KORC_PARAMS Derived Type

type, public :: KORC_PARAMS

This KORC derived type contains the variables that control KORC's core behavior.


type~~korc_params~~InheritsGraph type~korc_params KORC_PARAMS type~charcs_params CHARCS_PARAMS type~korc_params->type~charcs_params cpp type~korc_mpi KORC_MPI type~korc_params->type~korc_mpi mpi_params


Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public :: path_to_inputs

Absolute path to KORC's input file.

character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public :: path_to_outputs

Absolute path to the outputs' folder.

integer, public :: num_omp_threads

Number of open MP threads per MPI process used in the simulation.

logical, public :: restart

Flag to indicate if the simulations proceeds (restart=T) or not (restart=F). Restart simulation that exited before simulation_time reached.

logical, public :: proceed

Flag to indicate if the simulations continues (proceed=T) or not (proceed=F). Append simulation results after previous simulation_time reached.

logical, public :: load_balance
logical, public :: reinit

Flag to begin a new simulation, reinitializing from restart file state

real(kind=rp), public :: simulation_time

Total simulation time in seconds.

real(kind=rp), public :: snapshot_frequency

Time between snapshots in time of the simulation.

real(kind=rp), public :: restart_overwrite_frequency

Time between overwrites of restart file in time of the simulation.

real(kind=rp), public :: dt

Time step in the simulation as a fraction of the relativistic electron gyro-period .

real(kind=rp), public :: time =0.0_rp

Current physical time in the simulation.

integer(kind=ip), public :: ito =0_ip

Initial time iteration in the simulation, this is different from zero in case is a restarting simulation.

integer(kind=ip), public :: it =0_ip

Current time iteration in the simulation, this is different from zero in case is a restarting simulation.

real(kind=rp), public :: init_time =0.0_rp

Time at the beginning of a run with proceed=T

integer(kind=ip), public :: t_steps
integer(kind=ip), public :: prev_iter_2x1t

Number of time steps needed for evolving the electrons up to "simulation_time".

integer(kind=ip), public :: t_skip
integer(kind=ip), public :: t_it_SC =1_ip
integer(kind=ip), public :: output_cadence
integer(kind=ip), public :: coll_per_dump
integer(kind=ip), public :: orbits_per_coll
real(kind=rp), public :: coll_per_dump_dt

Time iteration offset used to decide when the outputs are generated.

integer(kind=ip), public :: restart_output_cadence

Time iteration offset used to decide when the restart files are generated.

integer(kind=ip), public :: coll_cadence
integer(kind=ip), public :: num_snapshots

Number of snapshots in time for generating the output files.

integer, public :: num_species

Number of different populations of simulated relativistic electrons in KORC.

real(kind=rp), public :: minimum_particle_energy

Minimum allowed energy of simulated electrons.

real(kind=rp), public :: minimum_particle_g

Minimum allowed relativistic factor of simulated electrons.

logical, public :: radiation

Flag to indicate if synchrotron radiation losses are included (radiation=T) or not (radiation=F).

logical, public :: collisions

Flag to indicate if collisionsare included (collisions=T) or not (collisions=F).

logical, public :: LargeCollisions
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public :: GC_rad_model
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public :: collisions_model

String with the name of the collisions model to be used in the simulation.

character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public :: bound_electron_model
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public :: field_model
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public :: profile_model

String with the name of the model for the fields and plasma profiles.

character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public :: magnetic_field_filename
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public :: magnetic_field_directory
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public :: magnetic_field_list
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: magnetic_field_filenames
real(kind=rp), public, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: time_of_filenames

String with the name of the model for the fields and plasma profiles.

character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: outputs_list

List of electron variables to include in the outputs.

integer, public :: HDF5_error_handling

Flag to indicate whether we allow HDF5 to show warnings during runtime (HDF5_error_handling=1) or not (HDF5_error_handling=0)

type(KORC_MPI), public :: mpi_params

An instance of the KORC_MPI derived type.

type(CHARCS_PARAMS), public :: cpp

An instance of the CHARCS_PARAMS derived type.

logical, public :: FO_GC_compare
character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public :: orbit_model

String with the name of the orbit model ('FO' or 'GC').

character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH), public :: field_eval

String with the name of the field evaluation method for analytical fields ('interp' or 'eqn')

logical, public :: GC_coords

Flag to get_fields to control whether cartesian to cylindrical coordinate transformation needs to be performed

logical, public :: FokPlan

Flag to decouple spatial-dependence of evolution

logical, public :: SameRandSeed
logical, public :: SC_E
logical, public :: SC_E_add
integer, public :: time_slice
real(kind=rp), public :: rmax
real(kind=rp), public :: rmin
real(kind=rp), public :: zmax
real(kind=rp), public :: zmin
integer, public :: pchunk

number of particles per vectorized chunk

integer, public :: num_impurity_species
real(kind=rp), public, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: Zj
real(kind=rp), public :: gam_min

Source Code

     !! @note Core KORC parameters. @endnote
     !!  This KORC derived type contains the variables that control KORC's
     !! core behavior.

     CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: path_to_inputs 
     !! Absolute path to KORC's input file.
     CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: path_to_outputs 
     !! Absolute path to the outputs' folder.
     INTEGER 			:: num_omp_threads 
     !! Number of open MP threads per MPI process used in the simulation.
     LOGICAL 			:: restart 
     !! Flag to indicate if the simulations proceeds (restart=T) or not
     !! (restart=F). Restart simulation that exited before simulation_time
     !! reached.
     LOGICAL 			:: proceed 
     !! Flag to indicate if the simulations continues (proceed=T) or not
     !! (proceed=F). Append simulation results after previous simulation_time
     !! reached.
     LOGICAL 			:: load_balance
     LOGICAL  :: reinit
     !! Flag to begin a new simulation, reinitializing from restart file state
     REAL(rp) 			:: simulation_time 
     !! Total simulation time in seconds.
     REAL(rp) 			:: snapshot_frequency 
     !! Time between snapshots in time of the simulation.
     REAL(rp) 			:: restart_overwrite_frequency 
     !! Time between overwrites of restart file in time of the simulation.
     REAL(rp) 			:: dt 
     !! Time step in the simulation as a fraction of the relativistic electron
     !! gyro-period \(\tau_e = 2\pi\gamma m_e/eB_0\).
     REAL(rp) 			:: time = 0.0_rp 
     !! Current physical time in the simulation.
     INTEGER(ip) 			:: ito = 0_ip 
     !! Initial time iteration in the simulation, this is different from zero
     !! in case is a restarting simulation.
     INTEGER(ip) 			:: it = 0_ip 
     !! Current time iteration in the simulation, this is different from zero
     !! in case is a restarting simulation.
     REAL(rp)  :: init_time = 0.0_rp
     !! Time at the beginning of a run with proceed=T     
     INTEGER(ip) 			:: t_steps
     INTEGER(ip) 			:: prev_iter_2x1t 
     !! Number of time steps needed for evolving the electrons up to
     !! "simulation_time".
     INTEGER(ip) 			:: t_skip
     INTEGER(ip) 			:: t_it_SC=1_ip 
     INTEGER(ip) 			:: output_cadence
     INTEGER(ip) 			:: coll_per_dump
     INTEGER(ip) 			:: orbits_per_coll
     REAL(rp) 			:: coll_per_dump_dt
     !! Time iteration offset used to decide when the outputs are generated.
     INTEGER(ip) 			:: restart_output_cadence 
     !! Time iteration offset used to decide when the restart files are
     !! generated.
     INTEGER(ip) 			:: coll_cadence 
     INTEGER(ip) 			:: num_snapshots 
     !! Number of snapshots in time for generating the output files.
     INTEGER 			:: num_species 
     !! Number of different populations of simulated relativistic electrons
     !! in KORC.
     REAL(rp) 			:: minimum_particle_energy 
     !! Minimum allowed energy of simulated electrons. 
     !! @todo To improve the criterium to decide when an electron will not
     !! be followed anymore in the simulation.
     REAL(rp) 			:: minimum_particle_g 
     !! Minimum allowed relativistic factor \(\gamma\) of simulated electrons.
     LOGICAL 			:: radiation 
     !! Flag to indicate if synchrotron radiation losses are included
     !! (radiation=T) or not (radiation=F).
     LOGICAL 			:: collisions 
     !! Flag to indicate if collisionsare included (collisions=T) or not
     !! (collisions=F).
     LOGICAL 			:: LargeCollisions 
     CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: collisions_model 
     !! String with the name of the collisions model to be used in the
     !! simulation.
     CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: bound_electron_model 
     CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: field_model
     CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: profile_model 
     !! String with the name of the model for the fields and plasma profiles.
     CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: magnetic_field_filename
     CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: magnetic_field_directory
     CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: magnetic_field_list
     CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: magnetic_field_filenames
     REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: time_of_filenames
     !! String with the name of the model for the fields and plasma profiles.
     !! List of electron variables to include in the outputs.
     INTEGER 			:: HDF5_error_handling 
     !! Flag to indicate whether we allow HDF5 to show warnings 
     !! during runtime (HDF5_error_handling=1) or not (HDF5_error_handling=0)
     TYPE(KORC_MPI) 		:: mpi_params 
     !! An instance of the KORC_MPI derived type.
     TYPE(CHARCS_PARAMS) 		:: cpp 
     !! An instance of the CHARCS_PARAMS derived type.
     LOGICAL :: FO_GC_compare
     CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: orbit_model
     !! String with the name of the orbit model ('FO' or 'GC').
     !! String with the name of the field evaluation method for
     !! analytical fields ('interp' or 'eqn')
     LOGICAL :: GC_coords
     !! Flag to [[get_fields]] to control whether cartesian to cylindrical
     !! coordinate transformation needs to be performed
     LOGICAL :: FokPlan
     !! Flag to decouple spatial-dependence of evolution
     LOGICAL :: SameRandSeed
     LOGICAL :: SC_E
     LOGICAL :: SC_E_add
     INTEGER                      :: time_slice !< M3D-C1 time slice to use.
     REAL(rp)                     :: rmax !< Maximum r for M3D-C1 fields.
     REAL(rp)                     :: rmin !< Minimum r for M3D-C1 fields.
     REAL(rp)                     :: zmax !< Maximum z for M3D-C1 fields.
     REAL(rp)                     :: zmin !< Minimum z for M3D-C1 fields.
     INTEGER  :: pchunk
     !! number of particles per vectorized chunk
     INTEGER  :: num_impurity_species
     REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE        :: Zj
     REAL(rp) :: gam_min