mean_F_field Subroutine

public subroutine mean_F_field(F, Fo, op_field)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(FIELDS), intent(in) :: F

An instance of the KORC derived type FIELDS.

real(kind=rp), intent(out) :: Fo

Mean electric or magnetic field.

type(KORC_STRING), intent(in) :: op_field

String that specifies what mean field will be calculated. Its value can be 'B' or 'E'.


proc~~mean_f_field~~CallsGraph proc~mean_f_field mean_F_field proc~korc_abort korc_abort proc~mean_f_field->proc~korc_abort mpi_abort mpi_abort proc~korc_abort->mpi_abort


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine mean_F_field(F,Fo,op_field)
    !! @note Subroutine that calculates the mean electric or magnetic field in
    !! case external fields are being used. @endnote
    TYPE(FIELDS), INTENT(IN)       :: F
    !! An instance of the KORC derived type FIELDS.
    REAL(rp), INTENT(OUT)          :: Fo
    !! Mean electric or magnetic field.
    TYPE(KORC_STRING), INTENT(IN)  :: op_field
    !!String that specifies what mean field will be calculated.
    !! Its value can be 'B' or 'E'.

    if (TRIM(op_field%str) .EQ. 'B') then
       if (ALLOCATED(F%B_3D%R)) then ! 3D field
          Fo = SUM( SQRT(F%B_3D%R**2 + F%B_3D%PHI**2 + F%B_3D%Z**2) )/ &
       else if (ALLOCATED(F%B_2D%R)) then ! Axisymmetric 2D field
          Fo = SUM( SQRT(F%B_2D%R**2 + F%B_2D%PHI**2 + F%B_2D%Z**2) )/ &
       end if
    else if (TRIM(op_field%str) .EQ. 'E') then
       if (ALLOCATED(F%E_3D%R)) then ! 3D field
          Fo = SUM( SQRT(F%E_3D%R**2 + F%E_3D%PHI**2 + F%E_3D%Z**2) )/ &
       else if (ALLOCATED(F%E_2D%R)) then ! Axisymmetric 2D field
          Fo = SUM( SQRT(F%E_2D%R**2 + F%E_2D%PHI**2 + F%E_2D%Z**2) )/ &
       end if
       write(output_unit_write,'("KORC ERROR: Please enter a valid field: mean_F_field")')
       call korc_abort(17)
    end if
  end subroutine mean_F_field