No Matches
Namelist indata definition


This page documents the contents of a namelist input file. VMEC namelist variables are defined in the indata common block.

Namelist Variables

Input variableDescriptionCode Reference

Control Parameters.

omp_num_threadsNumber of openmp threads to use. DEPRECATED vmec_input::omp_num_threads
gammaAdiabatic factor for the pressure perturbation.vmec_input::gamma
niterMaximum number of iterations to run. DEPRECATED Use vmec_input::niter_array instead.vmec_input::niter
niter_arrayArray of iterations for the multigrid runs.vmec_input::niter_array @iten{pre_niter, Number of iterations to run after the preconditioner is activated. There special control values.
  1. -1 Default behavor.
  2. -2 Keep niter intact. vmec_input::pre_niter}
time_sliceTime index value to label the output files.vmec_input::time_slice
nstepNumber of iterations between screen output.vmec_input::nstep
nvacskipNumber of iterations between vacuum responses.vmec_input::nvacskip
deltTime step value for minimization.vmec_input::delt
ftolForce tolarance for minimization. DEPRECATED Use vmec_input::ftol_array instead.vmec_input::ftol
ftol_arrayArray of force tolarances for the multigrid runs.vmec_input::ftol_array
tcon0Weight factor for constraint force.vmec_input::tcon0

Precondicioner control parameters.

precon_typeType of preconditioner.vmec_input::precon_type
prec2d_thresholdForce tolarance where the preconditioner is turned on.vmec_input::prec2d_threshold

Early termination control parameters.

lgiveupStop early if convergence is poor.vmec_input::lgiveup
fgiveupTheshold tolarance for early exit.vmec_input::lgiveup

Continue control parameters.

max_main_iterationsNumber of additional iterations to use.vmec_input::lmoreiter

Control flags.

lmove_axisAllow movement of the magnetic axis.vmec_input::lmove_axis
lforbalUse non-variational forces to ensure force balance.vmec_input::lforbal
lasymAllow non-stellarator symmetric terms.vmec_input::lasym
lrfpRun in RFP mode. When true the iota profile becomes the q profile.vmec_input::lrfp
loldoutUse text output when writting wout files. DEPRECATED vmec_input::loldout
ldiagnoGet output for diagno 1.0 and 1.5.vmec_input::ldiagno
lbsubsCapture current sheets.vmec_input::lbsubs
lfull3d1outWrite out full threed1 file if force tolarance is not met.vmec_input::lfull3d1out
lwouttxtWrite out text based woutfile. Note text based wout files are deprecated.vmec_input::lwouttxt
lnyquistWrite out the full nyquest spectrum when true. Write out a truncated spectrum to match mpol and ntor used for the equilibrium.vmec_input::lnyquist

Radial parameters.

nsinNumber of radial flux surfaces. DEPRECATED Use vmec_input::ns_array instead.vmec_input::nsin
ns_arrayNumber of radial flux surfaces for each grid size.vmec_input::ns_array
aphiRadial surface redistribution factors.vmec_input::aphi

Fourier sizes.

mpolTotal number of poloidal modes.vmec_input::mpol
ntorLargest value of the toroidal modes.vmec_input::ntor
nfpNumber of field periods.vmec_input::nfp

Real space grid sizes.

nthetaNumber of poloidal grid points.vmec_input::ntheta
nzetaNumber of toroidal grid points.vmec_input::nzeta

External current parameters.

lfreebUse external fields to determine the boundary shape.vmec_input::lfreeb
extcurArray of external field coil currents.vmec_input::extcur
mgrid_filePath to the mgrid file.vmec_input::mgrid_file

Profile Parameters.

Current profile parameters.

curtorTotal toroidal current.vmec_input::curtor
ncurrControl to use current profile.vmec_input::ncurr
pcurr_typeCurrent profile type.
  1. sum_cossq_s Sum of cos^2 waves. I'
  2. sum_cossq_sqrts Sum of cos^2 with respect to sqrt(s). I'
  3. sum_cossq_s_free Sum of cos^2 waves up to 7. Free position and width. I'
  4. gauss_trunc Truncated gaussian. I'
  5. two_power ac(0)*(1 - s^ac(1))^ac(2).
  6. two_power_gs ac(0)*((1 - s^ac(1))^ac(2)*(1 + Sum_{i}ac(i)*exp(-((s - ac(i + 1))/ac(i + 2))^2)).
  7. sum_atan Sum of arctangents.
  8. power_series_I Power series.
  9. power_series Power series. I' (Default)
  10. Akima_spline_Ip Akima splines. I'
  11. Akima_spline_I Akima splines.
  12. cublic_splines_Ip Cublic splines. I'
  13. cublic_splines_I Cublic splines. I
  14. pedestal Pedestal profile.
  15. rational Rational function (ratio of polynomials).
  16. line_segment_Ip Line segments. I'
  17. line_segment_I Line segments. For more information
    See also
acParameterized current profile coefficents.vmec_input::ac
ac_aux_sRadial knot position for the current profile splines.vmec_input::ac_aux_s
ac_aux_fKnot amplitudes for the current profile splines.vmec_input::ac_aux_f
bloatExpansion factor for the current profile.vmec_input::bloat

Rotational transform profile parameters.

piota_typeRotational transform profile type.
  1. sum_atan Sum of arctangents.
  2. Akima_spline Akima_splines.
  3. cublic_splines Cublic splines.
  4. rational Rational function (ratio of polynomials).
  5. nice_quadratic Quadratic with rearranged coefficients.
  6. line_segment Line segments.
  7. power_series Power series. (Default) For more information
    See also
aiParameterized rotational transform profile coefficents.vmec_input::ai
ai_aux_sRadial knot position for the rotational transform profile splines.vmec_input::ai_aux_s
ai_aux_fKnot amplitudes for the rotational transform profile splines.vmec_input::ai_aux_f

Pressure profile parameters.

pres_scaleScaling factor for the pressure profile.vmec_input::pres_scale
pmass_typePressure profile type.
  1. gauss_trunc Truncated Gaussian.
  2. two_power ac(0)*(1 - s^ac(1))^ac(2).
  3. two_power_gs ac(0)*((1 - s^ac(1))^ac(2)*(1 + Sum_{i}ac(i)*exp(-((s - ac(i + 1))/ac(i + 2))^2)).
  4. two_Lorentz Two lorentz type functions mapped form s=0 to s=1.
  5. Akima_spline Akima_splines.
  6. cublic_splines Cublic splines.
  7. pedestal Pedestal profile.
  8. rational Rational function (ratio of polynomials).
  9. line_segment Line segments.
  10. power_series Power series. (Default) For more information
    See also
amParameterized rotational pressure coefficents.vmec_input::am
am_aux_sRadial knot position for the pressure profile splines.vmec_input::am_aux_s
am_aux_fKnot amplitudes for the pressure profile splines.vmec_input::am_aux_f
spres_pedValue of s beyond which pressure profile is flat.vmec_input::spres_ped

Anisotropy parameters.

bcritHot particle energy deposition value for |B|. ANIMEC only.vmec_input::bcrit
atTPERP/TPAR ANIMEC only.vmec_input::at
ahPHOT/PTHERMAL ANIMEC only.vmec_input::ah

Edge Boundary parameters.

phiedgeTotal toroidal flux.vmec_input::phiedge
rbcR boundary coefficients stellarator symmetric.vmec_input::rbc
rbsR boundary coefficients stellarator asymmetric.vmec_input::rbs
zbsZ boundary coefficients stellarator symmetric.vmec_input::rbs
zbcZ boundary coefficients stellarator asymmetric.vmec_input::rbc
mfilter_fbdyFilter poloidal boundary terms.vmec_input::mfilter_fbdy
nfilter_fbdyFilter toroidal boundary terms.vmec_input::nfilter_fbdy

Inital magnetic axis guess.

raxis_ccR axis coefficients stellarator symmetric.vmec_input::raxis_cc
raxis_csR axis coefficients stellarator asymmetric.vmec_input::raxis_cs
zaxis_csR axis coefficients stellarator symmetric.vmec_input::zaxis_cs
zaxis_ccR axis coefficients stellarator asymmetric.vmec_input::zaxis_cc
raxisR axis coefficients stellarator symmetric. DEPRECATED Use vmec_input::raxis_cc instead.vmec_input::raxis
zaxisR axis coefficients stellarator symmetric. DEPRECATED Use vmec_input::zaxis_cs instead.vmec_input::zaxis

Example File.

delt = 1.0,
tcon0 = 2.0,
nfp = 1,
ns_array = 15,
ftol_array = 1.0e-20,
niter = 25000,
nstep = 200,
ntor = 0,
mpol = 2,
lasym = f,
lfreeb = f,
gamma = 0.0,
phiedge = -0.05,
bloat = 1.0,
raxis_cc(0) = 1.0,
zaxis_cs(0) = 0.0,
rbc(0,0) = 1.0,
rbc(0,1) = 0.25,
zbs(0,0) = 0.0,
zbs(0,1) = 0.25,
ncurr = 1,
curtor = 40000.0,
pcurr_type = 'line_segment_I',
ac_aux_s = 0.0, 1.0,
ac_aux_f = 1.0, 0.0,
spres_ped = 1.0,
pres_scale = 400.0,
pmass_type = 'line_segment',
am_aux_s = 0.0, 1.0,
am_aux_f = 1.0, 0.0,
@end code
@section vmec_namelist_prog_ref_sec programmers reference
reference material for the coding to implement this namelist is found in the
@ref vmec_input module.
This file contains all the variables for a VMEC namelist input file. The module contained within does...
Definition vmec_input.f:234