No Matches
Todo List
Subprogram ece_dot::ece_dot_read (ece_file, signals, signals_created, observed, sigma, weight, first_index)
FIXME: Remove the _new when removing the old code.
Subprogram equilibrium::equilibrium_get_plasma_edge (this, phi, r, z)
An "edge" could be defined as a the last field line that intersects a limiter for the vacuum case. By defineing a r_last parameter, a feild line can be followed around the machine. When that field line intersecs the desired phi plane, record the r and z positions. Field line following will also need to be performed for siesta.
Subprogram guassian_process::gaussp_construct (a_model, n_signals, gaussp_type, profile_index, vrnc, tolerance, cholesky_fac)
FIXME: The guassian process kernels should know the correct ranges. Query those instead. For now set all to infinity.
Subprogram magnetic::magnetic_get_modeled_signal_coil (this, a_model, sigma)
FIXME: For a single diagnostic these never change. Allocate these once and cache these in the magnetic_class object.
Subprogram model::model_construct (ne_type, sxrem_type, te_type, ti_type, ne_unit, ne_min, te_min, ti_min, sxrem_min, pressure_fraction, emission, equilibrium, sxrem_te, sxrem_ratio, resonace_range, coosig_wgts, state_flags, signal_factor, signal_offset, int_params)
FIXME: Name here shouldn't have vmec in it
Page Namelist v3fit_main_nli definition
FIXME: S and U are VMEC specific. Make these a radial position and poloidal angle.
Subprogram pprofile_t::pprofile_get_value (this, s_arg)
This function makes vmec specific assumptions of 1 being the maximum radial value.
Subprogram siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_plasma_edge (this, phi, r, z)
FIXME: The vmec boundary won't be the case for Free boundary siesta.
Subprogram sxrch_dot::sxrch_dot_read (sxrch_file, signals, signals_created, observed, sigma, weight, first_index)
FIXME: Remove the _new when removing the old code.
Subprogram v3fit_input::extcurz_s0
FIXME: The label of s0 and u0 are vmec specific. These should be changed to a radial coordinate and poloidal angle.
Subprogram v3fit_input::l_zero_xcdot
FIXME: VMEC specific. Not implemented.
Subprogram v3fit_input::model_ne_type
FIXME: New coding contains a model_ne_type that old code did not have. Make the default value pp_ne for compatibility. Eventially this shoud be set back to none and users should set model_ne_type in the namelist input.
Subprogram v3fit_input::v3fit_input_read_namelist (namelist_file)
FIXME: Remove this when n_sig_coosig is mandatory.
Subprogram vmec_equilibrium::vmec_converge (this, num_iter, iou, eq_comm, state_flags)
FIXME: Put in error reporting here. For now leave this blank until I can figure how v3fit decides if vmec has converged.
Subprogram vmec_equilibrium::vmec_has_vacuum_field (this)
FIXME: Currently this method assumes that VMEC takes care of the vacuum fields. But SIESTA has a free boundary capability and a point could still be outside of that.
Subprogram vmec_equilibrium::vmec_set_magnetic_cache_calc (this)

FIXME: There is no reason to recalculate the sin and cosin for the u component arrays every time. The v components can change if phi_offset is being reconstructed. The u components can be cached in the vmec_magnetic_cache and calculated once in vmec_set_magnetic_cache_response.

FIXME: There is no reason to recalculate the sin and cosin for the u component arrays every time. The v components can change if phi_offset is being reconstructed. The u components can be cached in the vmec_magnetic_cache and calculated once in vmec_set_magnetic_cache_response.

FIXME: There is no reason to recompute the sine and cosine for the u component arrays every time.

FIXME: There is no reason to recalculate the sin and cosin for the u component arrays every time. The v components can change if phi_offset is being reconstructed. The u components can be cached in the vmec_magnetic_cache and calculated once in vmec_set_magnetic_cache_response.

FIXME: There is no reason to recompute the sine and cosine for the u component arrays every time.

Subprogram vmec_equilibrium::vmec_set_param (this, id, i_index, j_index, value, eq_comm, state_flags)
FIXME: Consider throwing a fatal error here instead of silently doing nothing.