Cpspline_calls::akherm0 | |
Cpspline_calls::akherm1 | |
Cpspline_calls::akherm1p | |
Cpspline_calls::akherm2 | |
Cpspline_calls::akherm2p | |
Cpspline_calls::akherm3 | |
Cpspline_calls::akherm3p | |
Cvacfield_mod::angles_shifts | |
Cassert_mod::assert | |
Cv3_utilities::assert | |
Cv3_utilities::assert_eq | |
Cbsc_t::assignment(=) | |
Cdiagnostic_t::assignment(=) | |
Cmddc_t::assignment(=) | |
Cpspline_calls::bcspeval | |
Cpspline_calls::bcspevfn | |
Cpspline_calls::bcspevxy | |
Cpspline_calls::bcspgrid | |
Cpspline_calls::bcspline | |
Cpspline_calls::bcspvec | |
Cbivariate::bivariate_class | An object containing persistent data for the bivariate interpolation |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver::blacsparameters | BLACS/PBLAS information |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::blacsparameters | BLACS/PBLAS information |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver::blacsprocessgrid | BLACS/PBLAS process grid information |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::blacsprocessgrid | BLACS/PBLAS process grid information |
Cbmw_commandline_parser::bmw_commandline_parser_class | Base class containing a parsed bmw_commandline |
Cbmw_context::bmw_context_class | Base class representing a bmw context. This contains all memory needed to operate bmw |
Cbmw_parallel_context::bmw_parallel_context_class | Base class representing a bmw parallel context. This contains all memory needed parameters needed to parallel processing |
Cboundary_t::boundary_desc | |
Cpspline_calls::bpsplinb | |
Cpspline_calls::bpspline | |
Cbsc_t::bsc_a | |
Cbsc_t::bsc_b | |
Cbsc_t::bsc_coil | |
Cbsc_t::bsc_coilcoll | |
Cbsc_t::bsc_construct | |
Cbsc_t::bsc_destroy | |
Cbsc_t::bsc_fluxba | |
Cbsc_t::bsc_rot_shift | |
Cbsc_t::bsc_rs | |
Cezcdf_opncls::cdf_close | |
Cezcdf_genput::cdf_define | |
Cezcdf_attrib::cdf_getatt | |
Cezcdf_opncls::cdf_open | |
Cezcdf_attrib::cdf_setatt | |
Cezcdf_genput::cdf_write | |
Cezcdf_opncls::cdfcls | |
Cezcdf_inqvar::cdfinqvardim | |
Cezcdf_opncls::cdfopn | |
Cezcdf_genput::cdfputvar | |
Cfftpack::cftfax | |
Cfftpack::cftrig | |
Csystem_mod::chdir | |
Cfourier::check | Interface for checking results of the unit tests |
Cgradient_descent::check | Interface for checking the results of the unit tests |
Cintegration_path::check | Interface for checking the results of the unit tests |
Cread_response::clresfun | |
Cread_response_nompi::clresfun | |
Ccommandline_parser | A radial quantity |
Cvmec_test::commandline_parser | A radial quantity |
Ccommandline_parser::commandline_parser_class | Base class containing a parsed commandline |
Ccompression::compression_class | Base class containing buffers for compressed and uncompressed data |
Ccompression::compression_construct | Interface for the construction of compression_class types using compression_construct_new or compression_construct_netcdf |
Ccompression::compression_pointer | Pointer to a compression object. Used for creating arrays of compression pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly |
Cparallel_vmec_module::copylastntype | |
Cpspline_calls::cspeval | |
Cpspline_calls::cspevfn | |
Cpspline_calls::cspevx | |
Cpspline_calls::cspline | |
Cpspline_calls::cubsplb | |
Cutilities::curl_htof | Interface to take the curl on a half mesh quantity and return a full mesh using either curl_htof or curl_htof_targ |
Ccyl_flux::cyl_flux_context | Structure to house needed internal state for cyl2flux |
Cdiagnostic_cdf::diagnostic_cdf_define | |
Cdiagnostic_cdf::diagnostic_cdf_read | |
Cdiagnostic_cdf::diagnostic_cdf_write | |
Cdiagnostic_t::diagnostic_construct | |
Cdiagnostic_t::diagnostic_desc | |
Cdiagnostic_t::diagnostic_destroy | |
Cdiagnostic_dot::diagnostic_dot_coil | A single coil. A coil set is structured as a singly linked list |
Cdiagnostic_t::diagnostic_write | |
Cpspline_calls::dnherm1 | |
Cpspline_calls::dnherm2 | |
Cpspline_calls::dnherm3 | |
Cemission::emission_class | Base class representing the soft x-ray emission function |
Cemission::emission_construct | |
►Cequilibrium::equilibrium_class | Base class representing a equilibrium |
Cvacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_class | Base class representing a vacuum_equilibrium |
►Cvmec_equilibrium::vmec_class | Base class representing a vmec_equilibrium |
Csiesta_equilibrium::siesta_class | Base class representing a siesta_equilibrium |
Cequilibrium::equilibrium_construct | Interface for the construction of equilibrium_class types using equilibrium_construct_vmec, equilibrium_construct_vacuum or equilibrium_construct_siesta |
Cpspline_calls::evbicub | |
Cpspline_calls::evintrp2d | |
Cpspline_calls::evintrp3d | |
Cpspline_calls::evspline | |
Cpspline_calls::evtricub | |
Cextcurz_t::extcurz_desc | |
Cezspline::ezhybrid_init | |
Cezspline::ezlinear_init | |
Cezspline_type::ezspline1_r4 | |
Cezspline_type::ezspline1_r8 | |
Cezspline_type::ezspline2_r4 | |
Cezspline_type::ezspline2_r8 | |
Cezspline_type::ezspline3_r4 | |
Cezspline_type::ezspline3_r8 | |
Cezspline::ezspline_2netcdf | |
Cezspline_obj::ezspline_allocated | |
Cezspline::ezspline_derivative | |
Cezspline::ezspline_free | |
Cezspline::ezspline_gradient | |
Cezspline::ezspline_init | |
Cezspline::ezspline_interp | |
Cezspline::ezspline_isgridregular | |
Cezspline::ezspline_isindomain | |
Cezspline::ezspline_load | |
Cezspline::ezspline_modulo | |
Cezspline_obj::ezspline_preinit | |
Cezspline::ezspline_save | |
Cezspline::ezspline_setup | |
Cpspline_calls::f2test | |
Cpspline_calls::f3test | |
Cfftpack::fact | |
Cfftpack::fftfax | |
Cfftpack::fftrig | |
Cfourier::fourier_class | Base class containing fourier memory |
Cpspline_calls::fvbicub | |
Cpspline_calls::fvbicubx | |
Cpspline_calls::fvintrp2d | |
Cpspline_calls::fvintrp3d | |
Cpspline_calls::fvspline | |
Cpspline_calls::fvtricub | |
Cpspline_calls::fvtricubx | |
Chessian::gather_array | |
Cguassian_process::gaussp_class | Base class representing a gaussian process |
Cguassian_process::gaussp_class_pointer | Pointer to a gaussian process object. Used for creating arrays of gaussian process pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly |
Cpspline_calls::genxpkg | |
Cvmec_utils::getbcyl | |
Csystem_mod::getenv | |
Cvmec_utils::getjcyl | |
Csystem_mod::getpid | |
Cgmres_lib::gmres_info | |
►Cgradient_descent::gradient_descent_class | Base class containing the parameters for the gradient_descent |
Cgradient_descent::gradient_descent_test_class | Base class containing the parameters for the gradient_descent |
Cvmec_equilibrium::vmec_descent_class | Extended gradient_descent_class |
Cutilities::gradienthalf | Interface to take the gradianet from full to half mesh using either GradientHalf or GradientHalf_p |
Cpspline_calls::gridbicub | |
Cpspline_calls::gridherm1 | |
Cpspline_calls::gridherm2 | |
Cpspline_calls::gridherm3 | |
Cpspline_calls::gridintrp2d | |
Cpspline_calls::gridintrp3d | |
Cpspline_calls::gridpc1 | |
Cpspline_calls::gridpc2 | |
Cpspline_calls::gridpc3 | |
Cpspline_calls::gridspline | |
Cpspline_calls::gridtricub | |
Cpspline_calls::herm1ev | |
Cpspline_calls::herm1fcn | |
Cpspline_calls::herm1x | |
Cpspline_calls::herm2ev | |
Cpspline_calls::herm2fcn | |
Cpspline_calls::herm2fcnx | |
Cpspline_calls::herm2xy | |
Cpspline_calls::herm3ev | |
Cpspline_calls::herm3fcn | |
Cpspline_calls::herm3fcnx | |
Cpspline_calls::herm3xyz | |
Cpspline_calls::ibc_ck | |
Cintegration_path_context::integration_function | Interface for the integration function |
►Cintegration_path::integration_path_class | Base class containing the parameters of the integration method to use |
►Cintegration_path::integration_path_gleg_class | Subclass to use Gauss Legendre Quadrature |
Cintegration_path::integration_path_hp_glep_class | Subclass to use hp approch |
►Cintegration_path_context::integration_path_context_class | Integration context object interface |
Cintegration_path::test_context | A type for the test cases |
Cintpol::intpol_gp_int_context_i | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function of a point |
Cintpol::intpol_gp_int_context_s | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for signal |
Cintpol::intpol_gp_int_context_x | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for position |
Cintpol::intpol_gp_pol_context_i | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function of a point |
Cintpol::intpol_gp_pol_context_s | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for signal |
Cintpol::intpol_gp_pol_context_x | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for position |
Cintpol::intpol_int_context | Struture to hole all memort needed to be sent to the integration callback function |
Cintpol::intpol_pol_context | Struture to hole all memort needed to be sent to the integration callback function |
►Csxrem::sxrem_context | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the callback function |
►Csxrem::sxrem_gp_context_i | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for point |
Csxrem::sxrem_gp_ti_context_i | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for point |
►Csxrem::sxrem_gp_context_s | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for signal |
Csxrem::sxrem_gp_ti_context_s | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for signal |
►Csxrem::sxrem_gp_context_x | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for signal |
Csxrem::sxrem_gp_ti_context_x | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for signal |
Csxrem::sxrem_ti_context | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the callback function |
Cipch_t::ipch_desc | |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver::levelelement | Data associated with each row at each level |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::levelelement | Data associated with each row at each level |
Cliprec::li_gbfa | |
Cliprec::li_gbsl | |
Cliprec::li_gefa | |
Cliprec::li_gesl | |
Cm_grid::m_grid_class | Base class representing a m grid. This is grid contains information about the vacuum fields |
Cvertex_list::magfield | |
Cmagnetic_response::magnetic_response_class | Base class representing a magnetic signal response function |
Cmagnetic_response::magnetic_response_construct | Interface for the construction of magnetic_response_class types using magnetic_response_construct_new, & magnetic_response_construct_point or & magnetic_response_construct_netcdf |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver::mastertoslavemapping | Master-to-slave mapping |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::mastertoslavemapping | Master-to-slave mapping |
Cmddc_cdf::mddc_cdf_define | |
Cmddc_cdf::mddc_cdf_read | |
Cmddc_cdf::mddc_cdf_write | |
Cmddc_t::mddc_construct | |
Cmddc_t::mddc_desc | |
Cmddc_t::mddc_destroy | |
Cmddc_t::mddc_mrf | |
Cmddc_t::mddc_write | |
Cpspline_calls::mkbicon | |
Cpspline_calls::mkbicop | |
Cpspline_calls::mkbicub | |
Cpspline_calls::mkbicubw | |
Cpspline_calls::mkherm1 | |
Cpspline_calls::mkherm2 | |
Cpspline_calls::mkherm3 | |
Cpspline_calls::mkintrp2d | |
Cpspline_calls::mkintrp3d | |
Cpspline_calls::mkspl2p | |
Cpspline_calls::mkspl2pb | |
Cpspline_calls::mkspl2z | |
Cpspline_calls::mkspl2zb | |
Cpspline_calls::mkspl3pb | |
Cpspline_calls::mkspl3zb | |
Cpspline_calls::mkspline | |
Cpspline_calls::mktricon | |
Cpspline_calls::mktricop | |
Cpspline_calls::mktricub | |
Cpspline_calls::mktricubw | |
Cmodel::model_class | Base class representing a model |
Cvmec_utils::mse_pitch | |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_close | Interface to open a file |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_create | Interface to open a file |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_def_dim | Interface to define a dimension |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_enddef | Interface to inquire a dimension id |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_get_var_double | Interface for reading double variables |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_get_var_int | Interface for reading integer variables |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_get_var_real | Interface for reading real variables. Note double 2D array used by complex real array values |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_inq_dimid | Interface to inquire a dimension id |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_inq_varid | Interface to inquire a variable id |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_open | Interface to open a file |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_put_var_double | Interface for writing double variables |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_put_var_int | Interface for writing integer variables |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_put_var_real | Interface for writing real variables. Note double 2D array used by complex real array values |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_put_vara_double | Interface for reading double variables. Note double 2D array used by complex double array values |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_put_vara_int | Interface for writing integer variables |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_put_vara_real | Interface for reading real variables. Note double 2D array used by complex real array values |
Cnetcdf_inc::nf_strerror | Interface to inquire a dimension id |
Cpspline_calls::nspline | |
Cv3fit_params::param_class | Base class representing a reconstructed parameter. An upper and lower bound may be set for the parameter value |
Cv3fit_params::param_construct | Interface for the construction of param_class types using param_construct_basic or param_construct_recon |
Cv3fit_params::param_locking_class | Class to hold variables needed when a parameter is a locking parameter. The locking parameter coefficents are stored in the correlation array of the parent type |
Cv3fit_params::param_pointer | Pointer to a parameter object. Used for creating arrays of signal pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly |
Cv3fit_params::param_recon_class | Class to hold variables needed when a parameter is a reconstruction parameter |
Cv3fit_params::param_write_step_data | Interface for the writting of param_class data to the result file using param_write_step_data_1 or param_write_step_data_2 |
►Cparity | Parity function interface |
Ccosine | Cosine Parity function interface |
Csine | Sine Parity function interface |
Cintegration_path::path_construct | Construction interface using path_construct_vertex |
Cintegration_path::path_destruct | Destruct interface using path_destruct_vertex |
Cvertex_list::pbfield | |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver::pblaslevelparameters | Level-specific PBLAS information |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::pblaslevelparameters | Level-specific PBLAS information |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver::pblasstats | |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::pblasstats | |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver::pblastemparray | |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::pblastemparray | |
Cpspline_calls::pc1ev | |
Cpspline_calls::pc1fcn | |
Cpspline_calls::pc2ev | |
Cpspline_calls::pc2fcn | |
Cpspline_calls::pc2fcnx | |
Cpspline_calls::pc3ev | |
Cpspline_calls::pc3fcn | |
Cpspline_calls::pc3fcnx | |
Cvertex_list::point | |
Cpprofile_t::pprofile_class | Base class representing a parameterized profile |
Cpprofile_t::pprofile_pointer | Pointer to a pprofile object. Used for creating arrays of pprofile pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly |
Cread_response::prfun | |
Cread_response_nompi::prfun | |
Cprimed_grid::primed_grid_class | Base class representing a primed grid. This is grid the volume integral will be summed over |
Cprofiler::profiler_bucket | Full table of profiled functions |
Cpspline_calls::pspline | |
Csystem_mod::putenv | |
Cvertex_list::pvertex | |
Csystem_mod::pxffork | |
Csystem_mod::pxfwait | |
Cpspline_calls::r8akherm0 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8akherm1 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8akherm1p | |
Cpspline_calls::r8akherm2 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8akherm2p | |
Cpspline_calls::r8akherm3 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8akherm3p | |
Cpspline_calls::r8bcspeval | |
Cpspline_calls::r8bcspevfn | |
Cpspline_calls::r8bcspevxy | |
Cpspline_calls::r8bcspgrid | |
Cpspline_calls::r8bcspline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8bcspvec | |
Cpspline_calls::r8bpsplinb | |
Cpspline_calls::r8bpspline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8cspeval | |
Cpspline_calls::r8cspevfn | |
Cpspline_calls::r8cspevx | |
Cpspline_calls::r8cspline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8cubsplb | |
Cpspline_calls::r8dnherm1 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8dnherm2 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8dnherm3 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8evbicub | |
Cpspline_calls::r8evintrp2d | |
Cpspline_calls::r8evintrp3d | |
Cpspline_calls::r8evspline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8evtricub | |
Cpspline_calls::r8f2test | |
Cpspline_calls::r8f3test | |
Cpspline_calls::r8fvbicub | |
Cpspline_calls::r8fvbicubx | |
Cpspline_calls::r8fvintrp2d | |
Cpspline_calls::r8fvintrp3d | |
Cpspline_calls::r8fvspline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8fvtricub | |
Cpspline_calls::r8fvtricubx | |
Cpspline_calls::r8genxpkg | |
Cpspline_calls::r8gridbicub | |
Cpspline_calls::r8gridherm1 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8gridherm2 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8gridherm3 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8gridintrp2d | |
Cpspline_calls::r8gridintrp3d | |
Cpspline_calls::r8gridpc1 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8gridpc2 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8gridpc3 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8gridspline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8gridtricub | |
Cpspline_calls::r8herm1ev | |
Cpspline_calls::r8herm1fcn | |
Cpspline_calls::r8herm1x | |
Cpspline_calls::r8herm2ev | |
Cpspline_calls::r8herm2fcn | |
Cpspline_calls::r8herm2fcnx | |
Cpspline_calls::r8herm2xy | |
Cpspline_calls::r8herm3ev | |
Cpspline_calls::r8herm3fcn | |
Cpspline_calls::r8herm3fcnx | |
Cpspline_calls::r8herm3xyz | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkbicon | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkbicop | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkbicub | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkbicubw | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkherm1 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkherm2 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkherm3 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkintrp2d | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkintrp3d | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkspl2p | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkspl2pb | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkspl2z | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkspl2zb | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkspl3pb | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkspl3zb | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mkspline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mktricon | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mktricop | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mktricub | |
Cpspline_calls::r8mktricubw | |
Cpspline_calls::r8nspline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8pc1ev | |
Cpspline_calls::r8pc1fcn | |
Cpspline_calls::r8pc2ev | |
Cpspline_calls::r8pc2fcn | |
Cpspline_calls::r8pc2fcnx | |
Cpspline_calls::r8pc3ev | |
Cpspline_calls::r8pc3fcn | |
Cpspline_calls::r8pc3fcnx | |
Cpspline_calls::r8pspline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8seval | |
Cpspline_calls::r8seval2 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8seval3 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8speval | |
Cpspline_calls::r8spgrid | |
Cpspline_calls::r8splaan | |
Cpspline_calls::r8splbrk | |
Cpspline_calls::r8spleen | |
Cpspline_calls::r8splinck | |
Cpspline_calls::r8spline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8spvec | |
Cpspline_calls::r8tcsp23 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8tcspcorr | |
Cpspline_calls::r8tcspeval | |
Cpspline_calls::r8tcspevfn | |
Cpspline_calls::r8tcspevxyz | |
Cpspline_calls::r8tcspgrid | |
Cpspline_calls::r8tcspline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8tcspvec | |
Cpspline_calls::r8tpsplinb | |
Cpspline_calls::r8tpspline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8util_bcherm1 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8util_bcherm2 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8util_bcherm3 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8v_spline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8vecbicub | |
Cpspline_calls::r8vecherm1 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8vecherm2 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8vecherm3 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8vecintrp2d | |
Cpspline_calls::r8vecintrp3d | |
Cpspline_calls::r8vecpc1 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8vecpc2 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8vecpc3 | |
Cpspline_calls::r8vecspline | |
Cpspline_calls::r8vectricub | |
Cpspline_calls::r8xlookup | |
Cpspline_calls::r8zonfind | |
►Cradial_quantity | A radial quantity |
Cfull_grid | A full grid quantity |
Chalf_grid | A half grid quantity |
Creconstruction::reconstruction_class | Base class containing all the data needed to reconstruct a model |
Cvmec_equilibrium::runvmec | Forward declare the interface for runvmec |
Cintegration_path_context::search_function | Interface for the search function |
►Cintegration_path_context::search_path_context_class | Search context object interface |
Cece::ece_context | Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the callback function |
Cintegration_path::test_search_context | A type for the test cases |
Cutilities::set_bndy_fouier_m0 | Interface to set the fouier conditions on a quantity for either scalar set_bndy_fouier_m0 or vector set_bndy_fouier_m0_vec quantities |
Cpspline_calls::seval | |
Cpspline_calls::seval2 | |
Cpspline_calls::seval3 | |
Csiesta_context::siesta_context_class | Base class representing a siesta_context. This contains a copy of every variable that is needed to define the SIESTA state |
Csiesta_file::siesta_file_class | Base class representing a siesta output |
Csiesta_fourier< GRID_CLASS, PARITY > | A cosine parity vmec quantity |
Csiesta_fourier< full_grid, cosine > | |
Csiesta_fourier< full_grid, sine > | |
Csiesta_fourier< half_grid, cosine > | |
Csiesta_fourier< half_grid, sine > | |
Csiesta_grid< GRID_CLASS > | A radial siesta quantity |
Csiesta_grid< full_grid > | |
Csiesta_quantities | Siesta quantities |
Csiesta_run::siesta_run_class | Interface for the siesta_run constructor |
►Csignal::signal_class | Base class representing a signal |
Ccombination::combination_class | Base class representing a combination signal |
Cece::ece_class | Base class representing an ECE signal |
Cextcurz::extcurz_class | Base class representing a external Z currents enclosed by an inegration loop |
►Cintpol::intpol_class | Base class representing a interferometer signal |
Cintpol::intpol_pol_class | Base class representing a polarimetry signal |
►Climiter::limiter_class | Base class representing a limiter signal |
Climiter_grid::limiter_grid_class | Base class representing a limiter signal |
Climiter_iso_t::limiter_iso_class | Base class representing a limiter_iso function |
Cmagnetic::magnetic_class | Base class representing a magnetic signal |
Cmse::mse_class | Base class representing a mse signal |
Cprior_gaussian::prior_gaussian_class | Base class representing a prior_guassian signal |
►Csxrem::sxrem_class | Base class representing a soft x-ray signal |
Csxrem::sxrem_emiss_class | Base class representing a soft x-ray emissivity signal |
Csxrem::sxrem_ti_class | Base class representing a soft x-ray ti signal |
Csxrem_ratio::sxrem_ratio_class | Base class representing a sxrem_ratio signal |
►Cthomson::thomson_class | Base class representing a thomson scattering signal |
Cthomson::thomson_ne_class | Base class representing a thomson scattering te signal |
Cthomson::thomson_p_class | Base class representing a thomson scattering te signal |
Cthomson::thomson_te_class | Base class representing a thomson scattering te signal |
Csignal::signal_construct | Interface for the construction of signal_class types using signal_construct_new or signal_construct_diagnostic_netcdf |
Csignal_dot::signal_dot_file | Base class representing a diagnostic dot file. This is an opaqe class |
Csignal::signal_pointer | Pointer to a signal object. Used for creating arrays of signal pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly |
Cv3post_rfun::signals | |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver::solutionelement | Solution of selected rows of interest to this rank |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::solutionelement | Solution of selected rows of interest to this rank |
Cpspline_calls::speval | |
Cpspline_calls::spgrid | |
Cpspline_calls::splaan | |
Cpspline_calls::splbrk | |
Cpspline_calls::spleen | |
Cpspline_calls::splinck | |
Cpspline_calls::spline | |
Cpspline_calls::spvec | |
Csurface_commandline_parser::surface_commandline_parser_class | Base class containing a parsed surface_commandline |
Csurface_context::surface_context_class | Base class representing a surface context. This contains all memory needed to operate surface |
Csxrch_t::sxrch_desc | |
Csystem_mod::system | |
Cpspline_calls::tcsp23 | |
Cpspline_calls::tcspcorr | |
Cpspline_calls::tcspeval | |
Cpspline_calls::tcspevfn | |
Cpspline_calls::tcspevxyz | |
Cpspline_calls::tcspgrid | |
Cpspline_calls::tcspline | |
Cpspline_calls::tcspvec | |
Cthscte_t::thscte_desc | |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver::timecount | Statistics (timing, etc.) |
Cblocktridiagonalsolver_bst::timecount | Statistics (timing, etc.) |
Cutilities::to_full_mesh | Interface to convert between half and full mesh using either to_full_mesh2 or to_full_mesh3 |
Cutilities::to_half_mesh | Interface to convert between full and half mesh using either to_half_mesh or to_half_mesh_p |
Cpspline_calls::tpsplinb | |
Cpspline_calls::tpspline | |
Cunprimed_grid::unprimed_grid_class | Base class representing a unprimed grid. This is grid the volume integral will be summed over |
Cpspline_calls::util_bcherm1 | |
Cpspline_calls::util_bcherm2 | |
Cpspline_calls::util_bcherm3 | |
Cv3fit_context::v3fit_context_class | Base class representing a v3fit context. This contains all memory needed to operate v3fit |
Cv3rfun_context::v3rfun_context_class | Base class representing a v3rfun context. This contains all memory needed to operate v3rfun |
Cpspline_calls::v_spline | |
Cpspline_calls::vecbicub | |
Cpspline_calls::vecherm1 | |
Cpspline_calls::vecherm2 | |
Cpspline_calls::vecherm3 | |
Cpspline_calls::vecin2d_argchk | |
Cpspline_calls::vecin3d_argchk | |
Cpspline_calls::vecintrp2d | |
Cpspline_calls::vecintrp3d | |
Cpspline_calls::vecpc1 | |
Cpspline_calls::vecpc2 | |
Cpspline_calls::vecpc3 | |
Cpspline_calls::vecspline | |
Cvector3d | A vector |
Cpspline_calls::vectricub | |
Cintegration_path::vertex | A single point in space defined by an z, y, z coordinate. A vertex is structured as a singly linked list |
Cvertex | A vertex |
Cvertex_list::vertex | |
Cvmec_context::vmec_context_class | Base class representing a vmec_context. This contains a copy of every variable that is needed to define the VMEC state |
Cvmec_file::vmec_file_class | Base class representing a vmec output |
Cvmec_fourier< GRID_CLASS, PARITY > | A cosine parity vmec quantity |
Cvmec_fourier< full_grid, cosine > | |
Cvmec_fourier< full_grid, sine > | |
Cvmec_fourier< half_grid, cosine > | |
Cvmec_fourier< half_grid, sine > | |
Cvmec_grid< GRID_CLASS > | A radial vmec quantity |
Cvmec_grid< full_grid > | |
Cvmec_equilibrium::vmec_magnetic_cache | Object to cache data needed to compute magnetic signals |
Cvmec_quantities | Vmec quantities |
Cwrite_array_generic::write_array | |
Cvacfield_mod::write_invac | |
Cpspline_calls::xlookup | |
Cpspline_calls::zonfind | |