disk Subroutine

private subroutine disk(params, spp)

This uniform disk/ring distribution is generated using the Inverse Transform Sampling method. In this case, the (toroidal) radial distribution function of the particles is:

where and are the inner and outer radius of the uniform ring distribution, and is the cylindrical radial position of the center of the disk/ring distribution. This distribution is so that , where is the poloidal angle, and is the Jacobian of the transformation of Cartesian coordinates to toroidal coordinates. Notice that in the case of a disk . As a convention, this spatial distribution will be generated on the -plane. Using the Inverse Transform Sampling method we sample , and obtain the radial position of the particles as , where is a uniform deviate in .


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(in) :: params

Core KORC simulation parameters.

type(SPECIES), intent(inout) :: spp

An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all the parameters and simulation variables of the different species in the simulation.


proc~~disk~~CallsGraph proc~disk disk proc~init_u_random init_u_random proc~disk->proc~init_u_random proc~init_random_seed init_random_seed proc~disk->proc~init_random_seed proc~rand_int64 rand_int64 proc~init_u_random->proc~rand_int64


Source Code

Source Code

subroutine disk(params,spp)
  !! @note Subrotuine for generating a uniform disk/ring as the 
  !! initial spatial condition of a given species of particles  
  !! in the simulation. @endnote
  !! This uniform disk/ring distribution is generated using the 
  !! Inverse Transform Sampling method. In this case, the (toroidal) 
  !! radial distribution function of the particles is:
  !! $$f(r) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & r<r_{min} \\
  !! \frac{1}{2\pi^2(r_{max}^2-r_{min}^2)R_0} 
  !! & r_{min}<r<r_{max} \\ 0 & r>r_{max} \end{array} \right.,$$
  !! where \(r_{min}\) and \(r_{max}\) are the inner and outer 
  !! radius of the uniform ring distribution, and \(R_0\) is the 
  !! cylindrical radial position of the center of the disk/ring distribution.
  !! This distribution is so that \(\int_0^{2\pi}\int_{r_{min}}^{r_{max}} f(r)
  !! J(r,\theta) drd\theta = 1 \), where \(\theta\) is the poloidal angle,
  !! and \(J(r,\theta)=r(R_0 + r\cos\theta)\) is the Jacobian of the 
  !! transformation of Cartesian coordinates to toroidal coordinates.
  !! Notice that in the case of a disk \(r_{min}=0\). As a convention, 
  !! this spatial distribution will be generated on the \(xz\)-plane.
  !! Using the Inverse Transform Sampling method we sample \(f(r)\), 
  !! and obtain the radial position of the particles as \(r = \sqrt{(r_{max}^2 
  !! - r_{min}^2)U + r_{min}^2}\), where \(U\) is a uniform deviate in \([0,1]\).
    !! Core KORC simulation parameters.
    !! An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all 
    !! the parameters and simulation variables of the different 
    !! species in the simulation.
    !! Radial position of the particles \(r\).
    !! Uniform deviates in the range \([0,2\pi]\) representing 
    !! the uniform poloidal angle \(\theta\) distribution of the particles.

  ALLOCATE( theta(spp%ppp) )
  ALLOCATE( r(spp%ppp) )

  ! Initial condition of uniformly distributed particles on a disk in the xz-plane
  ! A unique velocity direction
  call init_u_random(10986546_8)

  call init_random_seed()
  call RANDOM_NUMBER(theta)
  theta = 2.0_rp*C_PI*theta

  ! Uniform distribution on a disk at a fixed azimuthal theta
  call init_random_seed()

  r = SQRT((spp%r_outter**2 - spp%r_inner**2)*r + spp%r_inner**2)
  spp%vars%X(:,1) = ( spp%Ro + r*COS(theta) )*COS(spp%PHIo)
  spp%vars%X(:,2) = ( spp%Ro + r*COS(theta) )*SIN(spp%PHIo)
  spp%vars%X(:,3) = spp%Zo + r*SIN(theta)

end subroutine disk