No Matches
reconstruction::reconstruction_class Type Reference

Base class containing all the data needed to reconstruct a model. More...

Public Member Functions

FINAL reconstruction_destruct (this)
 Deconstruct a reconstruction_class object.
procedure get_k_use (this, num_sv)
 Get the number of singular values to use.
procedure get_exp_dg2 (this, delta_a)
 Get the expected dg^2 size.
procedure get_exp_g2 (this, delta_a)
 Get the expected g^2 size.
procedure get_g2 (this)
 Get the current g^2.
procedure get_lastg2 (this)
 Get the last g^2.
procedure get_dg2 (this)
 Get the change in g^2.
procedure eval_e (this, signals, a_model, gaussp, eq_steps, iou, eq_comm)
 Evaluate the e vector for a reconstruction step.
procedure eval_f (this, derived_params, a_model)
 Evaluate the f vector for a reconstruction step.
procedure eval_jacobians (this, signals, derived_params, locks, a_model, gaussp, params, eq_steps, iou, recon_comm, eq_comm)
 Evaluate the jacobian.
procedure eval_step (this, signals, derived_params, locks, a_model, gaussp, params, eq_steps, iou, recon_comm, eq_comm)
 Evaluate the proper quasi-Newton step.
procedure sl_step (this, k_use, step_size, delta_a)
 Take a straight line step.
procedure seg_step (this, k_use, step_size, delta_a)
 Take a segmented path step.
procedure lm_step (this, k_use, step_size, delta_a)
 Take a Levenberg-Marquardt step.
procedure lm_rootfind (this, k_use, lambda_default, step_size, utdote)
 Root find for Levenberg-Marquardt step.
procedure lm_function (this, f_sqrd, step_size_sqrd, lambda)
 Levenberg-Marquardt function.
procedure step (this, signals, derived_params, locks, a_model, gaussp, params, eq_steps, iou, recon_comm, eq_comm)
 Step the reconstruction.
procedure try_step (this, signals, derived_params, locks, a_model, gaussp, params, eq_steps, max_step, iou, recon_comm, eq_comm)
 Try step size.
procedure eval_sem (this, params, signals, derived_params)
 Evaluate the parameter covariance and signal effectiveness.
procedure invert_matrix (this, matrix, sub, name)
 Invert an M x N matrix.
procedure write (this, iou)
 Write out a reconstruction.
procedure write_step1 (this, step_type, iou)
 Write out a reconstruction step attempt.
procedure write_step2 (this, iou)
 Write out a final reconstruction step.
GENERIC write_step write_step1, write_step2
procedure restart (this, result_ncid, current_step, signals, derived_params, a_model)
 Restart from result file.
procedure sync_state (this, recon_comm)
 Syncronize state to children.
procedure sync_svd (this, recon_comm)
 Syncronize svd.
procedure sync_parent (this, params, num_signal, num_derived_params, stride, offset, recon_comm)
 Syncronize child state back to parent.

Public Attributes

integer step_type = reconstruction_no_step_type
 Type descriptor of the boundry type for the lower(1) and upper(2) ranges.
real(rprec) step_max
 Maximum number of reconstruction steps.
logical use_central = .false.
 Controls if central differencing is used.
integer current_step = 0
 Counter to track the step number.
integer last_para_signal = 0
 Index of the last parallelable signal.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer e => null()
 Array of all e vectors for each reconstruction step.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer f => null()
 Array of all f vectors for each reconstruction step. The f vector contains the initial value of the derived parameter.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer jacobian => null()
 The normalized jacobian for the current step.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer derived_jacobian => null()
 The normalized derived jacobian for the current step.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer hessian => null()
 The normalized hessian for the current step.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer gradient => null()
 The normalized gradient for the current step.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer delta_a => null()
 The normalized parameter step for each sigular value.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer j_svd_w => null()
 The matrix of singular value decomposition singular values.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer j_svd_u => null()
 The U matrix of singular value decomposition.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer j_svd_vt => null()
 The tansposed V matrix of singular value decomposition.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer delta_a_len => null()
 The normalized step length for each sigular value.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer svd_w => null()
 The singular values used in inverting parameter covariance matrix.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer exp_g2 => null()
 The expected g^2 for each reconstruction step.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer step_size => null()
 The normalized step size for each reconstruction step.
integer, dimension(:), pointer num_sv => null()
 The number of sigular values used for each reconstruction step.
real(rprec) cut_svd
 Cutoff value for relative singular values.
real(rprec) cut_eff
 Cutoff value for expected step efficiency.
real(rprec) cut_marg_eff
 Cutoff value for expected marginal step efficiency.
real(rprec) cut_delta_a
 Cutoff value for expected step size.
real(rprec) cut_dg2
 Cutoff value for expected change in g^2.
real(rprec) cut_inv_svd
 Cutoff value for pseudo inverse singular values.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer lm_ratio => null()
 Ratio of singular values to the Levenberg-Marquardt lambda.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer last_values => null()
 Last signals.

Detailed Description

Base class containing all the data needed to reconstruct a model.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ eval_e()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::eval_e ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
type (signal_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  signals,
class (model_class), pointer  a_model,
type (gaussp_class_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  gaussp,
integer, intent(inout)  eq_steps,
integer, intent(in)  iou,
integer, intent(in)  eq_comm 

Evaluate the e vector for a reconstruction step.

Evaluates the e vector after soving the equilibrium.

See also
[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in,out]signalsArray of signal objects.
[in,out]a_modelA model instance.
[in,out]gausspArray of guassian_process::gaussp_class objects.
[in,out]eq_stepsNumber of steps for the equilibrium to take.
[in]iouInput/output file to write log messages to.
[in]eq_commMPI communicator for the child equilibrium processes.
True if the equilibrium converged and false if otherwise.

◆ eval_f()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::eval_f ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(in)  derived_params,
class (model_class), intent(inout)  a_model 

Evaluate the f vector for a reconstruction step.

Evaluates the f vector after soving the equilibrium.

See also
[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]derived_paramsArray of param objects.
[in,out]a_modelA model instance.

◆ eval_jacobians()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::eval_jacobians ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
type (signal_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  signals,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(in)  derived_params,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(in)  locks,
class (model_class), pointer  a_model,
type (gaussp_class_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  gaussp,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  params,
integer, intent(inout)  eq_steps,
integer, intent(in)  iou,
integer, intent(in)  recon_comm,
integer, intent(in)  eq_comm 

Evaluate the jacobian.

Evaluates the jacobian. When using MPI, reach row of the jacobian is evaluated in parallel.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in,out]signalsArray of signal objects.
[in]derived_paramsArray of derived param objects.
[in,out]a_modelA model instance.
[in,out]paramsArray of parameter objects.
[in,out]eq_stepsNumber of steps for the equilibrium to take.
[in]iouInput/output file to write log messages to.
[in]recon_commMPI communicator for the child jacobian processes.
[in]eq_commMPI communicator for the child equilibrium processes.

◆ eval_sem()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::eval_sem ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  params,
type (signal_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  signals,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  derived_params 

Evaluate the parameter covariance and signal effectiveness.

Calculates the signal effectiveness matrix. This value is stored in parameter::param_class::sem. To find the signal effectiveness, an intermediate step computes the parameter covariance. Computes the derived parameter covariance matrix also.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in,out]paramsArray of parameter objects.
[in,out]signalsArray of signal objects.
[in,out]derived_paramsArray of parameter objects.

◆ eval_step()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::eval_step ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
type (signal_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  signals,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(in)  derived_params,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(in)  locks,
class (model_class), pointer  a_model,
type (gaussp_class_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  gaussp,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  params,
integer, intent(inout)  eq_steps,
integer, intent(in)  iou,
integer, intent(in)  recon_comm,
integer, intent(in)  eq_comm 

Evaluate the proper quasi-Newton step.

Evaluates the jacobian, performs the SVD and computes the quasi-Newton step.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in,out]signalsArray of signal objects.
[in]derived_paramsArray of derived param objects.
[in,out]a_modelA model instance.
[in,out]paramsArray of parameter objects.
[in,out]eq_stepsNumber of steps for the equilibrium to take.
[in]iouInput/output file to write log messages to.
[in]recon_commMPI communicator for the child jacobian processes.
[in]eq_commMPI communicator for the child equilibrium processes.
The number of singular values to use.

◆ get_dg2()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::get_dg2 ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(in)  this)

Get the change in g^2.

Gets the change in g^2 from the last reconstruction step to the current step.

[in]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
The last g^2.

◆ get_exp_dg2()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::get_exp_dg2 ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(in)  this,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  delta_a 

Get the expected dg^2 size.

Estimates the change in g^2. Equation 22 in Hanson et. al. doi:10.1088/0029-5515/49/7/075031 Note: there is a typo in equation 22. The - sign in the last term should be a plus sign.

[in]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]delta_aThe normalized parameter step.
Change expected change in g^2.

◆ get_exp_g2()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::get_exp_g2 ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(in)  this,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  delta_a 

Get the expected g^2 size.

Estimates the g^2. Equation 22 in Hanson et. al. doi:10.1088/0029-5515/49/7/075031

[in]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]delta_aThe normalized parameter step.
Expected g^2.

◆ get_g2()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::get_g2 ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(in)  this)

Get the current g^2.

Gets the g^2 value for the current reconstruction step.

[in]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
Current g^2.

◆ get_k_use()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::get_k_use ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
integer, intent(in)  num_sv 

Get the number of singular values to use.

Number of sigular values to uses is determined by the various cutoffs.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]num_svTotal number of sigular values.
The number of sigular values to use.

◆ get_lastg2()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::get_lastg2 ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(in)  this)

Get the last g^2.

Gets the g^2 value for the last reconstruction step.

[in]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
The last g^2.

◆ invert_matrix()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::invert_matrix ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
real (rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer  matrix,
character (len=*), intent(in)  sub,
character (len=*), intent(in)  name 

Invert an M x N matrix.

Perform a pseudo-inversion using a singular value decomposition. This subroutine destroys the original matrix.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in,out]matrixThe matrix to invert.
[in]subThe subroutine of the matrix this was called from.
[in]nameThe name of the matrix to be inverted.

◆ lm_function()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::lm_function ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  f_sqrd,
real (rprec), intent(in)  step_size_sqrd,
real (rprec), intent(in)  lambda 

Levenberg-Marquardt function.

Function used by reconstruction_lm_rootfind for a Levenberg-Marquardt step.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]step_size_sqrdSquare of the current step size.
[in]lambdaLambda value.

◆ lm_rootfind()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::lm_rootfind ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
integer, intent(in)  k_use,
real (rprec), intent(in)  lambda_default,
real (rprec), intent(in)  step_size,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  utdote 

Root find for Levenberg-Marquardt step.

Find the root of the reconstruction_lm_function for a Levenberg-Marquardt step.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]k_useNumber of singular values to use.
[in]lambda_defaultThe default lambda.
[in]step_sizeCurrent step size limit.
[in]utdoteVector of U^T * e
The root lambda.

◆ lm_step()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::lm_step ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
integer, intent(in)  k_use,
real (rprec), intent(in)  step_size,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(out)  delta_a 

Take a Levenberg-Marquardt step.

Determines the normalized change in parameters for a Levenberg-Marquardt step.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]k_useNumber of singular values to use.
[in]step_sizeCurrent step size limit.
[out]delta_aNormalized change in parameter.
The step size used.

◆ reconstruction_destruct()

FINAL reconstruction::reconstruction_class::reconstruction_destruct ( type (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this)

Deconstruct a reconstruction_class object.

Deallocates memory and uninitializes a reconstruction_class object.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.

◆ restart()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::restart ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
integer, intent(in)  result_ncid,
integer, intent(in)  current_step,
type (signal_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  signals,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(in)  derived_params,
class (model_class), pointer  a_model 

Restart from result file.

Restarts the reconstruction from the result file. Note, that there is an external step counter and an internal step counter. Internally we will restart current step at zero.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]result_ncidNetCDF file id of the result file.
[in]current_stepStep index to read variables from.
[in,out]a_modelA model instance.

◆ seg_step()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::seg_step ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
integer, intent(in)  k_use,
real (rprec), intent(in)  step_size,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(out)  delta_a 

Take a segmented path step.

Determines the normalized change in parameters for a segmented path step.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]k_useNumber of singular values to use.
[in]step_sizeCurrent step size limit.
[out]delta_aNormalized change in parameter.
The step size used.

◆ sl_step()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::sl_step ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
integer, intent(in)  k_use,
real (rprec), intent(in)  step_size,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(out)  delta_a 

Take a straight line step.

Determines the normalized change in parameters for a straight line step.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]k_useNumber of singular values to use.
[in]step_sizeCurrent step size limit.
[out]delta_aNormalized change in parameter.
The step size used.

◆ step()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::step ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
type (signal_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  signals,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(in)  derived_params,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(in)  locks,
class (model_class), pointer  a_model,
type (gaussp_class_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  gaussp,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  params,
integer, intent(inout)  eq_steps,
integer, intent(in)  iou,
integer, intent(in)  recon_comm,
integer, intent(in)  eq_comm 

Step the reconstruction.

Advance the reconstruction by a single step. This is the main V3FIT algorithm.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in,out]signalsArray of signal objects.
[in,out]locksArray of lock objects.
[in,out]a_modelA model instance.
[in,out]gausspArray of guassian_process::gaussp_class objects.
[in,out]paramsArray of v3fit_params::param_class objects.
[in,out]eq_stepsNumber of steps the equilibrium took.
[in]iouInput/output file to write log messages to.
[in]recon_commMPI communicator for the child jacobian processes.
[in]eq_commMPI communicator for the child equilibrium processes.
True if the step was successfull and false otherwise.

◆ sync_parent()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::sync_parent ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  params,
integer, intent(in)  num_signal,
integer, intent(in)  num_derived_params,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  stride,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  offset,
integer, intent(in)  recon_comm 

Syncronize child state back to parent.

Syncs data between the parent and child processes. If MPI support is not compiled in this subroutine reduces to a no op.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]num_paramsNumber of reconstruction parameters.
[in]num_signalNumber of signals.
[in]num_derived_paramsNumber of derived parameters.
[in]strideLength work size for each process.
[in]offsetStart offset for each process.
[in]recon_commA MPI recon_comm handle.

◆ sync_state()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::sync_state ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
integer, intent(in)  recon_comm 

Syncronize state to children.

Syncs data between the parent and child processes. If MPI support is not compiled in this subroutine reduces to a no op.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]recon_commA MPI recon_comm handle.

◆ sync_svd()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::sync_svd ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
integer, intent(in)  recon_comm 

Syncronize svd.

Syncs the svd information to the child processes so these processes can sample parameter space for the step sizes.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]recon_commA MPI recon_comm handle.

◆ try_step()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::try_step ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(inout)  this,
type (signal_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  signals,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(in)  derived_params,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(in)  locks,
class (model_class), pointer  a_model,
type (gaussp_class_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  gaussp,
type (param_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  params,
integer, intent(inout)  eq_steps,
real (rprec), intent(inout)  max_step,
integer, intent(in)  iou,
integer, intent(in)  recon_comm,
integer, intent(in)  eq_comm 

Try step size.

Sample reconstruction by trying to take a specified step size.

[in,out]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in,out]signalsArray of signal objects.
[in,out]locksArray of lock objects.
[in,out]a_modelA model instance.
[in,out]paramsArray of parameter objects.
[in,out]eq_stepsNumber of steps for the equilibrium to take.
[in]max_stepUpper limit of the step size to attemp.
[in]iouInput/output file to write log messages to.
[in]recon_commMPI communicator for the child jacobian processes.
[in]eq_commMPI communicator for the child equilibrium processes.
[out]param_valueParameter corresponding to the smallest g^2 value.
The lowest q^2 value.

◆ write()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::write ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(in)  this,
integer, intent(in)  iou 

Write out a reconstruction.

Write out the final information about a reconstruction. This writes out a table of the g^2, expected g^2, number of sigular values used and the normalized step size used.

[in]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]iouInput/output file to write final result to.

◆ write_step1()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::write_step1 ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(in)  this,
character (len=*), intent(in)  step_type,
integer, intent(in)  iou 

Write out a reconstruction step attempt.

Write out information about a reconstruction step. This writes the number of singular values use, the step type, the normalized step size and the expected g^2.

[in]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]step_typeThe step type used.
[in]iouInput/output file to write final result to.

◆ write_step2()

procedure reconstruction::reconstruction_class::write_step2 ( class (reconstruction_class), intent(in)  this,
integer, intent(in)  iou 

Write out a final reconstruction step.

Write out information about a reconstruction step. This writes the number of singular values use, the step type, the normalized step size and the expected g^2.

[in]thisA reconstruction_class instance.
[in]iouInput/output file to write final result to.

Member Data Documentation

◆ cut_delta_a

real (rprec) reconstruction::reconstruction_class::cut_delta_a

Cutoff value for expected step size.

See also

◆ cut_dg2

real (rprec) reconstruction::reconstruction_class::cut_dg2

Cutoff value for expected change in g^2.

See also

◆ cut_eff

real (rprec) reconstruction::reconstruction_class::cut_eff

Cutoff value for expected step efficiency.

See also

◆ cut_inv_svd

real (rprec) reconstruction::reconstruction_class::cut_inv_svd

Cutoff value for pseudo inverse singular values.

See also

◆ cut_marg_eff

real (rprec) reconstruction::reconstruction_class::cut_marg_eff

Cutoff value for expected marginal step efficiency.

See also

◆ cut_svd

real (rprec) reconstruction::reconstruction_class::cut_svd

Cutoff value for relative singular values.

See also

◆ e

real (rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer reconstruction::reconstruction_class::e => null()

Array of all e vectors for each reconstruction step.

See also

◆ step_max

real (rprec) reconstruction::reconstruction_class::step_max

Maximum number of reconstruction steps.

See also

◆ step_type

integer reconstruction::reconstruction_class::step_type = reconstruction_no_step_type

Type descriptor of the boundry type for the lower(1) and upper(2) ranges.

Possible values are:

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