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This page documents the V3FIT interface to the VMEC equilibrium solver. This lists all the parameters associated with a VMEC equilibrium. These parameters are divided input two types, reconstruction parameters and derived parameters. All parameters are documented in a table of the following form.
Input variable | Description | Code Reference |
Reconstruction parameters are divided into two types, VMEC reconstruction parameters and auxillary parameters.
VMEC Equilibrium reconstruction parameters are parameters that maybe reconstructed that change the equilibirum. These parameters require the equilibrium to reconverge.
ac | 1D Array of function current profile parameters. | @ref vmec_input::ac |
ac_aux_s | 1D Array of segment current profile s poitions. | @ref vmec_input::ac_aux_s |
ac_aux_f | 1D Array of segment current profile f values. | @ref vmec_input::ac_aux_f |
ai | 1D Array of function current profile parameters. | @ref vmec_input::ai |
ai_aux_s | 1D Array of segment iotabar profile s poitions. | @ref vmec_input::ai_aux_s |
ai_aux_f | 1D Array of segment iotabar profile f values. | @ref vmec_input::ai_aux_f |
am | 1D Array of function current profile parameters. | @ref vmec_input::am |
am_aux_s | 1D Array of segment pressure profile s poitions. | @ref vmec_input::am_aux_s |
am_aux_f | 1D Array of segment pressure profile f values. | @ref vmec_input::am_aux_f |
bloat | Extends the field into the vacuum region. | @ref vmec_input::bloat |
rbc | 2D Array of outer boundary R cosine coeffiecents. | @ref vmec_input::rbc |
zbs | 2D Array of outer boundary Z sine coeffiecents. | @ref vmec_input::zbs |
rbs | 2D Array of outer boundary R sine coeffiecents. | @ref vmec_input::rbs |
zbc | 2D Array of outer boundary Z cosine coeffiecents. | @ref vmec_input::zbc |
extcur | 1D Array of external currents. | @ref vmec_input::extcur |
curtor | Toroidal current. | @ref vmec_input::curtor |
phiedge | The edge magnetic flux. | @ref vmec_input::phiedge |
pres_scale | The scaling parameter for the pressure. | @ref vmec_input::pres_scale |
VMEC Auxiliary reconstruction parameters are parameters that maybe reconstructed that do not change the equilibirum. These parameters do not require the equilibrium to reconverge.
pp_ne_b | 1D Array of function density profile parameters. | @ref pprofile_T::pprofile_class::b |
pp_ne_as | 1D Array of segment density profile s poitions. | @ref pprofile_T::pprofile_class::as |
pp_ne_af | 1D Array of segment density profile f values. | @ref pprofile_T::pprofile_class::af |
pp_sxrem_b | 1D Array of function sxrem profile parameters. DEPREICATED only use id when using the old profile specification. | @ref pprofile_T::pprofile_class::b |
pp_sxrem_as | 1D Array of segment sxrem profile s poitions. DEPREICATED only use id when using the old profile specification. | @ref pprofile_T::pprofile_class::as |
pp_sxrem_af | 1D Array of segment sxrem profile f values. DEPREICATED only use id when using the old profile specification. | @ref pprofile_T::pprofile_class::af |
pp_sxrem_b_a | 2D Array of function sxrem profile parameters. First index is the profile number. | @ref vmec_equilibrium::vmec_class::sxrem |
pp_sxrem_as_a | 2D Array of segment sxrem profile s poitions. First index is the profile number. | @ref vmec_equilibrium::vmec_class::sxrem |
pp_sxrem_af_a | 2D Array of segment sxrem profile f values. First index is the profile number. | @ref vmec_equilibrium::vmec_class::sxrem |
pp_te_b | 1D Array of function electron temperature profile parameters. | @ref pprofile_T::pprofile_class::b |
pp_te_as | 1D Array of segment electron temperature profile s poitions. | @ref pprofile_T::pprofile_class::as |
pp_te_af | 1D Array of segment electron temperature profile f values. | @ref pprofile_T::pprofile_class::af |
pp_ti_b | 1D Array of function ion temperature profile parameters. | @ref pprofile_T::pprofile_class::b |
pp_ti_as | 1D Array of segment ion temperature profile s poitions. | @ref pprofile_T::pprofile_class::as |
pp_ti_af | 1D Array of segment ion temperature profile f values. | @ref pprofile_T::pprofile_class::af |
phi_offset | Phi angle offset in radians | @ref vmec_equilibrium::vmec_class::phi_offset |
z_offset | Z offset in meters | @ref vmec_equilibrium::vmec_class::z_offset |
Derived parameters are parameters that come from the equilibrium but are not reconstructable.
rmnc | 2D Array of surface R cosine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::rmnc |
zmns | 2D Array of surface Z sine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::zmns |
lmns | 2D Array of surface lambda sine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::lmns |
gmnc | 2D Array of surface g cosine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::gmnc |
bsubsmns | 2D Array of surface B_s sine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::bsubsmns |
bsubumnc | 2D Array of surface B_u cosine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::bsubumnc |
bsubvmnc | 2D Array of surface B_v cosine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::bsubvmnc |
bsupumnc | 2D Array of surface B^u cosine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::bsupumnc |
bsupvmnc | 2D Array of surface B^v cosine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::bsupvmnc |
rmns | 2D Array of surface R sine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::rmns |
zmnc | 2D Array of surface Z cosine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::zmnc |
lmnc | 2D Array of surface lambda cosine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::lmnc |
gmns | 2D Array of surface g sine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::gmns |
bsubsmnc | 2D Array of surface B_s cosine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::bsubsmnc |
bsubumns | 2D Array of surface B_u sine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::bsubumns |
bsubvmns | 2D Array of surface B_v sine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::bsubvmns |
bsupumns | 2D Array of surface B^u sine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::bsupumns |
bsupvmns | 2D Array of surface B^v sine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::bsupvmns |
phi | 1D Array of Toroidal flux. | @ref read_wout_mod::phi |
iotaf | 1D Array of full grid iotabar. | @ref read_wout_mod::iotaf |
iotas | 1D Array of half grid iotabar. | @ref read_wout_mod::iotas |
vvc_smaleli | Internal inducance. Computed in eqfor. | @ref v3f_vmec_comm::vvc_smaleli |
vvc_kappa_p | Mean elongation. Computed in eqfor. | @ref v3f_vmec_comm::vvc_kappa_p |
betatot | Total beta. | @ref read_wout_mod::betatot |
betapol | Poloidal beta. | @ref read_wout_mod::betapol |
betator | Toroidal beta. | @ref read_wout_mod::betator |
betaxis | Beta on axis. | @ref read_wout_mod::betaxis |
jcuru | Poloidal current density. | @ref read_wout_mod::jcuru |
jcurv | Toroidal current density. | @ref read_wout_mod::jcurv |
jdotb | Current density in direction of b field. | @ref read_wout_mod::jdotb |
raxis_cc | Magnetic axis R cosine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::raxis |
raxis_cs | Magnetic axis R sine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::raxis |
zaxis_cc | Magnetic axis Z cosine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::zaxis |
zaxis_cs | Magnetic axis Z sine coeffiecents. | @ref read_wout_mod::zaxis |
qfact | Safety factor profile. | @ref read_wout_mod::qfact |
pres | Half grid pressure. Should only be used when reconstructing a pressure profile parameter. | @ref read_wout_mod::pres |
presf | Full grid pressure. Should only be used when reconstructing a pressure profile parameter. | @ref read_wout_mod::pres |