No Matches
Namelist v3fit_main_nli definition


This page documents the contents of a namelist input file. V3FIT namelist variables are defined in the v3fit_main_nli common block.

Namelist Variables

Input variableDescriptionCode Reference

Filename variables

main_nli_filenameFile name for main namelist input.v3fit_input::main_nli_filename

Equilibrium Filename variables

vmec_nli_filenameFile name for VMEC namelist input.v3fit_input::vmec_nli_filename
vmec_wout_inputFile name for the VMEC wout file to start from.v3fit_input::vmec_wout_input
vacuum_nli_filenameFile name for a vacuum namelist input. The file specification is described in the Namelist vacuum_main_nli definition.v3fit_input::vacuum_nli_filename
siesta_nli_filenameFile name for siesta namelist input.v3fit_input::siesta_nli_filename
siesta_restart_filenameFile name for a siesta restart file.v3fit_input::siesta_restart_filename

Signal Filename variables

mdsig_list_filenameFile name for list of MDSIG files.v3fit_input::mdsig_list_filename
sxrch_dot_filenameFile holding soft x-ray chord information. The file specification is described in the Soft X-Ray Diagnostic Dot File.v3fit_input::sxrch_dot_filename
thscte_dot_filenameFile holding Thomson scattering information. The file specification is described in the Thomson Scattering Diagnostic Dot File.v3fit_input::thscte_dot_filename
ipch_dot_filenameFile holding interferometry-polarimetry chord information. The file specification is described in the Inteferometry/Polarimetry Diagnostic Dot File.v3fit_input::ipch_dot_filename
mse_dot_filenameFile holding motional stark effect information. The file specification is described in the mse_ratio_dot_sec.v3fit_input::mse_dot_filename
ece_dot_filenameFile holding electron cyclotron emission information. The file specification is described in the ECE Diagnostic Dot File.v3fit_input::ece_dot_filename
sxrem_ratio_dot_filenameFile holding soft x-ray emissivity ratio information. The file specification is described in the Soft X-ray Emissivity Ratio Dot File.v3fit_input::sxrem_ratio_dot_filename
limiter_grid_fileFile to load the limiter grid functions.v3fit_input::limiter_grid_file

Array allocation sizes, numbers to allocate

na_s_descs_desc array, signal_descv3fit_input::na_s_desc

Task specification, work variables

my_taskCharacter: to specify task in MAIN select case. Possible tasks are:
  1. 'equilibrium' Solve the equilibrium.
  2. 'v3post' Solve the equilibrium and compute modeled signals.
  3. 'reconstruct' Reconstruct the equilibirum.
  4. 'units_tests' Run the internal unit tests.

Model profile specification

pp_ne_ptypeModel electron density profile, parameterized profile type. Valid profile types are defined in Profiles types.v3fit_input::pp_ne_ptype
pp_ne_bArray of b_coefficients for the electron density profile.v3fit_input::pp_ne_b
pp_ne_asArray of as_coefficients electron density splines.v3fit_input::pp_ne_as
pp_ne_afArray of af_coefficients electron density splines.v3fit_input::pp_ne_af
pp_sxrem_ptypeModel soft x-ray emissivity profile, parameterized profile type. Valid profile types are defined in Profiles types.v3fit_input::pp_sxrem_ptype
pp_sxrem_bArray of b_coefficients for the soft x-ray emissivity profile. DEPRECATED v3fit_input::pp_sxrem_b
pp_sxrem_asArray of as_coefficients soft x-ray emissivity splines. DEPRECATED v3fit_input::pp_sxrem_as
pp_sxrem_afArray of af_coefficients soft x-ray emissivity splines. DEPRECATED v3fit_input::pp_sxrem_af
num_sxrem_pNumber of soft x-ray emissivity profiles.v3fit_input::num_sxrem_p
pp_sxrem_ptype_aModel soft x-ray emissivity profile, parameterized profile type. Valid profile types are defined in Profiles types.v3fit_input::pp_sxrem_ptype_a
pp_sxrem_b_aArray of b_coefficients for the soft x-ray emissivity profile.v3fit_input::pp_sxrem_b_a
pp_sxrem_as_aArray of as_coefficients soft x-ray emissivity splines.v3fit_input::pp_sxrem_as_a
pp_sxrem_af_aArray of af_coefficients soft x-ray emissivity splines.v3fit_input::pp_sxrem_af_a
pp_te_ptypeModel electron temperature profile, parameterized profile type. Valid profile types are defined in Profiles types.v3fit_input::pp_te_ptype
pp_te_bArray of b_coefficients for the e-temperature profile.v3fit_input::pp_te_b
pp_te_asArray of as_coefficients e-temperature splines.v3fit_input::pp_te_as
pp_te_afArray of af_coefficients e-temperature splines.v3fit_input::pp_te_af
pp_ti_ptypeModel ion temperature profile, parameterized profile type. Valid profile types are defined in Profiles types.v3fit_input::pp_ti_ptype
pp_ti_bArray of b_coefficients for the i-temperature profile.v3fit_input::pp_ti_b
pp_ti_asArray of as_coefficients i-temperature splines.v3fit_input::pp_ti_as
pp_ti_afArray of af_coefficients i-temperature splines.v3fit_input::pp_ti_af
sxrem_teArray of temperature points for the sxrem ratio function.v3fit_input::sxrem_te_a
sxrem_ratioArray of ratio points for the sxrem ratio function.v3fit_input::sxrem_ratio_a

Model Specification Variables

model_eq_typeCharacter variable to specify the underlying equilibrium mode.
  1. 'vmec' Vmec equilibrium model. Default
  2. 'vacuum' Vacuum equilibrium model.
  3. 'siesta' Siesta equilibrium model.
model_ne_typeCharacter variable to specify how the electron density will be calculated by the model.
  1. 'none' Not part of the model.
  2. 'pp_ne' Calculated from the parameterized profile pp_ne.
  3. 'pp_te_p' Calculated from the pp_te and the VMEC pressure
model_sxrem_typeCharacter variable to specify how the Soft x-ray emissivity will be calculated by the model.
  1. 'none' Not part of the model.
  2. 'pp_sxrem' Calculated from the parameterized profile pp_sxrem. DEPRECATED
model_sxrem_type_aCharacter array to specify how the Soft x-ray emissivity will be calculated by the model.
  1. 'none' Not part of the model.
  2. 'pp_sxrem' Calculated from the parameterized profile pp_sxrem.
  3. 'pp_sxrem_te_ne' Calculated from pp_te and pp_ne.
model_te_typeCharacter variable to specify how the e-temperature will be calculated by the model.
  1. 'none' Not part of the model.
  2. 'pp_te' Calculated from the parameterized profile pp_te.
  3. 'pp_ne_vmec_p','pp_ne_p' Calculated from the pp_ne and the VMEC pressure.
model_ti_typeCharacter variable to specify how the e-temperature will be calculated by the model.
  1. 'none' Not part of the model.
  2. 'pp_ti' Calculated from the parameterized profile pp_ti.
ne_pp_unitScaling/conversion factor for the density. ne * ne_pp_unit is assumed to have units of m^-3.v3fit_input::ne_pp_unit
ne_minMinimum electron density, m^-3.v3fit_input::ne_min
te_minMinimum electron temperature, eV.v3fit_input::te_min
ti_minMinimum ion temperature, eV.v3fit_input::ti_min
sxrem_minMinimum soft x-ray emission.v3fit_input::sxrem_min
e_pressure_fractionElectron pressure fraction of the total pressure. Used when model_te_type = 'pp_ne_vmec_p' or model_ne_type = 'pp_te_vmec_p'v3fit_input::e_pressure_fraction
emission_filePath to file defining the soft x-ray emission.
See also
Soft X-Ray Emission File Manual
ece_resonance_rangeRange to find the ECE resonance within.v3fit_input::ece_resonance_range
coosig_wgtsArray of combination signal weights.v3fit_input::coosig_wgts

Reconstruction constraints (DEPRECATED)

n_rcNumber of reconstruction constraintsv3fit_input::n_rc
rc_typeArray of reconstruction constraint typesv3fit_input::rc_type
rc_indexArray of reconstruction constraint indicesv3fit_input::rc_index
rc_valueArray of reconstruction constraint valuesv3fit_input::rc_value

Derived parameter specification

n_dpNumber of derived parametersv3fit_input::n_dp
dp_typeArray of derived parameter types. Any parameter can be a a derived parameter. v3fit_input::dp_type
dp_indexArray of derived parameter indicesv3fit_input::dp_index

Reconstruction parameter specification

n_rpNumber of reconstruction parametersv3fit_input::n_rp
rp_typeArray of reconstruction parameter types. Valid reconstruction parameters are defined by the model or the equilibirum. v3fit_input::rp_type
rp_indexArray of reconstruction parameter indicesv3fit_input::rp_index
rp_index2Array of reconstruction parameter 2nd indicesv3fit_input::rp_index2
rp_vrncArray of reconstruction parameter variancesv3fit_input::rp_vrnc

2D Array of reconstruction parameter range types

  1. 'infinity' Unbounded
  2. 'value' Bounded by the value of rp_range_value
  3. <other> Bounded by an equilibrium parameter.

Any parameter maybe used as a constraint.

The second index contains the low and high range types respectively.

rp_range_value2D Array of values used if rp_range_type = 'value'. The second index contains the low and high values repectively.v3fit_input::rp_range_value
rp_range_index3D Array of values of indicies used if, rp_range_type = <other>. The second index specifies the low and high ranges repectively. The third index contains the first and second index of the inequality constraint parameter.v3fit_input::rp_range_index

Locking parameter specification

n_lpNumber of derived parametersv3fit_input::n_dp
lp_typeArray of locking parameter types. Any reconstuction parameter can be a locking parameter. Valid reconstruction parameters are defined by the model or the equilibrium. v3fit_input::lp_type
lp_indexArray of locking parameter indicesv3fit_input::lp_index
lp_index2Array of locking parameter 2nd indicesv3fit_input::lp_index2
lp_setsArray of parameter to lock to. Any model or equilibrium parameter maybe locked to. v3fit_input::lp_sets
lp_sets_indexArray of locking parameter sets indicesv3fit_input::lp_sets_index
lp_sets_index2Array of locking parameter sets 2nd indicesv3fit_input::lp_sets_index2
lp_sets_coeffArray of locking sets coefficientsv3fit_input::lp_sets_coeff

Signal Data specification

n_sdata_oNumber of signal_data observations DEPRECATED v3fit_input::n_sdata_o
iw_sdo_verboseInteger to control write out of signal_data observations. (-1, no write, otherwise, verbosity)v3fit_input::iw_sdo_verbose
sdo_data_aArray of data for observed signalsv3fit_input::sdo_data_a
sdo_sigma_aArray of sigmas for observed signalsv3fit_input::sdo_sigma_a
sdo_weight_aArray of weight for observed signalsv3fit_input::sdo_weight_a
mag_aArray of flags for magnetc signals. This flags controls if the induced signal is included in the total signal for an individual magentic signal.v3fit_input::mag_a
mag_3D_aArray of flags for magnetc signals. This flags controls if the axisymmtric portion is subtracted off the total signal. By default this is false and the total signal is used.v3fit_input::mag_3D_a
mag_force_coilFlag to force the computation of induced signals. Some equilibria do not contain information about external currents. This allows the magnetic signals to include contributions from external coils when the equilibrium does not. This has no affect on the total signal if mag_a is false.v3fit_input::mag_force_coil
sdo_spec_can_overwriteLogical controlling if the sdo_*_spec_ overwrites values in the sdo_sigma_a array. Defaults to true.v3fit_input::sdo_spec_can_overwrite

Signal Data sigma specification

sdo_s_spec_iminArray of minimum index values for specifying sigmasv3fit_input::sdo_s_spec_imin
sdo_s_spec_imaxArray of maximum index values for specifying sigmasv3fit_input::sdo_s_spec_imax
sdo_s_spec_floorArray of floor values for specifying sigmasv3fit_input::sdo_s_spec_floor
sdo_s_spec_fractionArray of fractional values for specifying sigmas
  • floor > 0, sigma = max(floor,fraction * sdo)
  • floor < 0, sigma = sqrt(floor ** 2 + (fraction * sdo) ** 2)

Signal Data weight specification

sdo_w_spec_iminArray of minimum index values for specifying weightsv3fit_input::sdo_w_spec_imin
sdo_w_spec_imaxArray of maximum index values for specifying weightsv3fit_input::sdo_w_spec_imax
sdo_w_spec_weightArray of weight values for specifying weightsv3fit_input::sdo_w_spec_weight

Magnetic signal specification

mag_spec_iminArray of minimum index values for specifying plasma only signalsv3fit_input::mag_spec_imin
mag_spec_imaxArray of maximum index values for specifying plasma only signalsv3fit_input::mag_spec_imax
mag_spec_use_inducedArray of logicals for specifying plasma only signalsv3fit_input::mag_spec_use_induced

Signal Scale Factor Specification

sfactor_spec_iminArray of minimum index values for specifying signal scale factorsv3fit_input::sfactor_spec_imin
sfactor_spec_imaxArray of maximum index values for specifying signal scale factorsv3fit_input::sfactor_spec_imax
sfactor_spec_facArray of scale values for specifying signal scale factorsv3fit_input::sfactor_spec_fac

Signal Offset Specification

soffset_spec_iminArray of minimum index values for specifying signal offset factorsv3fit_input::soffset_spec_imin
soffset_spec_imaxArray of maximum index values for specifying signal offset factorsv3fit_input::soffset_spec_imax
soffset_spec_facArray of offset values for specifying signal offset factorsv3fit_input::soffset_spec_fac

Magnetic signal parameters

pol_rad_ratioRatio of the radial grid points to the poloidal grid points for the plasma only volumn integration.v3fit_input::pol_rad_ratio
FIXME: S and U are VMEC specific. Make these a radial position and poloidal angle.

These two are used by the extcurz diagnostic signal.

extcurz_s0S position to integrate about.v3fit_input::extcurz_s0
extcurz_u0U position to integrate about.v3fit_input::extcurz_u0

Geometric information

r_major_radiusFor circular torus geometricv3fit_input::r_major_radius
a_minor_radiusFor circular torus geometricv3fit_input::a_minor_radius

Limiter_Iso Function.

First dimension of arrays is dimensioned na_lif

n_lifnumber of limiter_iso functionsv3fit_input::n_lif
n_phi_lifarray of number of phi values (:)v3fit_input::n_phi_lif
lif_arzarray of r-z polynomial coefficients (:,0:4,0:4)v3fit_input::lif_arz
lif_rcarray of r offset values (:)v3fit_input::lif_rc
lif_zcarray of z offset values (:)v3fit_input::lif_zc
lif_sigmaarray of sigma values (:)v3fit_input::lif_sigma
lif_phi_degreearray of phi values (:,na_phis_lif)v3fit_input::lif_phi_degree
lif_on_edgearray of logical values (:)
  • true - edge of plasma is on limiter
  • false - edge of plasma is within limiter

Prior information

n_priorNumber of specified priors.v3fit_input::n_prior
prior_nameName of the specified priors.v3fit_input::prior_name
prior_param_nameName of the prior parameter. Any model or equilirbium parameter maybe used as a prior. v3fit_input::prior_param_name
prior_indices2D array of the ith and jth index of the parameter. The second index contains the first and second indicies repectively.v3fit_input::prior_indices
prior_unitsThe units of the prior signal.v3fit_input::prior_units

Guassian process signal variables

n_gpNumber of gaussian processes.v3fit_input::n_gp
n_gp_signalNumber of signals in a gaussian process signal.v3fit_input::n_gp_signal
gp_signal_indicesIndices of the signals to include in the GP.v3fit_input::gp_signal_indices
gp_model_typeGaussian process profile the guassian process uses.
  1. 'none' No profile.
  2. 'te' Electron temperature profile.
  3. 'ti' Ion profile.
  4. 'ne' Denisty profile.
  5. 'sxrem' Soft X-ray profile.
gp_model_indexProfile index.v3fit_input::gp_model_index
gp_param_vrncArray of Gaussian process parameter variances.v3fit_input::gp_param_vrnc
gp_toleranceStopping criteria for the gradient ascent to maximize the log of the evidence.v3fit_input::gp_tolerance
gp_cholesky_factThe Gaussian process uses a cholesky decompositions to factor a matrix. It assumes that the matrix is positive def. Which is true analytically. This input can be used to add a small offset to the matrix to insure positive def.v3fit_input::gp_cholesky_fact

COOSIG - Combination Of Other SIGnals NLI Variables

n_coosigNumber of new signals of signal_type coosigv3fit_input::n_coosig
n_sig_coosigArray of number of signals in a combinaton.v3fit_input::n_sig_coosig
coosig_indices2d Integer Array of indices (to list of signals) for combinations. First index is for which new signal, second index is for terms in the combinationv3fit_input::coosig_indices
coosig_coeff2d real array of coefficients for the combination (a's in the type)v3fit_input::coosig_coeff @item{coosig_type, Character array of combination types
  1. 'sum' - linear combination
  2. 'max' - maximum of weighted signals
  3. 'min' - minimum of weighted signals,
  4. 'wavg' - weighted average of two signal, v3fit_input::coosig_type}
coosig_nameCharacter array of coosig namesv3fit_input::coosig_name
coosig_unitsCharacter array of coosig unitsv3fit_input::coosig_units
coosig_wgts_idArray of coosig_wgt indexsv3fit_input::coosig_wgts_id

Plasma Offset Section

phi_offsetInitial phi offset value to rotate the plasma relative to the diagnostics. This value is in radians.v3fit_input::phi_offset
z_offsetInitial z offset value to vertical shift plasma relative to the center. This value is in meters.v3fit_input::z_offset

Reconstruction step control NLI variables

nrstepmax number of reconstruction steps to performv3fit_input::nrstep
dg2_stopStopping criterion on change in g^2v3fit_input::dg2_stop
cut_svdcutoff value for relative Singular Values of the Jacobianv3fit_input::cut_svd
cut_effcutoff value for expected step efficiencyv3fit_input::cut_eff
cut_marg_effcutoff value for expected marginal step efficiencyv3fit_input::coosig_units
cut_delta_acutoff value for expected step sizev3fit_input::cut_delta_a
cut_dg2cutoff value for expected change in g^2v3fit_input::cut_dg2
astep_maxmaximum allowable normalized step sizev3fit_input::astep_max
step_typecharacter specification of reconstruction step type
  1. 'sl' - straight line
  2. 'seg' - segmented
  3. 'lm' - Levenberg-Marquardt
cut_inv_svdCut off value for the singular values used for the pseudo matrix inverse of the parameter covariance Matrix.v3fit_input::cut_inv_svd
cut_comp_svdcutoff value for the energy deficit in the number of singular values to keep for the magnet response function data compression. Zero is no compression.v3fit_input::cut_comp_svd
use_central_diffUse central difference for the jacobian derivatives.v3fit_input::use_central_diff

Integration parameters

int_methodMethod of integration.
  1. 'add' - Simple added integration.
  2. 'gleg' - Gauss Legendre Quadrature.
  3. 'hp_glep' - hp Guass-Legendre quadrature.
int_num_pointsSets number of nodes to use for the Gauss-legendre integration.v3fit_input::int_num_points
int_sizeSets the integration step size.v3fit_input::int_size

VMEC zero out xcdot control

l_zero_xcdotReset the xcdot array to zero when converging vmec. Zeroing of the xcdot array is hardcoded. DEPRECATED


Example Files

V3POST Example

! Example V3POST input file.
! Equilibrium to use.
vmec_nli_filename = 'input.example.vmec'
! Diagnostic inout files.
mdsig_list_file = 'diagnostic.example_mdsig.LIST'
my_task = 'v3post'

Reconstruction Example

! Example Reconstruction input file.
! Equilibrium to use.
vmec_nli_filename = 'input.example.vmec'
! Diagnostic inout files.
mdsig_list_file = 'diagnostic.example_mdsig.LIST'
sxrch_dot_filename = 'sxrch.example'
thscte_dot_filename = 'thscte.example'
my_task = 'reconstruct'
! Model Specification
! Electron Density
pp_ne_ptype = 'two_power'
! b(0) + b(1)*[1 - s^b(2)]^b(3)
pp_ne_b(0:3) = 0.0, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0
ne_pp_unit = 1.0e18
! Soft X-ray emissivity
num_sxrem_p = 1
model_sxrem_type_a(1) = 'pp_sxrem'
pp_sxrem_ptype_a(1) = 'two_power'
pp_sxrem_b_a(1,0:3) = 0.0, 1.0, 3.0, 10.0
! Electron Temperature
model_te_type = 'pp_ne_vmec_p'
! Reconstruction control parameters.
nrstep = 20
dg2_stop = 0.1
cut_svd = 0.002
cut_eff = 0.1
cut_marg_eff = 0.0
cut_delta_a = 0.0
cut_dg2 = 0.0
astep_max = 100.0
step_type = 'lm'
! Reconstruction parameters
n_rp = 5
rp_type(1) = 'phiedge'
rp_vrnc(1) = 1.e-04
rp_type(2) = 'ac'
rp_index(2) = 1
rp_vrnc(2) = 0.01
rp_type(3) = 'pres_scale'
rp_vrnc(3) = 50.
! Limiter_iso Functions
n_lif = 2
n_phi_lif(1) = 1
lif_rc(1) = 0.7493
lif_on_edge(1) = t
lif_sigma(1) = 0.001
lif_arz(1,0,0) = -0.06002,
lif_arz(1,2,0) = 1.0,
lif_arz(1,0,2) = 1.0,
lif_phi_degree(1,1) = 12.0,
n_phi_lif(2) = 1
lif_rc(2) = 0.7493
lif_on_edge(2) = t
lif_arz(2,0,0) = -0.0618,
lif_arz(2,2,0) = 1.0,
lif_arz(2,0,2) = 1.0,
lif_phi_degree(2,1) = 60.0,
! Signal Weight specification - set weights for coosig parts to zero
sdo_w_spec_imin = 12 16 173 174
sdo_w_spec_imax = 12 16 173 174
sdo_w_spec_weight = 0. 0. 0. 0.
! Combination Of Other SIGnals (COOSIG)
n_coosig = 2
coosig_type(1) = 'sum' ! Linear combination, to simulate a compensated diamagnetic loop
coosig_indices(1,1)=12 ! Here I use the two bad signals, that already have their
coosig_indices(1,2)=16 ! weights set to zero
coosig_coeff(1,1)=.389976 ! Set to make zero signal, using *e model values
coosig_name(1) = 'simCompDiaLoop'
coosig_units(1) = '?'
coosig_type(2) = 'max' ! Maximum, for use with edge limits
coosig_indices(2,1)=173 ! Signal numbers for the two edge limits
coosig_coeff(2,1)=1 ! No scaling of the relative signals before the max
coosig_name(2) = 'OneLimiter'
coosig_units(2) = 'm'
! Observed Data - magnetic diagnostics
n_sdata_o = 25
sdo_data_a(1)= 0.099877 sdo_sigma_a(1)=0.00177 ! First Magnetic Diagnostics
sdo_data_a(2)= 0.170352 sdo_sigma_a(2)=0.00177
snip - boring observations
sdo_data_a(25)= 0.031115 sdo_sigma_a(25)=0.00007 ! Last Magnetic Diagnostic
! Observed data for the soft x-ray chords
! Simulated data, see Excel "Simulated Observations 2011-10-26"
n_sdata_o = 125
sdo_s_spec_imin(1) = 26
sdo_s_spec_imax(1) = 125
sdo_s_spec_floor(1) = 1.
sdo_s_spec_fraction(1) = 0.05
sdo_data_a(26) = 6.09338e+01 ! sxr 1
snip - boring simulated obserations
sdo_data_a(125) =7.88700e+00 ! sxr100
! Observed data for the Thomson Scattering points
! Simulated data, see Excel "Simulated Observations 2011-10-26"
n_sdata_o = 174
sdo_s_spec_imin(2) = 126
sdo_s_spec_imax(2) = 172
sdo_s_spec_floor(2) = 1.
sdo_s_spec_fraction(2) = 0.05
sdo_w_spec_imin(5) = 126
sdo_w_spec_imax(5) = 172
sdo_w_spec_weight(5) = 0.
sdo_data_a(126) = 6.82686e+00 ! thscte
snip - boring simulated observations
sdo_data_a(170) = 1.10650e+00 ! thscte
sdo_data_a(171) = 2.26904e+00 ! thscte
sdo_data_a(172) = 3.86471e+00 ! thscte
sdo_data_a(173)= 0.000000 sdo_sigma_a(173)=0.00100 ! Limiter
sdo_data_a(174)= 0.000000 sdo_sigma_a(174)=0.00100
! Add on observations for the COOSIGs
n_sdata_o = 176
sdo_data_a(175) = 0. ! 'simCompDiaLoop', coosig_coeff set to make signal zero
sdo_sigma_a(175) = 1.5e-03
sdo_data_a(176) = 0. ! 'OneLimiter', signal should be zero
sdo_sigma_a(176) = 0.001 ! 1 mm

Programmers Reference

Reference material for the coding to implement this namelist is found in the v3fit_input module.