Subroutine that returns the value of uniform plasma p arameters.
This subroutie is used only when the simulation is ran for a 'UNIFORM' plasma. As a convention, in a uniform plasma we set , , and .
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(PARTICLES), | intent(inout) | :: | vars | An instance of PARTICLES containing the variables of a given species. |
type(PROFILES), | intent(in) | :: | P | An instance of KORC's derived type PROFILES containing all the information about the plasma profiles used in the simulation. See korc_types and korc_profiles. |
subroutine uniform_profiles(vars,P)
!! @note Subroutine that returns the value of uniform plasma p
!! arameters. @endnote
!! This subroutie is used only when the simulation is ran for a 'UNIFORM'
!! plasma. As a convention, in a uniform plasma we set
!! \(n_e = n_{e,0}\), \(T_e = T_{e,0}\), and \(Z_{eff} = Z_{eff,0}\).
!! An instance of KORC's derived type PROFILES containing all the information
!! about the plasma profiles used in the simulation. See [[korc_types]]
!! and [[korc_profiles]].
!! An instance of PARTICLES containing the variables of a given species.
vars%ne = P%neo
vars%Te = P%Teo
vars%Zeff = P%Zeffo
end subroutine uniform_profiles