Najax_mod | |
Nangle_constraints | |
►Nassert_mod | |
Cassert | |
Nbcoils_mod | |
Nbiotsavart | |
►Nbivariate | This modules contains routines for interpolating points inside a grid. This was originally written by S. P. Hirshman. It has been modified for thread safety converting it to be object oriented by M. Cianciosa |
Cbivariate_class | An object containing persistent data for the bivariate interpolation |
►Nblocktridiagonalsolver | Solver for block tri-diagonal matrices. [Kalyan S. Perumalla, ORNL, 2009-2011] |
Clevelelement | Data associated with each row at each level |
Csolutionelement | Solution of selected rows of interest to this rank |
Cblacsprocessgrid | BLACS/PBLAS process grid information |
Cblacsparameters | BLACS/PBLAS information |
Cmastertoslavemapping | Master-to-slave mapping |
Cpblaslevelparameters | Level-specific PBLAS information |
Ctimecount | Statistics (timing, etc.) |
Cpblasstats | |
Cpblastemparray | |
►Nblocktridiagonalsolver_bst | |
Clevelelement | Data associated with each row at each level |
Csolutionelement | Solution of selected rows of interest to this rank |
Cblacsprocessgrid | BLACS/PBLAS process grid information |
Cblacsparameters | BLACS/PBLAS information |
Cmastertoslavemapping | Master-to-slave mapping |
Cpblaslevelparameters | Level-specific PBLAS information |
Ctimecount | Statistics (timing, etc.) |
Cpblasstats | |
Cpblastemparray | |
Nblocktridiagonalsolver_s | Module contains subroutines for solver for block tri-diagonal matrices |
►Nbmw_commandline_parser | Defines the base class of the type bmw_commandline_parser_class |
Cbmw_commandline_parser_class | Base class containing a parsed bmw_commandline |
►Nbmw_context | Defines the base class of the type bmw_context_class. This contains the state variables needed by BMW |
Cbmw_context_class | Base class representing a bmw context. This contains all memory needed to operate bmw |
►Nbmw_parallel_context | Defines the base class of the type bmw_parallel_context_class. This contains the state variables needed by BMW for parallel computation |
Cbmw_parallel_context_class | Base class representing a bmw parallel context. This contains all memory needed parameters needed to parallel processing |
Nbmw_run | BMW is a code for extending fields belond the VMEC domain in a manner that ensures divergence free fields. BMW does a Biot-Savart volume integration of of the equilibrium current density to obtain a continous vector potential every where on the mgrid grid |
Nbmw_state_flags | Contains parameters defining the bit positions for flags that mark different options |
Nbnorm_mod | |
Nbootsj_input | |
Nbooz_params | |
Nbooz_persistent | |
►Nboundary_t | |
Cboundary_desc | |
Nbsc_cdf | |
►Nbsc_t | |
Cbsc_coil | |
Cbsc_coilcoll | |
Cbsc_rs | |
Cassignment(=) | |
Cbsc_construct | |
Cbsc_destroy | |
Cbsc_rot_shift | |
Cbsc_a | |
Cbsc_b | |
Cbsc_fluxba | |
Ncheck_correlation_matrix | |
Ncheck_file | |
Ncheck_jac_value | |
Ncheck_jacobian_iter | |
Ncheck_param_constraint_types | |
Ncheck_param_value | |
Ncheck_sem_total | |
Ncheck_signal_value | |
Ncheck_signal_value2 | |
Ncoilsnamin | |
►Ncombination | Defines the base class of the type combination_class |
Ccombination_class | Base class representing a combination signal |
Ncommandline_parser | Defines the base class of the type commandline_parser_class |
►Ncompression | Defines the base class of the type compression_class. This class contains the code and buffers to hold compressed and uncompressed data. 2D matrix data is compressed using a singular value decomposition. See del-Castillo-Negrete et. al. doi:10.1016/ |
Ccompression_class | Base class containing buffers for compressed and uncompressed data |
Ccompression_pointer | Pointer to a compression object. Used for creating arrays of compression pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly |
Ccompression_construct | Interface for the construction of compression_class types using compression_construct_new or compression_construct_netcdf |
Ncontrol_mod | |
Ncoordinate_utilities | Module is part of the LIBSTELL. This modules containes code to convert from different coordinate systems |
Ncsplinx | |
►Ncyl_flux | |
Ccyl_flux_context | Structure to house needed internal state for cyl2flux |
Ndata_parameters | This modules contains parameters used by equilibrium models |
Ndate_and_computer | |
Nde_mod | |
Ndescriptor_mod | |
►Ndiagnostic_cdf | |
Cdiagnostic_cdf_define | |
Cdiagnostic_cdf_write | |
Cdiagnostic_cdf_read | |
►Ndiagnostic_dot | Module for opening and reading a diagnostic dot file. The file format for these files are documented in Magnetic Diagnostic Dot File |
Cdiagnostic_dot_coil | A single coil. A coil set is structured as a singly linked list |
►Ndiagnostic_t | |
Cdiagnostic_desc | |
Cassignment(=) | |
Cdiagnostic_construct | |
Cdiagnostic_destroy | |
Cdiagnostic_write | |
Ndump_output | |
►Nece | Defines the base class of the type ece_class |
Cece_class | Base class representing an ECE signal |
Cece_context | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the callback function |
Nece_dot | Module for opening and reading a 'ece.' file. The file format for these files are documented in ECE Diagnostic Dot File |
►Nemission | Defines the base class of the type emission_class. This contains the X-Ray emission as function of temperature and energy. This needs to still be multiplied by ne^2 |
Cemission_class | Base class representing the soft x-ray emission function |
Cemission_construct | |
►Nequilibrium | Defines the base class of the type equilibrium_class. Equilibrium is an abstract interface to the equilibrium solver. Every method is meant to be overwritten by a subclass method with a few exceptions. For instance a vacuum equilibrium could use the default return values for equilibrium_get_ne, equilibrium_get_te and equilibrium_get_sxrem methods |
Cequilibrium_class | Base class representing a equilibrium |
Cequilibrium_construct | Interface for the construction of equilibrium_class types using equilibrium_construct_vmec, equilibrium_construct_vacuum or equilibrium_construct_siesta |
►Nextcurz | Represents a signal obtained by integrating around the magnetic field to get the current enclosed in the Z direction using Ampere's Law. Defines the base class of the type extcurz_class |
Cextcurz_class | Base class representing a external Z currents enclosed by an inegration loop |
►Nextcurz_t | |
Cextcurz_desc | |
►Nezcdf_attrib | |
Ccdf_setatt | |
Ccdf_getatt | |
Nezcdf_genget | |
►Nezcdf_genput | |
Ccdf_write | |
Ccdfputvar | |
Ccdf_define | |
►Nezcdf_inqvar | |
Ccdfinqvardim | |
►Nezcdf_opncls | |
Ccdfopn | |
Ccdf_open | |
Ccdfcls | |
Ccdf_close | |
►Nezspline | |
Cezspline_init | |
Cezlinear_init | |
Cezhybrid_init | |
Cezspline_free | |
Cezspline_setup | |
Cezspline_interp | |
Cezspline_derivative | |
Cezspline_gradient | |
Cezspline_isindomain | |
Cezspline_isgridregular | |
Cezspline_save | |
Cezspline_load | |
Cezspline_modulo | |
Cezspline_2netcdf | |
►Nezspline_obj | |
Cezspline_preinit | |
Cezspline_allocated | |
►Nezspline_type | |
Cezspline3_r8 | |
Cezspline2_r8 | |
Cezspline1_r8 | |
Cezspline3_r4 | |
Cezspline2_r4 | |
Cezspline1_r4 | |
Nf1dim_mod | Module containing Fletcher-Reeves (non-linear Conjugate Gradient) routines including linear search algorithm |
Nfbal | |
Nfdjac_mod | |
►Nfftpack | |
Ccftfax | |
Ccftrig | |
Cfact | |
Cfftfax | |
Cfftrig | |
Nfile_opts | Contains cross platform routines for manipulating files on the file system. Defines a functions to move, copy and delete a file that is cross platform. While, system contains a crossplatform way to call a command line commands, the command used will vary by platform |
►Nfourier | Module contains subroutines for computing FFT on parallel radial intervals. Converts quantities between real and fourier space. Note fixarray must be called once before call any of the Fourier subroutines to calculate all necessary sine and cosine factors on a fixed mesh of collocation angles |
Cfourier_class | Base class containing fourier memory |
Ccheck | Interface for checking results of the unit tests |
Nfunctions | This module containes functions used by the profiles |
Nga_mod | |
Ngade_mod | |
Ngmres | |
Ngmres_dim | |
►Ngmres_lib | |
Cgmres_info | |
Ngmres_mod | |
►Ngradient_descent | Module is part of the LIBSTELL. This modules contains code to define and integrate along an arbitray path |
Cgradient_descent_class | Base class containing the parameters for the gradient_descent |
Cgradient_descent_test_class | Base class containing the parameters for the gradient_descent |
Ccheck | Interface for checking the results of the unit tests |
►Nguassian_process | Defines the base class of the type guassian_process_class. The guassian_process contains code to compuet guassian process profiles |
Cgaussp_class | Base class representing a gaussian process |
Cgaussp_class_pointer | Pointer to a gaussian process object. Used for creating arrays of gaussian process pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly |
►Nhessian | |
Cgather_array | |
Ninit_geometry | |
►Nintegration_path | Module is part of the LIBSTELL. This modules contains code to define and integrate along an arbitray path |
Cintegration_path_class | Base class containing the parameters of the integration method to use |
Cintegration_path_gleg_class | Subclass to use Gauss Legendre Quadrature |
Cintegration_path_hp_glep_class | Subclass to use hp approch |
Cvertex | A single point in space defined by an z, y, z coordinate. A vertex is structured as a singly linked list |
Ctest_context | A type for the test cases |
Ctest_search_context | A type for the test cases |
Cpath_construct | Construction interface using path_construct_vertex |
Cpath_destruct | Destruct interface using path_destruct_vertex |
Ccheck | Interface for checking the results of the unit tests |
►Nintegration_path_context | Module is part of the LIBSTELL. This modules contains code to define and integrate along an arbitray path |
Cintegration_path_context_class | Integration context object interface |
Csearch_path_context_class | Search context object interface |
Cintegration_function | Interface for the integration function |
Csearch_function | Interface for the search function |
►Nintpol | Implements interferometry/polarimetry diagnostic. Defines the base class of the type intpol_class |
Cintpol_class | Base class representing a interferometer signal |
Cintpol_pol_class | Base class representing a polarimetry signal |
Cintpol_int_context | Struture to hole all memort needed to be sent to the integration callback function |
Cintpol_pol_context | Struture to hole all memort needed to be sent to the integration callback function |
Cintpol_gp_int_context_i | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function of a point |
Cintpol_gp_pol_context_i | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function of a point |
Cintpol_gp_int_context_s | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for signal |
Cintpol_gp_pol_context_s | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for signal |
Cintpol_gp_int_context_x | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for position |
Cintpol_gp_pol_context_x | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for position |
Nipch_dot | Module for opening and reading a 'ipch.' file. The file format for these files are documented in Inteferometry/Polarimetry Diagnostic Dot File |
►Nipch_t | |
Cipch_desc | |
Nisland_params | This file contains fix parameters related to the computational grids |
►Nlimiter | Defines the base class of the type limiter_class |
Climiter_class | Base class representing a limiter signal |
►Nlimiter_grid | Defines the base class of the type limiter_grid_class |
Climiter_grid_class | Base class representing a limiter signal |
►Nlimiter_iso_t | Defines the base class of the type limiter_iso |
Climiter_iso_class | Base class representing a limiter_iso function |
Nline_segment | Module is part of the LIBSTELL. This module contains code to create a profile constructed of line sigments. These line segments are assumed to be specified such that xx(i) < xx(i + 1) |
Nlinear1_mod | |
►Nliprec | |
Cli_gbfa | |
Cli_gbsl | |
Cli_gefa | |
Cli_gesl | |
Nlmpar_mod | |
►Nm_grid | Defines the base class of the type m_grid_class. This contains the state variables to define the vacuum vector potential |
Cm_grid_class | Base class representing a m grid. This is grid contains information about the vacuum fields |
►Nmagnetic | Defines the base class of the type magnetic_class |
Cmagnetic_class | Base class representing a magnetic signal |
►Nmagnetic_response | Defines the base class of the type magnetic_response_class |
Cmagnetic_response_class | Base class representing a magnetic signal response function |
Cmagnetic_response_construct | Interface for the construction of magnetic_response_class types using magnetic_response_construct_new, & magnetic_response_construct_point or & magnetic_response_construct_netcdf |
Nmakegrid_global | |
Nmath_utilities | |
►Nmddc_cdf | |
Cmddc_cdf_define | |
Cmddc_cdf_write | |
Cmddc_cdf_read | |
►Nmddc_t | |
Cmddc_mrf | |
Cmddc_desc | |
Cassignment(=) | |
Cmddc_construct | |
Cmddc_destroy | |
Cmddc_write | |
Nmetrics | Module for reading in VMEC input and computing metric elements on the SIESTA (sqrt-flux) radial grid. Computes and stores the real-space metric elements, Jacobian based on square root of fluc splined vmec coordinate system |
Nmgrid_mod | |
►Nmodel | Defines the base class of the type model_class. The model contains information not specific to the equilibrium |
Cmodel_class | Base class representing a model |
Nmodel_state | Contains parameters defining the bit positions for flags that mark changes in different parts of the model |
Nmodular_coils | |
Nmpi_inc | Umbrella module avoid multiple inlcudes of the mpif.h header |
Nmpi_params | |
►Nmse | Implements motional stark effect diagnostic. Defines the base class of the type mse_class |
Cmse_class | Base class representing a mse signal |
Nmse_dot | Module for opening and reading a 'mse.' file. The file format for these files are documented in Motional Stark Effect Diagnostic Dot File |
►Nnetcdf_inc | Work around to fix some netcdf import problems with the Ezcdf. This module emulates the F77 interface using the F90 interface |
Cnf_open | Interface to open a file |
Cnf_create | Interface to open a file |
Cnf_close | Interface to open a file |
Cnf_enddef | Interface to inquire a dimension id |
Cnf_strerror | Interface to inquire a dimension id |
Cnf_inq_dimid | Interface to inquire a dimension id |
Cnf_def_dim | Interface to define a dimension |
Cnf_inq_varid | Interface to inquire a variable id |
Cnf_get_var_int | Interface for reading integer variables |
Cnf_put_var_int | Interface for writing integer variables |
Cnf_put_vara_int | Interface for writing integer variables |
Cnf_get_var_real | Interface for reading real variables. Note double 2D array used by complex real array values |
Cnf_put_vara_real | Interface for reading real variables. Note double 2D array used by complex real array values |
Cnf_put_var_real | Interface for writing real variables. Note double 2D array used by complex real array values |
Cnf_get_var_double | Interface for reading double variables |
Cnf_put_vara_double | Interface for reading double variables. Note double 2D array used by complex double array values |
Cnf_put_var_double | Interface for writing double variables |
Nnscalingtools | |
Noptim_params | |
Npackafile | |
Nparallel_include_module | |
►Nparallel_vmec_module | |
Ccopylastntype | |
Npchelms | This file solves the helmholtz equation to set inital fields that match vmec and vacuum currents from the vector potential. Initial vector potential on the edge is supplied by the BMW code |
Nperturbation | Subroutines and functionsto apply the helical perturbation to open up islands |
►Npprofile_t | Defines the base class of the type pprofile_class. This module contains all the code necessary to define parameterized profiles |
Cpprofile_class | Base class representing a parameterized profile |
Cpprofile_pointer | Pointer to a pprofile object. Used for creating arrays of pprofile pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly |
Nprecon2d | |
►Nprimed_grid | Defines the base class of the type primed_grid_class. This contains the state variables to define the currents and positions of the volumn integral |
Cprimed_grid_class | Base class representing a primed grid. This is grid the volume integral will be summed over |
►Nprior_gaussian | Defines the base class of the type prior_gaussian_class. This class implements priors of the type |
Cprior_gaussian_class | Base class representing a prior_guassian signal |
Nprof_mod | |
►Nprofiler | Defines functions for measuring an tabulating performance of function and subroutine calls. These routines are only active when the PROFILE_ON macro is defined |
Cprofiler_bucket | Full table of profiled functions |
►Npspline_calls | |
Cakherm1 | |
Cakherm1p | |
Cakherm0 | |
Cakherm2 | |
Cakherm2p | |
Cakherm3 | |
Cakherm3p | |
Cbcspeval | |
Cbcspevxy | |
Cbcspevfn | |
Cbcspgrid | |
Cbcspline | |
Cbcspvec | |
Cbpsplinb | |
Cbpspline | |
Ccspeval | |
Ccspevx | |
Ccspevfn | |
Ccspline | |
Ccubsplb | |
Cdnherm1 | |
Cdnherm2 | |
Cdnherm3 | |
Cevbicub | |
Cfvbicub | |
Cfvbicubx | |
Cevintrp2d | |
Cfvintrp2d | |
Cevintrp3d | |
Cfvintrp3d | |
Cevspline | |
Cfvspline | |
Cevtricub | |
Cfvtricub | |
Cfvtricubx | |
Cf2test | |
Cf3test | |
Cgenxpkg | |
Cgridbicub | |
Cgridherm1 | |
Cgridherm2 | |
Cgridherm3 | |
Cgridintrp2d | |
Cgridintrp3d | |
Cgridpc1 | |
Cgridpc2 | |
Cgridpc3 | |
Cgridspline | |
Cgridtricub | |
Cherm1ev | |
Cherm1x | |
Cherm1fcn | |
Cherm2ev | |
Cherm2xy | |
Cherm2fcn | |
Cherm2fcnx | |
Cherm3ev | |
Cherm3xyz | |
Cherm3fcn | |
Cherm3fcnx | |
Cibc_ck | |
Cmkbicub | |
Cmkbicubw | |
Cmkbicop | |
Cmkbicon | |
Cmkherm1 | |
Cmkherm2 | |
Cmkherm3 | |
Cmkintrp2d | |
Cmkintrp3d | |
Cmkspl2pb | |
Cmkspl2p | |
Cmkspl2zb | |
Cmkspl2z | |
Cmkspl3pb | |
Cmkspl3zb | |
Cmkspline | |
Cmktricub | |
Cmktricubw | |
Cmktricop | |
Cmktricon | |
Cnspline | |
Cpc1ev | |
Cpc1fcn | |
Cpc2ev | |
Cpc2fcn | |
Cpc2fcnx | |
Cpc3ev | |
Cpc3fcn | |
Cpc3fcnx | |
Cpspline | |
Cr8akherm1 | |
Cr8akherm1p | |
Cr8akherm0 | |
Cr8akherm2 | |
Cr8akherm2p | |
Cr8akherm3 | |
Cr8akherm3p | |
Cr8bcspeval | |
Cr8bcspevxy | |
Cr8bcspevfn | |
Cr8bcspgrid | |
Cr8bcspline | |
Cr8bcspvec | |
Cr8bpsplinb | |
Cr8bpspline | |
Cr8cspeval | |
Cr8cspevx | |
Cr8cspevfn | |
Cr8cspline | |
Cr8cubsplb | |
Cr8dnherm1 | |
Cr8dnherm2 | |
Cr8dnherm3 | |
Cr8evbicub | |
Cr8fvbicub | |
Cr8fvbicubx | |
Cr8evintrp2d | |
Cr8fvintrp2d | |
Cr8evintrp3d | |
Cr8fvintrp3d | |
Cr8evspline | |
Cr8fvspline | |
Cr8evtricub | |
Cr8fvtricub | |
Cr8fvtricubx | |
Cr8f2test | |
Cr8f3test | |
Cr8genxpkg | |
Cr8gridbicub | |
Cr8gridherm1 | |
Cr8gridherm2 | |
Cr8gridherm3 | |
Cr8gridintrp2d | |
Cr8gridintrp3d | |
Cr8gridpc1 | |
Cr8gridpc2 | |
Cr8gridpc3 | |
Cr8gridspline | |
Cr8gridtricub | |
Cr8herm1ev | |
Cr8herm1x | |
Cr8herm1fcn | |
Cr8herm2ev | |
Cr8herm2xy | |
Cr8herm2fcn | |
Cr8herm2fcnx | |
Cr8herm3ev | |
Cr8herm3xyz | |
Cr8herm3fcn | |
Cr8herm3fcnx | |
Cr8mkbicub | |
Cr8mkbicubw | |
Cr8mkbicop | |
Cr8mkbicon | |
Cr8mkherm1 | |
Cr8mkherm2 | |
Cr8mkherm3 | |
Cr8mkintrp2d | |
Cr8mkintrp3d | |
Cr8mkspl2pb | |
Cr8mkspl2p | |
Cr8mkspl2zb | |
Cr8mkspl2z | |
Cr8mkspl3pb | |
Cr8mkspl3zb | |
Cr8mkspline | |
Cr8mktricub | |
Cr8mktricubw | |
Cr8mktricop | |
Cr8mktricon | |
Cr8nspline | |
Cr8pc1ev | |
Cr8pc1fcn | |
Cr8pc2ev | |
Cr8pc2fcn | |
Cr8pc2fcnx | |
Cr8pc3ev | |
Cr8pc3fcn | |
Cr8pc3fcnx | |
Cr8pspline | |
Cr8seval2 | |
Cr8seval3 | |
Cr8seval | |
Cr8speval | |
Cr8spgrid | |
Cr8splaan | |
Cr8splbrk | |
Cr8spleen | |
Cr8splinck | |
Cr8spline | |
Cr8spvec | |
Cr8tcspeval | |
Cr8tcspevxyz | |
Cr8tcspevfn | |
Cr8tcspgrid | |
Cr8tcspline | |
Cr8tcspcorr | |
Cr8tcsp23 | |
Cr8tcspvec | |
Cr8tpsplinb | |
Cr8tpspline | |
Cr8util_bcherm1 | |
Cr8util_bcherm2 | |
Cr8util_bcherm3 | |
Cr8vecbicub | |
Cr8vecherm1 | |
Cr8vecherm2 | |
Cr8vecherm3 | |
Cr8vecintrp2d | |
Cr8vecintrp3d | |
Cr8vecpc1 | |
Cr8vecpc2 | |
Cr8vecpc3 | |
Cr8vecspline | |
Cr8vectricub | |
Cr8v_spline | |
Cr8xlookup | |
Cr8zonfind | |
Cseval2 | |
Cseval3 | |
Cseval | |
Cspeval | |
Cspgrid | |
Csplaan | |
Csplbrk | |
Cspleen | |
Csplinck | |
Cspline | |
Cspvec | |
Ctcspeval | |
Ctcspevxyz | |
Ctcspevfn | |
Ctcspgrid | |
Ctcspline | |
Ctcspcorr | |
Ctcsp23 | |
Ctcspvec | |
Ctpsplinb | |
Ctpspline | |
Cutil_bcherm1 | |
Cutil_bcherm2 | |
Cutil_bcherm3 | |
Cvecbicub | |
Cvecherm1 | |
Cvecherm2 | |
Cvecherm3 | |
Cvecin2d_argchk | |
Cvecin3d_argchk | |
Cvecintrp2d | |
Cvecintrp3d | |
Cvecpc1 | |
Cvecpc2 | |
Cvecpc3 | |
Cvecspline | |
Cvectricub | |
Cv_spline | |
Cxlookup | |
Czonfind | |
Nptrd_mod | |
Nread_boozer_mod | |
►Nread_response | |
Cclresfun | |
Cprfun | |
►Nread_response_nompi | |
Cclresfun | |
Cprfun | |
Nread_v3post_mod | |
Nread_wout_mod | |
Nrealspace | |
►Nreconstruction | Defines the base class of the type reconstruction_class. This class contains the minimization algorithm |
Creconstruction_class | Base class containing all the data needed to reconstruct a model |
Nrestart_mod | Contains routines for writting the restart file |
Nsaddle_coils | |
Nsaddle_surface | |
Nshared_data | This file contains variables and parameters used by many modules in SIESTA |
Nshared_functions | Subroutines and functions updating MHD forces and Wmhd |
Nsiesta_bfield | This file contains subroutines for updating half-grid magnetic fields |
►Nsiesta_context | Defines the base class of the type siesta_context_class. This contains the state variables needed by SIESTA |
Csiesta_context_class | Base class representing a siesta_context. This contains a copy of every variable that is needed to define the SIESTA state |
Nsiesta_currents | Takes the Curl(B) to return the contravariant current density. Contravariant components of the magnetic field must be converted to covariant components first |
►Nsiesta_equilibrium | Defines the base class of the type siesta_class. This module contains all the code necessary to interface V3FIT with SIESTA |
Csiesta_class | Base class representing a siesta_equilibrium |
Nsiesta_error | This module contains all the code needed to define an error |
►Nsiesta_file | Defines the base class of the type siesta_file_class. This contains the output of a siesta equilibrium |
Csiesta_file_class | Base class representing a siesta output |
Nsiesta_force | Compute the JxB - Grad(p) covariant force components. The plasma is in equilibrium when the force of the magnetic pressure balances the plasma pressure |
Nsiesta_namelist | This file contains all the variables and maximum sizes of the inputs for a SIESTA namelist input file. The module contained within does not represent an object instance. Instead all variables are contained in a global context. This is required due to limitations of FORTRAN 95 and namelist inputs |
Nsiesta_pressure | Updates pressure |
►Nsiesta_run | Defines the base class of the type siesta_run_class. This module contains all the code necessary to interface setup and run SIESTA |
Csiesta_run_class | Interface for the siesta_run constructor |
Nsiesta_state | This file contains subroutines for aupdating from t to t + delta_t the magnetic field and pressure as part of the SIESTA project. Stores updated values of JPMN*H, JBSUBXMN*H in Quantities Module |
►Nsignal | Defines the base class of the type signal_class |
Csignal_class | Base class representing a signal |
Csignal_pointer | Pointer to a signal object. Used for creating arrays of signal pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly |
Csignal_construct | Interface for the construction of signal_class types using signal_construct_new or signal_construct_diagnostic_netcdf |
►Nsignal_dot | Defines the base class of type signal_dot_file. This module contains common code used in parsing diagnostic dot files. The actual parsing of the diagnostic dot file is handled by ipch_dot, thscte_dot and sxrch_dot |
Csignal_dot_file | Base class representing a diagnostic dot file. This is an opaqe class |
Nspec_kind_mod | |
Nspline1_mod | |
Nstel_constants | |
Nstel_kinds | |
►Nsurface_commandline_parser | Defines the base class of the type surface_commandline_parser_class |
Csurface_commandline_parser_class | Base class containing a parsed surface_commandline |
►Nsurface_context | Defines the base class of the type surface_context_class. This module contains all the code necessary define a surface for cariddi to read a virtual surface from |
Csurface_context_class | Base class representing a surface context. This contains all memory needed to operate surface |
Nsxrch_dot | Module for opening and reading a 'sxrch.' file. The file format for these files are documented in Soft X-Ray Diagnostic Dot File |
►Nsxrch_t | |
Csxrch_desc | |
►Nsxrem | Defines the base class of the type sxrem_class |
Csxrem_class | Base class representing a soft x-ray signal |
Csxrem_emiss_class | Base class representing a soft x-ray emissivity signal |
Csxrem_ti_class | Base class representing a soft x-ray ti signal |
Csxrem_context | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the callback function |
Csxrem_ti_context | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the callback function |
Csxrem_gp_context_i | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for point |
Csxrem_gp_ti_context_i | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for point |
Csxrem_gp_context_s | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for signal |
Csxrem_gp_ti_context_s | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for signal |
Csxrem_gp_context_x | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for signal |
Csxrem_gp_ti_context_x | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for signal |
►Nsxrem_ratio | Defines a feedback signal based on the temperature based on the ration of the soft x-ray emissivity profile. This signal feeds back the temperature profile at a specified positon |
Csxrem_ratio_class | Base class representing a sxrem_ratio signal |
Nsxrem_ratio_dot | Module for opening and reading a 'sxrem_ratio.' file. The file format for these files are documented in Soft X-ray Emissivity Ratio Dot File |
Nsym_check | |
►Nsystem_mod | |
Csystem | |
Cchdir | |
Cgetenv | |
Cputenv | |
Cpxffork | |
Cgetpid | |
Cpxfwait | |
Ntf_coils | |
►Nthomson | Implements thomson scattering diagnostic. Defines the base class of the type thomson_class |
Cthomson_class | Base class representing a thomson scattering signal |
Cthomson_te_class | Base class representing a thomson scattering te signal |
Cthomson_ne_class | Base class representing a thomson scattering te signal |
Cthomson_p_class | Base class representing a thomson scattering te signal |
Nthscte_dot | Module for opening and reading a 'thscte.' file. The file format for these files are documented in Thomson Scattering Diagnostic Dot File |
►Nthscte_t | |
Cthscte_desc | |
Ntimer_mod | |
Ntimer_sub | |
Ntomnsp_mod | |
Ntotzsp_mod | |
Ntrack_mod | |
►Nunprimed_grid | Defines the base class of the type unprimed_grid_class. This contains the state variables to define the currents and positions of the volumn integral |
Cunprimed_grid_class | Base class representing a unprimed grid. This is grid the volume integral will be summed over |
►Nutilities | This file contains utilities for converting the siesta grids |
Cto_full_mesh | Interface to convert between half and full mesh using either to_full_mesh2 or to_full_mesh3 |
Cto_half_mesh | Interface to convert between full and half mesh using either to_half_mesh or to_half_mesh_p |
Cgradienthalf | Interface to take the gradianet from full to half mesh using either GradientHalf or GradientHalf_p |
Ccurl_htof | Interface to take the curl on a half mesh quantity and return a full mesh using either curl_htof or curl_htof_targ |
Cset_bndy_fouier_m0 | Interface to set the fouier conditions on a quantity for either scalar set_bndy_fouier_m0 or vector set_bndy_fouier_m0_vec quantities |
►Nv3_utilities | |
Cassert | |
Cassert_eq | |
Nv3f_vmec_comm | |
►Nv3fit_context | Defines a v3fit_context_class object to contain all the memory for running v3fit. Contains methods to write memory to disk |
Cv3fit_context_class | Base class representing a v3fit context. This contains all memory needed to operate v3fit |
Nv3fit_input | This file contains all the variables and maximum sizes of the inputs for a v3fit namelist input file. The module contained within does not represent an object instance. Instead all variables are contained in a global context. This is required due to limitations of FORTRAN 95 and namelist inputs. Any information needed by a V3FIT task should be copied to a v3fit_context object. All non-parameters are inputs to the namelist input file |
►Nv3fit_params | Defines the base class of the type param_class |
Cparam_recon_class | Class to hold variables needed when a parameter is a reconstruction parameter |
Cparam_locking_class | Class to hold variables needed when a parameter is a locking parameter. The locking parameter coefficents are stored in the correlation array of the parent type |
Cparam_class | Base class representing a reconstructed parameter. An upper and lower bound may be set for the parameter value |
Cparam_pointer | Pointer to a parameter object. Used for creating arrays of signal pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly |
Cparam_construct | Interface for the construction of param_class types using param_construct_basic or param_construct_recon |
Cparam_write_step_data | Interface for the writting of param_class data to the result file using param_write_step_data_1 or param_write_step_data_2 |
►Nv3post_rfun | |
Csignals | |
►Nv3rfun_context | Defines a v3rfun_context_class object to contain all the memory for running v3rfun |
Cv3rfun_context_class | Base class representing a v3rfun context. This contains all memory needed to operate v3rfun |
Nv3rfun_input | This file contains all the variables and maximum sizes of the inputs for a V3RFUN namelist input file. The module contained within does not represent an object instance. Instead all variables are contained in a global context. This is required due to limitations of FORTRAN 95 and namelist inputs. Any information needed by a V3RFUN task should be copied to a v3rfun_context object. All non-parameters are inputs to the namelist input file |
Nvac_persistent | |
►Nvacfield_mod | |
Cangles_shifts | |
Cwrite_invac | |
Nvacmod | |
Nvacmod0 | |
►Nvacuum_equilibrium | Defines the base class of the type vacuum_class. This module contains all the code necessary to interface V3FIT with a vacuum equilibrium |
Cvacuum_class | Base class representing a vacuum_equilibrium |
Nvacuum_input | This file contains all the variables and maximum sizes of the inputs for a vacuum namelist input file. The module contained within does not represent an object instance. Instead all variables are contained in a global context. This is required due to limitations of FORTRAN 95 and namelist inputs. Any information needed by a vacuum equilibrium should be copied to a vacuum_equilibrium object. All non-parameters are inputs to the namelist input file |
Nvcoilpts | |
►Nvertex_list | |
Cpoint | |
Cmagfield | |
Cpbfield | |
Cvertex | |
Cpvertex | |
Nvf_coils | |
Nvforces | |
►Nvmec_context | Defines the base class of the type vmec_context_class. This contains the state variables needed by VMEC |
Cvmec_context_class | Base class representing a vmec_context. This contains a copy of every variable that is needed to define the VMEC state |
Nvmec_dim | |
►Nvmec_equilibrium | Defines the base class of the type vmec_class. This module contains all the code necessary to interface V3FIT with VMEC |
Cvmec_magnetic_cache | Object to cache data needed to compute magnetic signals |
Cvmec_class | Base class representing a vmec_equilibrium |
Cvmec_descent_class | Extended gradient_descent_class |
Crunvmec | Forward declare the interface for runvmec |
►Nvmec_file | Defines the base class of the type vmec_file_class. This contains the output of a vmec equilibrium |
Cvmec_file_class | Base class representing a vmec output |
Nvmec_history | |
Nvmec_input | This file contains all the variables for a VMEC namelist input file. The module contained within does not represent an object instance. Instead all variables are contained in a global context. This is required due to limitations of FORTRAN 95 and namelist inputs |
Nvmec_io | |
Nvmec_main | |
Nvmec_params | |
Nvmec_persistent | |
Nvmec_seq | |
►Nvmec_test | |
Ccommandline_parser | A radial quantity |
►Nvmec_utils | |
Cgetbcyl | |
Cgetjcyl | |
Cmse_pitch | |
Nvmercier | |
Nvname0 | |
Nvname1 | |
Nvparams | |
Nvspline | |
Nvsvd0 | |
►Nwrite_array_generic | |
Cwrite_array | |
Nwrite_mgrid | |
Nwrite_mod | |
Nxstuff | |