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This document contains information about the magnetic diagnostic specifications. Diagnostics are specified in a structured text file. This file is read in by the v3rfun_input::name_diagnostic_dot variable of the name list input file.
Every diagnostic coil specification looks like:
The remaining specification is keyword dependent.
flux_loop | An arbitrary shaped flux loop. Lines after ID: Arbitrary number of nodes, each consists of three reals. Description: A flux_loop is a closed filamentary polygon. Each line after the ID line contains the x, y, and z coordinates of one node. The last node need not be the same as the first node: the parser will ensure that the flux loop is closed. |
flux_loop_circular | A circular flux loop. Lines after ID: First line after ID: one real, the radius of the circle. Second line after ID: three reals, the x, y, z coordinates of the center of the circle. Third line after ID: three reals, the x, y, z components of the normal to the circle. Description: A flux_loop_circular is a filamentary circle. The parser takes care of the normalization of the normal vector. |
magnetic_probe | Point measurement of the magnetic field. Lines after ID: First line after ID: one real, the radius of the magnetic probe. Second line after ID: three reals, the x, y, z coordinates of probe position. Third line after ID: three reals, the x, y, z components of the normal to the probe. Description: A magnetic_probe is very similar to a small flux_loop_circular diagnostic. However, the signal for a magnetic_probe is a B field component (units in Tesla) rather than a magnetic flux (units Webers). The parser takes care of the normalization of the normal vector. |
magnetic_probe_tokamak | Point measurement of the magnetic field. Lines after ID: First line after ID: five reals: probe radius, major radius, toroidal angle (in degrees), z position, and orientation angle (in degrees). Description: A magnetic_probe_tokamak is very similar to a magnetic_probe. However, the parameterization is different. The normal to a magnetic_probe_tokamak lies in the Rhat-zhat plane. It has no component in the phi-hat direction. The orientation angle specifies the angle from the Rhat vector. |
rogowski | Rogowski coil. Lines after ID: First line after ID: two reals, the number of turns, and the cross-sectional area (in meter^2) of the Rogowski coil. Second through last lines after ID: arbitrary in number each containing three reals. Description: The guide curve for a rogowski is specified by giving node positions. Each of the second through last line after the ID line specifies a node position. The guide curve is made of straight line segments between the node positions. Note that the parser makes no assumption about whether or not a Rogowski coil guide curve is closed or not. Thus, a rogowski can model either a partial Rogowski coil, or a full Rogowski coil. The signal computed for a Rogowski is the line integrated B along the guide curve, divided by the length of the guide curve. The units are Tesla. |
b_rogowski | Same as a rogowski . |
i_rogowski | Same as a rogowski but with measuing current in Amperes. If this is a full rogowski, the signal is the total current enclosed. |
f_rogowski | Same as a rogowski but with measuing flux in Webers. |
s_rogowski | A rogowski defined by a series of segments connected in series to represent a single measurement. |
b_point_probe | Point measurement of the magnetic field in tesla. Lines after ID: First line after ID: three reals, the x, y, z coordinates of probe position. Second line after ID: three reals, the xhat, yhat, zhat components of the direction the probe measures in. Description: These probes differ from the magnetic probes by modling the probe as an exact point measurement insead of modeling as a loop of wire. The second vector direction defines the components that the probe reads. |
b_point_probe_cyl | Same as b_point_probe but defined in cylindrical coordinates. |
end_of_file | End of the file. |
Reference material for the coding to parse these files can be found in the diagnostic_dot module.