v3fit_context::v3fit_context_class Type Reference

Base class representing a v3fit context. This contains all memory needed to operate v3fit. More...

Public Member Functions

FINAL v3fit_context_destruct
PROCEDURE resize => v3fit_context_resize
PROCEDURE create_files => v3fit_context_create_files
PROCEDURE close_files => v3fit_context_close_files
PROCEDURE write => v3fit_context_write
PROCEDURE write_param_header => v3fit_context_write_param_header
PROCEDURE init_data => v3fit_context_init_data
PROCEDURE write_step_data => v3fit_context_write_step_data
PROCEDURE restart => v3fit_context_restart
PROCEDURE get_eq_comm => v3fit_context_get_eq_comm
PROCEDURE get_eq_rank => v3fit_context_get_eq_rank
PROCEDURE get_recon_comm => v3fit_context_get_recon_comm
PROCEDURE get_recon_rank => v3fit_context_get_recon_rank

Public Attributes

real(rprec) recon_stop
 Stopping criteria for change in g^2.
integer runlog_iou
 File input output unit for the runlog file. This file is a human readable output history of a v3fit run.
integer recout_iou
 File input output unit for the recout file. This file is a human readable output of the final result.
class(commandline_parser_class), pointer cl_parser => null()
 The parsed command line options.
class(model_class), pointer model => null()
 The equilibrium model.
type(gaussp_class_pointer), dimension(:), pointer gp => null()
 Guassian process models.
type(signal_pointer), dimension(:), pointer signals => null()
 Array of signals. More...
type(param_pointer), dimension(:), pointer derived_params => null()
 Array of derived parameters. More...
type(param_pointer), dimension(:), pointer params => null()
 Arrays of reconstruction parameters. More...
type(param_pointer), dimension(:), pointer locks => null()
 Array of locking parameters.
class(reconstruction_class), pointer recon => null()
 The reconstruction algorithm object.
integer magnetic_index = -1
 Index of the first instance of a magnetic signal. The default -1 represents no magnetic signal created.
integer sxrem_index = -1
 Index of the first instance of a sxrem signal. The default -1 represents no sxrem signal created.
integer intpol_index = -1
 Index of the first instance of a intpol signal. The default -1 represents no intpol signal created.
integer thomson_index = -1
 Index of the first instance of a thomson signal. The default -1 represents no thomson signal created.
integer extcurz_index = -1
 Index of the first instance of a extcurz signal. The default -1 represents no extcurz signal created.
integer mse_index = -1
 Index of the first instance of a mse signal. The default -1 represents no mse signal created.
integer ece_index = -1
 Index of the first instance of a ece signal. The default -1 represents no ece signal created.
integer limiter_index = -1
 Index of the first instance of a limiter signal. The default -1 represents no limiter signal created.
integer prior_gaussian_index = -1
 Index of the first instance of a prior_gaussian signal. The default -1 represents no prior_gaussian signal created.
integer sxrem_ratio_index = -1
 Index of the first instance of a prior_gaussian signal. The default -1 represents no prior_gaussian signal created.
integer combination_index = -1
 Index of the first instance of a combination_class signal. The default -1 represents no combination_class signal created.
integer result_ncid
 NetCDF result file to write out the results in machine readable form.
integer global_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL
 MPI communicator reference for full domain.
integer equilibrium_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL
 MPI communicator reference for the equilibrium domain.
integer reconstruction_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL
 MPI communicator reference for the reconstruction domain.

Detailed Description

Base class representing a v3fit context. This contains all memory needed to operate v3fit.

Member Data Documentation

◆ derived_params

type (param_pointer), dimension(:), pointer v3fit_context::v3fit_context_class::derived_params => null()

Array of derived parameters.

See also

◆ params

type (param_pointer), dimension(:), pointer v3fit_context::v3fit_context_class::params => null()

Arrays of reconstruction parameters.

See also

◆ signals

type (signal_pointer), dimension(:), pointer v3fit_context::v3fit_context_class::signals => null()

Array of signals.

See also

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