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v3fit_params::param_class Type Reference

Base class representing a reconstructed parameter. An upper and lower bound may be set for the parameter value. More...

Public Attributes

integer param_id = data_no_id
 Id number of the parameter. Id's are provided by either the model or the equilibrium.
integer, dimension(data_max_indicesindices = 0
 The i and j indices of the parameter. These are only used if the parameter is the element of an array.
type(param_recon_class), pointer recon => null()
 Pointer to the extra variables needed for reconstruction parameters.
type(param_locking_class), pointer locks => null()
 Pointer to the extra variables needed for locking parameters.
real(rprec) sigma = 0.0
 Stored value of the parameter uncertainty for the current reconstruction step. This value is calculated by reconstruction::reconstruction_eval_sem.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer correlation => null()
 Stored row of the correlation matrix. When the parameter is interpreted as a locking parameter, this array contains the parameter coefficents.

Detailed Description

Base class representing a reconstructed parameter. An upper and lower bound may be set for the parameter value.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: