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sxrem::sxrem_gp_context_i Type Reference

Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for point. More...

Inheritance diagram for sxrem::sxrem_gp_context_i:
sxrem::sxrem_context integration_path_context::integration_path_context_class sxrem::sxrem_gp_ti_context_i

Public Member Functions

procedure run (context, xcart, dxcart, length, dx)
 Soft x-ray emission gaussian process callback function for signal point kernel evaluation.
- Public Member Functions inherited from sxrem::sxrem_context
procedure run (context, xcart, dxcart, length, dx)
 Soft x-ray callback function.
- Public Member Functions inherited from integration_path_context::integration_path_context_class
procedure(integration_function), deferred run integration_function

Public Attributes

integer i
 Position index.
integer flags = model_state_all_off
 Gaussian process kernel flags.
- Public Attributes inherited from sxrem::sxrem_context
integer profile_number
 The index of the emissivity profile model.
class(model_class), pointer model => null()
 Reference to a model::model_class object.

Detailed Description

Structure to hold all memory needed to be sent to the guassian process callback function for point.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ run()

procedure sxrem::sxrem_gp_context_i::run ( class (sxrem_gp_context_i), intent(in)  context,
real (rprec), dimension(3), intent(in)  xcart,
real (rprec), dimension(3), intent(in)  dxcart,
real (rprec), intent(in)  length,
real (rprec), intent(in)  dx 

Soft x-ray emission gaussian process callback function for signal point kernel evaluation.

Returns the value of the soft x-ray emission guassian process kernel times the change in path length. The soft x-ray kernel is provided by model::model_get_gp_sxrem.

See also
[in]contextA sxrem_gp_context_i for the model.
[in]xcartThe integration point.
[in]dxcartA vector change in path. Not used in this function.
[in]lengthLength along the integration.
[in]dxA scalar change in path.
The k(x, i)*dl at point x.

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