module korc_initialize !! @note Module with subroutines to load simulation parameters !! and to define the time step in the simulation.@endnote use korc_types use korc_constants use korc_hpc use korc_HDF5 use korc_fields use korc_rnd_numbers use korc_spatial_distribution use korc_velocity_distribution use korc_coords use korc_input IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE :: set_paths,& load_korc_params PUBLIC :: initialize_korc_parameters,& initialize_particles,& define_time_step CONTAINS ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! ! ** SUBROUTINES FOR INITIALIZING KORC PARAMETERS ** ! ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! subroutine load_korc_params(params) !! @note Subroutine that loads the simulation parameters from the !! file specified in params\%path_to_inputs @endnote TYPE (KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(INOUT) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. !LOGICAL :: restart !! Flag to indicate if the simulations restarts (restart=T) or not !! (restart=F). Restart simulation that exited before simulation_time !! reached. !LOGICAL :: proceed !! Flag to indicate if the simulations proceeds (proceed=T) or not !! (proceed=F). Append simulation results after previous simulation_time !! reached. !LOGICAL :: reinit !! Flag to begin a new simulation, reinitializing from restart file state !REAL(rp) :: simulation_time !! Total simulation time in seconds. !REAL(rp) :: snapshot_frequency !! Time between snapshots in time of the simulation. !REAL(rp) :: restart_overwrite_frequency !! Time between overwrites of restart file in time of the simulation. !REAL(rp) :: dt !! Time step in the simulation as a fraction of the relativistic !! electron gyro-period @f$\tau_e = 2\pi\gamma m_e/eB_0@f$ !REAL(rp) :: minimum_particle_energy !! Minimum allowed relativistic factor @f$\gamma@f$ of simulated electrons. !LOGICAL :: radiation !! Flag to indicate if synchrotron radiation losses are included !! (radiation=T) or not (radiation=F). !LOGICAL :: collisions !! Flag to indicate if collisionsare included (collisions=T) or not !! (collisions=F). !CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: GC_rad_model !CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: collisions_model !! String with the name of the collisions model to be used in the simulation. !CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: bound_electron_model !CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: profile_model !! String with the name of the model for the plasma profiles. !CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: field_model !! String with the name of the model for the field profiles. !CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: magnetic_field_filename !! String with the name of the model for the fields and plasma profiles. !CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: outputs_list !! List of electron variables to include in the outputs. !INTEGER :: num_species !! Number of different populations of simulated relativistic electrons !! in KORC. INTEGER :: imax !! Auxiliary variable used to parse the output_list INTEGER :: imin !! Auxiliary variable used to parse the output_list INTEGER :: ii !! Iterator used to parse the output_list INTEGER :: jj !! Iterator used to parse the output_list INTEGER :: num_outputs !! Auxiliary variable used to parse the output_list INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: indices !! Auxiliary variable used to parse the output_list !LOGICAL :: HDF5_error_handling !! Flag for HDF5 error handling !LOGICAL :: FO_GC_compare !CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: orbit_model !! String with the name of the orbit model ('FO' or 'GC'). !CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: field_eval !! String with the name of the field evaluation method for !! analytical fields ('interp' or 'eqn') !LOGICAL :: FokPlan !! Flag to decouple spatial-dependence of evolution !LOGICAL :: SameRandSeed !LOGICAL :: SC_E !LOGICAL :: SC_E_add !INTEGER :: time_slice !REAL(rp) :: rmax,rmin,zmax,zmin !INTEGER :: pchunk !NAMELIST /input_parameters/ restart,field_model,magnetic_field_filename, & ! simulation_time,snapshot_frequency,dt,num_species,radiation, & ! collisions,collisions_model,outputs_list,minimum_particle_energy, & ! HDF5_error_handling,orbit_model,field_eval,proceed,profile_model, & ! restart_overwrite_frequency,FokPlan,GC_rad_model, & ! bound_electron_model,FO_GC_compare,SameRandSeed,SC_E,reinit, & ! SC_E_add,time_slice,rmax,rmin,zmax,zmin,pchunk !open(unit=default_unit_open,file=TRIM(params%path_to_inputs), & ! status='OLD',form='formatted') !read(default_unit_open,nml=input_parameters) !close(default_unit_open) params%restart = restart params%proceed = proceed params%reinit = reinit params%load_balance = load_balance params%simulation_time = simulation_time params%snapshot_frequency = snapshot_frequency params%restart_overwrite_frequency=restart_overwrite_frequency params%dt = dt params%num_species = num_species params%profile_model = TRIM(profile_model) params%field_model = TRIM(field_model) params%magnetic_field_filename = TRIM(magnetic_field_filename) params%time_slice = time_slice params%rmax = rmax params%rmin = rmin params%zmax = zmax params%zmin = zmin params%minimum_particle_energy = minimum_particle_energy*C_E params%minimum_particle_g = 1.0_rp + params%minimum_particle_energy/ & (C_ME*C_C**2) ! Minimum value of relativistic gamma factor params%radiation = radiation params%collisions = collisions params%LargeCollisions = LargeCollisions params%collisions_model = TRIM(collisions_model) params%bound_electron_model = TRIM(bound_electron_model) params%GC_rad_model = TRIM(GC_rad_model) if (HDF5_error_handling) then params%HDF5_error_handling = 1_idef else params%HDF5_error_handling = 0_idef end if params%orbit_model = orbit_model params%FO_GC_compare = FO_GC_compare params%field_eval = field_eval params%GC_coords=.FALSE. params%FokPlan=FokPlan params%SameRandSeed = SameRandSeed params%SC_E=SC_E params%SC_E_add=SC_E_add params%pchunk=pchunk ! Loading list of output parameters (parsing) imin = SCAN(outputs_list,'{') imax = SCAN(outputs_list,'}') ii = 1_idef jj = 1_idef num_outputs = 1_idef do while (ii.NE.0) ii = SCAN(outputs_list(jj:),",") if (ii.NE.0) then jj = jj + ii num_outputs = num_outputs + 1_idef end if end do ALLOCATE(params%outputs_list(num_outputs)) if (num_outputs.GT.1_idef) then indices = 0_idef indices(2) = SCAN(outputs_list,",") params%outputs_list(1) = TRIM(outputs_list(imin+1_idef:indices(2)-1_idef)) indices(1) = indices(1) + indices(2) + 1_idef do ii=2_idef,num_outputs indices(2) = SCAN(outputs_list(indices(1):),",") if (indices(2).EQ.0_idef) then params%outputs_list(ii) = TRIM(outputs_list(indices(1):imax-1_idef)) else params%outputs_list(ii) = TRIM(outputs_list(indices(1):indices(1)+indices(2)-2_idef)) indices(1) = indices(1) + indices(2) end if end do else params%outputs_list(1) = TRIM(outputs_list(imin+1_idef:imax-1_idef)) end if if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'(/,"* * * * * SIMULATION PARAMETERS * * * * *")') write(output_unit_write,'("Restarting simulation: ",L1)') params%restart write(output_unit_write,'("Continuing simulation: ",L1)') params%proceed write(output_unit_write,'("Number of electron populations: ",I16)') params%num_species write(output_unit_write,*) 'Orbit model: ',TRIM(params%orbit_model) write(output_unit_write,*) 'Magnetic field model: ',TRIM(params%field_model) write(output_unit_write,*) 'Magnetic field evaluation: ',TRIM(params%field_eval) if (TRIM(params%field_model).EQ.'EXTERNAL') then write(output_unit_write,*) 'Magnetic field file: ',TRIM(params%magnetic_field_filename) end if write(output_unit_write,'("Radiation losses included: ",L1)') params%radiation if (params%radiation.and.(params%orbit_model(1:2).eq.'GC')) then write(output_unit_write,*) 'Radiation model: ',TRIM(params%GC_rad_model) end if write(output_unit_write,'("Collisions losses included: ",L1)') params%collisions if (params%collisions) then write(output_unit_write,*) 'Collision model: ',TRIM(params%collisions_model) write(output_unit_write,*) & 'Bound electron model: ',TRIM(params%bound_electron_model) end if write(output_unit_write,'("Self-consistent E included: ",L1)') params%SC_E write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *",/)') end if end subroutine load_korc_params subroutine initialize_korc_parameters(params) !! @note Interface for calling initialization subroutines @endnote TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(INOUT) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. INTEGER :: mpierr !! MPI error status. call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) call read_namelist(params,params%path_to_inputs,.true.,params%path_to_outputs) call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) call load_korc_params(params) call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) end subroutine initialize_korc_parameters subroutine define_time_step(params,F) !! @note Subroutine that defines or loads from restart file the time !! stepping parameters. @endnote TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(INOUT) :: params TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(INOUT) :: F !! Core KORC simulation parameters. if (params%restart) then call load_time_stepping_params(params) else if (params%proceed.or.params%reinit) then call load_prev_time(params) params%ito = 1_ip params%dt = params%dt*(2.0_rp*C_PI*params%cpp%time_r) params%t_steps = CEILING((params%simulation_time-params%init_time)/ & params%dt,ip) params%output_cadence = CEILING(params%snapshot_frequency/params%dt,ip) if (params%output_cadence.EQ.0_ip) params%output_cadence = 1_ip params%num_snapshots = params%t_steps/params%output_cadence if ( then params%dt=params%snapshot_frequency/float(params%output_cadence) endif params%restart_output_cadence = CEILING(params%restart_overwrite_frequency/ & params%dt,ip) params%t_skip=min(params%t_steps,params%output_cadence) params%t_skip=max(1_ip,params%t_skip) else params%ito = 1_ip params%dt = params%dt*(2.0_rp*C_PI*params%cpp%time_r) params%t_steps = CEILING(params%simulation_time/params%dt,ip) params%output_cadence = CEILING(params%snapshot_frequency/params%dt,ip) if (params%output_cadence.EQ.0_ip) params%output_cadence = 1_ip params%num_snapshots = params%t_steps/params%output_cadence if ( then params%dt=params%snapshot_frequency/float(params%output_cadence) endif params%restart_output_cadence = CEILING(params%restart_overwrite_frequency/ & params%dt,ip) params%t_skip=min(params%t_steps,params%output_cadence) params%t_skip=max(1_ip,params%t_skip) end if ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'dt',params%dt,'t_skip',params%t_skip if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'(/,"* * * * * TIME STEPPING PARAMETERS * * * * *")') write(output_unit_write,'("Simulation time: ",E17.10," s")') params%simulation_time write(output_unit_write,'("Initial time: ",E17.10," s")') params%init_time write(output_unit_write,'("Output frequency: ",E17.10," s")') params%snapshot_frequency write(output_unit_write,'("Relativistic gyro-period: ",E17.10)') 2.0_rp*C_PI* & params%cpp%time_r write(output_unit_write,'("Time step: ",E17.10)') params%dt write(output_unit_write,'("Number of time steps: ",I16)') params%t_steps write(output_unit_write,'("Starting simulation at time step: ",I16)') params%ito write(output_unit_write,'("Output cadence: ",I16)') params%output_cadence write(output_unit_write,'("Restart cadence: ",I16)') params%restart_output_cadence write(output_unit_write,'("Number of outputs: ",I16)') params%num_snapshots write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *",/)') end if end subroutine define_time_step ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! ! * * * SUBROUTINES FOR INITIALIZING PARTICLES * * * ! ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! subroutine initialize_particles(params,F,P,spp) !! @note Subroutine that loads the information of the initial condition !! of the different particle species. This subroutine calls !! the subroutine that generates the initial energy and pitch angle !! distribution functions. @endnote TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F !! An instance of KORC's derived type FIELDS containing all the information !! about the fields used in the simulation. See [[korc_types]] !!and [[korc_fields]]. TYPE(PROFILES), INTENT(INOUT) :: P TYPE(SPECIES), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: spp !! An instance of KORC's derived type SPECIES containing all the information !! of different electron species. See [[korc_types]]. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ppp !! Number of computational particles per MPI process !! used to simulate each electron species. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: q !! Charge of each species. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: m !! Mass of each species. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Eo !! Initial energy of each electron species in case of !! using an initial mono-energetic distribution. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: etao !! Initial pitch-angle of each electron species in case of !! using an initial mono-pitch-angle distribution. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Eo_lims !! Minimum and maximum energy limits of a given initial !! non-mono-energetic distribution. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: etao_lims !! Minimum and maximum pitch-angle limits of a given initial !! non-mono-pitch-angle distribution. !LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: runaway !! Flag to decide whether a given electron is a runaway (runaway=T) !! or not (runaway=F). !CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: spatial_distribution !! String describing the type of initial spatial distribution for !! each electron species. !CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: energy_distribution !! String describing the type of initial energy distribution for each !! electron species. !CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pitch_distribution !! String describing the type of initial pitch-angle distribution !! for each electron species. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Ro !! Radial position of the center of the electrons' initial !! spatial distribution. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: PHIo !! Azimuthal position of the electrons' initial spatial distribution, !! in case of using a disk at a certain poloidal section. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Zo !! Height of the center of the electrons' initial spatial distribution. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: r_inner !! Minimum minor radius of the electrons' initial spatial distribution. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: r_outter !! Maximum minor radius of the electrons' initial spatial distribution. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: falloff_rate !! Exponential falloff or standard deviation of a non-uniform radial !! distribution of electrons. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: shear_factor !! Shear factor used to generate an initial spatial !! distribution with an elliptic poloidal cross section. !! See <em>Carbajal and del-Castillo-Negrete, Nuclear Fusion, !! submitted (2018)</em>. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: sigmaR !! Variance of the first dimension of a 2D Gaussian, spatial !! distribution function !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: sigmaZ !! Variance of the second dimension of a 2D Gaussian, spatial !! distribution function !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: theta_gauss !! Angle of counter-clockwise rotation (in degrees) of 2D Gaussian !! distribution relative to R,Z !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: psi_max !! Maximum value of the argument of the 2D gaussian exponential, used for an !! indicator function that limits the region of MH sampling !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Spong_b !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Spong_w !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Spong_dlam !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dth,dgam !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dR !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dZ INTEGER :: ii !! Iterator of spp structure. INTEGER :: mpierr !! MPI error status. !REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Xtrace !NAMELIST /plasma_species/ ppp,q,m,Eo,etao,Eo_lims,etao_lims,runaway, & ! spatial_distribution,energy_distribution,pitch_distribution,Ro, & ! PHIo,Zo,r_inner,r_outter,falloff_rate,shear_factor,sigmaR,sigmaZ, & ! theta_gauss,psi_max,Xtrace,Spong_b,Spong_w,Spong_dlam,dth,dR,dZ,dgam ! Allocate array containing variables of particles for each species ALLOCATE(spp(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(ppp(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(q(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(m(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(Eo(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(etao(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(Eo_lims(2_idef*params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(etao_lims(2_idef*params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(runaway(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(spatial_distribution(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(energy_distribution(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(pitch_distribution(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(Ro(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(PHIo(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(Zo(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(r_inner(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(r_outter(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(falloff_rate(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(shear_factor(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(sigmaR(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(sigmaZ(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(theta_gauss(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(psi_max(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(Spong_b(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(Spong_w(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(Spong_dlam(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(dth(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(dgam(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(dR(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(dZ(params%num_species)) !ALLOCATE(Xtrace(3_idef*params%num_species)) !open(unit=default_unit_open,file=TRIM(params%path_to_inputs), & ! status='OLD',form='formatted') !read(default_unit_open,nml=plasma_species) !close(default_unit_open) do ii=1_idef,params%num_species spp(ii)%runaway = runaway(ii) spp(ii)%spatial_distribution = TRIM(spatial_distribution(ii)) spp(ii)%energy_distribution = TRIM(energy_distribution(ii)) spp(ii)%pitch_distribution = TRIM(pitch_distribution(ii)) spp(ii)%q = q(ii)*C_E spp(ii)%m = m(ii)*C_ME spp(ii)%ppp = ppp(ii) spp(ii)%pinit = pinit(ii) spp(ii)%pRE = pinit(ii) spp(ii)%Ro = Ro(ii) spp(ii)%PHIo = C_PI*PHIo(ii)/180.0_rp spp(ii)%Zo = Zo(ii) spp(ii)%r_inner = r_inner(ii) spp(ii)%r_outter = r_outter(ii) spp(ii)%falloff_rate = falloff_rate(ii) spp(ii)%shear_factor = shear_factor(ii) spp(ii)%sigmaR = sigmaR(ii) spp(ii)%sigmaZ = sigmaZ(ii) spp(ii)%theta_gauss = theta_gauss(ii) spp(ii)%psi_max = psi_max(ii) spp(ii)%Spong_w = Spong_w(ii) spp(ii)%Spong_b = Spong_b(ii) spp(ii)%Spong_dlam = Spong_dlam(ii) spp(ii)%dth = dth(ii) spp(ii)%dgam = dgam(ii) spp(ii)%dR = dR(ii) spp(ii)%dZ = dZ(ii) ! * * These values can change in initial_energy_pitch_dist * * ! spp(ii)%Eo = Eno(ii)*C_E spp(ii)%Eo_lims = Eo_lims((ii-1_idef)*2_idef + 1_idef:2_idef*ii)*C_E spp(ii)%etao = etao(ii) spp(ii)%etao_lims = etao_lims((ii-1_idef)*2_idef + 1_idef:2_idef*ii) ! * * These values can change in initial_energy_pitch_dist * * ! if (spp(ii)%spatial_distribution.eq.'TRACER') & spp(ii)%Xtrace = Xtrace((ii-1_idef)*3_idef + 1_idef:3_idef*ii) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%X(spp(ii)%ppp,3) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%V(spp(ii)%ppp,3) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%Rgc(spp(ii)%ppp,3) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%Y(spp(ii)%ppp,3) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%E(spp(ii)%ppp,3) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%B(spp(ii)%ppp,3) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%PSI_P(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%ne(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%ni(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%Te(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%Zeff(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%g(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%eta(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%mu(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%Prad(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%Pin(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%flagCon(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%flagCol(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%initLCFS(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%flagRE(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%wt(spp(ii)%ppp) ) #ifdef FIO ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%hint(spp(ii)%ppp)) #endif ! write(output_unit_write,'("0 size of PSI_P: ",I16)') size(spp(ii)%vars%PSI_P) spp(ii)%vars%X = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%V = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%Rgc = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%Y = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%E = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%B = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%PSI_P = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%ne = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%ni = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%Te = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%Zeff = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%g = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%eta = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%mu = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%Prad = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%Pin = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%flagCon(1:spp(ii)%pinit) = 1_is spp(ii)%vars%flagCol(1:spp(ii)%pinit) = 1_is spp(ii)%vars%flagRE(1:spp(ii)%pinit) = 1_is spp(ii)%vars%initLCFS(1:spp(ii)%pinit) = 1_is if (spp(ii) then spp(ii)%vars%flagCon(spp(ii)%pinit+1:spp(ii)%ppp) = 0_is spp(ii)%vars%flagCol(spp(ii)%pinit+1:spp(ii)%ppp) = 0_is spp(ii)%vars%flagRE(spp(ii)%pinit+1:spp(ii)%ppp) = 0_is spp(ii)%vars%initLCFS(spp(ii)%pinit+1:spp(ii)%ppp) = 0_is endif spp(ii)%vars%wt = 0.0_rp if (params%orbit_model(1:2).eq.'GC') then ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%Y0(spp(ii)%ppp,3) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%V0(spp(ii)%ppp) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%k1(spp(ii)%ppp,4) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%k2(spp(ii)%ppp,4) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%k3(spp(ii)%ppp,4) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%k4(spp(ii)%ppp,4) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%k5(spp(ii)%ppp,4) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%k6(spp(ii)%ppp,4) ) if (params%orbit_model(3:5)=='pre'.or. & TRIM(params%field_model)=='M3D_C1'.or. & TRIM(params%field_model)=='NIMROD') then ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%gradB(spp(ii)%ppp,3) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%curlb(spp(ii)%ppp,3) ) spp(ii)%vars%gradB = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%curlb = 0.0_rp else if (params%orbit_model(3:6)=='grad') then ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%BR(spp(ii)%ppp,3) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%BPHI(spp(ii)%ppp,3) ) ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%BZ(spp(ii)%ppp,3) ) spp(ii)%vars%BR = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%BPHI = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%BZ = 0.0_rp end if ALLOCATE( spp(ii)%vars%RHS(spp(ii)%ppp,5) ) spp(ii)%vars%Y0 = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%V0 = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%k1 = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%k2 = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%k3 = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%k4 = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%k5 = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%k6 = 0.0_rp spp(ii)%vars%RHS = 0.0_rp end if end do P%R0_RE=spp(1)%Ro P%Z0_RE=spp(1)%Zo P%n_REr0=max(sqrt(spp(1)%psi_max*2*spp(1)%sigmaR**2), & sqrt(spp(1)%psi_max*2*spp(1)%sigmaZ**2)) call initial_energy_pitch_dist(params,spp) DEALLOCATE(ppp) DEALLOCATE(pinit) DEALLOCATE(q) DEALLOCATE(m) DEALLOCATE(Eno) DEALLOCATE(etao) DEALLOCATE(Eo_lims) DEALLOCATE(etao_lims) DEALLOCATE(runaway) DEALLOCATE(spatial_distribution) DEALLOCATE(energy_distribution) DEALLOCATE(pitch_distribution) DEALLOCATE(Ro) DEALLOCATE(PHIo) DEALLOCATE(Zo) DEALLOCATE(r_inner) DEALLOCATE(r_outter) DEALLOCATE(falloff_rate) DEALLOCATE(shear_factor) DEALLOCATE(sigmaR) DEALLOCATE(sigmaZ) DEALLOCATE(theta_gauss) DEALLOCATE(psi_max) DEALLOCATE(Spong_b) DEALLOCATE(Spong_w) DEALLOCATE(Spong_dlam) DEALLOCATE(dth) DEALLOCATE(dgam) DEALLOCATE(dR) DEALLOCATE(dZ) DEALLOCATE(Xtrace) end subroutine initialize_particles subroutine set_up_particles_ic(params,F,spp,P) !! @note Subroutine with calls to subroutines to load particles' !! information if it is a restarting simulation, or to initialize the !! spatial and velocity distribution of each species if it is a new !! simulation. @endnote TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(INOUT) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(INOUT) :: F !! An instance of KORC's derived type FIELDS containing all !! the information about the fields used in the simulation. !! See [[korc_types]] and [[korc_fields]]. TYPE(SPECIES), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: spp !! An instance of KORC's derived type SPECIES containing all !! the information of different electron species. See [[korc_types]]. TYPE(PROFILES), INTENT(IN) :: P !! An instance of the KORC derived type PROFILES. INTEGER :: ii !! Species iterator. if (params%restart.OR.params%proceed.or.params%reinit) then call load_particles_ic(params,spp,F) if(params%LargeCollisions.and.(.not.params%load_balance)) then do ii=1_idef,params%num_species spp(ii)%pRE=int(sum(float(spp(ii)%vars%flagRE))) end do end if !write(6,*) 'flagRE',spp(1)%vars%flagRE !write(6,*) 'pRE',spp(1)%pRE call init_random_seed() else if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * INITIALIZING SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION * * * *")') flush(output_unit_write) end if call intitial_spatial_distribution(params,spp,P,F) if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *",/)') end if if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * INITIALIZING VELOCITY COMPONENTS * * * *")') end if call initial_gyro_distribution(params,F,spp) if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *",/)') end if end if end subroutine set_up_particles_ic end module korc_initialize