This page documents the contents of a namelist input file. VMEC namelist variables are defined in the indata
common block.
Namelist Variables
Input variable | Description | Code Reference |
Control Parameters.
Precondicioner control parameters.
Early termination control parameters.
Continue control parameters.
Control flags.
Radial parameters.
Fourier sizes.
Real space grid sizes.
External current parameters.
Profile Parameters.
Current profile parameters.
curtor | Total toroidal current. | vmec_input::curtor |
ncurr | Control to use current profile. | vmec_input::ncurr |
pcurr_type | Current profile type.
- sum_cossq_s Sum of cos^2 waves. I'
- sum_cossq_sqrts Sum of cos^2 with respect to sqrt(s). I'
- sum_cossq_s_free Sum of cos^2 waves up to 7. Free position and width. I'
- gauss_trunc Truncated gaussian. I'
- two_power ac(0)*(1 - s^ac(1))^ac(2).
- two_power_gs ac(0)*((1 - s^ac(1))^ac(2)*(1 + Sum_{i}ac(i)*exp(-((s - ac(i + 1))/ac(i + 2))^2)).
- sum_atan Sum of arctangents.
- power_series_I Power series.
- power_series Power series. I' (Default)
- Akima_spline_Ip Akima splines. I'
- Akima_spline_I Akima splines.
- cublic_splines_Ip Cublic splines. I'
- cublic_splines_I Cublic splines. I
- pedestal Pedestal profile.
- rational Rational function (ratio of polynomials).
- line_segment_Ip Line segments. I'
- line_segment_I Line segments. For more information
- See also
- pcurr
| vmec_input::pcurr_type |
ac | Parameterized current profile coefficents. | vmec_input::ac |
ac_aux_s | Radial knot position for the current profile splines. | vmec_input::ac_aux_s |
ac_aux_f | Knot amplitudes for the current profile splines. | vmec_input::ac_aux_f |
bloat | Expansion factor for the current profile. | vmec_input::bloat |
Rotational transform profile parameters.
piota_type | Rotational transform profile type.
- sum_atan Sum of arctangents.
- Akima_spline Akima_splines.
- cublic_splines Cublic splines.
- rational Rational function (ratio of polynomials).
- nice_quadratic Quadratic with rearranged coefficients.
- line_segment Line segments.
- power_series Power series. (Default) For more information
- See also
- piota
| vmec_input::piota_type |
ai | Parameterized rotational transform profile coefficents. | vmec_input::ai |
ai_aux_s | Radial knot position for the rotational transform profile splines. | vmec_input::ai_aux_s |
ai_aux_f | Knot amplitudes for the rotational transform profile splines. | vmec_input::ai_aux_f |
Pressure profile parameters.
pres_scale | Scaling factor for the pressure profile. | vmec_input::pres_scale |
pmass_type | Pressure profile type.
- gauss_trunc Truncated Gaussian.
- two_power ac(0)*(1 - s^ac(1))^ac(2).
- two_power_gs ac(0)*((1 - s^ac(1))^ac(2)*(1 + Sum_{i}ac(i)*exp(-((s - ac(i + 1))/ac(i + 2))^2)).
- two_Lorentz Two lorentz type functions mapped form s=0 to s=1.
- Akima_spline Akima_splines.
- cublic_splines Cublic splines.
- pedestal Pedestal profile.
- rational Rational function (ratio of polynomials).
- line_segment Line segments.
- power_series Power series. (Default) For more information
- See also
- pmass
| vmec_input::pmass_type |
am | Parameterized rotational pressure coefficents. | vmec_input::am |
am_aux_s | Radial knot position for the pressure profile splines. | vmec_input::am_aux_s |
am_aux_f | Knot amplitudes for the pressure profile splines. | vmec_input::am_aux_f |
spres_ped | Value of s beyond which pressure profile is flat. | vmec_input::spres_ped |
Anisotropy parameters.
Edge Boundary parameters.
Inital magnetic axis guess.
Example File.
delt = 1.0,
tcon0 = 2.0,
nfp = 1,
ns_array = 15,
ftol_array = 1.0e-20,
niter = 25000,
nstep = 200,
ntor = 0,
mpol = 2,
lasym = f,
lfreeb = f,
gamma = 0.0,
phiedge = -0.05,
bloat = 1.0,
raxis_cc(0) = 1.0,
zaxis_cs(0) = 0.0,
rbc(0,0) = 1.0,
rbc(0,1) = 0.25,
zbs(0,0) = 0.0,
zbs(0,1) = 0.25,
ncurr = 1,
curtor = 40000.0,
pcurr_type = 'line_segment_I',
ac_aux_s = 0.0, 1.0,
ac_aux_f = 1.0, 0.0,
spres_ped = 1.0,
pres_scale = 400.0,
pmass_type = 'line_segment',
am_aux_s = 0.0, 1.0,
am_aux_f = 1.0, 0.0,
@end code
@section vmec_namelist_prog_ref_sec programmers reference
reference material for the coding to implement this namelist is found in the