module korc_input !! @note Module with subroutines to read in all namelists in supplied !! input file and broadcast to all mpi processes. USE korc_types USE korc_hpc IMPLICIT NONE !! Default values for all inputs !! ----------------------------------------------- !! input_parameters !! ----------------------------------------------- LOGICAL :: restart = .FALSE. ! Restart simulation that exited before simulation_time reached LOGICAL :: proceed = .FALSE. ! Append simulation results after previous simulation_time reached LOGICAL :: load_balance = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: reinit = .FALSE. ! Begin a new simulation, reinitializing from restart file state REAL(rp) :: simulation_time = 1.E-3 ! Total aimed simulation time in seconds ! Run 10 mu s If transients exist put 5 extra mu s. REAL(rp) :: snapshot_frequency = 1.E-5 ! Time between snapshots in seconds REAL(rp) :: restart_overwrite_frequency = 1.E-1 ! Time between overwritting of restart file in seconds REAL(rp) :: dt = 1.E0 ! Time step as fraction of relativistic gyro-period INTEGER :: num_species = 1 REAL(rp) :: minimum_particle_energy = 1.0E5 ! Minimum energy of simulated particles in eV LOGICAL :: radiation = .FALSE. CHARACTER(30) :: GC_rad_model='SDE' LOGICAL :: collisions = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: LargeCollisions = .FALSE. CHARACTER(30) :: collisions_model = 'SINGLE_SPECIES' ! Options are: 'NONE','SINGLE_SPECIES' and 'MULTIPLE_SPECIES' CHARACTER(30) :: bound_electron_model = 'HESSLOW' ! Options are: 'NO_BOUND', 'HESSLOW', and 'ROSENBLUTH' CHARACTER(30) :: field_model = 'M3D_C1' CHARACTER(30) :: profile_model = 'M3D_C1' ! The two options for this parameter are 'ANALYTICAL' or 'EXTERNAL'. ! For 'ANALYTICAL', the magnetic field is calculated based on ! the parameters given in the "analytic_mag_field_params" section. ! For 'EXTERNAL', the magnetic field is loaded from the file ! specified in "filename". ! 'UNIFORM' A uniform magnetic field used to advance only electrons' ! velocity. CHARACTER(150) :: magnetic_field_filename = 'C1.h5' ! magnetic_field_filename = 'JFIT_D3D_164409_1405ms.h5' CHARACTER(150) :: magnetic_field_directory CHARACTER(150) :: magnetic_field_list INTEGER :: time_slice = 000 REAL(rp) :: rmax = 1.60 REAL(rp) :: rmin = 0.15 REAL(rp) :: zmax = 1.65 REAL(rp) :: zmin = -1.65 CHARACTER(75) :: outputs_list = '{X,Y,V,B,E,g,eta,flagCon,flagCol,PSIp,ne}' ! List of outputs !'{X,Y,V,E,B,g,mu,eta,Prad,Pin,flagCon,flagCol,gradB,curlb,ne,Te,Zeff,PSIp}' LOGICAL :: HDF5_error_handling = .TRUE. LOGICAL :: FO_GC_compare = .FALSE. CHARACTER(30) :: orbit_model = 'GC' ! 'FO' for full orbit, 'GCpre' for guiding center with pre-computed ! auxiliary fields, 'GCgrad' for guiding center with auxiliary ! fields computed with PSPLINE. CHARACTER(30) :: field_eval = 'interp' ! Set for plasma_model='ANALYTICAL'. Can be 'interp' or 'eqn', ! where 'eqn' evaluates particle fields at particle positions and ! 'interp' interpolates precomputed fields. LOGICAL :: FokPlan = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: SameRandSeed = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: SC_E = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: SC_E_add = .FALSE. INTEGER :: pchunk = 1 !! ----------------------------------------------- !! plasma_species !! As these inputs are vectors with dimension given by the number of species !! indicate default values for num_species=1 below, after the input_parameter !! namelist is read !! ----------------------------------------------- LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: runaway !! Flag to decide whether a given electron is a runaway (runaway=T) !! or not (runaway=F). INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ppp INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pinit ! Number of particles per process (mpi) REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: q ! Electric charge REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: m ! In units of electron mass CHARACTER(30), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: spatial_distribution !! String describing the type of initial spatial distribution for !! each electron species. ! Options are: 'UNIFORM', 'DISK', 'TORUS', 'EXPONENTIAL-TORUS', ! 'GAUSSIAN-TORUS', 'ELLIPTIC-TORUS', 'EXPONENTIAL-ELLIPTIC-TORUS', ! 'GAUSSIAN-ELLIPTICAL-TORUS', '2D-GAUSSIAN-ELLIPTIC-TORUS-MH', ! 'AVALANCHE-4D','TRACER','SPONG-3D','HOLLMANN-3D','HOLLMANN-3D-PSI', ! 'MH_psi' REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Ro !! Radial position of the center of the electrons' initial !! spatial distribution. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: PHIo !! Azimuthal position of the electrons' initial spatial distribution, !! in case of using a disk at a certain poloidal section. ! In degrees REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Zo !! Height of the center of the electrons' initial spatial distribution. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: r_inner REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: r_outter REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: shear_factor REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: sigmaR REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: sigmaZ REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: theta_gauss REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: psi_max !! Maximum value of the argument of the 2D gaussian exponential, used for an !! indicator function that limits the region of MH sampling ! goes as R^2 for HOLLMANN-3D, is psiN_max for HOLLMANN-3D-PSI REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: falloff_rate CHARACTER(30), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: energy_distribution ! Options are: 'MONOENERGETIC', 'THERMAL', 'AVALANCHE', ! 'EXPERIMENTAL', and 'UNIFORM' CHARACTER(30), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pitch_distribution ! Options are: 'MONOPITCH', 'AVALANCHE', 'EXPERIMENTAL', and 'UNIFORM'. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Eno ! Initial energy in eV REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: etao ! Initial pitch angle REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Eo_lims ! Lower and upper limit of simulated energy range, in eV. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: etao_lims ! Lower and upper limit of simulated pitch-angle range, in degrees. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Xtrace ! Initial position of tracer particle for debugging with ! spatial_distribution='TRACER' REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Spong_b REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Spong_w REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Spong_dlam REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dth ! Variance of sampling normal variate for pitch angle REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dgam ! Variance of sampling normal variate for pitch angle REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dR ! Variance of sampling normal variate for R location REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dZ ! Variance of sampling normal variate for Z location !! ----------------------------------------------- !! analytical_fields_params !! ----------------------------------------------- REAL(rp) :: Eo = 0. ! In V/m CHARACTER(30) :: current_direction = 'ANTI-PARALLEL' ! 'PARALLEL' or 'ANTI-PARALLEL' REAL(rp) :: Bo = 2.2 ! In Teslas. ITER: 5.42 DIII-D: 2.19 REAL(rp) :: minor_radius = 0.7 ! Minor radius in meters. ITER: 1.5 DIII-D: 0.5 REAL(rp) :: major_radius = 1.7 ! Major radius in meters. ITER: 6.5 DIII-D: 1.6 REAL(rp) :: qa = 5 ! Safety factor at the separatrix (r=a) REAL(rp) :: qo = 1.5 ! Safety factor at the separatrix (r=a) REAL(rp) :: nR= 50 ! Mesh points in R for analytical interpolation mesh REAL(rp) :: nZ= 50 ! Mesh points in Z for analytical interpolation mesh REAL(rp) :: nPHI= 50 ! Mesh points in PHI for analytical interpolation mesh CHARACTER(30) :: E_profile = '' REAL(rp) :: E_dyn = 0. REAL(rp) :: E_pulse = 5.E-2 REAL(rp) :: E_width = 2.5E-2 REAL(rp) ::Ero=0 ! amplitude of radial electric field in V/m REAL(rp) :: rmn =0.6 !location of Er REAL(rp) :: sigmamn=1.E-2 ! half width of Er perturbation !! ----------------------------------------------- !! externalPlasmaModel !! ----------------------------------------------- LOGICAL :: Bfield = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: B1field = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: E1field = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: dBfield = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: axisymmetric_fields = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: Bflux = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: Bflux3D = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: Efield = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: Dim2x1t =.FALSE. LOGICAL :: E_2x1t = .FALSE. REAL(rp) :: t0_2x1t = 1.405 INTEGER :: ind0_2x1t = 11 LOGICAL :: ReInterp_2x1t = .FALSE. INTEGER :: res_double=0 INTEGER :: dim_1D=50 REAL(rp) :: dt_E_SC=1.E-7 REAL(rp) :: Ip_exp=2E5 REAL(rp) :: PSIp_lim=0.8446 REAL(rp) :: PSIp_0=0.6 REAL(rp) :: psip_conv=1.0 REAL(rp) :: MARS_AMP_Scale=1.0 REAL(rp) :: AORSA_AMP_Scale=1.0 REAL(rp) :: AORSA_freq=0.0 REAL(rp) :: AORSA_nmode=0.0 CHARACTER(30) :: Analytic_IWL='NONE' INTEGER :: ntiles=42 REAL(rp) :: circumradius=1.016 LOGICAL :: useLCFS = .FALSE. !! ----------------------------------------------- !! plasmaProfiles !! ----------------------------------------------- LOGICAL :: axisymmetric = .TRUE. CHARACTER(30) :: filename = 'JFIT_D3D_157576_t1580_1.h5' ! REAL(rp) :: radius_profile = 0.6 CHARACTER(30) :: ne_profile = 'RE-EVO-PSIP-G' ! Options are 'FLAT','POLYNOMIAL','RE-EVO','RE-EVO1','RE-EVO-PSI' REAL(rp) :: neo = 4.E20 ! In m^-3 REAL(rp) :: n_ne = 2.5E19 ! REAL(rp) :: n_shelf = 2.5E19 ! REAL(rp), DIMENSION(4) :: a_ne = (/0.99713,0.047037,0.40023,-1.0466/) REAL(rp) :: n_REr0 = 0.4 REAL(rp) :: n_tauion = 1.5e-2 REAL(rp) :: n_tauin = 7.5e-3 REAL(rp) :: n_tauout = 1.25e-2 REAL(rp) :: n_shelfdelay = 4.e-2 REAL(rp) :: n_lamfront = 0.005 REAL(rp) :: n_lamback = 0.005 REAL(rp) :: n_lamshelf = 0.225 REAL(rp) :: psiN_0 = 0.8 CHARACTER(30) :: Te_profile = 'FLAT' ! Options are 'FLAT' and 'POLYNOMIAL' REAL(rp) :: Teo = 1.5 ! In eV REAL(rp) :: n_Te = 0.1 ! REAL(rp), DIMENSION(4) :: a_Te = (/1.0046,-0.076652,-2.6429,1.7415/) CHARACTER(30) :: Zeff_profile = 'FLAT' ! Options are 'FLAT' and 'POLYNOMIAL' REAL(rp) :: Zeffo = 1. ! In m^-3 REAL(rp) :: n_Zeff = 3.0 ! REAL(rp), DIMENSION(4) :: a_Zeff = (/1.0065,-0.12081,0.02834,-0.11796/) !! ----------------------------------------------- !! CollisionParamsSingleSpecies !! ----------------------------------------------- REAL(rp) :: Te_sing = 2.0 ! Background electron temperature in eV REAL(rp) :: Ti_sing = 2.0 ! Background ion temperature in eV REAL(rp) :: ne_sing = 4.E20 ! Background electron density in m^-3 REAL(rp) :: Zeff_sing = 1. ! Effective atomic number REAL(rp) :: dTau_sing = 5.E-2 ! Subcycling time step in collisional time units (Tau) REAL(rp) :: p_therm = 1._rp LOGICAL :: ConserveLA = .TRUE. CHARACTER(30) :: Clog_model = 'HESSLOW' CHARACTER(30) :: min_secRE = 'CRIT' LOGICAL :: sample_test = .FALSE. REAL(rp) :: pmin_scale = 1._rp LOGICAL :: energy_diffusion = .TRUE. CHARACTER(30) :: LAC_gam_resolution = '2EXP' LOGICAL :: FP_bremsstrahlung = .TRUE. LOGICAL :: pitch_diffusion = .TRUE. INTEGER :: ngrid1 = 100 REAL(rp) :: Clog_const = 20._rp !! ----------------------------------------------- !! CollisionParamsMultipleSpecies !! ----------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: num_impurity_species = 1 REAL(rp) :: Te_mult = 2.0 ! Background electron temperature in eV REAL(rp) :: ne_mult = 4.E20 ! Background electron density in 1/m^3 REAL(rp), DIMENSION(10) :: Zo_mult = 10.0 ! Full nuclear charge of each impurity: Z=1 for D, Z=10 for Ne, Z=18 for Ar REAL(rp), DIMENSION(10) :: Zj_mult = 1.0 ! Average charge state of each impurity REAL(rp), DIMENSION(10) :: nz_mult = 4.E20 ! Impurity densities REAL(rp), DIMENSION(10) :: IZj_mult = 15.7596 ! Ionization energy of impurity in eV CHARACTER(20) :: neut_prof = 'UNIFORM' !! ----------------------------------------------- !! AvalancheGenerationPDF !! ----------------------------------------------- REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle_aval = 10.0 ! Maximum pitch angle of sampled PDF in degrees REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle_aval = 0.0 ! REAL(rp) :: dth_aval = 1.0 ! Variance of sampling normal variate for pitch angle REAL(rp) :: dp_aval = 10.0 ! Variance of sampling normal variate for momentum REAL(rp) :: dR_aval = 0.05 ! Variance of sampling normal variate for R location REAL(rp) :: dZ_aval = 0.05 ! Variance of sampling normal variate for Z location REAL(rp) :: max_energy_aval = 60E6 ! Maximum energy of sampled PDF in MeV REAL(rp) :: min_energy_aval = 7.0E6 ! REAL(rp) :: ne_aval = 8.5E18 ! Background electron density in m^-3 REAL(rp) :: Zeff_aval = 1.0 ! Effective atomic number of ions REAL(rp) :: Epar_aval = 0.7427 ! Parallel electric field in V/m REAL(rp) :: Te_aval = 1.0 ! Background electron temperature in eV !! ----------------------------------------------- !! ExperimentalPDF !! ----------------------------------------------- REAL(rp) :: E_expt = 7.67042 ! Parallel electric field in units of Ec REAL(rp) :: Zeff_expt = 1.36632 ! Effective atomic number REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle_expt = 176.257 ! In degrees REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle_expt = 158.25 ! In degrees REAL(rp) :: min_energy_expt = 9.54997E6 ! In eV REAL(rp) :: max_energy_expt = 44.3241E6 ! In eV REAL(rp) :: k_expt = 11.89 ! Shape factor of Gamma distribution for energy REAL(rp) :: t_expt = 0.65 ! Scale factor of Gamma distribution for energy REAL(rp) :: Bo_expt = 2.2 ! Characteristic magnetic field REAL(rp) :: lambda_expt = 4.0E-6 ! Characteristic wavelength REAL(rp) :: A_fact_expt=1. CHARACTER(30) :: filename_exp = 'Exp_PDF.h5' ! !! ----------------------------------------------- !! HollmannPDF !! ----------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(30) :: filename_Hollmann = 'Hollmann_PDF_HR.h5' ! INTEGER :: rho_ind = 7 REAL(rp) :: Eo_Hollmann = 24.56 ! Toroidal electric field from experimental diagnostics before SPI in ! physical units REAL(rp) :: E_Hollmann = 11. ! Parallel electric field in units of Ec REAL(rp) :: sigma_E_Hollmann=.2 REAL(rp) :: Zeff_Hollmann = 5. ! Effective atomic number REAL(rp) :: sigma_Z_Hollmann=10. REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle_Hollmann = 40. ! In degrees REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle_Hollmann = 0. ! In degrees REAL(rp) :: min_energy_Hollmann = 1.E6 ! In eV REAL(rp) :: max_energy_Hollmann = 60.E6 ! For Hollmann_PDF_HR.h5, needs to be less than 80 MeV ! In eV CHARACTER(30) :: current_direction_Hollmann = 'ANTICLOCKWISE' REAL(rp) :: Bo_Hollmann = 2.2 ! Characteristic magnetic field REAL(rp) :: lambda_Hollmann = 4.0E-6 ! Characteristic wavelengt REAL(rp) :: A_fact_Hollmann=1. LOGICAL :: gam_min_from_col=.FALSE. !! ----------------------------------------------- !! EnergyGammaPDF !! ----------------------------------------------- REAL(rp) :: min_energy_gamma = 1.0E6 ! In eV REAL(rp) :: max_energy_gamma = 30.0E6 ! In eV REAL(rp) :: k_gamma = 11.89 ! Shape factor of Gamma distribution for energy REAL(rp) :: t_gamma = 0.65 ! Scale factor of Gamma distribution for energy !! ----------------------------------------------- !! SimpleEquilibriumPDF !! ----------------------------------------------- REAL(rp) :: E_simple = 4.5 ! Parallel electric field in units of Ec REAL(rp) :: Zeff_simple = 4.0 ! Effective atomic number REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle_simple = 60.0 ! In degrees REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle_simple = 0.0 ! In degrees REAL(rp) :: Bo_simple = 2.0 ! Characteristic magnetic field REAL(rp) :: lambda_simple = 890.0E-9 ! Characteristic wavelength CONTAINS subroutine read_namelist(params,infile,echo_in,outdir) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: infile,outdir LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: echo_in INTEGER :: read_stat,nc INTEGER :: number_of_namelists=0,il,inst INTEGER, DIMENSION(20) :: namel_order=0 CHARACTER(20) :: tempfile CHARACTER(128) :: ctmp CHARACTER(128) :: outfile LOGICAL :: reading INTEGER :: mpierr INTEGER :: tmp !! Namelist declarations NAMELIST /input_parameters/ restart,field_model,magnetic_field_filename, & simulation_time,snapshot_frequency,dt,num_species,radiation, & collisions,collisions_model,outputs_list,minimum_particle_energy, & HDF5_error_handling,orbit_model,field_eval,proceed,profile_model, & restart_overwrite_frequency,FokPlan,GC_rad_model,bound_electron_model,& FO_GC_compare,SameRandSeed,SC_E,reinit,SC_E_add,time_slice,rmax, & rmin,zmax,zmin,pchunk,magnetic_field_directory,magnetic_field_list,& LargeCollisions,load_balance NAMELIST /plasma_species/ ppp,q,m,Eno,etao,Eo_lims,etao_lims,runaway, & spatial_distribution,energy_distribution,pitch_distribution,Ro, & PHIo,Zo,r_inner,r_outter,falloff_rate,shear_factor,sigmaR,sigmaZ, & theta_gauss,psi_max,Xtrace,Spong_b,Spong_w,Spong_dlam,dth,dR,dZ,dgam,& pinit NAMELIST /analytical_fields_params/ Bo,minor_radius,major_radius,& qa,qo,Eo,current_direction,nR,nZ,nPHI,dim_1D,dt_E_SC,Ip_exp, & E_dyn,E_pulse,E_width,E_profile,Ero,rmn,sigmamn NAMELIST /externalPlasmaModel/ Efield, Bfield, Bflux,Bflux3D,dBfield, & axisymmetric_fields, Eo,E_dyn,E_pulse,E_width,res_double, & dim_1D,dt_E_SC,Ip_exp,PSIp_lim,Dim2x1t,t0_2x1t,E_2x1t,ReInterp_2x1t, & ind0_2x1t,PSIp_0,B1field,psip_conv,MARS_AMP_Scale,Analytic_IWL, & ntiles,circumradius,AORSA_AMP_Scale,AORSA_freq,AORSA_nmode,E1field, & useLCFS NAMELIST /plasmaProfiles/ radius_profile,ne_profile,neo,n_ne,a_ne, & Te_profile,Teo,n_Te,a_Te,n_REr0,n_tauion,n_lamfront,n_lamback, & Zeff_profile,Zeffo,n_Zeff,a_Zeff,filename,axisymmetric, & n_lamshelf,n_shelfdelay,n_tauin,n_tauout,n_shelf,psiN_0 NAMELIST /CollisionParamsSingleSpecies/ Te_sing,Ti_sing,ne_sing, & Zeff_sing,dTau_sing,p_therm,ConserveLA,Clog_model,sample_test,& min_secRE,pmin_scale,energy_diffusion,LAC_gam_resolution, & FP_bremsstrahlung,pitch_diffusion,ngrid1,Clog_const NAMELIST /CollisionParamsMultipleSpecies/ num_impurity_species,Te_mult, & ne_mult,Zo_mult,Zj_mult,nz_mult,IZj_mult,neut_prof NAMELIST /AvalancheGenerationPDF/ max_pitch_angle_aval, & min_pitch_angle_aval,max_energy_aval,min_energy_aval,ne_aval, & Zeff_aval,Epar_aval,Te_aval,dth_aval,dp_aval,dR_aval,dZ_aval NAMELIST /ExperimentalPDF/ max_pitch_angle_expt,min_pitch_angle_expt, & max_energy_expt,min_energy_expt,Zeff_expt,E_expt,k_expt,t_expt, & Bo_expt,lambda_expt,A_fact_expt,filename_exp NAMELIST /HollmannPDF/ E_Hollmann,Zeff_Hollmann,max_pitch_angle_Hollmann, & min_pitch_angle_Hollmann,max_energy_Hollmann, & min_energy_Hollmann,filename_Hollmann,Bo_Hollmann,lambda_Hollmann, & current_direction_Hollmann,A_fact_Hollmann,sigma_E_Hollmann, & sigma_Z_Hollmann,Eo_Hollmann,rho_ind,gam_min_from_col NAMELIST /SimpleEquilibriumPDF/ max_pitch_angle_simple, & min_pitch_angle_simple,Zeff_simple,E_simple, & Bo_simple,lambda_simple NAMELIST /EnergyGammaPDF/ max_energy_gamma,min_energy_gamma,k_gamma,t_gamma !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! open input file. !! Remove comments from input file and put into temporary file. !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- tempfile='tempinput.korc' if (params%mpi_params%rank.eq.0) then CALL rmcoment(infile,tempfile) end if call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) OPEN(UNIT=default_unit_open,FILE=tempfile,STATUS='OLD',POSITION='REWIND') !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! check namelist file for namelist order and number. !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,FMT='(a)',IOSTAT=read_stat) ctmp IF (read_stat/=0) EXIT nc=LEN_TRIM(ctmp) IF (nc<1) CYCLE ctmp=ADJUSTL(ctmp) reading=.false. IF (ctmp(1:1)=='&') THEN number_of_namelists=number_of_namelists+1 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! trim all but the namelist name. !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO il=2,nc+1 IF (ctmp(il:il)/=' ') THEN IF (.NOT.reading) inst=il reading=.true. CYCLE ENDIF IF (ctmp(il:il)==' '.AND.reading) THEN ctmp=ctmp(inst:il-1) EXIT ENDIF ENDDO BACKSPACE(default_unit_open) !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! select and read namelist. !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT CASE(TRIM(ctmp)) CASE('input_parameters') READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,NML=input_parameters,IOSTAT=read_stat) CASE('plasma_species') !write(6,*) 'reading plasma_species namelist' ALLOCATE(runaway(num_species)) ALLOCATE(ppp(num_species)) ALLOCATE(pinit(num_species)) ALLOCATE(q(num_species)) ALLOCATE(m(num_species)) ALLOCATE(spatial_distribution(num_species)) ALLOCATE(Ro(num_species)) ALLOCATE(PHIo(num_species)) ALLOCATE(Zo(num_species)) ALLOCATE(r_inner(num_species)) ALLOCATE(r_outter(num_species)) ALLOCATE(shear_factor(num_species)) ALLOCATE(sigmaR(num_species)) ALLOCATE(sigmaZ(num_species)) ALLOCATE(theta_gauss(num_species)) ALLOCATE(psi_max(num_species)) ALLOCATE(falloff_rate(num_species)) ALLOCATE(energy_distribution(num_species)) ALLOCATE(pitch_distribution(num_species)) ALLOCATE(Eno(num_species)) ALLOCATE(etao(num_species)) ALLOCATE(Eo_lims(2_idef*num_species)) ALLOCATE(etao_lims(2_idef*num_species)) ALLOCATE(Xtrace(3_idef*num_species)) ALLOCATE(Spong_b(num_species)) ALLOCATE(Spong_w(num_species)) ALLOCATE(Spong_dlam(num_species)) ALLOCATE(dth(num_species)) ALLOCATE(dgam(num_species)) ALLOCATE(dR(num_species)) ALLOCATE(dZ(num_species)) if (num_species.eq.1) then runaway = .FALSE. ppp = 1E0 pinit = 0 q = -1.0 m = 1.0 spatial_distribution = 'TRACER' Ro = 1.1 PHIo = 0.0 Zo = -0.05 r_inner = 0.0 r_outter = 0.6 shear_factor = 0.35 sigmaR = 1.e6 sigmaZ = 0.2 theta_gauss = 0.0 psi_max=.8446 falloff_rate = 0.0 energy_distribution = 'MONOENERGETIC' pitch_distribution = 'MONOPITCH' Eno = 10.0E6 etao = 1.0 Eo_lims = (/1.0E6,50.0E6/) etao_lims = (/0.0,20.0 /) Xtrace =(/1.1,0.0,0.0/) Spong_b = 0.2 Spong_w = 0.1 Spong_dlam = 0.1 dth = 3. dgam = 3. dR = 0.1 dZ = 0.1 else if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("Need to supply all inputs for num_species .gt. 1")') end if end if READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,NML=plasma_species,IOSTAT=read_stat) if (pinit(1).eq.0) pinit(:)=ppp(:) ! set pinit equal to ppp if no pinit input CASE('analytical_fields_params') READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,NML=analytical_fields_params,IOSTAT=read_stat) CASE('externalPlasmaModel') READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,NML=externalPlasmaModel,IOSTAT=read_stat) CASE('plasmaProfiles') READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,NML=plasmaProfiles,IOSTAT=read_stat) CASE('CollisionParamsSingleSpecies') READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,NML=CollisionParamsSingleSpecies,IOSTAT=read_stat) CASE('CollisionParamsMultipleSpecies') READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,NML=CollisionParamsMultipleSpecies,IOSTAT=read_stat) CASE('AvalancheGenerationPDF') READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,NML=AvalancheGenerationPDF,IOSTAT=read_stat) CASE('ExperimentalPDF') READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,NML=ExperimentalPDF,IOSTAT=read_stat) CASE('HollmannPDF') READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,NML=HollmannPDF,IOSTAT=read_stat) CASE('EnergyGammaPDF') READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,NML=EnergyGammaPDF,IOSTAT=read_stat) CASE('SimpleEquilibriumPDF') READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,NML=SimpleEquilibriumPDF,IOSTAT=read_stat) CASE DEFAULT write(output_unit_write,*) (TRIM(ctmp)//' is an unrecognized & &namelist.') call korc_abort(13) END SELECT IF (read_stat/=0) then write(output_unit_write,*) ('Error reading namelist '//TRIM(ctmp)//'.') call korc_abort(13) end if ENDIF ENDDO !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! close input file. !! Delete it since it is the temporary file !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( then CLOSE(default_unit_open) end if call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) if (params%mpi_params%rank.eq.0) then CLOSE(default_unit_open,STATUS='DELETE') end if !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! echo the input parameters to the output file. !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (echo_in) THEN if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then WRITE(output_unit_write,'(a,/)') 'VALUE OF ALL INPUTS:' WRITE(UNIT=output_unit_write,NML=input_parameters) WRITE(output_unit_write,'(/)') WRITE(UNIT=output_unit_write,NML=plasma_species) WRITE(output_unit_write,'(/)') WRITE(UNIT=output_unit_write,NML=analytical_fields_params) WRITE(output_unit_write,'(/)') WRITE(UNIT=output_unit_write,NML=externalPlasmaModel) WRITE(output_unit_write,'(/)') WRITE(UNIT=output_unit_write,NML=plasmaProfiles) WRITE(output_unit_write,'(/)') WRITE(UNIT=output_unit_write,NML=CollisionParamsSingleSpecies) WRITE(output_unit_write,'(/)') WRITE(UNIT=output_unit_write,NML=CollisionParamsMultipleSpecies) WRITE(output_unit_write,'(/)') WRITE(UNIT=output_unit_write,NML=AvalancheGenerationPDF) WRITE(output_unit_write,'(/)') WRITE(UNIT=output_unit_write,NML=ExperimentalPDF) WRITE(output_unit_write,'(/)') WRITE(UNIT=output_unit_write,NML=HollmannPDF) WRITE(output_unit_write,'(/)') WRITE(UNIT=output_unit_write,NML=EnergyGammaPDF) WRITE(output_unit_write,'(/)') WRITE(UNIT=output_unit_write,NML=SimpleEquilibriumPDF) WRITE(output_unit_write,'(/)') end if end if !!--------------------------------------------------------- !! some tests !!--------------------------------------------------------- !write(6,*) TRIM(outputs_list),len(TRIM(outputs_list)) tmp=len(TRIM(outputs_list)) if (outputs_list(tmp:tmp).ne.'}') then if(params%mpi_params%rank.eq.0) then write(6,*) & 'Check that enough characters are allocated for& & outputs list!' end if call korc_abort(13) end if !write(6,*) TRIM(magnetic_field_filename),len(TRIM(magnetic_field_filename)) tmp=len(TRIM(magnetic_field_filename)) if (magnetic_field_filename(tmp-2:tmp).ne.'.h5'.and. & magnetic_field_filename(tmp-5:tmp-5).ne.'.') then if(params%mpi_params%rank.eq.0) then write(6,*) & 'Check that enough characters are allocated for& & magnetic field filename!' end if call korc_abort(13) end if end subroutine read_namelist SUBROUTINE rmcoment(fileold,filenew) CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: fileold,filenew CHARACTER(128) :: line INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nold=55,nnew=56 INTEGER cmax, ios LOGICAL :: file_exist !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Open files, but make sure the old one exists first. !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- INQUIRE(FILE=fileold,EXIST=file_exist) IF(.NOT. file_exist) THEN PRINT *,'The file "',fileold,'" could not be found.' STOP ENDIF OPEN(UNIT=default_unit_open,FILE=fileold,status="OLD",form='formatted') OPEN(UNIT=default_unit_write,FILE=filenew,status='REPLACE') !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Strip comments. Note: line lengths limited to 127 characters !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO READ(UNIT=default_unit_open,FMT='(a)',IOSTAT=ios) line IF (ios /= 0) EXIT cmax=1 DO WHILE(line(cmax:cmax).NE.'!' .AND. cmax .LE. 127) cmax=cmax+1 ENDDO IF(cmax .GT. 1) WRITE(default_unit_write,'(a)') line(1:cmax-1) ENDDO !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Close files and exit !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE(default_unit_open) CLOSE(default_unit_write) END SUBROUTINE rmcoment end module korc_input