No Matches
integration_path::integration_path_class Interface Reference

Base class containing the parameters of the integration method to use. More...

Inheritance diagram for integration_path::integration_path_class:
integration_path::integration_path_gleg_class integration_path::integration_path_hp_glep_class

Public Member Functions

procedure integrate_paths (this, path, context)
 Integrate along the paths.
procedure integrate_path (this, context, vertex1, vertex2)
 Line integrate between to points.
GENERIC integrate integrate_paths, integrate_path
class(integration_path_class) function, pointer integration_path_construct ()
 Construct an integration_path_class object.

Public Attributes

real(rprec) dx
 Step size to use.

Detailed Description

Base class containing the parameters of the integration method to use.

Construction interface for integration_path_class constructor.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ integrate_path()

procedure integration_path::integration_path_class::integrate_path ( class (integration_path_class), intent(in)  this,
class (integration_path_context_class), intent(in)  context,
type (vertex), intent(in)  vertex1,
type (vertex), intent(in)  vertex2 

Line integrate between to points.

This chooses the specific integration method.

[in]thisIn instance of a integration_path_class instance.
[in]contextGeneric object that contains data for the integration function.
[in]vertex1Starting point.
[in]vertex2Ending point.

◆ integrate_paths()

procedure integration_path::integration_path_class::integrate_paths ( class (integration_path_class), intent(in)  this,
type (vertex), intent(in)  path,
class (integration_path_context_class), intent(in)  context 

Integrate along the paths.

Recursively runs through the next vertex to find the last vertex. Once the last vertex is found, integrate alone that path. The integrand is proveded by means of call back function.

[in]thisIn instance of a integration_path_class instance.
[in]pathStarting vertex to of the path to integrate.
[in]contextGeneric object that contains data for the integration function.
The total integrated path to the end.

◆ integration_path_construct()

class (integration_path_class) function, pointer integration_path::integration_path_class::integration_path_construct

Construct an integration_path_class object.

A pointer to a constructed integration_path_class object.

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