thomson.f File Reference

Contains module thomson. More...

Data Types

type  thomson::thomson_class
 Base class representing a thomson scattering signal. More...
interface  thomson::thomson_te_class
 Base class representing a thomson scattering te signal. More...
interface  thomson::thomson_ne_class
 Base class representing a thomson scattering te signal. More...
interface  thomson::thomson_p_class
 Base class representing a thomson scattering te signal. More...


module  thomson
 Implements thomson scattering diagnostic. Defines the base class of the type thomson_class.


class(thomson_te_class) function, pointer thomson::thomson_te_construct (xcart)
 Construct a thomson_class object measureing temperature. More...
class(thomson_ne_class) function, pointer thomson::thomson_ne_construct (xcart)
 Construct a thomson_class object measureing density. More...
class(thomson_p_class) function, pointer thomson::thomson_p_construct (xcart)
 Construct a thomson_class object measureing pressure. More...
subroutine thomson::thomson_destruct (this)
 Deconstruct a thomson_class object. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(4) thomson::thomson_te_get_modeled_signal (this, a_model, sigma, last_value)
 Calculates the modeled te signal. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(4) thomson::thomson_ne_get_modeled_signal (this, a_model, sigma, last_value)
 Calculates the modeled ne signal. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(4) thomson::thomson_p_get_modeled_signal (this, a_model, sigma, last_value)
 Calculates the modeled pressure signal. More...
character(len=data_name_length) function thomson::thomson_get_type (this)
 Gets a discription of the thomson type. More...
real(rprec) function thomson::thomson_get_gp_s (this, a_model, signal, flags)
 Gets the guassian process kernel for a thomson signal and a signal. More...
real(rprec) function thomson::thomson_te_get_gp_i (this, a_model, i, flags)
 Gets the guassian process kernel for a thomson te signal and a position. More...
real(rprec) function thomson::thomson_te_get_gp_x (this, a_model, x_cart, flags)
 Gets the guassian process kernel for a thomson te signal and a cartesian position. More...
real(rprec) function thomson::thomson_ne_get_gp_i (this, a_model, i, flags)
 Gets the guassian process kernel for a thomson ne signal and a position. More...
real(rprec) function thomson::thomson_ne_get_gp_x (this, a_model, x_cart, flags)
 Gets the guassian process kernel for a thomson ne signal and a cartesian position. More...


character(len= *), parameter thomson::thomson_p_error = 'Guassian processes are not supported ' // 'for thomson pressure measurements.'
 Assert message for pressure methods.

Detailed Description

Contains module thomson.