korc_units Module


  • module~~korc_units~~UsesGraph module~korc_units korc_units module~korc_constants korc_constants module~korc_units->module~korc_constants module~korc_input korc_input module~korc_units->module~korc_input module~korc_types korc_types module~korc_units->module~korc_types module~korc_constants->module~korc_types module~korc_input->module~korc_types module~korc_hpc korc_hpc module~korc_input->module~korc_hpc iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~korc_types->iso_c_binding module~korc_hpc->module~korc_types omp_lib omp_lib module~korc_hpc->omp_lib mpi mpi module~korc_hpc->mpi

Used by

  • module~~korc_units~~UsedByGraph module~korc_units korc_units program~main main program~main->module~korc_units



public subroutine compute_charcs_plasma_params(params, spp, F)

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(inout) :: params

Core KORC simulation parameters.

type(SPECIES), intent(inout), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: spp

An instance of KORC's derived type SPECIES containing all the information of different electron species. See korc_types.

type(FIELDS), intent(in) :: F

An instance of KORC's derived type FIELDS containing all the information about the fields used in the simulation. See korc_types and korc_fields.

public subroutine normalize_variables(params, spp, F, P)

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(inout) :: params

Core KORC simulation parameters.

type(SPECIES), intent(inout), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: spp

An instance of KORC's derived type SPECIES containing all the information of different electron species. See korc_types.

type(FIELDS), intent(inout) :: F

@param[in,out] F An instance of KORC's derived type FIELDS containing all the information about the fields used in the simulation. See korc_types and korc_fields.

type(PROFILES), intent(inout) :: P

@param[in,out] P An instance of KORC's derived type PROFILES containing all the information about the plasma profiles used in the simulation. See korc_types.f90 and korc_profiles.f90.