Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cbivariate::bivariate_classAn object containing persistent data for the bivariate interpolation
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver::blacsparametersBLACS/PBLAS information
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::blacsparametersBLACS/PBLAS information
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver::blacsprocessgridBLACS/PBLAS process grid information
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::blacsprocessgridBLACS/PBLAS process grid information
 Cbmw_commandline_parser::bmw_commandline_parser_classBase class containing a parsed bmw_commandline
 Cbmw_context::bmw_context_classBase class representing a bmw context. This contains all memory needed to operate bmw
 Cbmw_parallel_context::bmw_parallel_context_classBase class representing a bmw parallel context. This contains all memory needed parameters needed to parallel processing
 Cfourier::checkInterface for checking results of the unit tests
 Cgradient_descent::checkInterface for checking the results of the unit tests
 Cintegration_path::checkInterface for checking the results of the unit tests
 Ccommandline_parserA radial quantity
 Cvmec_test::commandline_parserA radial quantity
 Ccommandline_parser::commandline_parser_classBase class containing a parsed commandline
 Ccompression::compression_classBase class containing buffers for compressed and uncompressed data
 Ccompression::compression_constructInterface for the construction of compression_class types using compression_construct_new or compression_construct_netcdf
 Ccompression::compression_pointerPointer to a compression object. Used for creating arrays of compression pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly
 Cutilities::curl_htofInterface to take the curl on a half mesh quantity and return a full mesh using either curl_htof or curl_htof_targ
 Ccyl_flux::cyl_flux_contextStructure to house needed internal state for cyl2flux
 Cdiagnostic_dot::diagnostic_dot_coilA single coil. A coil set is structured as a singly linked list
 Cemission::emission_classBase class representing the soft x-ray emission function
 Cequilibrium::equilibrium_classBase class representing a equilibrium
 Cequilibrium::equilibrium_constructInterface for the construction of equilibrium_class types using equilibrium_construct_vmec, equilibrium_construct_vacuum or equilibrium_construct_siesta
 Cfourier::fourier_classBase class containing fourier memory
 Cguassian_process::gaussp_classBase class representing a gaussian process
 Cguassian_process::gaussp_class_pointerPointer to a gaussian process object. Used for creating arrays of gaussian process pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly
 Cgradient_descent::gradient_descent_classBase class containing the parameters for the gradient_descent
 Cutilities::gradienthalfInterface to take the gradianet from full to half mesh using either GradientHalf or GradientHalf_p
 Cintegration_path_context::integration_functionInterface for the integration function
 Cintegration_path::integration_path_classBase class containing the parameters of the integration method to use
 Cintegration_path_context::integration_path_context_classIntegration context object interface
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver::levelelementData associated with each row at each level
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::levelelementData associated with each row at each level
 Cm_grid::m_grid_classBase class representing a m grid. This is grid contains information about the vacuum fields
 Cmagnetic_response::magnetic_response_classBase class representing a magnetic signal response function
 Cmagnetic_response::magnetic_response_constructInterface for the construction of magnetic_response_class types using magnetic_response_construct_new, & magnetic_response_construct_point or & magnetic_response_construct_netcdf
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver::mastertoslavemappingMaster-to-slave mapping
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::mastertoslavemappingMaster-to-slave mapping
 Cmodel::model_classBase class representing a model
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_closeInterface to open a file
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_createInterface to open a file
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_def_dimInterface to define a dimension
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_enddefInterface to inquire a dimension id
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_get_var_doubleInterface for reading double variables
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_get_var_intInterface for reading integer variables
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_get_var_realInterface for reading real variables. Note double 2D array used by complex real array values
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_inq_dimidInterface to inquire a dimension id
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_inq_varidInterface to inquire a variable id
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_openInterface to open a file
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_put_var_doubleInterface for writing double variables
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_put_var_intInterface for writing integer variables
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_put_var_realInterface for writing real variables. Note double 2D array used by complex real array values
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_put_vara_doubleInterface for reading double variables. Note double 2D array used by complex double array values
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_put_vara_intInterface for writing integer variables
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_put_vara_realInterface for reading real variables. Note double 2D array used by complex real array values
 Cnetcdf_inc::nf_strerrorInterface to inquire a dimension id
 Cv3fit_params::param_classBase class representing a reconstructed parameter. An upper and lower bound may be set for the parameter value
 Cv3fit_params::param_constructInterface for the construction of param_class types using param_construct_basic or param_construct_recon
 Cv3fit_params::param_locking_classClass to hold variables needed when a parameter is a locking parameter. The locking parameter coefficents are stored in the correlation array of the parent type
 Cv3fit_params::param_pointerPointer to a parameter object. Used for creating arrays of signal pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly
 Cv3fit_params::param_recon_classClass to hold variables needed when a parameter is a reconstruction parameter
 Cv3fit_params::param_write_step_dataInterface for the writting of param_class data to the result file using param_write_step_data_1 or param_write_step_data_2
 CparityParity function interface
 Cintegration_path::path_constructConstruction interface using path_construct_vertex
 Cintegration_path::path_destructDestruct interface using path_destruct_vertex
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver::pblaslevelparametersLevel-specific PBLAS information
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::pblaslevelparametersLevel-specific PBLAS information
 Cpprofile_t::pprofile_classBase class representing a parameterized profile
 Cpprofile_t::pprofile_pointerPointer to a pprofile object. Used for creating arrays of pprofile pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly
 Cprimed_grid::primed_grid_classBase class representing a primed grid. This is grid the volume integral will be summed over
 Cprofiler::profiler_bucketFull table of profiled functions
 Cradial_quantityA radial quantity
 Creconstruction::reconstruction_classBase class containing all the data needed to reconstruct a model
 Cvmec_equilibrium::runvmecForward declare the interface for runvmec
 Cintegration_path_context::search_functionInterface for the search function
 Cintegration_path_context::search_path_context_classSearch context object interface
 Cutilities::set_bndy_fouier_m0Interface to set the fouier conditions on a quantity for either scalar set_bndy_fouier_m0 or vector set_bndy_fouier_m0_vec quantities
 Csiesta_context::siesta_context_classBase class representing a siesta_context. This contains a copy of every variable that is needed to define the SIESTA state
 Csiesta_file::siesta_file_classBase class representing a siesta output
 Csiesta_fourier< GRID_CLASS, PARITY >A cosine parity vmec quantity
 Csiesta_fourier< full_grid, cosine >
 Csiesta_fourier< full_grid, sine >
 Csiesta_fourier< half_grid, cosine >
 Csiesta_fourier< half_grid, sine >
 Csiesta_grid< GRID_CLASS >A radial siesta quantity
 Csiesta_grid< full_grid >
 Csiesta_quantitiesSiesta quantities
 Csiesta_run::siesta_run_classInterface for the siesta_run constructor
 Csignal::signal_classBase class representing a signal
 Csignal::signal_constructInterface for the construction of signal_class types using signal_construct_new or signal_construct_diagnostic_netcdf
 Csignal_dot::signal_dot_fileBase class representing a diagnostic dot file. This is an opaqe class
 Csignal::signal_pointerPointer to a signal object. Used for creating arrays of signal pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver::solutionelementSolution of selected rows of interest to this rank
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::solutionelementSolution of selected rows of interest to this rank
 Csurface_commandline_parser::surface_commandline_parser_classBase class containing a parsed surface_commandline
 Csurface_context::surface_context_classBase class representing a surface context. This contains all memory needed to operate surface
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver::timecountStatistics (timing, etc.)
 Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::timecountStatistics (timing, etc.)
 Cutilities::to_full_meshInterface to convert between half and full mesh using either to_full_mesh2 or to_full_mesh3
 Cutilities::to_half_meshInterface to convert between full and half mesh using either to_half_mesh or to_half_mesh_p
 Cunprimed_grid::unprimed_grid_classBase class representing a unprimed grid. This is grid the volume integral will be summed over
 Cv3fit_context::v3fit_context_classBase class representing a v3fit context. This contains all memory needed to operate v3fit
 Cv3rfun_context::v3rfun_context_classBase class representing a v3rfun context. This contains all memory needed to operate v3rfun
 Cvector3dA vector
 Cintegration_path::vertexA single point in space defined by an z, y, z coordinate. A vertex is structured as a singly linked list
 CvertexA vertex
 Cvmec_context::vmec_context_classBase class representing a vmec_context. This contains a copy of every variable that is needed to define the VMEC state
 Cvmec_file::vmec_file_classBase class representing a vmec output
 Cvmec_fourier< GRID_CLASS, PARITY >A cosine parity vmec quantity
 Cvmec_fourier< full_grid, cosine >
 Cvmec_fourier< full_grid, sine >
 Cvmec_fourier< half_grid, cosine >
 Cvmec_fourier< half_grid, sine >
 Cvmec_grid< GRID_CLASS >A radial vmec quantity
 Cvmec_grid< full_grid >
 Cvmec_equilibrium::vmec_magnetic_cacheObject to cache data needed to compute magnetic signals
 Cvmec_quantitiesVmec quantities