No Matches
Namelist vacuum_main_nli definition


This page documents the contents of a vacuum namelist input file. Vacuum namelist variables are defined in the vacuum_main_nli common block.

Namelist Variables

Input variableDescriptionCode Reference

Filename variables

coils_dot_fileFile name for the mgrid namelist input file.vacuum_input::coils_dot_file

Array allocation sizes.

n_extcurSize of the extcur arrayvacuum_input::n_extcur

Equilibrium variables

extcurArray of external currents.vacuum_input::extcur

Shifts and rotations of external coils.

cg_shift_1Vector to shift all the coils. (Before rotation)@ref vacuum_input::cg_shift_1
cg_rot_thetaSpherical polar angle to specify axis of rotation.@ref vacuum_input::cg_rot_theta
cg_rot_phiSpherical azimuthal angle to specify axis of rotation.@ref vacuum_input::cg_rot_phi
cg_rot_angleAngle to rotate about axis of rotation. NB - LEFT HAND convention. Put left thumb along axis of rotation, fingers indicate direction of positive rotation.@ref vacuum_input::cg_rot_angle
cg_rot_xcentPosition of center of rotation.@ref vacuum_input::cg_rot_xcent
l_rot_coil_centerChooses the center of rotation.
  • True - use current-averaged center of coil-group for center of rotation.
  • False - use position specified in cg_rot_xcent for center of rotation.
@ref vacuum_input::l_rot_coil_center
cg_shift_2Vector to shift all the coils. (After rotation)@ref vacuum_input::cg_shift_2

Example Files

! Example vacuum input file.
coils_dot_file = input.coils
! Currents
n_extcur = 5
extcur(1:5) = 1000.0

Programmers Reference

Reference material for the coding to implement this namelist is found in the vacuum_input module.