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thscte_dot Module Reference

Module for opening and reading a 'thscte.' file. The file format for these files are documented in Thomson Scattering Diagnostic Dot File. More...


subroutine thscte_dot_read (thscte_file, signals, signals_created, observed, sigma, weight, first_index)
 Read an thomson scattering diagnostic dot file.
subroutine thscte_dot_parse_chord (thscte_dot_file_ref, coordinate_type, point_type, signals, signals_created, observed, sigma, weight, first_index)
 Parse thomson scattering diagnostic chord.

Detailed Description

Module for opening and reading a 'thscte.' file. The file format for these files are documented in Thomson Scattering Diagnostic Dot File.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ thscte_dot_parse_chord()

subroutine thscte_dot::thscte_dot_parse_chord ( type (signal_dot_file), intent(inout)  thscte_dot_file_ref,
character (len=*)  coordinate_type,
character (len=1)  point_type,
type (signal_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  signals,
integer, intent(inout)  signals_created,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  observed,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  sigma,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  weight,
integer, intent(inout)  first_index 

Parse thomson scattering diagnostic chord.

Parses a signle chord. Chords are laid out as,

  • chord_name
  • Starting point as three reals.
  • Ending point as three reals.
[in]thscte_dot_file_refReference of the thscte file.
[in]coordinate_typeSpecifies the cartesian or cylindrical coordinate type.
[in]point_typeSpecifies a 't'emperature, 'd'ensity or 'p'ressure point.
[in,out]signalsArray of pointers to the a signal
[in,out]signals_createdNumber valid signals in the array, or index of the last signal created.
[in]observedArray of observed values.
[in]sigmaArray of observed sigma values
[in]weightArray of signal weight values
[in,out]first_indexIndex of the first instance of an intpol signal.
[in]scale_indexIndex of the signal scale factor.

◆ thscte_dot_read()

subroutine thscte_dot::thscte_dot_read ( character (len=path_length), intent(in)  thscte_file,
type (signal_pointer), dimension(:), intent(inout)  signals,
integer, intent(inout)  signals_created,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  observed,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  sigma,
real (rprec), dimension(:), intent(in)  weight,
integer, intent(inout)  first_index 

Read an thomson scattering diagnostic dot file.

Parses the structure of a dignostic dot file and constructs a thomson object. Each chord is parsed by thscte_dot_parse_chord.

[in]thscte_fileName of the thscte. file.
[in,out]signalsArray of pointers to the a signal
[in,out]signals_createdNumber valid signals in the array, or index of the last signal created.
[in]observedArray of observed values.
[in]sigmaArray of observed sigma values
[in]weightArray of signal weight values
[in,out]first_indexIndex of the first instance of an intpol signal.