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v3rfun_context::v3rfun_context_class Type Reference

Base class representing a v3rfun context. This contains all memory needed to operate v3rfun. More...

Public Attributes

 The date that the V3RFUN code was run.
integer kp_store
 The number of phi planes to store the plasma response function.
integer kp_shell_store
 The number of phi planes to store the conducting shell responce function.
integer mdsig_list_iou
 mdsig list input/output file.
integer mi_iou
 Mutual inductance list input/output file.
type(diagnostic_dot_coil), pointer coils => null()
 Linked list containing all the diagnostic coils.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer extcur => null()
 Array of external field coil currents.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer rdiag => null()
 Array of external field coil responces.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer xcart_grid_e => null()
 Array of cartesian coordinates for the plasma response function grid.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer phi_grid_e => null()
 Array of phi values for the plasma response function grid.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer pl_response => null()
 Array of plasma response functions.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer pl_response_ss => null()
 Array of stellarator symmetric plasma response functions.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer xcart_s_grid_e => null()
 Array of cartesian coordinates for the conducting shell response function grid.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer phi_grid_shell => null()
 Array of phi values for the conducting shell response function grid.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:,:), pointer s_response => null()
 Array of conducting shell response functions.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:,:), pointer s_response_ss => null()
 Array of stellarator symmetric conducting shell response functions.

Detailed Description

Base class representing a v3rfun context. This contains all memory needed to operate v3rfun.

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