compute_charcs_plasma_params Subroutine

public subroutine compute_charcs_plasma_params(params, spp, F)

Normalization and non-dimensionalization of the variables and equations of motion allows us to solve them more accurately by reducing truncation erros when performing operations that combine small and large numbers.

For normalizing and obtaining the non-dimensional form of the variables and equations solved in KORC we use characteristic scales calculated with the input data of each KORC simulation.

Characteristic scales in KORC
Characteristic scale Symbol Value Description
Velocity Speed of light
Time Inverse of electron cyclotron frequency
Relativistic time Inverse of relativistic electron cyclotron frequency
Length --
Mass Electron mass
Charge Absolute value of electron charge
Momentum --
Magnetic field Magnetic field at the magnetic axis
Electric field --
Energy --
Temperature Temperature given in Joules.
Density --
Magnetic moment --
Pressure -- --
With these characteristic scales we can write the dimensionless form of all the equations. For example, the Lorentz force for a charged particle , mass , and momentum can be written as:

where , , , , , and .


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(inout) :: params

Core KORC simulation parameters.

type(SPECIES), intent(inout), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: spp

An instance of KORC's derived type SPECIES containing all the information of different electron species. See korc_types.

type(FIELDS), intent(in) :: F

An instance of KORC's derived type FIELDS containing all the information about the fields used in the simulation. See korc_types and korc_fields.

Called by

proc~~compute_charcs_plasma_params~~CalledByGraph proc~compute_charcs_plasma_params compute_charcs_plasma_params program~main main program~main->proc~compute_charcs_plasma_params


Source Code

subroutine compute_charcs_plasma_params(params,spp,F)
  !! @note Subroutine that calculates characteristic scales of 
  !! the current KORC simulation. @endnote
  !! Normalization and non-dimensionalization of the variables and equations 
  !! of motion allows us to solve them more accurately by reducing truncation 
  !! erros when performing operations that combine small and large numbers.
  !! For normalizing and obtaining the non-dimensional form of the variables 
  !! and equations solved in KORC we use characteristic scales calculated with 
  !! the input data of each KORC simulation.
  !! <table cellspacing="10">
  !! <caption id="multi_row">Characteristic scales in KORC</caption>
  !! <tr><th>Characteristic scale</th>	<th>Symbol</th>	        <th>Value</th>			<th>Description</th></tr>
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Velocity 	<td>\(v_{ch}\)		<td>\(c\)			<td> Speed of light
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Time 		<td>\(t_{ch}\)		<td>\(\Omega^{-1} = m_{ch}/q_{ch}B_{ch}\) 	<td> Inverse of electron cyclotron frequency
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Relativistic time <td>\(t_{r,ch}\)	<td>\(\Omega_r^{-1} = \gamma m_{ch}/q_{ch}B_{ch}\) 	<td> Inverse of relativistic electron cyclotron frequency
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Length 	<td>\(l_{ch}\)		<td>\(v_{ch}t_{ch}\)		<td>--
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Mass 		<td>\(m_{ch}\)		<td>\(m_e\)			<td> Electron mass
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Charge 	<td>\(q_{ch}\)		<td>\(e\)			<td> Absolute value of electron charge
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Momentum       <td>\(p_{ch}\)	        <td>\(m_{ch}v_{ch}\) 	        <td> --
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Magnetic field <td>\(B_{ch}\)		<td>\(B_0\)		        <td> Magnetic field at the magnetic axis
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Electric field <td>\(E_{ch}\)		<td>\(v_{ch}B_{ch}\)		<td> --
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Energy 	<td>\(\mathcal{E}_{ch}\)<td>\(m_{ch}v_{ch}^2\)		<td>--
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Temperature 	<td>\(T_{ch}\)		<td>\(m_{ch}v_{ch}^2\)		<td> Temperature given in Joules.
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Density 	<td>\(n_{ch}\)		<td>\(l_{ch}^{-3}\)		<td>--
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Magnetic moment 	<td>\(\mu_{ch}\)<td>\(m_{ch}v_{ch}^2/B_{ch}\)	<td>--
  !! <tr><td rowspan="1">Pressure 	<td>\(P_{ch}\)		<td>--		                <td>--
  !! </table>
  !! With these characteristic scales we can write the dimensionless 
  !! form of all the equations. For example, the Lorentz force for a 
  !! charged particle \(q\), mass \(m\), and momentum 
  !! \(\mathbf{p}=\gamma m \mathbf{v}\) can be written as:
  !! $$\frac{d \mathbf{p}'}{dt'} = q'\left[ \mathbf{E}' + 
  !! \frac{\mathbf{p}'}{\gamma m'}\times \mathbf{B}' \right],$$
  !! where \(\mathbf{p}' = \mathbf{p}/p_{ch}\), \(t' = t/t_{ch}\), 
  !! \(q' = q/q_{ch}\), \(m' = m/m_{ch}\), \(\mathbf{E}' = \mathbf{E}/E_{ch}\), 
  !! and \(\mathbf{B}'=\mathbf{B}/B_{ch}\).
  !! @todo Characteristic pressure needs to be defined.
    !! Core KORC simulation parameters.
    !! An instance of KORC's derived type SPECIES containing all the 
    !! information of different electron species. See [[korc_types]].
    !! An instance of KORC's derived type FIELDS containing all the 
    !! information about the fields used in the simulation. 
    !! See [[korc_types]] and [[korc_fields]].
  INTEGER 							:: ii
    !! Index of the spp array containing the mass, electric charge 
    !! and corresponding cyclotron frequency used to derived some characteristic scales.

  params%cpp%velocity = C_C
  params%cpp%Bo = ABS(F%Bo)
  params%cpp%Eo = ABS(params%cpp%velocity*params%cpp%Bo)

  ! Non-relativistic cyclotron frequency
  spp(:)%wc = ( ABS(spp(:)%q)/spp(:)%m )*params%cpp%Bo

  ! Relativistic cyclotron frequency
  spp(:)%wc_r =  ABS(spp(:)%q)*params%cpp%Bo/( spp(:)%go*spp(:)%m )

  ii = MAXLOC(spp(:)%wc,1) ! Index to maximum cyclotron frequency
  params%cpp%time = 1.0_rp/spp(ii)%wc

  ii = MAXLOC(spp(:)%wc_r,1) ! Index to maximum relativistic cyclotron frequency
  params%cpp%time_r = 1.0_rp/spp(ii)%wc_r

  params%cpp%mass = C_ME
  params%cpp%charge = C_E
  params%cpp%length = params%cpp%velocity*params%cpp%time
  params%cpp%energy = params%cpp%mass*params%cpp%velocity**2

  params%cpp%density = 1.0_rp/params%cpp%length**3
  params%cpp%pressure = 0.0_rp
  params%cpp%temperature = params%cpp%energy
end subroutine compute_charcs_plasma_params