No Matches
thomson::thomson_te_class Interface Reference

Base class representing a thomson scattering te signal. More...

Inheritance diagram for thomson::thomson_te_class:
thomson::thomson_class signal::signal_class

Public Member Functions

procedure get_modeled_signal_last (this, a_model, sigma, last_value)
 Calculates the modeled te signal.
procedure get_gp_i (this, a_model, i, flags)
 Gets the guassian process kernel for a thomson te signal and a position.
procedure get_gp_x (this, a_model, x_cart, flags)
 Gets the guassian process kernel for a thomson te signal and a cartesian position.
class(thomson_te_class) function, pointer thomson_te_construct (xcart)
 Construct a thomson_class object measureing temperature.
- Public Member Functions inherited from thomson::thomson_class
procedure get_type (this)
 Gets a discription of the thomson type.
FINAL thomson_destruct (this)
 Deconstruct a thomson_class object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from signal::signal_class
procedure get_modeled_signal_cache (this, a_model, sigma, use_cache, last_value)
 Calculates the modeled signal.
procedure get_modeled_signal_last (this, a_model, sigma, last_value)
 Calculates the modeled signal.
GENERIC get_modeled_signal get_modeled_signal_cache, get_modeled_signal_last
procedure get_observed_signal (this, a_model)
 Calculates the observed signal.
procedure get_g2 (this, a_model, use_cache, last_value)
 Calculates the g^2 contribution of a signal.
procedure get_e (this, a_model, use_cache, last_value)
 Calculates the e contribution of a signal.
procedure get_sigma2 (this)
 Calculates the total sigma^2 of a signal.
procedure get_type (this)
 Gets a discription of the signal type.
procedure get_header (this, header)
 Gets a discription of the model and model sigma array indices.
procedure get_gp_i (this, a_model, i, flags)
 Gets the guassian process kernel for a signal and a position.
procedure get_gp_s (this, a_model, signal, flags)
 Gets the guassian process kernel for a signal and a signal.
procedure get_gp_x (this, a_model, x_cart, flags)
 Gets the guassian process kernel for a signal and cartesian position.
GENERIC get_gp get_gp_i, get_gp_s, get_gp_x
procedure scale_and_offset (this, a_model, value)
 Apply scale and offset to the value.
procedure sync_child (this, index, recon_comm)
 Syncronize a child signal state to the parent.
procedure write_header (this, iou)
 Write out the signal header information to an output file.
procedure write (this, iou, index, a_model)
 Write out the signal information to an output file.
procedure write_auxiliary (this, iou, index, a_model)
 Write out any auxiliary signal information to an output file.
procedure write_step_data (this, a_model, result_ncid, current_step, index, signal_model_value_id, signal_sigma_value_id)
 Write out the signal data for a step to the result netcdf file.
FINAL signal_destruct (this)
 Deconstruct a signal_class object.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from thomson::thomson_class
real(rprec), dimension(3) xcart
 Position of the thomson scattering point.
- Public Attributes inherited from signal::signal_class
 Short name of the signal.
 Long name of the signal.
 Physical units the signal measures.
real(rprec) observed
 Eperimentally measured signal value.
real(rprec) observed_sigma
 Eperimentally measured signal uncertainty.
real(rprec) weight
 Weighting parameter of the signal.
real(rprec), dimension(4) modeled
 Cached value of the modeled signal.
real(rprec), dimension(4) modeled_sigma
 Cached value of the modeled sigma.
integer scale_index
 Scale factor index.
integer offset_index
 Offset factor index.

Detailed Description

Base class representing a thomson scattering te signal.

Interface for thomson te constructor.

Super Class:

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ get_gp_i()

procedure thomson::thomson_te_class::get_gp_i ( class (thomson_te_class), intent(in)  this,
class (model_class), pointer  a_model,
integer, intent(in)  i,
integer, intent(in)  flags 

Gets the guassian process kernel for a thomson te signal and a position.

Calculates the guassian process kernel between the signal and the position. Temperature kernels are provided by model::model_get_gp_te.

[in]thisA thomson_te_class instance.
[in]a_modelA model instance.
[in]iIndex of the position for the kernel.
[in]flagsState flags to send to the kernel.
Kernel value for the position and the signal.

◆ get_gp_x()

procedure thomson::thomson_te_class::get_gp_x ( class (thomson_te_class), intent(in)  this,
class (model_class), pointer  a_model,
real (rprec), dimension(3), intent(in)  x_cart,
integer, intent(in)  flags 

Gets the guassian process kernel for a thomson te signal and a cartesian position.

Calculates the guassian process kernel between the signal and the position. Temperature kernels are provided by model::model_get_gp_te. This is the second signal so x_cart goes in the second position and this signal in the first.

[in]thisA thomson_te_class instance.
[in]a_modelA model instance.
[in]x_cartThe cartesian position of to get the kernel at.
[in]flagsState flags to send to the kernel.
Kernel value for the signal and the signal.

◆ get_modeled_signal_last()

procedure thomson::thomson_te_class::get_modeled_signal_last ( class (thomson_te_class), intent(inout)  this,
class (model_class), pointer  a_model,
real (rprec), dimension(4), intent(out)  sigma,
real (rprec), dimension(4), intent(in)  last_value 

Calculates the modeled te signal.

Calculates the modeled signal at a point. Temperature is provided by model::model_get_te.

[in,out]thisA thomson_te_class instance.
[in]a_modelA model instance.
[out]sigmaThe modeled sigma.
[in]last_valueLast good value in case the signal did not change.
The model value.

◆ thomson_te_construct()

class (thomson_te_class) function, pointer thomson::thomson_te_class::thomson_te_construct ( real (rprec), dimension(3), intent(in)  xcart)

Construct a thomson_class object measureing temperature.

[in]xcartThe measurement point.
A pointer to a constructed thomson_class object.

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