MODULE korc_experimental_pdf USE korc_types USE korc_constants USE korc_HDF5 USE korc_hpc USE special_functions use korc_coords use korc_rnd_numbers use korc_random use korc_fields use korc_input use korc_interp IMPLICIT NONE TYPE, PRIVATE :: PARAMS REAL(rp) :: E ! Parallel electric field normalized using the critical electric field REAL(rp) :: Zeff ! Effective atomic number of impurities REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle ! Maximum pitch angle of sampled PDF in degrees REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle ! Minimum pitch angle of sampled PDF in degrees REAL(rp) :: min_energy ! Minimum energy of sampled PDF in MeV REAL(rp) :: max_energy ! Maximum energy of sampled PDF in MeV REAL(rp) :: min_p ! Minimum momentum of sampled PDF REAL(rp) :: max_p ! Maximum momentum of sampled PDF REAL(rp) :: k ! Shape factor of Gamma distribution REAL(rp) :: t ! Scale factor of Gamma distribution REAL(rp) :: fGo ! Normalization factor of Gamma distribution REAL(rp) :: Bo REAL(rp) :: lambda REAL(rp) :: A_fact ! Multiplication factor for A in distributon. END TYPE PARAMS TYPE, PUBLIC :: HOLLMANN_PARAMS CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: filename INTEGER :: rho_ind REAL(rp) :: E REAL(rp) :: Eo REAL(rp) :: sigma_E REAL(rp) :: Zeff REAL(rp) :: sigma_Z REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle REAL(rp) :: min_sampling_energy ! Minimum energy of sampled PDF in MeV REAL(rp) :: max_sampling_energy ! Maximum energy of sampled PDF in MeV REAL(rp) :: min_sampling_g ! Minimum energy of sampled PDF in MeV REAL(rp) :: max_sampling_g ! Maximum energy of sampled PDF in MeV REAL(rp) :: min_energy ! Minimum energy of sampled PDF in MeV REAL(rp) :: max_energy ! Maximum energy of sampled PDF in MeV REAL(rp) :: min_g ! Minimum energy of sampled PDF in MeV REAL(rp) :: max_g ! Maximum energy of sampled PDF in MeV REAL(rp) :: min_pitch ! Minimum energy of sampled PDF in MeV REAL(rp) :: max_pitch ! Maximum energy of sampled PDF in MeV INTEGER :: N,NE,Nrho REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: E_axis,rho_axis REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: g REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: fRE_E REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: fRE_pitch REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fRE_E_2D REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fRE_pitch_2D CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: current_direction REAL(rp) :: Bo REAL(rp) :: lambda REAL(rp) :: A_fact ! Multiplication factor for A in distributon. LOGICAL :: gam_min_from_col END TYPE HOLLMANN_PARAMS TYPE(PARAMS), PRIVATE :: pdf_params TYPE(HOLLMANN_PARAMS), PUBLIC :: h_params REAL(rp), PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: xo = (C_ME*C_C**2/C_E)/1.0E6 REAL(rp), PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: Tol = 1.0E-5_rp REAL(rp), PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: minmax_buffer_size = 10.0_rp PUBLIC :: get_experimentalG_distribution,& get_Hollmann_distribution,& get_Hollmann_distribution_3D,& get_Hollmann_distribution_3D_psi,& get_Hollmann_distribution_1Dtransport,& initialize_Hollmann_params,& sample_Hollmann_distribution PRIVATE :: initialize_params,& save_params,& sample_distribution,& deg2rad,& rad2deg,& fRE,& fRExPR,& random_norm,& fGamma,& PR,& P_integral,& IntK,& IntBesselK,& IntGamma,& fRE_H,& fRE_pitch CONTAINS SUBROUTINE get_experimentalG_distribution(params,g,eta,go,etao) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: g REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: eta REAL(rp), INTENT(OUT) :: go REAL(rp), INTENT(OUT) :: etao call initialize_params(params) call save_params(params) call sample_distribution(params,g,eta,go,etao) END SUBROUTINE get_experimentalG_distribution SUBROUTINE initialize_params(params) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle !REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle !REAL(rp) :: max_energy !REAL(rp) :: min_energy !REAL(rp) :: Zeff !REAL(rp) :: E !REAL(rp) :: k !REAL(rp) :: t !REAL(rp) :: Bo !REAL(rp) :: lambda !REAL(rp) :: A_fact !NAMELIST /ExperimentalPDF/ max_pitch_angle,min_pitch_angle,max_energy, & ! min_energy,Zeff,E,k,t,Bo,lambda,A_fact !open(unit=default_unit_open,file=TRIM(params%path_to_inputs),status='OLD',form='formatted') !read(default_unit_open,nml=ExperimentalPDF) !close(default_unit_open) pdf_params%max_pitch_angle = max_pitch_angle_expt pdf_params%min_pitch_angle = min_pitch_angle_expt pdf_params%min_energy = min_energy_expt*C_E ! In Joules pdf_params%max_energy = max_energy_expt*C_E ! In Joules pdf_params%Zeff = Zeff_expt pdf_params%E = E_expt pdf_params%k = k_expt pdf_params%t = t_expt pdf_params%Bo = Bo_expt pdf_params%lambda = lambda_expt pdf_params%max_p = SQRT((pdf_params%max_energy/(C_ME*C_C**2))**2 - 1.0_rp) ! In units of mc pdf_params%min_p = SQRT((pdf_params%min_energy/(C_ME*C_C**2))**2 - 1.0_rp) ! In units of mc pdf_params%fGo = & IntGamma(SQRT(pdf_params%min_p**2.0_rp + 1.0_rp),SQRT(pdf_params%max_p**2.0_rp + 1.0_rp),pdf_params%k,pdf_params%t/xo) pdf_params%A_fact = A_fact_expt END SUBROUTINE initialize_params FUNCTION deg2rad(x) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: x REAL(rp) :: deg2rad deg2rad = C_PI*x/180.0_rp END FUNCTION deg2rad FUNCTION rad2deg(x) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: x REAL(rp) :: rad2deg rad2deg = 180.0_rp*x/C_PI END FUNCTION rad2deg FUNCTION fGamma(x,k,t) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: x ! Independent variable REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: k ! Shape factor REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: t ! Scale factor REAL(rp) :: fGamma fGamma = x**(k - 1.0_rp)*EXP(-x/t)/(GAMMA(k)*t**k) END FUNCTION fGamma FUNCTION fRE(eta,p) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: eta ! pitch angle in degrees REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: p ! momentum in units of mc REAL(rp) :: fRE REAL(rp) :: fE REAL(rp) :: feta REAL(rp) :: A REAL(rp) :: Eo Eo = SQRT(p**2.0_rp + 1.0_rp) A = (2.0_rp*pdf_params%E/(pdf_params%Zeff + 1.0_rp))*(p**2/SQRT(p**2.0_rp + 1.0_rp)) A = A*pdf_params%A_fact feta = 0.5_rp*A*EXP(A*COS(deg2rad(eta)))/SINH(A) fE = fGamma(Eo,pdf_params%k,pdf_params%t/xo)/pdf_params%fGo fRE = fE*feta END FUNCTION fRE FUNCTION fRExPR(eta,p) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: eta ! pitch angle in degrees REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: p ! momentum in units of mc REAL(rp) :: fRExPR REAL(rp) :: A REAL(rp) :: Eo fRExPR = fRE(eta,p)*PR(eta,p,pdf_params%Bo,pdf_params%lambda) END FUNCTION fRExPR FUNCTION random_norm(mean,sigma) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: mean REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: sigma REAL(rp) :: random_norm REAL(rp) :: rand1, rand2 call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand1) call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand2) random_norm = mean+sigma*SQRT(-2.0_rp*LOG(rand1))*COS(2.0_rp*C_PI*rand2) END FUNCTION random_norm FUNCTION IntK(v,x) REAL(rp) :: IntK REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: v REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: x IntK = (C_PI/SQRT(2.0_rp))*(1.0_rp - 0.25_rp*(4.0_rp*v**2 - 1.0_rp))*ERFC(SQRT(x))& + 0.25_rp*(4.0_rp*v**2 - 1.0_rp)*SQRT(0.5_rp*C_PI/x)*EXP(-x) END FUNCTION IntK FUNCTION besselk(v,x) REAL(rp) :: besselk REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: x REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: v REAL(4) :: ri,rk,rip,rkp call bessik(REAL(x,4),REAL(v,4),ri,rk,rip,rkp) besselk = REAL(rk,rp) END FUNCTION besselk !> @brief Extended trapezoidal rule for integrating the Gamma PDF. See Sec. 4.2 of Numerical Recipies in Fortran 77. FUNCTION IntGamma(a,b,k,t) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: a REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: b REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: k ! shape factor REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: t ! scale factor REAL(rp) :: IntGamma REAL(rp) :: Iold REAL(rp) :: Inew REAL(rp) :: rerr REAL(rp) :: sum_f REAL(rp) :: h,z INTEGER :: ii,jj,npoints LOGICAL :: flag h = b - a sum_f = 0.5*(fGamma(a,k,t) + fGamma(b,k,t)) Iold = 0.0_rp Inew = sum_f*h ii = 1_idef flag = .TRUE. do while (flag) Iold = Inew ii = ii + 1_idef npoints = 2_idef**(ii-2_idef) h = 0.5_rp*(b-a)/REAL(npoints,rp) sum_f = 0.0_rp do jj=1_idef,npoints z = a + h + 2.0_rp*(REAL(jj,rp) - 1.0_rp)*h sum_f = sum_f + fGamma(z,k,t) end do Inew = 0.5_rp*Iold + sum_f*h rerr = ABS((Inew - Iold)/Iold) flag = .NOT.(rerr.LT.Tol) end do IntGamma = Inew END FUNCTION IntGamma !> @brief Extended trapezoidal rule for integrating the modified Bessel function of second kind. See Sec. 4.2 of Numerical Recipies in Fortran 77. FUNCTION IntBesselK(a,b) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: a REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: b REAL(rp) :: IntBesselK REAL(rp) :: Iold REAL(rp) :: Inew REAL(rp) :: rerr REAL(rp) :: sum_f REAL(rp) :: v,h,z INTEGER :: ii,jj,npoints LOGICAL :: flag v = 5.0_rp/3.0_rp h = b - a sum_f = 0.5*(besselk(v,a) + besselk(v,b)) Iold = 0.0_rp Inew = sum_f*h ii = 1_idef flag = .TRUE. do while (flag) Iold = Inew ii = ii + 1_idef npoints = 2_idef**(ii-2_idef) h = 0.5_rp*(b-a)/REAL(npoints,rp) sum_f = 0.0_rp do jj=1_idef,npoints z = a + h + 2.0_rp*(REAL(jj,rp) - 1.0_rp)*h sum_f = sum_f + besselk(v,z) end do Inew = 0.5_rp*Iold + sum_f*h rerr = ABS((Inew - Iold)/Iold) flag = .NOT.(rerr.LT.Tol) end do IntBesselK = Inew END FUNCTION IntBesselK SUBROUTINE P_integral(z,P) REAL(rp), INTENT(OUT) :: P REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: z REAL(rp) :: a P = 0.0_rp IF (z .LT. 0.5_rp) THEN a = (2.16_rp/2.0_rp**(2.0_rp/3.0_rp))*z**(1.0_rp/3.0_rp) P = IntBesselK(z,a) + IntK(5.0_rp/3.0_rp,a) ELSE IF ((z .GE. 0.5_rp).AND.(z .LT. 2.5_rp)) THEN a = 0.72_rp*(z + 1.0_rp) P = IntBesselK(z,a) + IntK(5.0_rp/3.0_rp,a) ELSE P = IntK(5.0_rp/3.0_rp,z) END IF END SUBROUTINE P_integral FUNCTION PR(eta,p,Bo,l) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: eta ! in radians REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: p ! dimensionless (in units of mc) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: Bo REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: l REAL(rp) :: PR REAL(rp) :: g REAL(rp) :: v REAL(rp) :: k REAL(rp) :: lc REAL(rp) :: z REAL(rp) :: Pi g = SQRT(p**2 + 1.0_rp) v = C_C*SQRT(1.0_rp - 1.0_rp/g**2) k = C_E*Bo*SIN(deg2rad(eta))/(g*C_ME*v) lc = (4.0_rp*C_PI/3.0_rp)/(k*g**3) ! Critical wavelength z = lc/l call P_integral(z,Pi) PR = (C_C*C_E**2)*Pi/(SQRT(3.0_rp)*C_E0*g**2*l**3) END FUNCTION PR SUBROUTINE sample_distribution(params,g,eta,go,etao) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: g REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: eta REAL(rp), INTENT(OUT) :: go REAL(rp), INTENT(OUT) :: etao REAL(rp) :: go_root REAL(rp) :: etao_root REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: p REAL(rp) :: p_buffer REAL(rp) :: p_test REAL(rp) :: eta_buffer REAL(rp) :: eta_test REAL(rp) :: ratio REAL(rp) :: rand_unif REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: p_samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: eta_samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: p_tmp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: eta_tmp REAL(rp) :: minmax REAL(rp) :: min_p REAL(rp) :: max_p REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle REAL(rp) :: deta REAL(rp) :: dp LOGICAL :: lp LOGICAL :: leta INTEGER :: num_accepted INTEGER :: ii INTEGER :: jj INTEGER :: ppp INTEGER :: nsamples INTEGER :: mpierr ppp = SIZE(g) nsamples = ppp*params%mpi_params%nmpi ALLOCATE(p(ppp)) deta = (pdf_params%max_pitch_angle - & pdf_params%min_pitch_angle)/100.0_rp dp = (pdf_params%max_p - pdf_params%min_p)/100.0_rp do jj=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = pdf_params%min_p - REAL(jj,rp)*dp if (minmax.GT.0.0_rp) then min_p = minmax end if end do max_p = pdf_params%max_p + minmax_buffer_size*dp if (pdf_params%min_pitch_angle.GE.korc_zero) then do jj=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = pdf_params%min_pitch_angle - REAL(jj,rp)*deta if (minmax.GT.0.0_rp) then min_pitch_angle = minmax end if end do else min_pitch_angle = 0.0_rp end if do jj=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = pdf_params%max_pitch_angle + REAL(jj,rp)*deta if (minmax.LE.90.0_rp) then max_pitch_angle = minmax else max_pitch_angle = pdf_params%max_pitch_angle EXIT end if end do if (params%mpi_params%rank.EQ.0_idef) then ALLOCATE(p_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(eta_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(p_tmp(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(eta_tmp(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes !* * * Transient * * *! call RANDOM_SEED() call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) eta_buffer = pdf_params%min_pitch_angle + & (pdf_params%max_pitch_angle - pdf_params%min_pitch_angle)*rand_unif call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) p_buffer = pdf_params%min_p + (pdf_params%max_p - & pdf_params%min_p)*rand_unif ii=2_idef do while (ii .LE. 1000_idef) eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,deta) do while ((ABS(eta_test) .GT. pdf_params%max_pitch_angle).OR. & (ABS(eta_test) .LT. pdf_params%min_pitch_angle)) eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,deta) end do p_test = p_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,dp) do while ((p_test.LT.pdf_params%min_p).OR.(p_test.GT. & pdf_params%max_p)) p_test = p_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,dp) end do ratio = fRE(eta_test,p_test)/fRE(eta_buffer,p_buffer) if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then p_buffer = p_test eta_buffer = eta_test ii = ii + 1_idef else call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) if (rand_unif .LT. ratio) then p_buffer = p_test eta_buffer = eta_test ii = ii + 1_idef end if end if end do !* * * Transient * * *! eta_tmp(1) = eta_buffer p_tmp(1) = p_buffer num_accepted = 0_idef do while(num_accepted.LT.nsamples) ii=2_idef do while (ii .LE. nsamples) eta_test = eta_tmp(ii-1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,deta) do while ((ABS(eta_test) .GT. max_pitch_angle).OR. & (ABS(eta_test) .LT. min_pitch_angle)) eta_test = eta_tmp(ii-1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,deta) end do p_test = p_tmp(ii-1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,dp) do while ((p_test.LT.min_p).OR.(p_test.GT.max_p)) p_test = p_tmp(ii-1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,dp) end do ratio = fRE(eta_test,p_test)/fRE(eta_tmp(ii-1),p_tmp(ii-1)) if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then p_tmp(ii) = p_test eta_tmp(ii) = eta_test ii = ii + 1_idef else call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) if (rand_unif .LT. ratio) then p_tmp(ii) = p_test eta_tmp(ii) = eta_test ii = ii + 1_idef end if end if end do eta_tmp = ABS(eta_tmp) ii = 1_idef do while ( (ii.LT.nsamples).AND.(num_accepted.LT.nsamples) ) lp = (p_tmp(ii).LE.pdf_params%max_p).AND.(p_tmp(ii).GE. & pdf_params%min_p) leta = (eta_tmp(ii).LE.pdf_params%max_pitch_angle).AND. & (eta_tmp(ii).GE.pdf_params%min_pitch_angle) if (lp.AND.leta) then num_accepted = num_accepted + 1_idef p_samples(num_accepted) = p_tmp(ii) eta_samples(num_accepted) = eta_tmp(ii) end if ii = ii + 1_idef end do end do go = SUM(SQRT(1.0_rp + p_samples**2))/nsamples etao = SUM(eta_samples)/nsamples end if CALL MPI_SCATTER(p_samples,ppp,MPI_REAL8,p,ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(eta_samples,ppp,MPI_REAL8,eta,ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_BCAST(go,1,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_BCAST(etao,1,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) g = SQRT(1.0_rp + p**2) DEALLOCATE(p) if (params%mpi_params%rank.EQ.0_idef) then DEALLOCATE(p_samples) DEALLOCATE(eta_samples) DEALLOCATE(p_tmp) DEALLOCATE(eta_tmp) end if END SUBROUTINE sample_distribution SUBROUTINE get_Hollmann_distribution(params,spp) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params TYPE(SPECIES), INTENT(INOUT) :: spp ! REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: g ! REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: eta ! REAL(rp), INTENT(OUT) :: go ! REAL(rp), INTENT(OUT) :: etao INTEGER :: mpierr if (spp%ppp* then if(params%mpi_params%rank.eq.0) then write(6,*) 'num_samples need to be atleast 10 but is only: ', & spp%ppp*params%mpi_params%nmpi end if call korc_abort(12) end if call initialize_Hollmann_params(params) call save_Hollmann_params(params) call sample_Hollmann_distribution(params,spp) END SUBROUTINE get_Hollmann_distribution SUBROUTINE get_Hollmann_distribution_3D(params,spp,F) TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params TYPE(SPECIES), INTENT(INOUT) :: spp INTEGER :: mpierr if (spp%ppp* then if(params%mpi_params%rank.eq.0) then write(6,*) 'num_samples need to be atleast 10 but is only: ', & spp%ppp*params%mpi_params%nmpi end if call korc_abort(12) end if call initialize_Hollmann_params(params) call save_Hollmann_params(params) call normalize_Hollmann_params(params) call sample_Hollmann_distribution_3D(params,spp,F) END SUBROUTINE get_Hollmann_distribution_3D SUBROUTINE get_Hollmann_distribution_3D_psi(params,spp,F) TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(INOUT) :: params TYPE(SPECIES), INTENT(INOUT) :: spp INTEGER :: mpierr if (spp%ppp* then if(params%mpi_params%rank.eq.0) then write(6,*) 'num_samples need to be atleast 10 but is only: ', & spp%ppp*params%mpi_params%nmpi end if call korc_abort(12) end if call initialize_Hollmann_params(params) call save_Hollmann_params(params) call normalize_Hollmann_params(params) call sample_Hollmann_distribution_3D_psi(params,spp,F) END SUBROUTINE get_Hollmann_distribution_3D_psi SUBROUTINE get_Hollmann_distribution_1Dtransport(params,spp,F) TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(INOUT) :: params TYPE(SPECIES), INTENT(INOUT) :: spp INTEGER :: mpierr if (spp%ppp* then if(params%mpi_params%rank.eq.0) then write(6,*) 'num_samples need to be atleast 10 but is only: ', & spp%ppp*params%mpi_params%nmpi end if call korc_abort(12) end if call initialize_Hollmann_params(params) call save_Hollmann_params(params) call normalize_Hollmann_params(params) #ifdef PSPLINE call sample_Hollmann_distribution_1Dtransport(params,spp,F) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_Hollmann_distribution_1Dtransport SUBROUTINE initialize_Hollmann_params(params) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: filename CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: current_direction REAL(rp) :: E,sigma_E,Eo REAL(rp) :: Zeff,sigma_Z REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle REAL(rp) :: max_energy REAL(rp) :: min_energy REAL(rp) :: Bo REAL(rp) :: lambda REAL(rp) :: A_fact h_params%filename = TRIM(filename_Hollmann) h_params%rho_ind = rho_ind h_params%E = E_Hollmann h_params%Eo = Eo_Hollmann h_params%sigma_E = sigma_E_Hollmann h_params%Zeff = Zeff_Hollmann h_params%sigma_Z = sigma_Z_Hollmann h_params%max_pitch_angle = max_pitch_angle_Hollmann h_params%min_pitch_angle = min_pitch_angle_Hollmann h_params%gam_min_from_col = gam_min_from_col if(.not.h_params%gam_min_from_col) then h_params%min_sampling_energy = min_energy_Hollmann*C_E ! In Joules h_params%min_sampling_g = 1.0_rp + h_params%min_sampling_energy/ & (C_ME*C_C**2) else h_params%min_sampling_g = params%gam_min endif h_params%max_sampling_energy = max_energy_Hollmann*C_E ! In Joules. h_params%max_sampling_g = 1.0_rp + h_params%max_sampling_energy/ & (C_ME*C_C**2) !write(6,*) 'init:sampling',h_params%min_sampling_g,h_params%max_sampling_g call load_data_from_hdf5(params) ! loads h_params%E_axis 1D energy range, h_params%fRE_E ! energy distribution as a function of h_params%E_axis, ! and h_params%fRE_pitch pitch angle distribution as a ! function of h_params%E_axis if (ALLOCATED(h_params%rho_axis)) then ALLOCATE(h_params%g(h_params%NE)) else ALLOCATE(h_params%g(h_params%N)) endif h_params%g = 1.0_rp + h_params%E_axis/(C_ME*C_C**2) ! 1D range of gamma based on energy range from Hollmann input file if (ALLOCATED(h_params%rho_axis)) then #ifdef PSPLINE call initialize_Hollmann_interpolant(params,h_params%Nrho, & h_params%NE,h_params%rho_axis,h_params%g,h_params%fRE_E_2D, & h_params%fRE_pitch_2D) #endif endif h_params%max_g = MAXVAL(h_params%g) h_params%min_g = MINVAL(h_params%g) !write(6,*) 'init:range',h_params%min_g,h_params%max_g h_params%current_direction = TRIM(current_direction_Hollmann) h_params%Bo = Bo_Hollmann h_params%lambda = lambda_Hollmann h_params%A_fact = A_fact_Hollmann END SUBROUTINE initialize_Hollmann_params subroutine normalize_Hollmann_params(params) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params h_params%sigma_E = h_params%sigma_E/params%cpp%length h_params%sigma_Z = h_params%sigma_Z/params%cpp%length end subroutine normalize_Hollmann_params SUBROUTINE load_data_from_hdf5(params) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: filename CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: gname CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: subgname CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: dset INTEGER(HID_T) :: h5file_id INTEGER(HID_T) :: group_id INTEGER(HID_T) :: subgroup_id REAL(rp) :: rdatum INTEGER :: h5error LOGICAL :: lookhere filename = TRIM(h_params%filename) call h5fopen_f(filename, H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, h5file_id, h5error) if (h5error .EQ. -1) then write(output_unit_write,'("KORC ERROR: Something went wrong in: load_data_from_hdf5 (korc_experimental) --> h5fopen_f")') call korc_abort(20) end if gname='N' call h5lexists_f(h5file_id,TRIM(gname),lookhere,h5error) if (lookhere) then dset = "/N" call load_from_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,rdatum) h_params%N = INT(rdatum) ALLOCATE(h_params%fRE_E(h_params%N)) ALLOCATE(h_params%fRE_pitch(h_params%N)) ALLOCATE(h_params%E_axis(h_params%N)) dset = "/E" call load_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%E_axis) h_params%E_axis = h_params%E_axis*C_E dset = "/fRE_E" call load_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%fRE_E) dset = "/fRE_pitch" call load_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%fRE_pitch) else dset = "/NE" call load_from_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,rdatum) h_params%NE = INT(rdatum) dset = "/Nrho" call load_from_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,rdatum) h_params%Nrho = INT(rdatum) ALLOCATE(h_params%E_axis(h_params%NE)) ALLOCATE(h_params%rho_axis(h_params%Nrho)) ALLOCATE(h_params%fRE_E_2D(h_params%Nrho,h_params%NE)) ALLOCATE(h_params%fRE_pitch_2D(h_params%Nrho,h_params%NE)) dset = "/E" call load_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%E_axis) h_params%E_axis = h_params%E_axis*C_E dset = "/rho" call load_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%rho_axis) dset = "/fRE_E" call load_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%fRE_E_2D) dset = "/fRE_pitch" call load_array_from_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%fRE_pitch_2D) endif call h5fclose_f(h5file_id, h5error) if (h5error .EQ. -1) then write(output_unit_write,'("KORC ERROR: Something went wrong in: load_data_from_hdf5 (korc_experimental) --> h5fclose_f")') end if END SUBROUTINE load_data_from_hdf5 FUNCTION fRE_H(eta,g) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: eta ! pitch angle in degrees REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: g ! Relativistic gamma factor REAL(rp) :: fRE_H REAL(rp) :: D REAL(rp) :: g0 REAL(rp) :: g1 REAL(rp) :: f0 REAL(rp) :: f1 REAL(rp) :: m REAL(rp) :: feta REAL(rp) :: A INTEGER :: index index = MINLOC(ABS(h_params%g - g),1) ! index of gamma supplied to function in Hollmann input gamma range D = h_params%g(index) - g ! linear interpolation of Hollmann input gamma range to gamma supplied ! to function if (D.GT.0) then f0 = h_params%fRE_E(index-1) g0 = h_params%g(index-1) f1 = h_params%fRE_E(index) g1 = h_params%g(index) else f0 = h_params%fRE_E(index) g0 = h_params%g(index) f1 = h_params%fRE_E(index+1) g1 = h_params%g(index+1) end if m = (f1-f0)/(g1-g0) fRE_H = f0 + m*(g - g0) ! end of linear interpolation, fRE_H is evaluation of input Hollmann energy ! distribution PDF at gamma supplied to function A = (2.0_rp*h_params%E/(h_params%Zeff + 1.0_rp))*(g**2 - 1.0_rp)/g A = A*h_params%A_fact feta = A*EXP(-A*(1.0_rp - COS(deg2rad(eta))))/(1.0_rp - EXP(-2.0_rp*A)) ! MRC ! feta = 0.5_rp*A*EXP(A*COS(deg2rad(eta)))/SINH(A) ! MRC fRE_H = fRE_H*feta END FUNCTION fRE_H FUNCTION fRE_H_3D(params,F,eta,g,R,Z,R0,Z0,EPHI,rho_ind) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: eta ! pitch angle in degrees REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: g ! Relativistic gamma factor REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: R,Z,R0,Z0 REAL(rp), INTENT(IN),optional :: EPHI INTEGER, INTENT(IN),optional :: rho_ind REAL(rp) :: fRE_H_3D REAL(rp) :: D REAL(rp) :: g0 REAL(rp) :: g1 REAL(rp) :: f0 REAL(rp) :: f1 REAL(rp) :: m REAL(rp) :: feta REAL(rp) :: A REAL(rp) :: rm,E_G,Z_G REAL(rp) :: CLog0,CLogee,E_CH,k=5._rp,VTe INTEGER :: index index = MINLOC(ABS(h_params%g - g),1) !write(6,*) index ! index of gamma supplied to function in Hollmann input gamma range D = h_params%g(index) - g ! linear interpolation of Hollmann input gamma range to gamma supplied ! to function if(present(rho_ind)) then if (D.GT.0) then f0 = h_params%fRE_E_2D(rho_ind,index-1) g0 = h_params%g(index-1) f1 = h_params%fRE_E_2D(rho_ind,index) g1 = h_params%g(index) else f0 = h_params%fRE_E_2D(rho_ind,index) g0 = h_params%g(index) f1 = h_params%fRE_E_2D(rho_ind,index+1) g1 = h_params%g(index+1) end if else if (D.GT.0) then f0 = h_params%fRE_E(index-1) g0 = h_params%g(index-1) f1 = h_params%fRE_E(index) g1 = h_params%g(index) else f0 = h_params%fRE_E(index) g0 = h_params%g(index) f1 = h_params%fRE_E(index+1) g1 = h_params%g(index+1) end if endif m = (f1-f0)/(g1-g0) fRE_H_3D = f0 + m*(g - g0) ! end of linear interpolation, fRE_H is evaluation of input Hollman energy ! distribution PDF at gamma supplied to function rm=sqrt((R-R0)**2+(Z-Z0)**2) if(present(EPHI)) then CLog0=14.9_rp - LOG(1E-20_rp*n_ne)/2._rp + & LOG(1E-3_rp*Teo) VTe=sqrt(2._rp*Teo*C_E/C_ME) CLogee=CLog0+log(1+(2*(g-1)/(VTe/C_C)**2)**(k/2._rp))/k E_CH=n_ne*C_E**3*CLogee/(4*C_PI*C_E0**2*C_ME*C_C**2) !write(output_unit_write,*) 'gamma',g !write(output_unit_write,*) 'ne',n_ne, & ! 'Te',Teo,'VTe',VTe !write(output_unit_write,*) 'EPHI',EPHI,'CLog',CLogee,'E_CH',E_CH !flush(output_unit_write) E_G=abs(EPHI)/E_CH !write(output_unit_write,*) 'E_G',E_G !flush(output_unit_write) else E_G=F%Ro*h_params%Eo/R endif ! E_G=h_params%E*exp(-(rm/h_params%sigma_E)**2/2) Z_G=h_params%Zeff*exp(-(rm/h_params%sigma_Z)**2/2) ! write(output_unit_write,'("rm: ",E17.10)') rm A = (2.0_rp*E_G/(Z_G + 1.0_rp))*(g**2 - 1.0_rp)/g A = A*h_params%A_fact !write(output_unit_write,*) 'A',A !flush(output_unit_write) feta = A*EXP(-A*(1.0_rp - COS(deg2rad(eta))))/(1.0_rp - EXP(-2.0_rp*A)) ! MRC ! feta = 0.5_rp*A*EXP(A*COS(deg2rad(eta)))/SINH(A) ! MRC fRE_H_3D = fRE_H_3D*feta !if (fRE_H_3D.eq.0._rp) then ! write(6,*) 'f_RE_H',f0 + m*(g - g0) ! write(6,*) 'feta',feta ! write(6,*) 'A',A ! write(6,*) 'g',g ! write(6,*) 'E_G',E_G ! write(6,*) 'E_CH',E_CH ! write(6,*) 'Z_G',Z_G !end if END FUNCTION fRE_H_3D FUNCTION fRE_H_pitch(params,eta,g,EPHI,ne,Te,nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: eta ! pitch angle in degrees REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: g ! Relativistic gamma factor REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: EPHI,ne,Te,nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1 REAL(rp) :: fRE_H_pitch REAL(rp) :: A REAL(rp) :: E_G,nf,pdm,Z_brac REAL(rp) :: CLog0,CLogee,CLogei,E_CH,k=5._rp,VTe CLog0=14.9_rp - LOG(1E-20_rp*ne*params%cpp%density)/2._rp + & LOG(1E-3_rp*Te*params%cpp%temperature/C_E) VTe=sqrt(2._rp*Te*params%cpp%temperature/C_ME) CLogee=CLog0+log(1+(2*(g-1)/(VTe/C_C)**2)**(k/2._rp))/k pdm=C_C*sqrt(g**2-1) CLogei=CLog0+log(1+(2*pdm/VTe)**k)/k !write(6,*) 'ne',ne*params%cpp%density,'Te',Te*params%cpp%temperature/C_E !write(6,*) 'VTe',VTe,'pdm',pdm !write(6,*) 'CLog0',CLog0,'CLogee',CLogee,'CLogei',CLogei nf=nAr0*18+nAr1*17+nAr2*16+nAr3*15+nD Z_brac=((nAr0+nAr1+nAr2+nAr3)*18**2+(nD+nD1))/nf & *(CLogei/CLogee) E_CH=nf*C_E**3*CLogee/(4*C_PI*C_E0**2*C_ME*C_C**2) E_G=abs(EPHI)/E_CH A = (2.0_rp*E_G/(Z_brac + 1.0_rp))*(g**2 - 1.0_rp)/g A = A*h_params%A_fact !write(6,*) 'EPHI',EPHI*params%cpp%Eo,'E_CH',E_CH*params%cpp%Eo,'Z_brac',Z_brac,'nf',nf*params%cpp%density fRE_H_pitch = A*EXP(-A*(1.0_rp - COS(deg2rad(eta))))/ & (1.0_rp - EXP(-2.0_rp*A)) !write(6,*) 'fRE_H_pitch',fRE_H_pitch END FUNCTION fRE_H_pitch FUNCTION fRE_HxPR(eta,g) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: eta ! pitch angle in degrees REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: g ! gamma factor REAL(rp) :: fRE_HxPR fRE_HxPR = fRE_H(eta,g)*PR(eta,SQRT(g**2 - 1.0_rp),h_params%Bo,h_params%lambda) END FUNCTION fRE_HxPR FUNCTION fRE_pitch(g) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: g ! Relativistic gamma factor REAL(rp) :: fRE_pitch REAL(rp) :: D REAL(rp) :: g0,g1,f0,f1,m INTEGER :: index index = MINLOC(ABS(h_params%g - g),1) D = h_params%g(index) - g if (D.GT.0) then f0 = h_params%fRE_pitch(index-1) g0 = h_params%g(index-1) f1 = h_params%fRE_pitch(index) g1 = h_params%g(index) else f0 = h_params%fRE_pitch(index) g0 = h_params%g(index) f1 = h_params%fRE_pitch(index+1) g1 = h_params%g(index+1) end if m = (f1-f0)/(g1-g0) fRE_pitch = f0 + m*(g - g0) fRE_pitch = 180.0_rp - fRE_pitch END FUNCTION fRE_pitch SUBROUTINE sample_Hollmann_distribution(params,spp) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params TYPE(SPECIES), INTENT(INOUT) :: spp ! REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: g ! REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: eta ! REAL(rp), INTENT(OUT) :: go ! REAL(rp), INTENT(OUT) :: etao REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: p REAL(rp) :: g_buffer REAL(rp) :: g_test REAL(rp) :: eta_buffer REAL(rp) :: eta_test REAL(rp) :: ratio REAL(rp) :: rand_unif REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: g_samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: eta_samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: g_tmp REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: eta_tmp REAL(rp) :: minmax REAL(rp) :: min_g REAL(rp) :: max_g REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle REAL(rp) :: dg REAL(rp) :: deta LOGICAL :: lp INTEGER :: index_i INTEGER :: index_f INTEGER :: num_accepted INTEGER :: ii INTEGER :: jj INTEGER :: ppp INTEGER :: nsamples INTEGER :: mpierr INTEGER,DIMENSION(33) :: seed=(/1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1/) nsamples = spp%ppp*params%mpi_params%nmpi index_i = MINLOC(ABS(h_params%g - h_params%min_sampling_g),1) !index of minimum gamma range desired index_f = MINLOC(ABS(h_params%g - h_params%max_sampling_g),1) !index of maximum gamma range desired deta = (h_params%max_pitch_angle - h_params%min_pitch_angle)/100.0_rp dg = (h_params%max_sampling_g - h_params%min_sampling_g)/100.0_rp ! buffer at minimum gamma boundary do jj=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = h_params%min_sampling_g - REAL(jj,rp)*dg if (minmax.GT.h_params%min_g) then min_g = minmax end if ! buffer at maximum gamma boundary minmax = h_params%max_sampling_g + REAL(jj,rp)*dg if (minmax.LT.h_params%max_g) then max_g = minmax end if end do ! buffer at minimum pitch angle boundary if (h_params%min_pitch_angle.GE.korc_zero) then do jj=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = h_params%min_pitch_angle - REAL(jj,rp)*deta if (minmax.GT.0.0_rp) then min_pitch_angle = minmax end if end do else min_pitch_angle = 0.0_rp end if ! buffer at maximum pitch angle boundary do jj=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = h_params%max_pitch_angle + REAL(jj,rp)*deta if (minmax.LE.90.0_rp) then max_pitch_angle = minmax else max_pitch_angle = h_params%max_pitch_angle EXIT end if end do if (params%mpi_params%rank.EQ.0_idef) then !! MCMC and MH algorithm perfomred on single MPI process !! to sample distribution function fRE_H ALLOCATE(g_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(eta_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(g_tmp(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(eta_tmp(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes !Transient! if (.not.params%SameRandSeed) then call init_random_seed() else call random_seed(put=seed) end if call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) ! rand_unif=get_random_U() eta_buffer = h_params%min_pitch_angle + (h_params%max_pitch_angle & - h_params%min_pitch_angle)*rand_unif call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) ! rand_unif=get_random_U() g_buffer = h_params%min_sampling_g + (h_params%max_sampling_g - & h_params%min_sampling_g)*rand_unif ii=2_idef do while (ii .LE. 1000_idef) eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) ! eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth do while ((ABS(eta_test) .GT. h_params%max_pitch_angle).OR. & (ABS(eta_test) .LT. h_params%min_pitch_angle)) eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) ! eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth end do g_test = g_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) ! g_test = g_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam do while ((g_test.LT.h_params%min_sampling_g).OR. & (g_test.GT.h_params%max_sampling_g)) g_test = g_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) ! g_test = g_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam end do ratio = fRE_H(eta_test,g_test)*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & (fRE_H(eta_buffer,g_buffer)* & sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) !ratio = fRE_H(eta_test,g_test)/fRE_H(eta_buffer,g_buffer) !ratio = fRE_HxPR(eta_test,g_test)/fRE_HxPR(eta_buffer,g_buffer) if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then g_buffer = g_test eta_buffer = eta_test ii = ii + 1_idef else call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) ! rand_unif=get_random_U() if (rand_unif .LT. ratio) then g_buffer = g_test eta_buffer = eta_test ii = ii + 1_idef end if end if end do !Transient! eta_tmp(1) = eta_buffer g_tmp(1) = g_buffer num_accepted = 0_idef do while(num_accepted.LT.nsamples) ii=2_idef do while (ii .LE. nsamples) if (modulo(ii,nsamples/10).eq.0) then write(output_unit_write,'("Sample: ",I10)') ii end if ! write(output_unit_write,'("iisample",I16)') ii eta_test = eta_tmp(ii-1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_tmp(ii-1) + get_random_N()*spp%dth ! write(output_unit_write,'("max_pitch_angle: ",E17.10)') max_pitch_angle ! write(output_unit_write,'("min_pitch_angle: ",E17.10)') min_pitch_angle do while ((ABS(eta_test) .GT. max_pitch_angle).OR. & (ABS(eta_test) .LT. min_pitch_angle)) eta_test = eta_tmp(ii-1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) ! eta_test = eta_tmp(ii-1) + get_random_N()*spp%dth ! write(output_unit_write,'("eta_test: ",E17.10)') eta_test end do g_test = g_tmp(ii-1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) !g_test = g_tmp(ii-1) + get_random_N()*spp%dgam ! write(output_unit_write,'("max_g: ",E17.10)') max_g ! write(output_unit_write,'("min_g: ",E17.10)') min_g do while ((g_test.LT.min_g).OR.(g_test.GT.max_g)) g_test = g_tmp(ii-1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) ! g_test = g_tmp(ii-1) + get_random_N()*spp%dgam ! write(output_unit_write,'("g_test: ",E17.10)') g_test end do ratio = fRE_H(eta_test,g_test)*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & (fRE_H(eta_tmp(ii-1),g_tmp(ii-1))* & sin(deg2rad(eta_tmp(ii-1)))) ! ratio = fRE_H(eta_test,g_test)/fRE_H(eta_tmp(ii-1),g_tmp(ii-1)) !ratio = fRE_HxPR(eta_test,g_test)/fRE_HxPR(eta_tmp(ii-1),g_tmp(ii-1)) ! write(output_unit_write,'("ratio: ",E17.10)') ratio if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then g_tmp(ii) = g_test eta_tmp(ii) = eta_test ii = ii + 1_idef else call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) ! rand_unif=get_random_U() if (rand_unif .LT. ratio) then g_tmp(ii) = g_test eta_tmp(ii) = eta_test ii = ii + 1_idef end if end if end do eta_tmp = ABS(eta_tmp) ii = 1_idef do while ( (ii.LT.nsamples).AND.(num_accepted.LT.nsamples) ) ! write(output_unit_write,'("iiaccept",I16)') ii lp = (g_tmp(ii).LE.h_params%max_sampling_g).AND. & (g_tmp(ii).GE.h_params%min_sampling_g).AND. & (eta_tmp(ii).LE.h_params%max_pitch_angle).AND. & (eta_tmp(ii).GE.h_params%min_pitch_angle) if (lp) then num_accepted = num_accepted + 1_idef g_samples(num_accepted) = g_tmp(ii) eta_samples(num_accepted) = eta_tmp(ii) end if ii = ii + 1_idef end do end do ! if (TRIM(h_params%current_direction) .EQ. 'ANTICLOCKWISE') then ! eta_samples = 180.0_rp - eta_samples ! end if ! go = SUM(g_samples)/nsamples ! etao = SUM(eta_samples)/nsamples end if !MCMC computed on single MPI process CALL MPI_SCATTER(g_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,spp%vars%g,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(eta_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,spp%vars%eta,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) ! CALL MPI_BCAST(go,1,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) ! CALL MPI_BCAST(etao,1,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) if (params%mpi_params%rank.EQ.0_idef) then DEALLOCATE(g_samples) DEALLOCATE(eta_samples) DEALLOCATE(g_tmp) DEALLOCATE(eta_tmp) end if ! write(output_unit_write,'("sampled eta: ",E17.10)') eta END SUBROUTINE sample_Hollmann_distribution FUNCTION PSI_ROT_exp(R,R0,sigR,Z,Z0,sigZ,theta) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: R !! R-coordinate of MH sampled location REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: R0 !! R-coordinate of center of 2D Gaussian REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: sigR !! Variance of first dimension of 2D Gaussian REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: Z !! Z-coordinate of MH sampled location REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: Z0 !! Z-coordinate of center of 2D Gaussian REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: sigZ !! Variance of second dimension of 2D Gaussian REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: theta !! Angle of counter-clockwise rotation (in radians), of 2D Gaussian !! distribution relative to R,Z REAL(rp) :: PSI_ROT_exp !! Argument of exponential comprising 2D Gaussian distribution PSI_ROT_exp=(R-R0)**2*((cos(theta))**2/(2*sigR**2)+ & (sin(theta))**2/(2*sigZ**2))+ & 2*(R-R0)*(Z-Z0)*cos(theta)*sin(theta)*(1/(2*sigR**2)-1/(2*sigZ**2))+ & (Z-Z0)**2*((sin(theta))**2/(2*sigR**2)+(cos(theta))**2/(2*sigZ**2)) END FUNCTION PSI_ROT_exp FUNCTION indicator_exp(psi,psi_max) REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: psi REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) :: psi_max REAL(rp) :: indicator_exp IF (psi.LT.psi_max) THEN indicator_exp=1 ELSE indicator_exp=0 END IF END FUNCTION indicator_exp subroutine sample_Hollmann_distribution_3D(params,spp,F) !! @note Subroutine that generates a 2D Gaussian distribution in an !! elliptic torus as the initial spatial condition of a given particle !! species in the simulation. @endnote TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(SPECIES), INTENT(INOUT) :: spp !! An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all the parameters !! and simulation variables of the different species in the simulation. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F !! An instance of the KORC derived type FIELDS. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: R_samples,X_samples,Y_samples !! Major radial location of all samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: PHI_samples !! Azimuithal angle of all samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Z_samples !! Vertical location of all samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: G_samples !! Gamma of all samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: eta_samples !! Pitch angle of all samples REAL(rp) :: psi_max_buff !! Value of buffer above desired maximum argument of 2D Gaussian spatial !! profile REAL(rp) :: minmax !! Temporary variable used for setting buffers !! Minimum domain for momentum sampling including buffer REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle !! Maximum domain for pitch angle sampling including buffer REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle !! Minimum domain for pitch angle sampling including buffer REAL(rp) :: min_g,max_g REAL(rp) :: theta_rad !! Angle of rotation of 2D Gaussian spatial distribution in radians REAL(rp) :: R_buffer !! Previous sample of R location REAL(rp) :: Z_buffer !! Previous sample of Z location REAL(rp) :: eta_buffer !! Previous sample of pitch REAL(rp) :: G_buffer REAL(rp) :: R_test !! Present sample of R location REAL(rp) :: Z_test !! Present sample of Z location REAL(rp) :: eta_test !! Present sample of pitch angle REAL(rp) :: G_test REAL(rp) :: psi0 !! Previous value of 2D Gaussian argument based on R_buffer, Z_buffer REAL(rp) :: psi1 !! Present value of 2D Gaussian argument based on R_test, Z_test REAL(rp) :: f0 !! Evaluation of Avalanche distribution with previous sample REAL(rp) :: f1 !! Evaluation of Avalanche distribution with present sample REAL(rp) :: rand_unif !! Uniform random variable [0,1] REAL(rp) :: ratio !! MH selection criteria INTEGER :: nsamples !! Total number of samples to be distributed over all mpi processes INTEGER :: ii !! Sample iterator. INTEGER :: mpierr !! mpi error indicator REAL(rp) :: dg,deta LOGICAL :: accepted INTEGER,DIMENSION(33) :: seed=(/1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1/) nsamples = spp%ppp*params%mpi_params%nmpi psi_max_buff = spp%psi_max*2._rp theta_rad=C_PI*spp%theta_gauss/180.0_rp deta = (h_params%max_pitch_angle - h_params%min_pitch_angle)/100.0_rp dg = (h_params%max_sampling_g - h_params%min_sampling_g)/100.0_rp ! buffer at minimum gamma boundary do ii=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = h_params%min_sampling_g - REAL(ii,rp)*dg if (minmax.GT.h_params%min_g) then min_g = minmax end if ! buffer at maximum gamma boundary minmax = h_params%max_sampling_g + REAL(ii,rp)*dg if (minmax.LT.h_params%max_g) then max_g = minmax end if end do ! buffer at minimum pitch angle boundary if (h_params%min_pitch_angle.GE.korc_zero) then do ii=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = h_params%min_pitch_angle - REAL(ii,rp)*deta if (minmax.GT.0.0_rp) then min_pitch_angle = minmax end if end do else min_pitch_angle = h_params%min_pitch_angle end if ! buffer at maximum pitch angle boundary do ii=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = h_params%max_pitch_angle + REAL(ii,rp)*deta if (minmax.LE.180.0_rp) then max_pitch_angle = minmax end if end do if (params%mpi_params%rank.EQ.0_idef) then ALLOCATE(R_samples(nsamples)) ALLOCATE(X_samples(nsamples)) ALLOCATE(Y_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(PHI_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(Z_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(eta_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(G_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ! Transient ! R_buffer = spp%Ro Z_buffer = spp%Zo if (.not.params%SameRandSeed) then call init_random_seed() else call random_seed(put=seed) end if ! call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) ! eta_buffer = min_pitch_angle + (max_pitch_angle & ! - min_pitch_angle)*rand_unif ! eta_buffer = min_pitch_angle + (max_pitch_angle & ! - min_pitch_angle)*get_random_mkl_U() eta_buffer = min_pitch_angle + (max_pitch_angle & - min_pitch_angle)*get_random_U() ! call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) ! G_buffer = min_g + (max_g - min_g)*rand_unif ! G_buffer = min_g + (max_g - min_g)*get_random_mkl_U() G_buffer = min_g + (max_g - min_g)*get_random_U() ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'R_buffer',R_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'Z_buffer',Z_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'eta_buffer',eta_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'G_buffer',G_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,'("length norm: ",E17.10)') params%cpp%length accepted=.false. ii=1_idef do while (ii .LE. 1000_idef) ! write(output_unit_write,'("burn:",I15)') ii !R_test = R_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dR) !R_test = R_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dR) R_test = R_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dR !Z_test = Z_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dZ) !Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dZ) Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dZ !eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dth) eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth !G_test = G_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) !G_test = G_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) G_test = G_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam ! Test that pitch angle and momentum are within chosen boundary do while ((ABS(eta_test) .GT. max_pitch_angle).OR. & (ABS(eta_test) .LT. min_pitch_angle)) !eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dth) eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth end do do while ((G_test.LT.min_g).OR.(G_test.GT.max_g)) !G_test = G_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) !G_test = G_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) G_test = G_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam end do ! initialize 2D gaussian argument and distribution function, or ! copy from previous sample if (ii==1) then psi0=PSI_ROT_exp(R_buffer,spp%Ro,spp%sigmaR,Z_buffer,spp%Zo, & spp%sigmaZ,theta_rad) f0=fRE_H_3D(params,F,eta_buffer,G_buffer,R_buffer,Z_buffer, & spp%Ro,spp%Zo) ! f0=fRE_H(eta_buffer,G_buffer) end if if (accepted) then psi0=psi1 f0=f1 end if psi1=PSI_ROT_exp(R_test,spp%Ro,spp%sigmaR,Z_test,spp%Zo, & spp%sigmaZ,theta_rad) f1=fRE_H_3D(params,F,eta_test,G_test,R_test,Z_test,spp%Ro,spp%Zo) ! f1=fRE_H(eta_test,G_test) ! write(output_unit_write,'("psi0: ",E17.10)') psi0 ! write(output_unit_write,'("psi1: ",E17.10)') psi1 ! write(output_unit_write,'("f0: ",E17.10)') f0 ! write(output_unit_write,'("f1: ",E17.10)') f1 ! Calculate acceptance ratio for MH algorithm. fRE function ! incorporates p^2 factor of spherical coordinate Jacobian ! for velocity phase space, factors of sin(pitch angle) for velocity ! phase space and cylindrical coordinate Jacobian R for spatial ! phase space incorporated here. ratio = indicator_exp(psi1,spp%psi_max)* & R_test*f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & (R_buffer*f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) ! ratio = indicator_exp(psi1,spp%psi_max)* & ! R_test*EXP(-psi1)*f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & ! (R_buffer*EXP(-psi0)*f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) ! ratio = f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/(f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) accepted=.false. if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then accepted=.true. R_buffer = R_test Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test ii = ii + 1_idef else ! call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) ! if (rand_unif .LT. ratio) then !if (get_random_mkl_U() .LT. ratio) then if (get_random_U() .LT. ratio) then accepted=.true. R_buffer = R_test Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test ii = ii + 1_idef end if end if end do ! Transient ! ii=1_idef do while (ii .LE. nsamples) ! write(output_unit_write,'("sample:",I15)') ii if (modulo(ii,nsamples/10).eq.0) then write(output_unit_write,'("Sample: ",I10)') ii end if !R_test = R_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dR) !R_test = R_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dR) R_test = R_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dR !Z_test = Z_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dZ) !Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dZ) Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dZ !eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dth) eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth !G_test = G_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) !G_test = G_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) G_test = G_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam ! Test that pitch angle and momentum are within chosen boundary do while ((ABS(eta_test) .GT. max_pitch_angle).OR. & (ABS(eta_test) .LT. min_pitch_angle)) !eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dth) eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth end do do while ((G_test.LT.min_g).OR.(G_test.GT.max_g)) !G_test = G_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) !G_test = G_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) G_test = G_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam end do if (accepted) then psi0=psi1 f0=f1 end if psi1=PSI_ROT_exp(R_test,spp%Ro,spp%sigmaR,Z_test,spp%Zo, & spp%sigmaZ,theta_rad) ! write(output_unit_write,'("R: ",E17.10)') R_test ! write(output_unit_write,'("R0: ",E17.10)') spp%Ro ! write(output_unit_write,'("sigma_R: ",E17.10)') spp%sigmaR ! write(output_unit_write,'("dR: ",E17.10)') spp%dR ! write(output_unit_write,'("N_dR: ",E17.10)') random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dR) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Z: ",E17.10)') Z_test ! write(output_unit_write,'("Z0: ",E17.10)') spp%Zo ! write(output_unit_write,'("sigma_Z: ",E17.10)') spp%sigmaZ ! write(output_unit_write,'("dZ: ",E17.10)') spp%dZ ! write(output_unit_write,'("N_dR: ",Z17.10)') random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dZ) f1=fRE_H_3D(params,F,eta_test,G_test,R_test,Z_test,spp%Ro,spp%Zo) ! f1=fRE_H(eta_test,G_test) ratio = indicator_exp(psi1,psi_max_buff)* & R_test*f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & (R_buffer*f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) ! ratio = indicator_exp(psi1,psi_max_buff)* & ! R_test*EXP(-psi1)*f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & ! (R_buffer*EXP(-psi0)*f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) ! ratio = f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/(f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) accepted=.false. if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then accepted=.true. R_buffer = R_test Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test else !call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) !if (rand_unif .LT. ratio) then !if (get_random_mkl_U() .LT. ratio) then if (get_random_U() .LT. ratio) then accepted=.true. R_buffer = R_test Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test end if end if ! write(output_unit_write,'("R: ",E17.10)') R_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,'("Z: ",E17.10)') Z_buffer ! Only accept sample if it is within desired boundary, but ! add to MC above if within buffer. This helps make the boundary ! more defined. IF ((INT(indicator_exp(psi1,spp%psi_max)).EQ.1).AND. & (G_buffer.LE.h_params%max_sampling_g).AND. & (G_buffer.GE.h_params%min_sampling_g).AND. & (eta_buffer.LE.h_params%max_pitch_angle).AND. & (eta_buffer.GE.h_params%min_pitch_angle).AND. & ACCEPTED) THEN R_samples(ii) = R_buffer Z_samples(ii) = Z_buffer eta_samples(ii) = eta_buffer G_samples(ii) = G_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'RS',R_buffer ! Sample phi location uniformly !call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) !PHI_samples(ii) = 2.0_rp*C_PI*rand_unif !PHI_samples(ii) = 2.0_rp*C_PI*get_random_mkl_U() PHI_samples(ii) = 2.0_rp*C_PI*get_random_U() ii = ii + 1_idef END IF end do ! if (minval(R_samples(:)).lt.1._rp/params%cpp%length) stop 'error with sample' ! write(output_unit_write,'("R_sample: ",E17.10)') R_samples(:)*params%cpp%length X_samples=R_samples*cos(PHI_samples) Y_samples=R_samples*sin(PHI_samples) ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'R_samples',R_samples ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'PHI_samples',PHI_samples ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'Z_samples',Z_samples ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'G_samples',G_samples ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'eta_samples',eta_samples end if call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(X_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%X(:,1),spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(Y_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%X(:,2),spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(Z_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%X(:,3),spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(eta_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%eta,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(G_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%g,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) ! write(output_unit_write,*) params%mpi_params%rank,'varX',spp%vars%X(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,*) params%mpi_params%rank,'varY',spp%vars%X(:,2) ! write(output_unit_write,'("X_X: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%X(:,1)*params%cpp%length ! gamma is kept for each particle, not the momentum if (params%orbit_model(1:2).eq.'GC') call cart_to_cyl(spp%vars%X,spp%vars%Y) ! write(output_unit_write,*) params%mpi_params%rank,'varX',spp%vars%X(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,*) params%mpi_params%rank,'varR',spp%vars%Y(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_R: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%Y(:,1)*params%cpp%length ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_PHI: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%Y(:,1)*params%cpp%length ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_Z: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%Y(:,3)*params%cpp%length ! if (minval(spp%vars%Y(:,1)).lt.1._rp/params%cpp%length) stop 'error with avalanche' if (params%mpi_params%rank.EQ.0_idef) then DEALLOCATE(R_samples) DEALLOCATE(X_samples) DEALLOCATE(Y_samples) DEALLOCATE(Z_samples) DEALLOCATE(PHI_samples) DEALLOCATE(eta_samples) DEALLOCATE(G_samples) end if end subroutine sample_Hollmann_distribution_3D subroutine sample_Hollmann_distribution_3D_psi(params,spp,F) !! @note Subroutine that generates a 2D Gaussian distribution in an !! elliptic torus as the initial spatial condition of a given particle !! species in the simulation. @endnote TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(INOUT) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(SPECIES), INTENT(INOUT) :: spp !! An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all the parameters !! and simulation variables of the different species in the simulation. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F !! An instance of the KORC derived type FIELDS. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: R_samples,X_samples,Y_samples !! Major radial location of all samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: PHI_samples !! Azimuithal angle of all samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Z_samples !! Vertical location of all samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: G_samples !! Gamma of all samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: eta_samples !! Pitch angle of all samples REAL(rp) :: psi_max_buff !! Value of buffer above desired maximum argument of 2D Gaussian spatial !! profile REAL(rp) :: minmax !! Temporary variable used for setting buffers !! Minimum domain for momentum sampling including buffer REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle !! Maximum domain for pitch angle sampling including buffer REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle !! Minimum domain for pitch angle sampling including buffer REAL(rp) :: min_g,max_g REAL(rp) :: min_R,max_R REAL(rp) :: min_Z,max_Z REAL(rp) :: theta_rad !! Angle of rotation of 2D Gaussian spatial distribution in radians REAL(rp) :: R_buffer !! Previous sample of R location REAL(rp) :: Z_buffer !! Previous sample of Z location REAL(rp) :: eta_buffer !! Previous sample of pitch REAL(rp) :: G_buffer REAL(rp) :: R_test !! Present sample of R location REAL(rp) :: Z_test !! Present sample of Z location REAL(rp) :: eta_test !! Present sample of pitch angle REAL(rp) :: G_test REAL(rp) :: psi0 !! Previous value of 2D Gaussian argument based on R_buffer, Z_buffer REAL(rp) :: psi1 !! Present value of 2D Gaussian argument based on R_test, Z_test REAL(rp) :: PSIp_lim,PSIP0,PSIN,PSIN0,PSIN1,sigma REAL(rp) :: f0 !! Evaluation of Avalanche distribution with previous sample REAL(rp) :: f1 !! Evaluation of Avalanche distribution with present sample REAL(rp) :: rand_unif !! Uniform random variable [0,1] REAL(rp) :: ratio !! MH selection criteria INTEGER :: nsamples !! Total number of samples to be distributed over all mpi processes INTEGER :: ii !! Sample iterator. INTEGER :: mpierr !! mpi error indicator REAL(rp) :: dg,deta LOGICAL :: accepted INTEGER,DIMENSION(33) :: seed=(/1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1/) nsamples = spp%ppp*params%mpi_params%nmpi psi_max_buff = spp%psi_max*1.25_rp theta_rad=C_PI*spp%theta_gauss/180.0_rp params%GC_coords=.TRUE. PSIp_lim=F%PSIp_lim PSIp0=F%PSIP_min if (params%field_model.eq.'M3D_C1'.or. & params%field_model.eq.'NIMROD') then min_R=params%rmin/params%cpp%length max_R=params%rmax/params%cpp%length min_Z=params%zmin/params%cpp%length max_Z=params%zmax/params%cpp%length else min_R=minval(F%X%R) max_R=maxval(F%X%R) min_Z=minval(F%X%Z) max_Z=maxval(F%X%Z) end if sigma=spp%sigmaR*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'R bounds',min_R*params%cpp%length,max_R*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'Z bounds',min_Z*params%cpp%length,max_Z*params%cpp%length deta = (h_params%max_pitch_angle - h_params%min_pitch_angle)/100.0_rp dg = (h_params%max_sampling_g - h_params%min_sampling_g)/100.0_rp ! buffer at minimum gamma boundary do ii=0_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = h_params%min_sampling_g - REAL(ii,rp)*dg if (minmax.GT.h_params%min_g) then min_g = minmax end if ! buffer at maximum gamma boundary minmax = h_params%max_sampling_g + REAL(ii,rp)*dg if (minmax.LT.h_params%max_g) then max_g = minmax end if end do !write(6,*) 'gam bounds',min_g,max_g ! buffer at minimum pitch angle boundary if (h_params%min_pitch_angle.GE.korc_zero) then do ii=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = h_params%min_pitch_angle - REAL(ii,rp)*deta if (minmax.GT.0.0_rp) then min_pitch_angle = minmax end if end do else min_pitch_angle = h_params%min_pitch_angle end if ! buffer at maximum pitch angle boundary do ii=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = h_params%max_pitch_angle + REAL(ii,rp)*deta if (minmax.LE.180.0_rp) then max_pitch_angle = minmax end if end do !write(6,*) 'eta bounds',min_pitch_angle,max_pitch_angle if (params%mpi_params%rank.EQ.0_idef) then ALLOCATE(R_samples(nsamples)) ALLOCATE(X_samples(nsamples)) ALLOCATE(Y_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(PHI_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(Z_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(eta_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(G_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ! Transient ! R_buffer = spp%Ro Z_buffer = spp%Zo if (.not.params%SameRandSeed) then call init_random_seed() else call random_seed(put=seed) end if ! call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) ! eta_buffer = min_pitch_angle + (max_pitch_angle & ! - min_pitch_angle)*rand_unif ! eta_buffer = min_pitch_angle + (max_pitch_angle & ! - min_pitch_angle)*get_random_mkl_U() eta_buffer = min_pitch_angle + (max_pitch_angle & - min_pitch_angle)*get_random_U() ! call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) ! G_buffer = min_g + (max_g - min_g)*rand_unif ! G_buffer = min_g + (max_g - min_g)*get_random_mkl_U() G_buffer = min_g + (max_g - min_g)*get_random_U() ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'R_buffer',R_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'Z_buffer',Z_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'eta_buffer',eta_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'G_buffer',G_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,'("length norm: ",E17.10)') params%cpp%length accepted=.false. ii=1_idef do while (ii .LE. 1000_idef) if (modulo(ii,100).eq.0) then write(output_unit_write,'("Burn: ",I10)') ii end if !write(6,*) ii !R_test = R_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dR) !R_test = R_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dR) R_test = R_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dR !Z_test = Z_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dZ) !Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dZ) Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dZ !eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dth) eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth !G_test = G_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) !G_test = G_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) G_test = G_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam ! Test that pitch angle and momentum are within chosen boundary do while ((ABS(eta_test) .GT. max_pitch_angle).OR. & (ABS(eta_test) .LT. min_pitch_angle)) !eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dth) eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth end do do while ((R_test.GT.max_R).OR.(R_test .LT. min_R)) !eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dth) R_test = R_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dR end do do while ((Z_test.GT.max_Z).OR.(Z_test .LT. min_Z)) !eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dth) Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dZ end do do while ((G_test.LT.min_g).OR.(G_test.GT.max_g)) !G_test = G_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) !G_test = G_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) G_test = G_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam end do ! initialize 2D gaussian argument and distribution function, or ! copy from previous sample if (ii==1) then ! psi0=PSI_ROT_exp(R_buffer,spp%Ro,spp%sigmaR,Z_buffer,spp%Zo, & ! spp%sigmaZ,theta_rad) spp%vars%Y(1,1)=R_buffer spp%vars%Y(1,2)=0 spp%vars%Y(1,3)=Z_buffer !write(output_unit_write,*) 'R',R_buffer !write(output_unit_write,*) 'Z',Z_buffer call get_fields(params,spp%vars,F) psi0=spp%vars%PSI_P(1) PSIN0=(psi0-PSIP0)/(PSIp_lim-PSIP0) f0=fRE_H_3D(params,F,eta_buffer,G_buffer,R_buffer,Z_buffer, & spp%Ro,spp%Zo,spp%vars%E(1,2)*params%cpp%Eo) ! f0=fRE_H(eta_buffer,G_buffer) if (f0.eq.0._rp) then !write(6,*) 'f0',f0 !write(6,*) 'gam_buffer',G_buffer !write(6,*) 'eta_buffer',eta_buffer !write(6,*) 'R_buffer',R_buffer*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'Z_buffer',Z_buffer*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'EPHI_buffer',spp%vars%E(1,2)*params%cpp%Eo !R_buffer = R_test !Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test cycle endif end if if (accepted) then !psi0=psi1 PSIN0=PSIN1 f0=f1 end if ! psi1=PSI_ROT_exp(R_test,spp%Ro,spp%sigmaR,Z_test,spp%Zo, & ! spp%sigmaZ,theta_rad) spp%vars%Y(1,1)=R_test spp%vars%Y(1,2)=0._rp spp%vars%Y(1,3)=Z_test call get_fields(params,spp%vars,F) psi1=spp%vars%PSI_P(1) PSIN1=(psi1-PSIP0)/(PSIp_lim-PSIP0) !write(output_unit_write,*) 'R',R_test*params%cpp%length !write(output_unit_write,*) 'Z',Z_test*params%cpp%length !write(output_unit_write,*) 'ER',spp%vars%E(1,1)*params%cpp%Eo !write(output_unit_write,*) 'EPHI',spp%vars%E(1,2)*params%cpp%Eo !write(output_unit_write,*) 'EZ',spp%vars%E(1,3)*params%cpp%Eo !write(output_unit_write,*) 'PSI',psi1 !write(output_unit_write,*) 'PSIN',PSIN f1=fRE_H_3D(params,F,eta_test,G_test,R_test,Z_test,spp%Ro,spp%Zo, & spp%vars%E(1,2)*params%cpp%Eo) ! f1=fRE_H(eta_test,G_test) ! write(output_unit_write,'("psi0: ",E17.10)') psi0 ! write(output_unit_write,'("psi1: ",E17.10)') psi1 ! write(output_unit_write,'("f0: ",E17.10)') f0 ! write(output_unit_write,'("f1: ",E17.10)') f1 !if (ii.eq.1_idef) then ! write(6,*) 'f0',f0 ! write(6,*) 'gam_buffer',G_buffer ! write(6,*) 'eta_buffer',eta_buffer ! write(6,*) 'R_buffer',R_buffer*params%cpp%length ! write(6,*) 'Z_buffer',Z_buffer*params%cpp%length ! write(6,*) 'EPHI_buffer',spp%vars%E(1,2)*params%cpp%Eo ! write(6,*) 'f1',f1 ! write(6,*) 'gam_test',G_test ! write(6,*) 'eta_test',eta_test ! write(6,*) 'R_test',R_test*params%cpp%length ! write(6,*) 'Z_test',Z_test*params%cpp%length ! write(6,*) 'EPHI_test',spp%vars%E(1,2)*params%cpp%Eo !end if !else if (f0.eq.0._rp) call korc_abort(12) !endif ! Calculate acceptance ratio for MH algorithm. fRE function ! incorporates p^2 factor of spherical coordinate Jacobian ! for velocity phase space, factors of sin(pitch angle) for velocity ! phase space and cylindrical coordinate Jacobian R for spatial ! phase space incorporated here. ! ratio = indicator_exp(PSIN,spp%psi_max)* & ! R_test*f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & ! (R_buffer*f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) ratio = indicator_exp(PSIN1,spp%psi_max)* & R_test*EXP(-PSIN1/sigma)*f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & (R_buffer*EXP(-PSIN0/sigma)*f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) ! ratio = f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/(f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) accepted=.false. if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then accepted=.true. R_buffer = R_test Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test ii = ii + 1_idef else ! call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) ! if (rand_unif .LT. ratio) then !if (get_random_mkl_U() .LT. ratio) then if (get_random_U() .LT. ratio) then accepted=.true. R_buffer = R_test Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test ii = ii + 1_idef end if end if end do ! Transient ! ii=1_idef do while (ii .LE. nsamples) ! write(output_unit_write,'("sample:",I15)') ii if (modulo(ii,nsamples/10).eq.0) then write(output_unit_write,'("Sample: ",I10)') ii end if !R_test = R_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dR) !R_test = R_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dR) R_test = R_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dR !Z_test = Z_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dZ) !Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dZ) Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dZ !eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dth) eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth !G_test = G_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) !G_test = G_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) G_test = G_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam ! Test that pitch angle and momentum are within chosen boundary do while ((ABS(eta_test) .GT. max_pitch_angle).OR. & (ABS(eta_test) .LT. min_pitch_angle)) !eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dth) eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth end do do while ((G_test.LT.min_g).OR.(G_test.GT.max_g)) !G_test = G_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) !G_test = G_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dgam) G_test = G_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam end do do while ((R_test.GT.max_R).OR.(R_test .LT. min_R)) !eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dth) R_test = R_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dR end do do while ((Z_test.GT.max_Z).OR.(Z_test .LT. min_Z)) !eta_test = eta_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dth) !eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_mkl_N(0.0_rp,spp%dth) Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dZ end do if (accepted) then PSIN0=PSIN1 f0=f1 end if ! psi1=PSI_ROT_exp(R_test,spp%Ro,spp%sigmaR,Z_test,spp%Zo, & ! spp%sigmaZ,theta_rad) spp%vars%Y(1,1)=R_test spp%vars%Y(1,2)=0 spp%vars%Y(1,3)=Z_test call get_fields(params,spp%vars,F) psi1=spp%vars%PSI_P(1) PSIN1=(psi1-PSIP0)/(PSIp_lim-PSIP0) ! write(output_unit_write,'("R: ",E17.10)') R_test ! write(output_unit_write,'("R0: ",E17.10)') spp%Ro ! write(output_unit_write,'("sigma_R: ",E17.10)') spp%sigmaR ! write(output_unit_write,'("dR: ",E17.10)') spp%dR ! write(output_unit_write,'("N_dR: ",E17.10)') random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dR) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Z: ",E17.10)') Z_test ! write(output_unit_write,'("Z0: ",E17.10)') spp%Zo ! write(output_unit_write,'("sigma_Z: ",E17.10)') spp%sigmaZ ! write(output_unit_write,'("dZ: ",E17.10)') spp%dZ ! write(output_unit_write,'("N_dR: ",Z17.10)') random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dZ) f1=fRE_H_3D(params,F,eta_test,G_test,R_test,Z_test,spp%Ro,spp%Zo, & spp%vars%E(1,2)*params%cpp%Eo) ! f1=fRE_H(eta_test,G_test) ! ratio = indicator_exp(PSIN,psi_max_buff)* & ! R_test*f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & ! (R_buffer*f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) ratio = indicator_exp(PSIN1,psi_max_buff)* & R_test*EXP(-PSIN1/sigma)*f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & (R_buffer*EXP(-PSIN0/sigma)*f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) ! ratio = f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/(f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) accepted=.false. if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then accepted=.true. R_buffer = R_test Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test else !call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) !if (rand_unif .LT. ratio) then !if (get_random_mkl_U() .LT. ratio) then if (get_random_U() .LT. ratio) then accepted=.true. R_buffer = R_test Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test end if end if ! write(output_unit_write,'("R: ",E17.10)') R_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,'("Z: ",E17.10)') Z_buffer ! Only accept sample if it is within desired boundary, but ! add to MC above if within buffer. This helps make the boundary ! more defined. IF ((INT(indicator_exp(PSIN1,spp%psi_max)).EQ.1).AND. & (G_buffer.LE.h_params%max_sampling_g).AND. & (G_buffer.GE.h_params%min_sampling_g).AND. & (eta_buffer.LE.h_params%max_pitch_angle).AND. & (eta_buffer.GE.h_params%min_pitch_angle).AND. & ACCEPTED) THEN R_samples(ii) = R_buffer Z_samples(ii) = Z_buffer eta_samples(ii) = eta_buffer G_samples(ii) = G_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'RS',R_buffer ! Sample phi location uniformly !call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) !PHI_samples(ii) = 2.0_rp*C_PI*rand_unif !PHI_samples(ii) = 2.0_rp*C_PI*get_random_mkl_U() PHI_samples(ii) = 2.0_rp*C_PI*get_random_U() ii = ii + 1_idef END IF end do ! if (minval(R_samples(:)).lt.1._rp/params%cpp%length) stop 'error with sample' ! write(output_unit_write,'("R_sample: ",E17.10)') R_samples(:)*params%cpp%length X_samples=R_samples*cos(PHI_samples) Y_samples=R_samples*sin(PHI_samples) ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'R_samples',R_samples ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'PHI_samples',PHI_samples ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'Z_samples',Z_samples ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'G_samples',G_samples ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'eta_samples',eta_samples if (TRIM(h_params%current_direction) .EQ. 'PARALLEL') then eta_samples = 180.0_rp - eta_samples end if end if params%GC_coords=.FALSE. call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(X_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%X(:,1),spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(Y_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%X(:,2),spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(Z_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%X(:,3),spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(eta_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%eta,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(G_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%g,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) ! write(output_unit_write,*) params%mpi_params%rank,'varX',spp%vars%X(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,*) params%mpi_params%rank,'varY',spp%vars%X(:,2) ! write(output_unit_write,'("X_X: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%X(:,1)*params%cpp%length ! gamma is kept for each particle, not the momentum if (params%orbit_model(1:2).eq.'GC') call cart_to_cyl(spp%vars%X,spp%vars%Y) ! write(output_unit_write,*) params%mpi_params%rank,'varX',spp%vars%X(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,*) params%mpi_params%rank,'varR',spp%vars%Y(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_R: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%Y(:,1)*params%cpp%length ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_PHI: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%Y(:,1)*params%cpp%length ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_Z: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%Y(:,3)*params%cpp%length ! if (minval(spp%vars%Y(:,1)).lt.1._rp/params%cpp%length) stop 'error with avalanche' if (params%mpi_params%rank.EQ.0_idef) then DEALLOCATE(R_samples) DEALLOCATE(X_samples) DEALLOCATE(Y_samples) DEALLOCATE(Z_samples) DEALLOCATE(PHI_samples) DEALLOCATE(eta_samples) DEALLOCATE(G_samples) end if end subroutine sample_Hollmann_distribution_3D_psi #ifdef PSPLINE subroutine sample_Hollmann_distribution_1Dtransport(params,spp,F) !! @note Subroutine that generates a 2D Gaussian distribution in an !! elliptic torus as the initial spatial condition of a given particle !! species in the simulation. @endnote TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(INOUT) :: params !! Core KORC simulation parameters. TYPE(SPECIES), INTENT(INOUT) :: spp !! An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all the parameters !! and simulation variables of the different species in the simulation. TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN) :: F !! An instance of the KORC derived type FIELDS. REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: R_samples,X_samples,Y_samples !! Major radial location of all samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: PHI_samples !! Azimuithal angle of all samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: Z_samples !! Vertical location of all samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: G_samples !! Gamma of all samples REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: eta_samples !! Pitch angle of all samples REAL(rp) :: psi_max_buff !! Value of buffer above desired maximum argument of 2D Gaussian spatial !! profile REAL(rp) :: minmax !! Temporary variable used for setting buffers !! Minimum domain for momentum sampling including buffer REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle !! Maximum domain for pitch angle sampling including buffer REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle !! Minimum domain for pitch angle sampling including buffer REAL(rp) :: min_g,max_g REAL(rp) :: min_R,max_R REAL(rp) :: min_Z,max_Z REAL(rp) :: theta_rad !! Angle of rotation of 2D Gaussian spatial distribution in radians REAL(rp) :: R_buffer !! Previous sample of R location REAL(rp) :: Z_buffer !! Previous sample of Z location REAL(rp) :: eta_buffer !! Previous sample of pitch REAL(rp) :: G_buffer REAL(rp) :: R_test !! Present sample of R location REAL(rp) :: Z_test !! Present sample of Z location REAL(rp) :: eta_test !! Present sample of pitch angle REAL(rp) :: G_test REAL(rp) :: psi0 !! Previous value of 2D Gaussian argument based on R_buffer, Z_buffer REAL(rp) :: psi1 !! Present value of 2D Gaussian argument based on R_test, Z_test REAL(rp) :: PSIp_lim,PSIP0,PSIN,PSIN0,PSIN1,sigma REAL(rp) :: f0 !! Evaluation of Avalanche distribution with previous sample REAL(rp) :: f1 !! Evaluation of Avalanche distribution with present sample REAL(rp) :: rand_unif !! Uniform random variable [0,1] REAL(rp) :: ratio !! MH selection criteria INTEGER :: nsamples !! Total number of samples to be distributed over all mpi processes INTEGER :: ii,rr !! Sample iterator. INTEGER :: mpierr !! mpi error indicator REAL(rp) :: dgmin,dgmax,deta LOGICAL :: accepted INTEGER,DIMENSION(33) :: seed=(/1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1/) REAL(rp) :: EPHI,fRE_out,nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1,ne,Te,Zeff,nRE nsamples = spp%ppp*params%mpi_params%nmpi psi_max_buff = spp%psi_max*1.25_rp theta_rad=C_PI*spp%theta_gauss/180.0_rp params%GC_coords=.TRUE. PSIp_lim=F%PSIp_lim PSIp0=F%PSIP_min min_R=minval(F%X%R) max_R=maxval(F%X%R) min_Z=minval(F%X%Z) max_Z=maxval(F%X%Z) sigma=spp%sigmaR*params%cpp%length !write(output_unit_write,*) min_R,max_R !write(output_unit_write,*) min_Z,max_Z deta = (h_params%max_pitch_angle - h_params%min_pitch_angle)/100.0_rp dgmin = (h_params%min_sampling_g - h_params%min_g)/100.0_rp dgmax = (h_params%max_g - h_params%max_sampling_g)/100.0_rp if ( then min_g=h_params%min_sampling_g else min_g=h_params%min_g endif max_g=h_params%max_sampling_g ! buffer at minimum gamma boundary do ii=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = h_params%min_sampling_g - REAL(ii,rp)*dgmin if (minmax.GT.h_params%min_g) then min_g = minmax end if ! buffer at maximum gamma boundary minmax = h_params%max_sampling_g + REAL(ii,rp)*dgmax if (minmax.LT.h_params%max_g) then max_g = minmax end if end do !write(6,*) 'h_params%min_sampling_g',h_params%min_sampling_g,'h_params%min_g',h_params%min_g,'min_g',min_g ! buffer at minimum pitch angle boundary if (h_params%min_pitch_angle.GE.korc_zero) then do ii=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = h_params%min_pitch_angle - REAL(ii,rp)*deta if (minmax.GT.0.0_rp) then min_pitch_angle = minmax end if end do else min_pitch_angle = h_params%min_pitch_angle end if ! buffer at maximum pitch angle boundary do ii=1_idef,INT(minmax_buffer_size,idef) minmax = h_params%max_pitch_angle + REAL(ii,rp)*deta if (minmax.LE.180.0_rp) then max_pitch_angle = minmax end if end do if (params%mpi_params%rank.EQ.0_idef) then ALLOCATE(R_samples(nsamples)) ALLOCATE(X_samples(nsamples)) ALLOCATE(Y_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(PHI_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(Z_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(eta_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ALLOCATE(G_samples(nsamples)) ! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes ! Transient ! R_buffer = spp%Ro Z_buffer = spp%Zo if (.not.params%SameRandSeed) then call init_random_seed() else call random_seed(put=seed) end if ! initialize 2D gaussian argument and distribution function, or ! copy from previous sample fRE_out=0._rp do while (fRE_out.eq.0._rp) eta_buffer = min_pitch_angle + (max_pitch_angle & - min_pitch_angle)*get_random_U() G_buffer = min_g + (max_g - min_g)*get_random_U() !write(6,*) 'R_buffer',R_buffer*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'Z_buffer',Z_buffer*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'eta_buffer',eta_buffer !write(6,*) 'G_buffer',G_buffer call interp_nRE(params,R_buffer,0._rp,Z_buffer,psi0,EPHI,ne,Te,nRE, & nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1,G_buffer,fRE_out, & rho1D=h_params%rho_axis(h_params%rho_ind)) !write(6,*) 'after first interp_nRE' !call get_fields(params,spp%vars,F) !psi0=spp%vars%PSI_P(1) PSIN0=(psi0-PSIP0)/(PSIp_lim-PSIP0) f0=nRE*fRE_out* & fRE_H_pitch(params,eta_buffer,G_buffer,EPHI,ne,Te, & nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1) !write(6,*) 'nRE',nRE*params%cpp%density !write(6,*) 'fRE_out',fRE_out end do accepted=.false. ii=1_idef rr=1_idef do while (ii .LE. 1000_idef) if (modulo(ii,100).eq.0) then write(output_unit_write,'("Burn: ",I10)') ii write(6,'("Burn: ",I10)') ii end if R_test = R_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dR Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dZ eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth G_test = G_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam ! Test that pitch angle and momentum are within chosen boundary do while ((eta_test .GT. max_pitch_angle).OR. & (eta_test .LT. min_pitch_angle)) eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth end do do while ((R_test.GT.max_R).OR.(R_test .LT. min_R)) R_test = R_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dR end do do while ((Z_test.GT.max_Z).OR.(Z_test .LT. min_Z)) Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dZ end do do while ((G_test.LT.min_g).OR.(G_test.GT.max_g)) G_test = G_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam end do if (accepted) then !psi0=psi1 PSIN0=PSIN1 f0=f1 end if ! psi1=PSI_ROT_exp(R_test,spp%Ro,spp%sigmaR,Z_test,spp%Zo, & ! spp%sigmaZ,theta_rad) !write(6,*) 'R_test',R_test*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'Z_test',Z_test*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'eta_test',eta_test !write(6,*) 'G_test',G_test call interp_nRE(params,R_test,0._rp,Z_test,psi1,EPHI,ne,Te,nRE, & nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1,G_test,fRE_out, & rho1D=h_params%rho_axis(h_params%rho_ind)) PSIN1=(psi1-PSIP0)/(PSIp_lim-PSIP0) !write(6,*) 'R_test',R_test*params%cpp%length !write(6,*) 'Z_test',Z_test*params%cpp%length !write(output_unit_write,*) 'ER',spp%vars%E(1,1)*params%cpp%Eo !write(output_unit_write,*) 'EPHI',spp%vars%E(1,2)*params%cpp%Eo !write(output_unit_write,*) 'EZ',spp%vars%E(1,3)*params%cpp%Eo !write(output_unit_write,*) 'PSI',psi1 !write(output_unit_write,*) 'PSIN',PSIN f1=nRE*fRE_out* & fRE_H_pitch(params,eta_test,G_test,EPHI,ne,Te, & nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1) ! f1=fRE_H(eta_test,G_test) !write(6,*) 'nRE',nRE*params%cpp%density !write(6,*) 'fRE_out',fRE_out ! write(output_unit_write,'("psi0: ",E17.10)') psi0 ! write(output_unit_write,'("psi1: ",E17.10)') psi1 !write(6,'("f0: ",E17.10)') f0 !write(6,'("f1: ",E17.10)') f1 ! Calculate acceptance ratio for MH algorithm. fRE function ! incorporates p^2 factor of spherical coordinate Jacobian ! for velocity phase space, factors of sin(pitch angle) for velocity ! phase space and cylindrical coordinate Jacobian R for spatial ! phase space incorporated here. ! ratio = indicator_exp(PSIN,spp%psi_max)* & ! R_test*f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & ! (R_buffer*f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) ratio = indicator_exp(PSIN1,spp%psi_max)* & R_test*f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & (R_buffer*f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) ! ratio = f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/(f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) if ( then write(6,*) 'f0,f1,R,Z,gam,eta',f0,f1,R_test*params%cpp%length,Z_test*params%cpp%length,G_test,eta_test if ( stop endif accepted=.false. if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then accepted=.true. R_buffer = R_test Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test ii = ii + 1_idef rr=1_idef else ! call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) ! if (rand_unif .LT. ratio) then !if (get_random_mkl_U() .LT. ratio) then if (get_random_U() .LT. ratio) then accepted=.true. R_buffer = R_test Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test ii = ii + 1_idef rr=1_idef else rr=rr+1 end if end if end do ! Transient ! ii=1_idef rr=1_idef do while (ii .LE. nsamples) ! write(output_unit_write,'("sample:",I15)') ii if (modulo(ii,nsamples/100).eq.0) then write(output_unit_write,'("Sample: ",I10)') ii write(6,'("Sample: ",I10)') ii end if R_test = R_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dR Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dZ eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth G_test = G_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam ! Test that pitch angle and momentum are within chosen boundary do while ((eta_test .GT. max_pitch_angle).OR. & (eta_test .LT. min_pitch_angle)) eta_test = eta_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dth end do do while ((G_test.LT.min_g).OR.(G_test.GT.max_g)) G_test = G_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dgam end do do while ((R_test.GT.max_R).OR.(R_test.LT. min_R)) R_test = R_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dR end do do while ((Z_test.GT.max_Z).OR.(Z_test.LT. min_Z)) Z_test = Z_buffer + get_random_N()*spp%dZ end do if (accepted) then PSIN0=PSIN1 f0=f1 end if ! psi1=PSI_ROT_exp(R_test,spp%Ro,spp%sigmaR,Z_test,spp%Zo, & ! spp%sigmaZ,theta_rad) call interp_nRE(params,R_test,0._rp,Z_test,psi1,EPHI,ne,Te,nRE, & nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1,g_test,fRE_out, & rho1D=h_params%rho_axis(h_params%rho_ind)) PSIN1=(psi1-PSIP0)/(PSIp_lim-PSIP0) ! write(output_unit_write,'("R: ",E17.10)') R_test ! write(output_unit_write,'("R0: ",E17.10)') spp%Ro ! write(output_unit_write,'("sigma_R: ",E17.10)') spp%sigmaR ! write(output_unit_write,'("dR: ",E17.10)') spp%dR ! write(output_unit_write,'("N_dR: ",E17.10)') random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dR) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Z: ",E17.10)') Z_test ! write(output_unit_write,'("Z0: ",E17.10)') spp%Zo ! write(output_unit_write,'("sigma_Z: ",E17.10)') spp%sigmaZ ! write(output_unit_write,'("dZ: ",E17.10)') spp%dZ ! write(output_unit_write,'("N_dR: ",Z17.10)') random_norm(0.0_rp,spp%dZ) f1=nRE*fRE_out* & fRE_H_pitch(params,eta_test,G_test,EPHI,ne,Te, & nAr0,nAr1,nAr2,nAr3,nD,nD1) ! f1=fRE_H(eta_test,G_test) ! ratio = indicator_exp(PSIN,psi_max_buff)* & ! R_test*f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & ! (R_buffer*f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) ratio = indicator_exp(PSIN1,spp%psi_max)* & R_test*f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/ & (R_buffer*f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) ! ratio = f1*sin(deg2rad(eta_test))/(f0*sin(deg2rad(eta_buffer))) if ( then write(6,*) 'f0,f1,R,Z,gam,eta',f0,f1,R_test*params%cpp%length,Z_test*params%cpp%length,G_test,eta_test if ( stop endif accepted=.false. if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then accepted=.true. R_buffer = R_test Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test rr=1_idef else !call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) !if (rand_unif .LT. ratio) then !if (get_random_mkl_U() .LT. ratio) then if (get_random_U() .LT. ratio) then accepted=.true. R_buffer = R_test Z_buffer = Z_test eta_buffer = eta_test G_buffer = G_test rr=1_idef else rr=rr+1 end if end if ! write(output_unit_write,'("R: ",E17.10)') R_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,'("Z: ",E17.10)') Z_buffer ! Only accept sample if it is within desired boundary, but ! add to MC above if within buffer. This helps make the boundary ! more defined. IF ((INT(indicator_exp(PSIN1,spp%psi_max)).EQ.1).AND. & (G_buffer.LE.h_params%max_sampling_g).AND. & (G_buffer.GE.h_params%min_sampling_g).AND. & (eta_buffer.LE.h_params%max_pitch_angle).AND. & (eta_buffer.GE.h_params%min_pitch_angle).AND. & ACCEPTED) THEN R_samples(ii) = R_buffer Z_samples(ii) = Z_buffer eta_samples(ii) = eta_buffer G_samples(ii) = G_buffer ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'RS',R_buffer ! Sample phi location uniformly !call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif) !PHI_samples(ii) = 2.0_rp*C_PI*rand_unif !PHI_samples(ii) = 2.0_rp*C_PI*get_random_mkl_U() PHI_samples(ii) = 2.0_rp*C_PI*get_random_U() ii = ii + 1_idef END IF end do ! if (minval(R_samples(:)).lt.1._rp/params%cpp%length) stop 'error with sample' ! write(output_unit_write,'("R_sample: ",E17.10)') R_samples(:)*params%cpp%length X_samples=R_samples*cos(PHI_samples) Y_samples=R_samples*sin(PHI_samples) ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'R_samples',R_samples ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'PHI_samples',PHI_samples ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'Z_samples',Z_samples ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'G_samples',G_samples ! write(output_unit_write,*) 'eta_samples',eta_samples if (TRIM(h_params%current_direction) .EQ. 'PARALLEL') then eta_samples = 180.0_rp - eta_samples end if end if params%GC_coords=.FALSE. call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(X_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%X(:,1),spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(Y_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%X(:,2),spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(Z_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%X(:,3),spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(eta_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%eta,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) CALL MPI_SCATTER(G_samples,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8, & spp%vars%g,spp%ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr) ! write(output_unit_write,*) params%mpi_params%rank,'varX',spp%vars%X(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,*) params%mpi_params%rank,'varY',spp%vars%X(:,2) ! write(output_unit_write,'("X_X: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%X(:,1)*params%cpp%length ! gamma is kept for each particle, not the momentum if (params%orbit_model(1:2).eq.'GC') call cart_to_cyl(spp%vars%X,spp%vars%Y) ! write(output_unit_write,*) params%mpi_params%rank,'varX',spp%vars%X(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,*) params%mpi_params%rank,'varR',spp%vars%Y(:,1) ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_R: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%Y(:,1)*params%cpp%length ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_PHI: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%Y(:,1)*params%cpp%length ! write(output_unit_write,'("Y_Z: ",E17.10)') spp%vars%Y(:,3)*params%cpp%length ! if (minval(spp%vars%Y(:,1)).lt.1._rp/params%cpp%length) stop 'error with avalanche' if (params%mpi_params%rank.EQ.0_idef) then DEALLOCATE(R_samples) DEALLOCATE(X_samples) DEALLOCATE(Y_samples) DEALLOCATE(Z_samples) DEALLOCATE(PHI_samples) DEALLOCATE(eta_samples) DEALLOCATE(G_samples) end if end subroutine sample_Hollmann_distribution_1Dtransport #endif SUBROUTINE save_params(params) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: filename CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: gname CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: attr_array CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: dset CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: attr INTEGER(HID_T) :: h5file_id INTEGER(HID_T) :: group_id INTEGER :: h5error REAL(rp) :: units if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then filename = TRIM(params%path_to_outputs) // "experimental_distribution_parameters.h5" call h5fcreate_f(TRIM(filename), H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, h5file_id, h5error) gname = "pdf_params" call h5gcreate_f(h5file_id, TRIM(gname), group_id, h5error) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/max_pitch_angle" attr = "Maximum pitch angle in PDF (degrees)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,pdf_params%max_pitch_angle,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/min_pitch_angle" attr = "Minimum pitch angle in PDF (degrees)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,pdf_params%min_pitch_angle,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/min_energy" attr = "Minimum energy in PDF (eV)" units = 1.0_rp/C_E call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,units*pdf_params%min_energy,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/max_energy" attr = "Maximum energy in PDF (eV)" units = 1.0_rp/C_E call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,units*pdf_params%max_energy,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/max_p" attr = "Maximum momentum in PDF (me*c)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,pdf_params%max_p,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/min_p" attr = "Maximum momentum in PDF (me*c)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,pdf_params%min_p,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/Zeff" attr = "Effective atomic number of ions." call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,pdf_params%Zeff,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/E" attr = "Parallel electric field in (Ec)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,pdf_params%E,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/k" attr = "Shape factor" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,pdf_params%k,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/t" attr = "Scale factor" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,pdf_params%t,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/fGo" attr = "Normalization of Gamma function" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,pdf_params%fGo,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/lambda" attr = "Wavelength used when PDF is weighted with the distribution of synchrotron radiation." call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,pdf_params%lambda,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/Bo" attr = "Magnetic field used when PDF is weighted with the distribution of synchrotron radiation." call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,pdf_params%Bo,attr) call h5gclose_f(group_id, h5error) call h5fclose_f(h5file_id, h5error) end if END SUBROUTINE save_params SUBROUTINE save_Hollmann_params(params) TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) :: params CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: filename CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: gname CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: attr_array CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: dset CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: attr INTEGER(HID_T) :: h5file_id INTEGER(HID_T) :: group_id INTEGER :: h5error REAL(rp) :: units if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then filename = TRIM(params%path_to_outputs) // "experimental_distribution_parameters.h5" call h5fcreate_f(TRIM(filename), H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, h5file_id, h5error) gname = "pdf_params" call h5gcreate_f(h5file_id, TRIM(gname), group_id, h5error) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/max_pitch_angle" attr = "Maximum pitch angle in PDF (degrees)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%max_pitch_angle,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/min_pitch_angle" attr = "Minimum pitch angle in PDF (degrees)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%min_pitch_angle,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/min_energy" attr = "Minimum energy in PDF (eV)" units = 1.0_rp/C_E call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,units*h_params%min_energy,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/max_energy" attr = "Maximum energy in PDF (eV)" units = 1.0_rp/C_E call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,units*h_params%max_energy,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/max_g" attr = "Maximum momentum in PDF (me*c)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%max_g,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/min_g" attr = "Maximum momentum in PDF (me*c)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%min_g,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/max_sampling_g" attr = "Maximum momentum in PDF (me*c)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%max_sampling_g,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/min_sampling_g" attr = "Maximum momentum in PDF (me*c)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%min_sampling_g,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/Zeff" attr = "Effective atomic number of ions." call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%Zeff,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/sigmaZeff" attr = "Effective atomic number of ions." call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%sigma_Z,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/E" attr = "Parallel electric field in (Ec)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%E,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/sigmaE" attr = "Parallel electric field in (Ec)" call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%sigma_E,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/lambda" attr = "Wavelength used when PDF is weighted with the distribution of synchrotron radiation." call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%lambda,attr) dset = TRIM(gname) // "/Bo" attr = "Magnetic field used when PDF is weighted with the distribution of synchrotron radiation." call save_to_hdf5(h5file_id,dset,h_params%Bo,attr) call h5gclose_f(group_id, h5error) call h5fclose_f(h5file_id, h5error) end if END SUBROUTINE save_Hollmann_params END MODULE korc_experimental_pdf