI(cc)*B_PHI(cc)+B_Z(cc)*B_Z(cc)) gradB_R(cc)=(B_R(cc)*A(cc,6)-B_Z(cc)*A(cc,4)-Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc))/ & (Y_R(cc)*Bmag(cc)) gradB_PHI(cc)=0._rp gradB_Z(cc)=(B_R(cc)*A(cc,5)-B_Z(cc)*A(cc,6))/ & (Y_R(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_R(cc)=B_PHI(cc)*gradB_Z(cc)/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_PHI(cc)=(Bmag(cc)/Y_R(cc)*(B_Z(cc)+A(cc,4)+A(cc,5))- & B_R(cc)*gradB_Z(cc)+B_Z(cc)*gradB_R(cc))/ & (Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) curlb_Z(cc)=-B_PHI(cc)*gradB_R(cc)/(Bmag(cc)*Bmag(cc)) E_R(cc) = 0._rp E_PHI(cc) = F%Eo*F%Ro/Y_R(cc) E_Z(cc) = 0._rp end do end subroutine calculate_GCfields_p_FS subroutine add_interp_SCE_p(params,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,E_PHI) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: E_PHI REAL(rp),DIMENSION(params%pchunk) :: rm,E_SC_PHI REAL(rp) :: R0,Z0 INTEGER :: cc,pchunk pchunk=params%pchunk R0=F%Ro Z0=F%Zo !$OMP SIMD do cc=1_idef,pchunk rm(cc)=sqrt((Y_R(cc)-R0)*(Y_R(cc)-R0)+(Y_Z(cc)-Z0)*(Y_Z(cc)-Z0)) end do !$OMP END SIMD call EZspline_interp(efield_SC1d%PHI,pchunk, rm, E_SC_PHI, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !$OMP SIMD do cc=1_idef,pchunk E_PHI(cc)=E_PHI(cc)+E_SC_PHI(cc) end do !$OMP END SIMD end subroutine add_interp_SCE_p subroutine add_interp_SCE_p_FS(params,F,PSIp,E_PHI) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: PSIp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: E_PHI REAL(rp),DIMENSION(params%pchunk) :: E_SC_PHI INTEGER :: cc,pchunk pchunk=params%pchunk call EZspline_interp(efield_SC1d%PHI,pchunk, PSIp, E_SC_PHI, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !$OMP SIMD do cc=1_idef,pchunk E_PHI(cc)=E_PHI(cc)+E_SC_PHI(cc) end do !$OMP END SIMD end subroutine add_interp_SCE_p_FS subroutine calculate_initial_magnetic_field(F) TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(INOUT) :: F REAL(rp),dimension(F%dims(1),F%dims(3),2) :: gradA INTEGER :: ii INTEGER :: jj REAL(rp) :: psip_conv psip_conv=F%psip_conv call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%A,F%dims(1),F%dims(3),F%X%R, F%X%Z, & F%PSIp, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! FR = (dA/dZ)/R call EZspline_gradient(bfield_2d%A,F%dims(1),F%dims(3),F%X%R, F%X%Z, & gradA, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) do ii=1,F%dims(1) F%B_2D%R(ii,:) = psip_conv*gradA(ii,:,2)/F%X%R(ii) F%B_2D%PHI(ii,:) = -F%Bo*F%Ro/F%X%R(ii) F%B_2D%Z(ii,:) = -psip_conv*gradA(ii,:,1)/F%X%R(ii) end do ! write(output_unit_write,'("AR",E17.10)') gradA(1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("AZ",E17.10)') gradA(2) end subroutine calculate_initial_magnetic_field subroutine sample_poloidal_flux(F) TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(INOUT) :: F ! FR = (dA/dZ)/R call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%A,F%dims(1),F%dims(3),F%X%R, F%X%Z, & F%PSIp, ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! write(output_unit_write,'("AR",E17.10)') gradA(1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("AZ",E17.10)') gradA(2) end subroutine sample_poloidal_flux !> @brief Subroutine for interpolating the pre-computed, axisymmetric electric field to the particles' position. !! !! @param[in] Y Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, Y(1,:) = \(R\), Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). !! @param[in,out] E Cartesian components of interpolated electric field components. E(1,:)=\(E_x\), E(2,:)=\(E_y\), and E(3,:)=\(E_z\). !! @param F Cylindrical components of interpolated magnetic field components. F(1,:)=\(E_R\), F(2,:)=\(E_\phi\), and F(3,:)=\(E_Z\). !! @param flag Flag that indicates whether particles are followed in the simulation (flag=1), or not (flag=0). !! @param pp Particle iterator. !! @param ss Species iterator. subroutine interp_2D_efields(params,Y,E,flag) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: E REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: F INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: flag INTEGER :: pp INTEGER :: ss ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'interp E fields' if (size(Y,1).eq.1) then ss = size(Y,1) else if (Y(2,1).eq.0) then ss=1_idef else ss = size(Y,1) end if endif ALLOCATE(F(ss,3)) !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,ezerr) & !$OMP& SHARED(F,Y,E,flag,efield_2d) do pp=1_idef,ss if ( flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is ) then call EZspline_interp(efield_2d%R, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(pp,1), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (ezerr .NE. 0) then ! We flag the particle as lost flag(pp) = 0_is end if call EZspline_interp(efield_2d%PHI, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(pp,2), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) call EZspline_interp(efield_2d%Z, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), F(pp,3), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (.not.params%GC_coords) then E(pp,1) = F(pp,1)*COS(Y(pp,2)) - F(pp,2)*SIN(Y(pp,2)) E(pp,2) = F(pp,1)*SIN(Y(pp,2)) + F(pp,2)*COS(Y(pp,2)) E(pp,3) = F(pp,3) else E(pp,1) = F(pp,1) E(pp,2) = F(pp,2) E(pp,3) = F(pp,3) end if !write(output_unit_write,*) 'EPHI',E(pp,2) end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO DEALLOCATE(F) end subroutine interp_2D_efields !> @brief Subroutine for interpolating the pre-computed 3-D electric field to the particles' position. !! !! @param[in] Y Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, Y(1,:) = \(R\), Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). !! @param[in,out] E Cartesian components of interpolated electric field components. E(1,:)=\(E_x\), E(2,:)=\(E_y\), and E(3,:)=\(E_z\). !! @param F Cylindrical components of interpolated magnetic field components. F(1,:)=\(E_R\), F(2,:)=\(E_\phi\), and F(3,:)=\(E_Z\). !! @param flag Flag that indicates whether particles are followed in the simulation (flag=1), or not (flag=0). !! @param pp Particle iterator. !! @param ss Species iterator. subroutine interp_3D_efields(params,Y,E,flag) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: E REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: F INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: flag INTEGER :: pp INTEGER :: ss ss = size(Y,1) ALLOCATE(F(ss,3)) !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,ezerr) & !$OMP& SHARED(F,Y,E,flag,efield_3d) do pp=1_idef,ss if ( flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is ) then call EZspline_interp(efield_3d%R, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,2), Y(pp,3), & F(pp,1), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (ezerr .NE. 0) then ! We flag the particle as lost flag(pp) = 0_is end if call EZspline_interp(efield_3d%PHI, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,2), Y(pp,3), & F(pp,2), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) call EZspline_interp(efield_3d%Z, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,2), Y(pp,3), & F(pp,3), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (.not.params%GC_coords) then E(pp,1) = F(pp,1)*COS(Y(pp,2)) - F(pp,2)*SIN(Y(pp,2)) E(pp,2) = F(pp,1)*SIN(Y(pp,2)) + F(pp,2)*COS(Y(pp,2)) E(pp,3) = F(pp,3) else E(pp,1) = F(pp,1) E(pp,2) = F(pp,2) E(pp,3) = F(pp,3) end if end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO DEALLOCATE(F) end subroutine interp_3D_efields #endif subroutine interp_fields(params,prtcls,F) !! @note Subroutine that works as an interface for calling the !! appropriate subroutines for interpolating or calculating the !! electric and magnetic fields. @endnote TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(PARTICLES), INTENT(INOUT) :: prtcls !! An instance of PARTICLES containing the variables of a given species. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F !! An instance of KORC's derived type FIELDS containing all the !! information about the fields used in the simulation. !! See [[korc_types]] and [[korc_fields]]. integer :: pp if (.not.params%GC_coords) call cart_to_cyl(prtcls%X,prtcls%Y) ! write(output_unit_write,'("BR: ",E17.10)') prtcls%BR(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y: ",E17.10)') prtcls%X(2,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Z: ",E17.10)') prtcls%X(3,1) #ifdef PSPLINE call check_if_in_fields_domain(F,prtcls%Y, prtcls%flagCon) call check_if_in_LCFS(F,prtcls%Y, prtcls%initLCFS) #endif !write(output_unit_write,*) 'checked domain' #ifdef FIO if (TRIM(params%field_model) .eq. 'M3D_C1'.or. & TRIM(params%field_model) .eq. 'NIMROD') then if (F%FIO_B .ge. 0) then !write(6,*) 'interp_fields' call get_fio_magnetic_fields(prtcls, F, params) end if if (F%FIO_E .ge. 0) then call get_fio_electric_fields(prtcls, F, params) end if if (F%FIO_A .ge. 0) then call get_fio_vector_potential(prtcls, F, params) end if do pp=1,sizeof(prtcls%flagCon) if (prtcls%flagCon(pp)==0.and. & (.not.(params%restart.OR.params%proceed))) then write(6,*) 'RE initialized outside of computational domain!!!' call KORC_ABORT(15) end if end do end if #endif #ifdef PSPLINE if (params%field_model(10:13).eq.'MARS') then call interp_FOfields_mars(prtcls, F, params) end if if (params%field_model(10:14).eq.'AORSA') then call interp_FOfields_aorsa(prtcls, F, params) end if if ((ALLOCATED(F%PSIp).and.F%Bflux).or. & (F%ReInterp_2x1t.and.(.not.((TRIM(params%field_model).eq.'M3D_C1').or. & (params%field_model(10:13).eq.'MARS').or. & (TRIM(params%field_model).eq.'NIMROD'))))) then ! write(output_unit_write,'("3 size of PSI_P: ",I16)') size(prtcls%PSI_P) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_X: ",E17.10)') prtcls%B(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Z: ",E17.10)') prtcls%B(:,3) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Y: ",E17.10)') prtcls%B(:,2) ! write(output_unit_write,'("PSI_P: ",E17.10)') prtcls%PSI_P call calculate_magnetic_field(params,prtcls%Y,F,prtcls%B,prtcls%E, & prtcls%PSI_P,prtcls%flagCon) !write(output_unit_write,*) 'interp PSIp' ! write(output_unit_write,'("interp_fields")') ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_X: ",E17.10)') prtcls%B(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Z: ",E17.10)') prtcls%B(:,3) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Y: ",E17.10)') prtcls%B(:,2) end if if (ALLOCATED(F%PSIp3D).and.F%Bflux3D) then ! write(output_unit_write,'("3 size of PSI_P: ",I16)') size(prtcls%PSI_P) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_X: ",E17.10)') prtcls%B(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Z: ",E17.10)') prtcls%B(:,3) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Y: ",E17.10)') prtcls%B(:,2) ! write(output_unit_write,'("PSI_P: ",E17.10)') prtcls%PSI_P call calculate_magnetic_field(params,prtcls%Y,F,prtcls%B,prtcls%E, & prtcls%PSI_P,prtcls%flagCon) ! write(output_unit_write,'("interp_fields")') ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_X: ",E17.10)') prtcls%B(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Z: ",E17.10)') prtcls%B(:,3) ! write(output_unit_write,'("B_Y: ",E17.10)') prtcls%B(:,2) end if if (ALLOCATED(F%B_2D%R).and.F%Bfield) then call interp_2D_bfields(params,prtcls%Y,prtcls%B,prtcls%flagCon) end if if (ALLOCATED(F%B_3D%R).and.F%Bfield) then call interp_3D_bfields(params,prtcls%Y,prtcls%B,prtcls%flagCon) end if ! if (ALLOCATED(F%E_2D%R).and.F%Efield) then ! call interp_2D_efields(params,prtcls%Y,prtcls%E,prtcls%flagCon) ! end if if (ALLOCATED(F%E_3D%R).and.F%Efield.and.(.not.F%ReInterp_2x1t)) then call interp_3D_efields(params,prtcls%Y,prtcls%E,prtcls%flagCon) end if if (ALLOCATED(F%E_3D%R).and.F%Efield.and.F%ReInterp_2x1t) then call interp_2D_efields(params,prtcls%Y,prtcls%E,prtcls%flagCon) ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'interpolated efield' end if if (params%GC_coords.and.ALLOCATED(F%gradB_2D%R).and.F%Bfield) then call interp_2D_gradBfields(prtcls%Y,prtcls%gradB,prtcls%flagCon) end if if (params%GC_coords.and.ALLOCATED(F%gradB_2D%R).and.F%Bfield) then call interp_2D_curlbfields(prtcls%Y,prtcls%curlb,prtcls%flagCon) end if if(params%GC_coords.and.params%orbit_model(3:6)=='grad') then call gradient_2D_bfields(prtcls%Y,prtcls%BR,prtcls%BPHI, & prtcls%BZ,prtcls%flagCon) end if #endif end subroutine interp_fields #ifdef PSPLINE subroutine interp_Hcollision_p(pchunk,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,ne,Te,Zeff, & nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1,flag_cache) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pchunk REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: ne,Te,Zeff REAL(rp),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(OUT) :: nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1 INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(pchunk),INTENT(INOUT) :: flag_cache call check_if_in_profiles_domain_p(pchunk,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,flag_cache) ! write(output_unit_write,'("YR: ",E17.10)') Y_R(1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("YPHI: ",E17.10)') Y_PHI(1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("YZ: ",E17.10)') Y_Z(1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Te_interp_R",E17.10)') profiles_2d%Te%x1 ! write(output_unit_write,'("Te_interp_Z",E17.10)') profiles_2d%Te%x2 call EZspline_interp(profiles_2d%ne,profiles_2d%Te,profiles_2d%Zeff, & profiles_2d%nAr0,profiles_2d%nAr1,profiles_2d%nAr2,profiles_2d%nAr3, & profiles_2d%nD,profiles_2d%nD1,pchunk,Y_R,Y_Z,ne,Te,Zeff, & nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1,ezerr) ! this will call PSPLINE routine EZspline_interp2_bmag_cloud as there ! is the same number of entries call EZspline_error(ezerr) end subroutine interp_Hcollision_p subroutine interp_nRE(params,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,PSIp,EPHI,ne,Te,nRE, & nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1,g_test,fRE_out,rho1D) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp),INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z,g_test REAL(rp),INTENT(OUT) :: PSIp,EPHI,ne,Te,nRE,fRE_out REAL(rp),INTENT(OUT) :: nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1 REAL(rp) :: RHON INTEGER(is),DIMENSION(1) :: flag_cache REAL(rp), INTENT(IN),optional :: rho1D flag_cache=1_is call check_if_in_profiles_domain_p(1,(/Y_R/),(/Y_PHI/),(/Y_Z/), & flag_cache) if (flag_cache(1).ne.0_is) then call EZspline_interp(bfield_2d%A,efield_2d%PHI, & profiles_2d%ne,profiles_2d%Te, & profiles_2d%nRE,profiles_2d%nAr0,profiles_2d%nAr1, & profiles_2d%nAr2,profiles_2d%nAr3,profiles_2d%nD,profiles_2d%nD1, & profiles_2d%RHON,Y_R,Y_Z, & PSIp,EPHI,ne,Te,nRE,nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1,RHON,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) !write(6,*) 'RHON',RHON if ((RHON.le.1).and.( then if(present(rho1D)) RHON=rho1D call EZspline_interp(hollmann_2d%fRE_E,RHON,g_test,fRE_out,ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (ezerr .NE. 0) then ! We flag the particle as lost write(6,*) 'R,Z',Y_R*params%cpp%length,Y_Z*params%cpp%length write(6,*) 'RHON',RHON end if else fRE_out=0._rp endif if ( fRE_OUT=0._rp else fRE_OUT=0._rp nRE=0._rp endif end subroutine interp_nRE subroutine interp_2D_profiles(Y,ne,Te,Zeff,flag) !! @note Subroutine for interpolating the pre-computed, axisymmetric !! plasma profiles to the particles' position. @endnote REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y !! Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, !! Y(1,:) = \(R\), Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: ne !! Interpolated background electron density !!\(n_e(R,Z)\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: Te !! Interpolated background electron temperature \(T_e(R,Z)\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: Zeff !! Interpolated effective charge number \(Z_{eff}(R,Z)\). INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: flag !! Flag that indicates whether particles are followed in the !! simulation (flag=1), or not (flag=0). INTEGER :: pp !! Particle iterator. INTEGER :: ss !! Species iterator. if (size(Y,1).eq.1) then ss = size(Y,1) else if (Y(2,1).eq.0) then ss=1_idef else ss = size(Y,1) end if endif ! write(output_unit_write,'("Also R_buffer: ",E17.10)') Y(1,ss) !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,ezerr) & !$OMP& SHARED(Y,ne,Te,Zeff,flag,profiles_2d) do pp=1_idef,ss if ( flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is ) then call EZspline_interp(profiles_2d%ne, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), ne(pp), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Also R_buffer: ",E17.10)') Y(pp,1) if (ezerr .NE. 0) then ! We flag the particle as lost flag(pp) = 0_is end if call EZspline_interp(profiles_2d%Te, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), Te(pp), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) call EZspline_interp(profiles_2d%Zeff, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,3), Zeff(pp), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end subroutine interp_2D_profiles subroutine interp_3D_profiles(Y,ne,Te,Zeff,flag) !! @note Subroutine for interpolating the pre-computed, !! 3-D plasma profiles to the particles' position. @endnote REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: Y !! Particles' position in cylindrical coordinates, !! Y(1,:) = \(R\), Y(2,:) = \(\phi\), and Y(3,:) = \(Z\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: ne !! Interpolated background electron density \(n_e(R,\phi,Z)\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: Te !! Interpolated background electron temperature \(T_e(R,\phi,Z)\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: Zeff !! Interpolated effective charge number \(Z_{eff}(R,\phi,Z)\). INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: flag !! Flag that indicates whether particles are followed in !! the simulation (flag=1), or not (flag=0). INTEGER :: pp !! Particle iterator. INTEGER :: ss !! Species iterator. ss = size(Y,1) !$OMP PARALLEL DO FIRSTPRIVATE(ss) PRIVATE(pp,ezerr) & !$OMP& SHARED(Y,ne,Te,Zeff,flag,profiles_2d) do pp=1_idef,ss if ( flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is ) then call EZspline_interp(profiles_3d%ne, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,2), Y(pp,3), & ne(pp), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) if (ezerr .NE. 0) then ! We flag the particle as lost flag(pp) = 0_is end if call EZspline_interp(profiles_3d%Te, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,2), Y(pp,3), & Te(pp), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) call EZspline_interp(profiles_3d%Zeff, Y(pp,1), Y(pp,2), Y(pp,3), & Zeff(pp), ezerr) call EZspline_error(ezerr) end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end subroutine interp_3D_profiles #endif subroutine interp_profiles(params,prtcls,P) !! @note Subroutine that calls the appropriate subroutines for !! interpolating the 2-D or 3-D plasma profiles to the particles' !! position. @endnote TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(PARTICLES), INTENT(INOUT) :: prtcls !! An instance of PARTICLES containing the variables of a !! given species. Call to this subroutine generally passes spp%vars. TYPE(PROFILES), INTENT(IN) :: P !! An instance of KORC's derived type PROFILES containing all the !! information about the plasma profiles used in the simulation. !! See[[ korc_types]] and [[korc_profiles]]. if (.not.params%GC_coords) call cart_to_cyl(prtcls%X,prtcls%X) !write(output_unit_write,'("Also R_buffer: ",E17.10)') prtcls%Y(1,1) #ifdef PSPLINE call check_if_in_profiles_domain(prtcls%Y, prtcls%flagCon) #endif if (ALLOCATED(P%ne_2D)) then #ifdef PSPLINE ! write(output_unit_write,'("Also R_buffer: ",E17.10)') prtcls%X(1,1) call interp_2D_profiles(prtcls%Y,prtcls%ne,prtcls%Te,prtcls%Zeff, & prtcls%flagCon) else if (ALLOCATED(P%ne_3D)) then call interp_3D_profiles(prtcls%Y,prtcls%ne,prtcls%Te,prtcls%Zeff, & prtcls%flagCon) #endif #ifdef FIO else if (P%FIO_ne .ge. 0 .or. & P%FIO_te .ge. 0 .or. & P%FIO_zeff .ge. 0) then call get_fio_profile(prtcls, P, params) #endif else write(output_unit_write,'("Error: NO PROFILES ALLOCATED")') call KORC_ABORT(16) end if end subroutine interp_profiles #ifdef PSPLINE !> @brief Subroutine that frees memory allocated for PSPLINE interpolants. !! !! @param[in] params Core KORC simulation parameters. subroutine finalize_interpolants(params) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params if ((params%field_model(1:8) .EQ. 'EXTERNAL').or. & (params%field_eval.eq.'interp')) then if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * FINALIZING FIELD INTERPOLANT * * * *")') end if if (EZspline_allocated(bfield_3d%R)) call Ezspline_free(bfield_3d%R, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(bfield_3d%PHI)) & call Ezspline_free(bfield_3d%PHI,ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(bfield_3d%Z)) call Ezspline_free(bfield_3d%Z, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(bfield_2d%A)) call Ezspline_free(bfield_2d%A, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(bfield_2d%R)) call Ezspline_free(bfield_2d%R, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(bfield_2d%PHI)) & call Ezspline_free(bfield_2d%PHI,ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(bfield_2d%Z)) call Ezspline_free(bfield_2d%Z, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(gradB_2d%R)) call Ezspline_free(gradB_2d%R, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(gradB_2d%PHI)) & call Ezspline_free(gradB_2d%PHI, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(gradB_2d%Z)) call Ezspline_free(gradB_2d%Z, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(curlb_2d%R)) call Ezspline_free(curlb_2d%R, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(curlb_2d%PHI)) & call Ezspline_free(curlb_2d%PHI, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(gradB_3d%R)) call Ezspline_free(gradB_3d%R, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(gradB_3d%PHI)) & call Ezspline_free(gradB_3d%PHI, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(gradB_3d%Z)) call Ezspline_free(gradB_3d%Z, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(curlb_3d%R)) call Ezspline_free(curlb_3d%R, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(curlb_3d%PHI)) & call Ezspline_free(curlb_3d%PHI, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(curlb_3d%Z)) call Ezspline_free(curlb_3d%Z, ezerr) if (ALLOCATED(profiles_domain%FLAG2D)) DEALLOCATE(profiles_domain%FLAG2D) if (ALLOCATED(profiles_domain%FLAG3D)) DEALLOCATE(profiles_domain%FLAG3D) if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * FIELD INTERPOLANT FINALIZED * * * *")') end if end if if (params%profile_model(1:8) .EQ. 'EXTERNAL') then if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * FINALIZING PROFILE INTERPOLANT * * * *")') end if if (EZspline_allocated(profiles_3d%ne)) & call Ezspline_free(profiles_3d%ne,ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(profiles_3d%Te)) & call Ezspline_free(profiles_3d%Te,ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(profiles_3d%Zeff)) call Ezspline_free( & profiles_3d%Zeff, ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(profiles_2d%ne)) & call Ezspline_free(profiles_2d%ne,ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(profiles_2d%Te)) & call Ezspline_free(profiles_2d%Te,ezerr) if (EZspline_allocated(profiles_2d%Zeff)) call Ezspline_free( & profiles_2d%Zeff, ezerr) if (ALLOCATED(profiles_domain%FLAG2D)) DEALLOCATE(profiles_domain%FLAG2D) if (ALLOCATED(profiles_domain%FLAG3D)) DEALLOCATE(profiles_domain%FLAG3D) if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * PROFILE INTERPOLANT FINALIZED * * * *")') end if end if end subroutine finalize_interpolants #endif #ifdef FIO !! @note FIXME Add documentation subroutine get_fio_magnetic_fields(prtcls, F, params) USE omp_lib IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(PARTICLES), INTENT(INOUT) :: prtcls TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params INTEGER (C_INT) :: status INTEGER :: pp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: x REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: Btmp TYPE(C_PTR), DIMENSION(size(prtcls%hint)) :: hint INTEGER :: thread_num ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'in m3dc1 B' if (prtcls%cart) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(pp,status,x) do pp = 1, SIZE(prtcls%hint) if (prtcls%flagCon(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x = prtcls%X(pp,:)*params%cpp%length status = fio_eval_field(F%FIO_B, x(1), & prtcls%B(pp,1), & prtcls%hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then prtcls%B(pp,:) = 0 prtcls%flagCon(pp) = 0_is else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then prtcls%flagCon(pp) = 0_is end if end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO else ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'in cart false' !hint=prtcls%hint !write(output_unit_write,*) 'hint: ',hint Btmp=0._rp !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(none) & !$OMP& SHARED(prtcls,params,F) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(pp,status,x,thread_num) & !$OMP& FIRSTPRIVATE(Btmp) do pp = 1, SIZE(prtcls%hint) thread_num = OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM() if (prtcls%flagCon(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x(1) = prtcls%Y(pp,1)*params%cpp%length x(2) = prtcls%Y(pp,2) x(3) = prtcls%Y(pp,3)*params%cpp%length !prtcls%hint(pp)=c_null_ptr !write(6,*) 'thread',thread_num,'X',x ! prtcls%hint(pp)=c_null_ptr !write(output_unit_write,*) 'thread',thread_num,'before interpolating B' status = fio_eval_field(F%FIO_B, x(1), & Btmp(1),prtcls%hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then prtcls%B(pp,:) = 0 prtcls%flagCon(pp) = 0_is else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then prtcls%flagCon(pp) = 0_is end if if (.not.params%GC_coords) then prtcls%B(pp,1)=(Btmp(1)*cos(x(2))-Btmp(2)*sin(x(2)))/ & params%cpp%Bo prtcls%B(pp,2)=(Btmp(1)*sin(x(2))+Btmp(2)*cos(x(2)))/ & params%cpp%Bo prtcls%B(pp,3)=Btmp(3)/params%cpp%Bo else prtcls%B(pp,1)=Btmp(1)/params%cpp%Bo prtcls%B(pp,2)=Btmp(2)/params%cpp%Bo prtcls%B(pp,3)=Btmp(3)/params%cpp%Bo end if end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end if end subroutine get_fio_magnetic_fields subroutine get_fio_FOmagnetic_fields_p(params,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z, & B_X,B_Y,B_Z,flag,hint) TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: B_X,B_Y,B_Z INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: flag TYPE(C_PTR), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: hint INTEGER (C_INT) :: status INTEGER :: pp,pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: x REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: Btmp pchunk=params%pchunk do pp = 1,pchunk if (flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x(1) = Y_R(pp)*params%cpp%length x(2) = Y_PHI(pp) x(3) = Y_Z(pp)*params%cpp%length ! prtcls%hint(pp)=c_null_ptr status = fio_eval_field(F%FIO_B, x(1), & Btmp(1),hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then B_X(pp)=(Btmp(1)*cos(x(2))-Btmp(2)*sin(x(2)))/ & params%cpp%Bo B_Y(pp)=(Btmp(1)*sin(x(2))+Btmp(2)*cos(x(2)))/ & params%cpp%Bo B_Z(pp)=Btmp(3)/params%cpp%Bo else if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then flag(pp) = 0_is else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then flag(pp) = 0_is end if end if end do end subroutine get_fio_FOmagnetic_fields_p subroutine get_fio_GCmagnetic_fields_p(params,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z, & B_R,B_PHI,B_Z,gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z, & curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z,flag,hint) TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: B_R,B_PHI,B_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: gradB_R,gradB_PHI,gradB_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: curlb_R,curlb_PHI,curlb_Z INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: flag TYPE(C_PTR), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: hint INTEGER (C_INT) :: status INTEGER :: pp,pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: x REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: Btmp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(9) :: dBtmp REAL(rp) :: Bmag,dBRdR,dBPHIdR,dBZdR,dBRdPHI,dBPHIdPHI,dBZdPHI,dBRdZ,dBPHIdZ,dBZdZ pchunk=params%pchunk do pp = 1,pchunk if (flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x(1) = Y_R(pp)*params%cpp%length x(2) = Y_PHI(pp) x(3) = Y_Z(pp)*params%cpp%length ! prtcls%hint(pp)=c_null_ptr !if (pp.eq.1) write(output_unit_write,*) 'Yinterp',x status = fio_eval_field(F%FIO_B, x(1), & Btmp(1),hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then !if (pp.eq.1) write(output_unit_write,*) 'interp success!' B_R(pp)=Btmp(1)/params%cpp%Bo B_PHI(pp)=Btmp(2)/params%cpp%Bo B_Z(pp)=Btmp(3)/params%cpp%Bo Bmag=sqrt(B_R(pp)*B_R(pp)+B_PHI(pp)*B_PHI(pp)+B_Z(pp)*B_Z(pp)) status = fio_eval_field_deriv(F%FIO_B, x(1),dBtmp(1),hint(pp)) !dBRdR=dBtmp(FIO_DR_R)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) !dBPHIdR=dBtmp(FIO_DR_PHI)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) !dBZdR=dBtmp(FIO_DR_Z)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) !dBRdPHI=dBtmp(FIO_DPHI_R)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) !dBPHIdPHI=dBtmp(FIO_DPHI_PHI)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) !dBZdPHI=dBtmp(FIO_DPHI_Z)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) !dBRdZ=dBtmp(FIO_DZ_R)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) !dBPHIdZ=dBtmp(FIO_DZ_PHI)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) !dBZdZ=dBtmp(FIO_DZ_Z)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) dBRdR=dBtmp(1)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) dBPHIdR=dBtmp(2)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) dBZdR=dBtmp(3)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) dBRdPHI=dBtmp(4)/params%cpp%Bo dBPHIdPHI=dBtmp(5)/params%cpp%Bo dBZdPHI=dBtmp(6)/params%cpp%Bo dBRdZ=dBtmp(7)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) dBPHIdZ=dBtmp(8)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) dBZdZ=dBtmp(9)*(params%cpp%length/params%cpp%Bo) !write(6,*) 'dBRdR',dBRdR !write(6,*) 'dBPHIdR',dBPHIdR !write(6,*) 'dBZdR',dBZdR !write(6,*) 'dBRdPHI',dBRdPHI !write(6,*) 'dBPHIdPHI',dBPHIdPHI !write(6,*) 'dBZdPHI',dBZdPHI !write(6,*) 'dBRdZ',dBRdZ !write(6,*) 'dBPHIdZ',dBPHIdZ !write(6,*) 'dBZdZ',dBZdZ gradB_R(pp)=(B_R(pp)*dBRdR+B_PHI(pp)*dBPHIdR+B_Z(pp)*dBZdR)/ & Bmag gradB_PHI(pp)=(B_R(pp)*dBRdPHI+B_PHI(pp)*dBPHIdPHI+ & B_Z(pp)*dBZdPHI)/(Y_R(pp)*Bmag) gradB_Z(pp)=(B_R(pp)*dBRdZ+B_PHI(pp)*dBPHIdZ+B_Z(pp)*dBZdZ)/ & Bmag curlb_R(pp)=(Bmag/Y_R(pp)*dBZdPHI-B_Z(pp)*gradB_PHI(pp)- & Bmag*dBPHIdZ+B_PHI(pp)*gradB_Z(pp))/(Bmag*Bmag) curlb_PHI(pp)=(Bmag*dBRdZ-B_R(pp)*gradB_Z(pp)- & Bmag*dBZdR+B_Z(pp)*gradB_R(pp))/(Bmag*Bmag) curlb_Z(pp)=(Bmag/Y_R(pp)*B_PHI(pp)+Bmag*dBPHIdR- & B_PHI(pp)*gradB_R(pp)- & Bmag/Y_R(pp)*dBRdPHI+B_R(pp)*gradB_PHI(pp))/(Bmag*Bmag) else if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then flag(pp) = 0_is else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then flag(pp) = 0_is end if end if end do end subroutine get_fio_GCmagnetic_fields_p subroutine get_fio_vector_potential(prtcls, F, params) TYPE(PARTICLES), INTENT(INOUT) :: prtcls TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params INTEGER (C_INT) :: status INTEGER :: pp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: x REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: Atmp integer(ip) :: ss if (size(prtcls%Y,1).eq.1) then ss = size(prtcls%Y,1) else if (prtcls%Y(2,1).eq.0) then ss=1_idef else ss = size(prtcls%Y,1) end if endif Atmp=0._rp !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(pp,status,x) & !$OMP& FIRSTPRIVATE(Atmp) do pp = 1,ss if (prtcls%flagCon(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x(1) = prtcls%Y(pp,1)*params%cpp%length x(2) = prtcls%Y(pp,2) x(3) = prtcls%Y(pp,3)*params%cpp%length !prtcls%hint(pp)=c_null_ptr !write(output_unit_write,*) F%FIO_A,x,Atmp status = fio_eval_field(F%FIO_A, x(1), & Atmp(1),prtcls%hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then prtcls%PSI_P(pp)=-Atmp(2)*x(1) else if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then prtcls%PSI_P(pp) = 100._rp prtcls%flagCon(pp) = 0_is else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then prtcls%flagCon(pp) = 0_is prtcls%PSI_P(pp) = 100._rp end if end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end subroutine get_fio_vector_potential subroutine get_fio_vector_potential_p(params,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z, & PSIp,flag,hint) TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: PSIp INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: flag TYPE(C_PTR), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: hint INTEGER (C_INT) :: status INTEGER :: pp,pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: x REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: Atmp integer(ip) :: ss pchunk=params%pchunk do pp = 1,pchunk if (flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x(1) = Y_R(pp)*params%cpp%length x(2) = Y_PHI(pp) x(3) = Y_Z(pp)*params%cpp%length ! prtcls%hint(pp)=c_null_ptr status = fio_eval_field(F%FIO_A, x(1), & Atmp(1),hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then PSIp(pp)=-Atmp(2)*x(1) else if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then PSIp(pp) = 100._rp flag(pp) = 0_is else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then PSIp(pp) = 100._rp flag(pp) = 0_is end if end if end do end subroutine get_fio_vector_potential_p !! @note FIXME Add documentation subroutine get_fio_electric_fields(prtcls, F, params) TYPE(PARTICLES), INTENT(INOUT) :: prtcls TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params INTEGER (C_INT) :: status INTEGER :: pp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: x REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: Etmp if (prtcls%cart) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(pp,status,x) do pp = 1, SIZE(prtcls%hint) if (prtcls%flagCon(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x = prtcls%X(pp,:)*params%cpp%length status = fio_eval_field(F%FIO_E, x(1), & prtcls%E(pp,1), & prtcls%hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then prtcls%E(pp,:) = 0 else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then prtcls%flagCon(pp) = 0_is end if end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO else Etmp=0._rp !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(none) & !$OMP& SHARED(prtcls,params,F) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(pp,status,x) & !$OMP& FIRSTPRIVATE(Etmp) do pp = 1, SIZE(prtcls%hint) if (prtcls%flagCon(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x(1) = prtcls%Y(pp,1)*params%cpp%length x(2) = prtcls%Y(pp,2) x(3) = prtcls%Y(pp,3)*params%cpp%length status = fio_eval_field(F%FIO_E, x(1), & Etmp(1),prtcls%hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then prtcls%E(pp,:) = 0 prtcls%flagCon(pp) = 0_is else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then prtcls%flagCon(pp) = 0_is end if if (.not.params%GC_coords) then prtcls%E(pp,1)=(Etmp(1)*cos(x(2))-Etmp(2)*sin(x(2)))/ & params%cpp%Eo prtcls%E(pp,2)=(Etmp(1)*sin(x(2))+Etmp(2)*cos(x(2)))/ & params%cpp%Eo prtcls%E(pp,3)=Etmp(3)/params%cpp%Eo else prtcls%E(pp,1)=Etmp(1)/params%cpp%Eo prtcls%E(pp,2)=Etmp(2)/params%cpp%Eo prtcls%E(pp,3)=Etmp(3)/params%cpp%Eo end if end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end if end subroutine get_fio_electric_fields subroutine get_fio_FOelectric_fields_p(params,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z, & E_X,E_Y,E_Z,flag,hint) TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: E_X,E_Y,E_Z INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: flag TYPE(C_PTR), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: hint INTEGER (C_INT) :: status INTEGER :: pp,pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: x REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: Etmp pchunk=params%pchunk do pp = 1,pchunk if (flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x(1) = Y_R(pp)*params%cpp%length x(2) = Y_PHI(pp) x(3) = Y_Z(pp)*params%cpp%length ! prtcls%hint(pp)=c_null_ptr status = fio_eval_field(F%FIO_E, x(1), & Etmp(1),hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then E_X(pp)=(Etmp(1)*cos(x(2))-Etmp(2)*sin(x(2)))/ & params%cpp%Eo E_Y(pp)=(Etmp(1)*sin(x(2))+Etmp(2)*cos(x(2)))/ & params%cpp%Eo E_Z(pp)=Etmp(3)/params%cpp%Eo else if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then E_X(pp) = 0 E_Y(pp) = 0 E_Z(pp) = 0 flag(pp) = 0_is else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then flag(pp) = 0_is end if end if end do end subroutine get_fio_FOelectric_fields_p subroutine get_fio_GCelectric_fields_p(params,F,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z, & E_R,E_PHI,E_Z,flag,hint) TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(OUT) :: E_R,E_PHI,E_Z INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: flag TYPE(C_PTR), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: hint INTEGER (C_INT) :: status INTEGER :: pp,pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: x REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: Etmp pchunk=params%pchunk do pp = 1,pchunk if (flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x(1) = Y_R(pp)*params%cpp%length x(2) = Y_PHI(pp) x(3) = Y_Z(pp)*params%cpp%length status = fio_eval_field(F%FIO_E, x(1), & Etmp(1),hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then E_R(pp)=Etmp(1)/params%cpp%Eo E_PHI(pp)=Etmp(2)/params%cpp%Eo E_Z(pp)=Etmp(3)/params%cpp%Eo else if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then E_R(pp) = 0 E_PHI(pp) = 0 E_Z(pp) = 0 flag(pp) = 0_is else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then flag(pp) = 0_is end if ! write(6,*) E_R,E_PHI,E_Z end if end do end subroutine get_fio_GCelectric_fields_p subroutine get_fio_profile(prtcls, P, params) TYPE(PARTICLES), INTENT(INOUT) :: prtcls TYPE(PROFILES), INTENT(IN) :: P TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params INTEGER (C_INT) :: status INTEGER :: pp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: x integer(ip) :: ss REAL(rp) :: netmp=-1._rp,Tetmp=-1._rp if (size(prtcls%Y,1).eq.1) then ss = size(prtcls%Y,1) else if (prtcls%Y(2,1).eq.0) then ss=1_idef else ss = size(prtcls%Y,1) end if endif if (prtcls%cart) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(pp,status,x) do pp = 1,ss if (prtcls%flagCon(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x = prtcls%X(pp,:)*params%cpp%length status = fio_eval_field(P%FIO_ne, x(1), & netmp, & prtcls%hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then if(netmp.le.0) netmp=1._rp prtcls%ne(pp) = netmp/params%cpp%density else if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then prtcls%ne(pp) = 0 else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then prtcls%flagCon(pp) = 0_is CYCLE end if status = fio_eval_field(P%FIO_te, x(1), & Tetmp, & prtcls%hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then if(Tetmp.le.0) Tetmp=0.1_rp prtcls%te(pp) = Tetmp/(params%cpp%temperature/C_E) else if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then prtcls%te(pp) = 0 end if status = fio_eval_field(P%FIO_zeff, x(1), & prtcls%Zeff(pp),prtcls%hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then prtcls%Zeff(pp) = 1 end if end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO else !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(pp,status,x) do pp = 1,ss if (prtcls%flagCon(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x(1) = prtcls%Y(1,pp)*params%cpp%length x(2) = prtcls%Y(2,pp) x(3) = prtcls%Y(3,pp)*params%cpp%length status = fio_eval_field(P%FIO_ne, x(1), & netmp,prtcls%hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then if(netmp.le.0) netmp=1._rp prtcls%ne(pp) = netmp/params%cpp%density else if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then prtcls%ne(pp) = 0 else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then prtcls%flagCon(pp) = 0_is CYCLE end if status = fio_eval_field(P%FIO_te, x(1),& tetmp,prtcls%hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then if(Tetmp.le.0) Tetmp=0.1_rp prtcls%te(pp) = Tetmp/(params%cpp%temperature/C_E) else if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then prtcls%te(pp) = 0 end if status = fio_eval_field(P%FIO_zeff, x(1), & prtcls%Zeff(pp),prtcls%hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then prtcls%Zeff(pp) = 1 end if end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end if end subroutine get_fio_profile subroutine get_fio_profile_p(params,P,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z, & n_e,T_e,flag,hint) TYPE(PROFILES), INTENT(IN) :: P TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: n_e,T_e INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: flag TYPE(C_PTR), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: hint INTEGER (C_INT) :: status INTEGER :: pp,pchunk REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: x REAL(rp) :: netmp=-1._rp,Tetmp=-1._rp pchunk=params%pchunk do pp = 1,pchunk if (flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x(1) = Y_R(pp)*params%cpp%length x(2) = Y_PHI(pp) x(3) = Y_Z(pp)*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) P%FIO_ne,x status = fio_eval_field(P%FIO_ne, x(1), & netmp,hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then if(netmp.le.0) netmp=1._rp n_e(pp) = netmp/params%cpp%density else if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then flag(pp) = 0_is else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then flag(pp) = 0_is CYCLE end if status = fio_eval_field(P%FIO_te, x(1), & Tetmp,hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then if(Tetmp.le.0) Tetmp=0.1_rp T_e(pp) = Tetmp/(params%cpp%temperature/C_E) end if ! write(6,*) E_R,E_PHI,E_Z end if end do end subroutine get_fio_profile_p subroutine get_fio_ion_p(params,P,Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z, & n_e,n_i,nimp,Zeff,flag,hint) TYPE(PROFILES), INTENT(IN) :: P TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: Y_R,Y_PHI,Y_Z REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk,params%num_impurity_species),& & INTENT(INOUT) :: nimp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: n_i,Zeff REAL(rp), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(IN) :: n_e INTEGER(is), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: flag TYPE(C_PTR), DIMENSION(params%pchunk), INTENT(INOUT) :: hint INTEGER (C_INT) :: status INTEGER :: ii,pp,pchunk,num_imp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: x REAL(rp) :: nimptmp=-1._rp,nitmp=-1._rp pchunk=params%pchunk num_imp=params%num_impurity_species do pp = 1,pchunk if (flag(pp) .EQ. 1_is) then x(1) = Y_R(pp)*params%cpp%length x(2) = modulo(Y_PHI(pp),2*C_PI) x(3) = Y_Z(pp)*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'X',x do ii = 1,num_imp status = fio_eval_field(P%FIO_nimp(ii), x(1), & nimptmp,hint(pp)) ! write(6,*) P%FIO_nimp(ii) ! write(6,*) 'nimp_',ii,nimptmp if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then if(nimptmp.le.0) nimptmp=1._rp nimp(pp,ii) = nimptmp/params%cpp%density else if (status .eq. FIO_NO_DATA) then flag(pp) = 0_is else if (status .ne. FIO_SUCCESS) then flag(pp) = 0_is CYCLE end if end do status = fio_eval_field(P%FIO_ni, x(1), & nitmp,hint(pp)) if (status .eq. FIO_SUCCESS) then n_i(pp) = nitmp/params%cpp%density end if Zeff(pp)=n_i(pp) do ii=1,params%num_impurity_species Zeff(pp)=Zeff(pp)+nimp(pp,ii)*params%Zj(ii)**2 end do Zeff(pp)=Zeff(pp)/n_e(pp) if ((Zeff(pp).gt.100).or.(Zeff(pp).lt.0.01).or. & (isnan(Zeff(pp)))) then Zeff(pp)=1._rp !write(6,*) 'Zeff is ',Zeff(pp),'!!' !write(6,*) 'R:',x(1) !write(6,*) 'PHI:',x(2) !write(6,*) 'Z:',x(3) !do ii = 1,num_imp ! write(6,*) 'n_imp_',ii,':',nimp(pp,ii) !end do !write(6,*) 'n_e:',n_e(pp) !write(6,*) 'n_i:',n_i(pp) !call korc_abort(21) endif end if end do end subroutine get_fio_ion_p #endif end module korc_interp