KORC and its documentation are in constant evolution. This makes it possible that there are issues that need to be solved. If you find an issue please report it immediatly through the "issues" section of the github repository.
The Kinetic Orbit Runaway electrons Code (KORC) is a full-orbit particle tracer that evolves relativistic electrons in both analytical and grid-based pre-computed electric and magnetic fields. KORC includes the effects of: the acceleration of the electrons due to the electric field, synchrotron radiation energy losses, and collisions with the background plasma containing high-Z impurities.
For details about the equations of motion of the relativistic electrons followed by KORC we refer the user to Carbajal et al. Phys. Plasmas 24, 042512 (2017) and Carbajal and del-Castillo-Negrete, Nuclear Fusion, submitted (2018). Also, for details about the KORC's synchrotron radiation synthetic diagnostic we refer the user to Carbajal and del-Castillo-Negrete, Plasma Phys. Controll. Fusion 59, 124001 (2017).
KORC is a modular Fortran 95 code that uses a hybrid MPI + open MP parallelization paradigm to exploit multi-core nodes systems, such as Cori and Edison NERSC systems (www.nersc.gov).
KORC has been installed and tested in systems with OS 10.6 and higher, Ubuntu 14.04, and SuSe 12. Though we have paid special attention to portability when developing KORC, there is no guarantee that KORC can be compiled, ran, and is accurate in other systems not listed above. As a rule of thumb, we recommend to perform any convenient benchmark tests when compiling and running KORC in a new system, this to make sure that the external libraries and compilers do not modify the simulation results.
To compile and run KORC you will need the following:
The HDF5 and PSPLINES libraries need to be installed BEFORE compiling KORC, or if these are already present in the system, they need to be loaded to your environment and their installation paths need to be added to the Makefile accordingly. We refer the user to the documentation of HDF5 and PSPLINES for the specifics about their installation.
If you are installing the HDF5 and PSPLINES libraries in your system, we recommend to perform a local installation. Then enter the absolute path of the folder containing the "lib" and "bin" folders of each library to the PSPLINE_INSTALL and HDF5_INSTALL variables of the Makefile.
PSPLINES is known for having precision issues sometimes when compiled using the INTEL compilers suite in Linux systems. Please, double-check that the interpolations are giving the correct numbers.
To obtain the latest version of KORC you will need to clone the Github repository to the system where you want to run KORC. This can be done as follows: