MODULE korc_velocity_distribution !! @note Module containing subroutines to initialize the velocity !! distribution of the simulated particles. @endnote USE korc_types USE korc_constants USE korc_HDF5 USE korc_hpc use korc_fields use korc_rnd_numbers use korc_hammersley_generator use korc_avalanche use korc_experimental_pdf use korc_energy_pdfs use korc_simple_equilibrium_pdf IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC :: initial_gyro_distribution,& thermal_distribution,& initial_energy_pitch_dist PRIVATE :: fth_3V,& random_norm,& gyro_distribution CONTAINS FUNCTION fth_3V(Vth,V) !! @note Function used to sample the probability density function of a !! thermal plasma in the 3-dimensional velocity space. @endnote !! This function returns \(f_{T_e}(v) = \exp{\left( v^2/2v_{T_e}^2 \right)}\), !! where \(v_{T_e} = \sqrt{T_e/m_e}\) is !! the temperature of the thermal electrons, and \(v = |\mathbf{v}|\) !! is the speed of the sampled electron. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: V !! Velocity of the sampled electron \(\mathbf{v}\). REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: Vth !! Thermal velocity of the background electrons \(v_{T_e}\). REAL(rp) :: fth_3V !! Value of \(f_{T_e}(v)\). fth_3V = EXP(-0.5_rp*DOT_PRODUCT(V,V)/Vth**2.0_rp) END FUNCTION fth_3V FUNCTION random_norm(mu,sigma) !! @note Gaussian random number generator. @endnote !! This function returns a deviate of a Gaussian distribution !! $$f_G(x;\mu,\sigma) = !! \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} \exp{\left( -(x-\mu)^2/2\sigma^2 \right)},$$ !! !! with mean \(\mu\), and standard deviation \(\sigma\). !! !! We use the Inverse Transform Sampling Method for sampling \(x\). !! With this method we get \(x = \sqrt{-2\log{(1-y)}}\cos(2\pi z)\), !! where \(y\) and \(z\) are uniform random numbers in the interval \([0,1]\). REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: mu !! Mean value \(\mu\) of the Gaussian distribution. REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: sigma !! Standard deviation \(\sigma\) of the Gaussian distribution. REAL(rp) :: random_norm !! Sampled number \(x\) from the Gaussian distribution \(f_G(x;\mu,\sigma)\). REAL(rp) :: rand1 !! Uniform random number in the interval \([0,1]\). REAL(rp) :: rand2 !! Uniform random number in the interval \([0,1]\). call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand1) call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand2) random_norm = SQRT(-2.0_rp*LOG(1.0_rp-rand1))*COS(2.0_rp*C_PI*rand2); END FUNCTION random_norm subroutine thermal_distribution(params,spp) !! @note Subroutine that samples a thermal distribution function !! of electrons for generating the initial condition of a set of !! simulated particles. @endnote !! This subroutine uses the Inverse Transform Sampling Method along !! with the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to generate an !! initial condition of the velocity distribution that follows a !! 3-dimensional (in velocity space) thermal distribution. !! @todo Check that the gyro-distribution is initialized right in !! this function. TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(SPECIES), INTENT(INOUT) :: spp !! An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all the !! parameters and simulation variables of the different species !! in the simulation. REAL(rp) :: Vmax !! Velocity cutoff where we stop sampling the tail of the thermal !! distribution. REAL(rp) :: vsq !! REAL(rp) :: Vth !! Thermal velocity of the sampled distribution \(v_{T_e} = !! \sqrt{T_e/m_e}\). REAL(rp) :: sv !! Step to sample the velocity space using the Metropolis-Hastings !! algorithm. REAL(rp) :: ratio !! Ratio used to accept or reject a sampling in the Metropolis-Hastings !! algorithm. REAL(rp) :: rand_unif !! Uniform random deviate in the interval \([0,1]\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: V !! Sampled velocity. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: U !! Sampled velocity. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) :: b = (/1.0_rp,0.0_rp,0.0_rp/) !! Temporary variable representing a unit vector along the \(x\)-axis. INTEGER :: ii !! Iterator. INTEGER :: ppp !! Number of particles per species. Vmax = 0.9_rp Vth = SQRT(spp%Eo*ABS(spp%q)/spp%m) ppp = spp%ppp V = (/0.0_rp,0.0_rp,0.0_rp/) sv = Vth/10.0_rp ii=2_idef do while (ii .LE. 1000_idef) U(1) = V(1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv) do while (ABS(U(1)) .GT. Vmax) U(1) = V(1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv) end do U(2) = V(2) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv) do while (ABS(U(2)) .GT. Vmax) U(2) = V(2) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv) end do U(3) = V(3) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv) do while (ABS(U(3)) .GT. Vmax) U(3) = V(3) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv) end do ratio = fth_3V(Vth,U)/fth_3V(Vth,V) if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then V = U ii = ii + 1_idef else call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) if (ratio .GT. rand_unif) then V = U ii = ii + 1_idef end if end if end do spp%vars%V(1,1) = V(1) spp%vars%V(1,2) = V(2) spp%vars%V(1,3) = V(3) ii=2_idef do while (ii .LE. ppp) U(1) = spp%vars%V(ii-1,1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv) do while (ABS(U(1)) .GT. Vmax) U(1) = spp%vars%V(ii-1,1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv) end do U(2) = spp%vars%V(ii-1,2) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv) do while (ABS(U(2)) .GT. Vmax) U(2) = spp%vars%V(ii-1,2) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv) end do U(3) = spp%vars%V(ii-1,3) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv) do while (ABS(U(3)) .GT. Vmax) U(3) = spp%vars%V(ii-1,3) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv) end do ratio = fth_3V(Vth,U)/fth_3V(Vth,spp%vars%V(ii-1,:)) if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then spp%vars%V(ii,1) = U(1) spp%vars%V(ii,2) = U(2) spp%vars%V(ii,3) = U(3) ii = ii + 1_idef else call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) if (ratio .GT. rand_unif) then spp%vars%V(ii,1) = U(1) spp%vars%V(ii,2) = U(2) spp%vars%V(ii,3) = U(3) ii = ii + 1_idef end if end if end do do ii=1_idef,ppp vsq = spp%vars%V(ii,1)*spp%vars%V(ii,1) & + spp%vars%V(ii,2)*spp%vars%V(ii,2) & + spp%vars%V(ii,3)*spp%vars%V(ii,3) spp%vars%g(ii) = 1.0_rp/SQRT(1.0_rp - vsq) spp%vars%eta(ii) = ACOS(spp%vars%V(ii,1)/SQRT(vsq)) end do spp%go = spp%Eo/(spp%m*C_C**2) spp%etao = 90.0_rp end subroutine thermal_distribution subroutine initial_energy_pitch_dist(params,spp) !! @note Subroutine that calls subroutines of different modules to !! initialize the energy and pitch-angle distribution in various ways. @endnote TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(SPECIES), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: spp !! An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all the parameters and !! simulation variables of the different species in the simulation. INTEGER :: ii !! Species iterator. INTEGER :: mpierr !! MPI error status. do ii=1_idef,params%num_species if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'(/,"* * * * * SPECIES: ",I2," * * * * * * * * * * *")') ii write(output_unit_write,'("Particles per MPI process: ",I16)') spp(ii)%ppp write(output_unit_write,'("Energy distribution is: ",A20)') & TRIM(spp(ii)%energy_distribution) write(output_unit_write,'("Pitch-angle distribution is: ",A20)') & TRIM(spp(ii)%pitch_distribution) write(output_unit_write,'("Spatial distribution is: ",A20)') & TRIM(spp(ii)%spatial_distribution) write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *",/)') end if SELECT CASE (TRIM(spp(ii)%energy_distribution)) CASE ('MONOENERGETIC') spp(ii)%go = (spp(ii)%Eo + spp(ii)%m*C_C**2)/(spp(ii)%m*C_C**2) spp(ii)%vars%g = spp(ii)%go ! Monoenergetic spp(ii)%Eo_lims = (/spp(ii)%Eo, spp(ii)%Eo /) CASE ('THERMAL') call thermal_distribution(params,spp(ii)) spp(ii)%Eo_lims = (/spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*MINVAL(spp(ii)%vars%g) - & spp(ii)%m*C_C**2, & spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*MAXVAL(spp(ii)%vars%g) - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2 /) CASE ('AVALANCHE') call get_avalanche_distribution(params,spp(ii)%vars%g, & spp(ii)%vars%eta,spp(ii)%go,spp(ii)%etao) spp(ii)%Eo = spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*spp(ii)%go - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2 spp(ii)%Eo_lims = (/spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*MINVAL(spp(ii)%vars%g) & - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2, & spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*MAXVAL(spp(ii)%vars%g) - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2 /) CASE ('HOLLMANN') call get_Hollmann_distribution(params,spp(ii)) ! spp(ii)%Eo = spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*spp(ii)%go - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2 spp(ii)%go = (spp(ii)%Eo + spp(ii)%m*C_C**2)/(spp(ii)%m*C_C**2) spp(ii)%Eo_lims = (/spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*MINVAL(spp(ii)%vars%g) & - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2, & spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*MAXVAL(spp(ii)%vars%g) - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2 /) CASE ('EXPERIMENTAL-GAMMA') call get_experimentalG_distribution(params,spp(ii)%vars%g, & spp(ii)%vars%eta, & spp(ii)%go,spp(ii)%etao) spp(ii)%Eo = spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*spp(ii)%go - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2 spp(ii)%Eo_lims = (/spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*MINVAL(spp(ii)%vars%g) & - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2, & spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*MAXVAL(spp(ii)%vars%g) - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2 /) CASE ('GAMMA') call get_gamma_distribution(params,spp(ii)%vars%g,spp(ii)%go) spp(ii)%Eo = spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*spp(ii)%go - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2 spp(ii)%Eo_lims = (/spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*MINVAL(spp(ii)%vars%g) & - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2, & spp(ii)%m*C_C**2*MAXVAL(spp(ii)%vars%g) - spp(ii)%m*C_C**2 /) CASE ('UNIFORM') spp(ii)%Eo = spp(ii)%Eo_lims(1) spp(ii)%go = (spp(ii)%Eo + spp(ii)%m*C_C**2)/(spp(ii)%m*C_C**2) call generate_2D_hammersley_sequence(params%mpi_params%rank, & params%mpi_params%nmpi,spp(ii)%vars%g,spp(ii)%vars%eta) spp(ii)%vars%g = (spp(ii)%Eo_lims(2) - & spp(ii)%Eo_lims(1))*spp(ii)%vars%g/(spp(ii)%m*C_C**2) + & (spp(ii)%Eo_lims(1) + spp(ii)%m*C_C**2)/(spp(ii)%m*C_C**2) CASE ('AVALANCHE-4D') spp(ii)%go = (spp(ii)%Eo + spp(ii)%m*C_C**2)/(spp(ii)%m*C_C**2) spp(ii)%vars%g = spp(ii)%go ! Monoenergy from input file until sampled in Avalanche_4D CASE ('HOLLMANN-3D') spp(ii)%go = (spp(ii)%Eo + spp(ii)%m*C_C**2)/(spp(ii)%m*C_C**2) spp(ii)%vars%g = spp(ii)%go ! Monoenergy from input file until sampled in Hollmann_3D CASE ('HOLLMANN-3D-PSI') spp(ii)%go = (spp(ii)%Eo + spp(ii)%m*C_C**2)/(spp(ii)%m*C_C**2) spp(ii)%vars%g = spp(ii)%go ! Monoenergy from input file until sampled in Hollmann_3D CASE ('HOLLMANN-1DTRANSPORT') spp(ii)%go = (spp(ii)%Eo + spp(ii)%m*C_C**2)/(spp(ii)%m*C_C**2) spp(ii)%vars%g = spp(ii)%go ! Monoenergy from input file until sampled in Hollmann_3D CASE ('FIO_therm') spp(ii)%go = (spp(ii)%Eo + spp(ii)%m*C_C**2)/(spp(ii)%m*C_C**2) spp(ii)%vars%g = spp(ii)%go CASE DEFAULT ! Something to be done END SELECT call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) SELECT CASE (TRIM(spp(ii)%pitch_distribution)) CASE ('MONOPITCH') spp(ii)%vars%eta = spp(ii)%etao ! Mono-pitch-angle if(spp(ii)'SPONG-3D') then spp(ii)%etao_lims = (/spp(ii)%etao , spp(ii)%etao/) end if CASE ('THERMAL') spp(ii)%etao_lims = (/MINVAL(spp(ii)%vars%eta), & MAXVAL(spp(ii)%vars%eta)/) CASE ('AVALANCHE') spp(ii)%etao_lims = (/MINVAL(spp(ii)%vars%eta), & MAXVAL(spp(ii)%vars%eta)/) CASE ('HOLLMANN') ! spp(ii)%vars%eta = spp(ii)%etao ! spp(ii)%etao_lims = (/MINVAL(spp(ii)%vars%eta), & ! MAXVAL(spp(ii)%vars%eta)/) CASE ('EXPERIMENTAL-GAMMA') spp(ii)%etao_lims = (/MINVAL(spp(ii)%vars%eta), & MAXVAL(spp(ii)%vars%eta)/) CASE ('UNIFORM') spp(ii)%etao = spp(ii)%etao_lims(1) spp(ii)%vars%eta = (spp(ii)%etao_lims(2) - & spp(ii)%etao_lims(1))*spp(ii)%vars%eta + spp(ii)%etao_lims(1) CASE ('SIMPLE-EQUILIBRIUM') call get_equilibrium_distribution(params,spp(ii)%vars%eta, & spp(ii)%go,spp(ii)%etao) spp(ii)%etao_lims = (/MINVAL(spp(ii)%vars%eta),& MAXVAL(spp(ii)%vars%eta)/) CASE ('AVALANCHE-4D') spp(ii)%vars%eta = spp(ii)%etao !Monopitch from input file until sampled in Avalanche_4D CASE ('HOLLMANN-3D') spp(ii)%vars%eta = spp(ii)%etao !Monopitch from input file until sampled in Hollmann_3D CASE ('HOLLMANN-3D-PSI') spp(ii)%vars%eta = spp(ii)%etao !Monopitch from input file until sampled in Hollmann_3D CASE ('HOLLMANN-1DTRANSPORT') spp(ii)%vars%eta = spp(ii)%etao !Monopitch from input file until sampled in Hollmann_3D CASE ('SPONG-3D') spp(ii)%vars%eta = spp(ii)%etao !Monopitch from input file until sampled in Spong_3D CASE ('FIO_therm') spp(ii)%vars%eta = spp(ii)%etao CASE DEFAULT ! Something to be done END SELECT call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) end do end subroutine initial_energy_pitch_dist subroutine gyro_distribution(params,F,spp) USE, INTRINSIC :: iso_c_binding !! @Note Subroutine that initializes the gyro-angle distribution !! of the particles. @endnote !! When evolving the particles in the 6-D phase space, in addition to !! the position (3 degrees of freedom), energy (one degree of freedom), !! pitch angle (one degree of freedom), we need to define the gyro-angle !! of the particle (one degree of freedom), which is given by the pitch !! angle and the direction of the local magnetic field. By default, this !! subroutine generates a uniform gyro-angle distribution. !! @note Notice that all the simulation variables are normalized !! here. @endnote TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F !! An instance of the KORC derived type FIELDS. This structure !! has the information of the magnetic field. TYPE(SPECIES), INTENT(INOUT) :: spp !! An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all the !! parameters and !! simulation variables of the different species in the simulation. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: b1 !! Basis vector pointing along the local magnetic field, that is, !! along \(\mathbf{b} = \mathbf{B}/B\). REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: b2 !! Basis vector perpendicular to b1 REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: b3 !! Basis vector perpendicular to b1 and b2. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Vo !! Initial particle speed. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: V1 !! Velocity component along b1. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: V2 !! Velocity component along b2. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: V3 !! Velocity component along b3. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: theta !! Uniform random number in the interval \([0,2\pi]\) !! representing the gyro-angle. INTEGER :: jj !! Particle iterator. TYPE(C_PTR), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: hint ALLOCATE(Vo(spp%ppp)) ALLOCATE(V1(spp%ppp)) ALLOCATE(V2(spp%ppp)) ALLOCATE(V3(spp%ppp)) ALLOCATE(b1(spp%ppp,3)) ALLOCATE(b2(spp%ppp,3)) ALLOCATE(b3(spp%ppp,3)) ALLOCATE(hint(spp%ppp)) hint=C_NULL_PTR #ifdef FIO hint=spp%vars%hint #endif ALLOCATE( theta(spp%ppp) ) ! * * * * INITIALIZE VELOCITY * * * * call init_random_seed() call RANDOM_NUMBER(theta) theta = 2.0_rp*C_PI*theta if (spp%spatial_distribution.eq.'TRACER') theta=2.0*C_PI Vo = SQRT( 1.0_rp - 1.0_rp/(spp%vars%g(:)**2) ) V1 = Vo*COS(C_PI*spp%vars%eta/180.0_rp) V2 = Vo*SIN(C_PI*spp%vars%eta/180.0_rp)*COS(theta) V3 = Vo*SIN(C_PI*spp%vars%eta/180.0_rp)*SIN(theta) !write(6,*) 'V123',V1,V2,V3 !do jj=1_idef,spp%ppp ! write(6,*) 'MPI',params%mpi_params%rank,'X', & ! spp%vars%X(jj,:)*params%cpp%length !end do call unitVectors(params,spp%vars%X,F,b1,b2,b3,spp%vars%flagCon, & spp%vars%cart,hint) !! Call to subroutine [[unitVectors]] in [[korc_fields]]. ! !write(6,*) 'X',spp%vars%X !write(6,*) 'b-hat',b1 !write(6,*) 'b-1',b2 !write(6,*) 'b-2',b3 do jj=1_idef,spp%ppp if ( spp%vars%flagCon(jj) .EQ. 1_idef ) then spp%vars%V(jj,1) = V1(jj)*b1(jj,1) + V2(jj)*b2(jj,1) + V3(jj)*b3(jj,1) spp%vars%V(jj,2) = V1(jj)*b1(jj,2) + V2(jj)*b2(jj,2) + V3(jj)*b3(jj,2) spp%vars%V(jj,3) = V1(jj)*b1(jj,3) + V2(jj)*b2(jj,3) + V3(jj)*b3(jj,3) end if end do !write(6,'("Vx: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%V(:,1) !write(6,'("Vy: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%V(:,2) !write(6,'("Vz: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%V(:,3) DEALLOCATE(theta) DEALLOCATE(Vo) DEALLOCATE(V1) DEALLOCATE(V2) DEALLOCATE(V3) DEALLOCATE(b1) DEALLOCATE(b2) DEALLOCATE(b3) DEALLOCATE(hint) end subroutine gyro_distribution subroutine initial_gyro_distribution(params,F,spp) !! @note Subroutine that works as an interface for initializing various !! gyro-angle distributions for the different simulated particle !! species. @endnote !! @todo At this moment this subroutine only calls the subroutine !! to generate !! a uniform gyro-angle distribution. This will be modified later. @endtodo TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F !! An instance of the KORC derived type FIELDS. This structure has !! the information of the magnetic field. TYPE(SPECIES), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: spp !! An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all the parameters !! and simulation variables of the different species in the simulation. INTEGER :: ss !! Species iterator. do ss=1_idef,params%num_species SELECT CASE (TRIM(spp(ss)%energy_distribution)) CASE ('THERMAL') !Nothing, all was done in initialize_particles through !thermal_distribution CASE DEFAULT call gyro_distribution(params,F,spp(ss)) END SELECT end do end subroutine initial_gyro_distribution END MODULE korc_velocity_distribution