No Matches
pprofile_t Module Reference

Defines the base class of the type pprofile_class. This module contains all the code necessary to define parameterized profiles. More...

Data Types

interface  pprofile_class
 Base class representing a parameterized profile. More...
type  pprofile_pointer
 Pointer to a pprofile object. Used for creating arrays of pprofile pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly. More...


type(pprofile_class) function, pointer pprofile_construct (p_type, b, as, af)
 Construct a pprofile_class.
subroutine pprofile_destruct (this)
 Deconstruct a pprofile_class object.
real(rprec) function pprofile_get_value (this, s_arg)
 Gets the value of a profile at a radial position.
character(len=p_type_len) function pprofile_get_p_type_name (this)
 Gets the name of the profile type.
real(rprec) function pprofile_get_gp_ij (this, i, j)
 Get the guassian process kernel value for the two as indicies.
real(rprec) function pprofile_get_gp_pi (this, p, i)
 Get the guassian process kernel value for the point and index.
real(rprec) function pprofile_get_gp_pp (this, p1, p2)
 Get the guassian process kernel value for two points.
integer function pprofile_get_gp_num_hyper_param (this)
 Get the number of hyper parameters for guassian process kernel.
subroutine pprofile_write (this, id, iou)
 Write out the profile to an output file.
subroutine pprofile_save_state (this)
 Save the internal state of the profile.
subroutine pprofile_reset_state (this)
 Reset the internal state of the profile.
pure real(rprec) function pprofile_gp_1d_sqexp_k (this, p1, p2)
 Evaluate the one dimensional squared exponential kernel.
pure real(rprec) function pprofile_gp_1d_sqexp_ln_k (this, p1, p2)
 Evaluate the one dimensional squared exponential kernel.


integer, parameter, public p_type_len =20
 Maximum size for parameter profile name lengths.
integer, parameter, public ilb_b = 0
 Lower array bound for function profiles.
integer, parameter, public iub_b = 21
 Upper array bound for function profiles.
integer, parameter, public iub_asf = 101
 Array size for spline profiles.

Detailed Description

Defines the base class of the type pprofile_class. This module contains all the code necessary to define parameterized profiles.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ pprofile_construct()

type (pprofile_class) function, pointer pprofile_t::pprofile_construct ( character (len=*), intent(in)  p_type,
real(rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  b,
real(rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  as,
real(rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  af 

Construct a pprofile_class.

Allocates memory and initializes a pprofile_class.

[in]p_typeProfile type discription.
[in]bArray of functional profile coefficients
[in]asArray of segmented radial positions.
[in]afArray of segmented profile values.
A pointer to a constructed pprofile_class object.

◆ pprofile_destruct()

subroutine pprofile_t::pprofile_destruct ( type (pprofile_class), intent(inout)  this)

Deconstruct a pprofile_class object.

Deallocates memory and uninitializes a pprofile_class object.

[in,out]thisA pprofile_class instance.

◆ pprofile_get_gp_ij()

real (rprec) function pprofile_t::pprofile_get_gp_ij ( class (pprofile_class), intent(in)  this,
integer, intent(in)  i,
integer, intent(in)  j 

Get the guassian process kernel value for the two as indicies.

Indicies are the index of the as array. Only valid for guassian process profiles.

[in]thisA pprofile_class instance.
[in]iith profile position.
[in]jjth profile position.
The name of the profile type.

◆ pprofile_get_gp_num_hyper_param()

integer function pprofile_t::pprofile_get_gp_num_hyper_param ( class (pprofile_class), intent(in)  this)

Get the number of hyper parameters for guassian process kernel.

Hyper parameters must be set to maximise the log of the evidence. If this profile is not a guassian process return zero.

[in]thisA pprofile_class instance.
Number of hyper parameters.

◆ pprofile_get_gp_pi()

real (rprec) function pprofile_t::pprofile_get_gp_pi ( class (pprofile_class), intent(in)  this,
real (rprec), intent(in)  p,
integer, intent(in)  i 

Get the guassian process kernel value for the point and index.

Index are the index of the as array. Point is a measurement point on the profile. Only valid for guassian process profiles.

[in]thisA pprofile_class instance.
[in]pPoint to evaluate the kernel at.
[in]iProfile position index.
The value of the gp kernel function for p and i.

◆ pprofile_get_gp_pp()

real (rprec) function pprofile_t::pprofile_get_gp_pp ( class (pprofile_class), intent(in)  this,
real (rprec), intent(in)  p1,
real (rprec), intent(in)  p2 

Get the guassian process kernel value for two points.

Points are a measurement point on the profile. Only valid for guassian process profiles.

[in]thisA pprofile_class instance.
[in]p1First point to evaluate the kernel at.
[in]p2SEOND point to evaluate the kernel at.
The value of the gp kernel function for p and i.

◆ pprofile_get_p_type_name()

character (len=p_type_len) function pprofile_t::pprofile_get_p_type_name ( class (pprofile_class), intent(in)  this)

Gets the name of the profile type.

Convertes a profile type to a string discription.

[in]thisA pprofile_class instance.
The name of the profile type.

◆ pprofile_get_value()

real (rprec) function pprofile_t::pprofile_get_value ( class (pprofile_class), intent(in)  this,
real (rprec), intent(in)  s_arg 

Gets the value of a profile at a radial position.

Evaluates the profile at the specifed radial position. If the radial position is out side the plasma, it returns the baseline value. If there is no profile type specified return the default value.

[in]thisA pprofile_class instance.
[in]s_argRadial position to evaluate the profile at.
The value of the profile.
This function makes vmec specific assumptions of 1 being the maximum radial value.

◆ pprofile_gp_1d_sqexp_k()

pure real (rprec) function pprofile_t::pprofile_gp_1d_sqexp_k ( type (pprofile_class), intent(in)  this,
real (rprec), intent(in)  p1,
real (rprec), intent(in)  p2 

Evaluate the one dimensional squared exponential kernel.

The squared exponential kernel is defined as

b(0)^2*exp(-(x1 - x2)^2/2*b(1)^2) (1)

where b(0) and b(1) are the hyper parameters.

[in]thisA pprofile_class instance.
[in]p1First position.
[in]p2Second position.
Value of the kernel.

◆ pprofile_gp_1d_sqexp_ln_k()

pure real (rprec) function pprofile_t::pprofile_gp_1d_sqexp_ln_k ( type (pprofile_class), intent(in)  this,
real (rprec), intent(in)  p1,
real (rprec), intent(in)  p2 

Evaluate the one dimensional squared exponential kernel.

This kernel is mathmatically the same as the squared exp kernel, but here we treat the amplitude [ b(0) ] differently. The value of b(0) used here is equal to the log of value of b(0) used in the 1d_sqexp. I'm testing this formulation to see if it helps convergence.

exp(2*b(0) - (x1- x2)**2)/2*b(1)**2) (1)

[in]thisA pprofile_class instance.
[in]p1first position
[in]p2second position
[in]bArray of coefficients
Value of the kernel

◆ pprofile_reset_state()

subroutine pprofile_t::pprofile_reset_state ( class (pprofile_class), intent(inout)  this)

Reset the internal state of the profile.

Resets the profile af array if using the guassian process.

[in,out]thisA pprofile_class instance.

◆ pprofile_save_state()

subroutine pprofile_t::pprofile_save_state ( class (pprofile_class), intent(inout)  this)

Save the internal state of the profile.

Saves the profile af array if using the guassian process.

[in,out]thisA pprofile_class instance.

◆ pprofile_write()

subroutine pprofile_t::pprofile_write ( class (pprofile_class), intent(in)  this,
character (len=*), intent(in)  id,
integer, intent(in)  iou 

Write out the profile to an output file.

This formats and writes out information about a parameterized profile.

[in]thisA pprofile_class instance.
[in]idIdentification of the profle.
[in]iouInput/output unit of the output file.