uniform Subroutine

private subroutine uniform(spp)

Even though in a simulation of a uniform plasma the particles' position is not advanced, we initialize their position to zero.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(SPECIES), intent(inout) :: spp

An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all the parameters and simulation variables of the different species in the simulation.


Source Code

Source Code

subroutine uniform(spp)
  !! @note Initializing to zero the particles' position when 
  !! simulating a 'UNIFORM' plasma. @endnote
  !! Even though in a simulation of a uniform plasma the particles' 
  !! position is not advanced, we initialize their position to zero.
  !! @todo Modify KORC for not allocating the particles' position 
  !! spp%vars%X and to do not use it along the simulation.
    !! An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all the 
    !! parameters and simulation variables of the different
    !!species in the simulation.

  spp%vars%X = 0.0_rp
end subroutine uniform