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model_state Module Reference

Contains parameters defining the bit positions for flags that mark changes in different parts of the model. More...


integer, parameter model_state_all_off = 0
 Set all flags off.
integer, parameter model_state_all_on = NOT(model_state_all_off)
 Set all flags on.
integer, parameter model_state_vmec_flag = 0
 VMEC Equilibrium changed bit position.
integer, parameter model_state_siesta_flag = 1
 SIESTA Equilibrium changed bit position.
integer, parameter model_state_ne_flag = 2
 Denisty profile changed bit position.
integer, parameter model_state_te_flag = 3
 Temperature profile changed bit position.
integer, parameter model_state_ti_flag = 4
 Ion profile changed bit position.
integer, parameter model_state_shift_flag = 5
 Shift parameter changed bit position.
integer, parameter model_state_signal_flag = 6
 Model state factor changed bit position.
integer, parameter model_state_sxrem_flag = 7
 Soft x-ray emissivity profile changed bit position. This flag needs to always be the last flag an can be no larger than 31 minus the maximum number of possible sxrem profiles data_parameters::max_sxrem_profiles. If the number of model states exceeds 31, then the size of model::model_classstate_flags needs to be increased.

Detailed Description

Contains parameters defining the bit positions for flags that mark changes in different parts of the model.