No Matches
vmec_input Module Reference

This file contains all the variables for a VMEC namelist input file. The module contained within does not represent an object instance. Instead all variables are contained in a global context. This is required due to limitations of FORTRAN 95 and namelist inputs. More...


subroutine read_indata_namelist (iunit, istat)
 Initalize and read in namelist variables.
subroutine read_mse_namelist (iunit, istat)


integer, parameter mpol_default = 6
 Default value for the number of poloidal modes.
integer, parameter ntor_default = 0
 Default value for the number of toroidal modes.
integer, parameter ns_default = 31
 Default value for the number of flux surfaces.
integer, parameter max_grids = 100
 Maximum number of grids.
integer, parameter short_name = 20
 Short name length.
integer, parameter long_name = 200
 Long name length.
integer, parameter max_profile = 20
 Maximum number of spline knots.
integer omp_num_threads
real(rprec) gamma
 Adiabatic factor for the pressure perturbation.
integer niter
integer, dimension(max_gridsniter_array
 Array of iterations for the multigrid runs.
integer pre_niter
 Number of iterations to run after the preconditoner is activated.
real(rprec) time_slice
 Time index value to label the output files.
integer nstep
 Number of iterations between screen output.
integer nvacskip
 Number of iterations between vacuum responses.
real(rprec) delt
 Time step value for minimization.
real(rprec) ftol
real(rprec), dimension(max_gridsftol_array
 Array of force tolarances for the multigrid runs.
real(rprec) tcon0
 Weight factor for constraint force.
 Type of preconditioner.
real(rprec) prec2d_threshold
 Force tolarance where the preconditioner is turned on.
logical lgiveup
 Stop early if convergence is poor.
real(rprec) fgiveup
 Theshold tolarance for early exit.
logical lmoreiter
 Add more iterations if force residules are not met.
integer max_main_iterations
 Number of additional iterations to use.
logical lmove_axis
 Allow movement of the magnetic axis.
logical lmac
logical lforbal
 Use non-variational forces to ensure force balance.
logical lasym
 Allow non-stellarator symmetric terms.
logical lrfp
 Run in RFP mode.
logical loldout
 Use text output when writting wout files.
logical ldiagno
 Get output for diagno 1.0 and 1.5.
logical lbsubs
 Capture current sheets.
logical lfull3d1out
 Write out full threed1 file if force tolarance is not met.
logical lwouttxt
 Write out text based woutfile.
logical l_v3fit
 VMEC called from inside v3fit.
logical lnyquist
 Print out full nyquest spectrum. When flase trunate the spectrum to just the mpol, ntor values.
integer nsin
integer, dimension(max_gridsns_array
 Number of radial flux surfaces for each grid size.
real(rprec), dimension(max_profileaphi
 Radial surface redistribution factors.
integer mpol
 Total number of poloidal modes.
integer ntor
 Largest value of the toroidal modes.
integer nfp
 Number of field periods.
integer ntheta
 Number of poloidal grid points.
integer nzeta
 Number of toroidal grid points.
logical lfreeb
 Use external fields to determine the boundary shape.
real(rprec), dimension(nigroup), target extcur
 Array of external field coil currents.
 Path to the mgrid file.
real(rprec) curtor
 Total toroidal current.
integer ncurr
 Control to use current profile.
 Current profile type.
real(rprec), dimension(0:max_profileac
 Parameterized current profile coefficents.
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) ac_aux_s
 Radial knot position for the current profile splines.
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) ac_aux_f
 Knot amplitudes for the current profile splines.
real(rprec) bloat
 Expansion factor for the current profile.
 Rotational transform profile type.
real(rprec), dimension(0:max_profileai
 Parameterized rotational transform profile coefficents.
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) ai_aux_s
 Radial knot position for the rotational transform profile splines.
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) ai_aux_f
 Knot amplitudes for the rotational transform profile splines.
real(rprec) pres_scale
 Scaling factor for the pressure profile.
 Pressure profile type.
real(rprec), dimension(0:max_profileam
 Parameterized rotational pressure coefficents.
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) am_aux_s
 Radial knot position for the pressure profile splines.
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) am_aux_f
 Knot amplitudes for the pressure profile splines.
real(rprec) spres_ped
 Value of s beyond which pressure profile is flat.
real(rprec) bcrit
 Hot particle energy deposition value for |B|.
real(rprec), dimension(0:max_profileat
real(rprec), dimension(0:max_profileah
real(rprec) phiedge
 Total toroidal flux.
real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord, 0:mpol1d) rbc
 R boundary coefficients stellarator symmetric.
real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord, 0:mpol1d) rbs
 R boundary coefficients stellarator asymmetric.
real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord, 0:mpol1d) zbs
 Z boundary coefficients stellarator symmetric.
real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord, 0:mpol1d) zbc
 Z boundary coefficients stellarator asymmetric.
integer mfilter_fbdy
 Filter poloidal boundary terms.
integer nfilter_fbdy
 Filter toroidal boundary terms.
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) raxis_cc
 R axis coefficients stellarator symmetric.
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) raxis_cs
 R axis coefficients stellarator asymmetric.
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) zaxis_cs
 Z axis coefficients stellarator symmetric.
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) zaxis_cc
 Z axis coefficients stellarator asymmetric.
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) raxis
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) zaxis
integer imse
integer isnodes
integer itse
integer ipnodes
integer iopt_raxis
integer imatch_phiedge
integer nflxs
integer, dimension(nbsetsp) nbfld
integer, dimension(nfloops) indxflx
integer, dimension(nbcoilsp, nbsetsp) indxbfld
real(rprec) phidiam
real(rprec) sigma_current
real(rprec) sigma_delphid
real(rprec) tensi
real(rprec) tensp
real(rprec) tensi2
real(rprec) fpolyi
real(rprec) presfac
real(rprec) mseangle_offset
real(rprec) pres_offset
real(rprec) mseangle_offsetm
real(rprec), dimension(nmse) mseprof
real(rprec), dimension(ntse) rthom
real(rprec), dimension(ntse) datathom
real(rprec), dimension(ntse) sigma_thom
real(rprec), dimension(nmse) rstark
real(rprec), dimension(nmse) datastark
real(rprec), dimension(nmse) sigma_stark
real(rprec), dimension(nfloops) dsiobt
real(rprec), dimension(nfloops) sigma_flux
real(rprec), dimension(nbcoilsp, nbsetsp) bbc
real(rprec), dimension(nbcoilsp, nbsetsp) sigma_b
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) psa
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) pfa
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) isa
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) ifa
logical lrecon
logical ledge_dump
logical lspectrum_dump
logical loptim
logical lpofr
character(len=120) arg1
 Extension for the namelist input file name.

Detailed Description

This file contains all the variables for a VMEC namelist input file. The module contained within does not represent an object instance. Instead all variables are contained in a global context. This is required due to limitations of FORTRAN 95 and namelist inputs.

VMEC namelist indata definition

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ read_indata_namelist()

subroutine vmec_input::read_indata_namelist ( integer, intent(in)  iunit,
integer, intent(out)  istat 

Initalize and read in namelist variables.

[in]iunitFortran io unit for the open namelist file.

Variable Documentation

◆ extcur

real (rprec), dimension(nigroup), target vmec_input::extcur

Array of external field coil currents.

v3fit needs to point to this array.

◆ ftol

real (rprec) vmec_input::ftol
Force tolarance for minimization.

◆ niter

integer vmec_input::niter
Maximum number of iterations to run.

◆ nsin

integer vmec_input::nsin
Number of radial flux surfaces.

◆ omp_num_threads

integer vmec_input::omp_num_threads
Number of OpenMP threads to use.

◆ raxis

real (rprec), dimension(0:ntord) vmec_input::raxis
R axis coefficients stellarator symmetric.

◆ zaxis

real (rprec), dimension(0:ntord) vmec_input::zaxis
Z axis coefficients stellarator symmetric.