Solver for block tri-diagonal matrices. [Kalyan S. Perumalla, ORNL, 2009-2011].
subroutine | bclockinit () |
| A convenience function to be able to change clock routine(s) easily.
subroutine | bsystemclock (ts) |
| A convenience function to be able to change clock routine easily. More...
subroutine | fl (u) |
| A convenience function to be able to change or turn off easily. More...
subroutine | chargememory (bytes) |
| Convenience routine to track allocated memory sizes. More...
subroutine | chargetime (tot, t2, t1, cnt) |
| Convenience routine to accumulate timing values. More...
subroutine | timecountinit (tc) |
| Initialize stats.
subroutine | timecountprint (tc, msg) |
| Print stats.
subroutine | plbinitstats () |
| Init statistics.
subroutine | plbprintstats () |
| Print statistics so far.
subroutine | plbinitialize |
| Initialize before foward or backward starts.
subroutine | plbfinalize |
| Finalize after foward or backward are done.
subroutine | plbforwardinitialize |
| Initialize before any forward level starts.
subroutine | plbforwardfinalize |
| Finalize after all forward levels are done.
subroutine | plbbackwardinitialize |
| Initialize before any backward level starts.
subroutine | plbbackwardfinalize |
| Finalize after all backward levels are done.
subroutine | plbforwardinitializelevel (lvl, ammaster) |
| Initialize before the forward solve at a given level starts.
subroutine | plbforwardfinalizelevel (lvl, ammaster) |
| Finalize after the forward solve at a given level ends.
subroutine | plbbackwardinitializelevel (lvl, ammaster) |
| Initialize before the backward solve at a given level starts.
subroutine | plbbackwardfinalizelevel (lvl, ammaster) |
| Finalize after the backward solve at a given level ends.
subroutine | determinemasterslaveranks () |
| Determine the ranks of master and slaves at this level.
subroutine | masterbcastnextop (nextop) |
| Inform the next operation to be done (calling rank is in master mode)
subroutine | slavegetnextop (nextop) |
| Determine the next operation to be done (calling rank is in slave mode)
subroutine | slaveservice () |
| Slave's operation loop.
subroutine | extractsubmatrix (bszr, bszc, pnr, pnc, pi, pj, A, nrows, ncols, subA, subnrows, subncols) |
| Extracts from A the submatrix corresponding to process-grid element (pi,pj)
subroutine | mastersendmatrix (A, nrows, ncols, ssubA, ssubnrows, ssubncols) |
| Send the matrix by master (caller) to all slaves The submatrix belonging to the caller (master is also one of the slaves) is returned in the ssub* arguments (i.e., sent to self)
subroutine | slavereceivematrix (nrows, ncols, subA, subnrows, subncols) |
| Receive the fragment of matrix sent by master to slave (caller) More...
subroutine | masterbcastvalue (val) |
| Send the given value by master (caller) to all slaves.
subroutine | slavereceivevalue (val) |
| Receive a value sent by master to slave (caller)
subroutine | injectsubmatrix (bszr, bszc, pnr, pnc, pi, pj, A, nrows, ncols, subA, subnrows, subncols) |
| Incorporates into A the submatrix corresp. to process-grid element (pi,pj)
subroutine | injectsubvector (bszr, pnr, pi, V, nrows, subV, subnrows) |
| Incorporates into V the subvector corresp. to process-grid element (pi,0)
subroutine | masterrecvmatrix (A, nrows, ncols, ssubA, ssubnrows, ssubncols) |
| Receive the submatrices by master (caller) from all slaves The submatrix belonging to the caller (master is also one of the slaves) is given in the ssub* arguments (i.e., received from self)
subroutine | slavesendmatrix (nrows, ncols, subA, subnrows, subncols) |
| Send the fragment of matrix by slave (caller) to master. More...
subroutine | masterrecvvector (V, nrows, ssubV, ssubnrows) |
| Receive the subvector by master (caller) from all slaves in column 1 of pgrid The subvector belonging to the caller (master is also one of the slaves) is given in the ssub* arguments (i.e., received from self)
subroutine | slavesendvector (nrows, subV, subnrows) |
| Send the fragment of vector by slave (caller) to master Only slaves who belong to zero'th column of pgrid send to master Other slave simply do no-op for this routine. More...
subroutine | plbdgemm (alpha, A, B, beta, C) |
| Encapsulates BLAS' DGEMM functionality. More...
subroutine | slavedgemm () |
| DGEMM support from slave.
subroutine | plbdgemv (alpha, A, x, beta, y) |
| Encapsulates BLAS' DGEMV functionality. More...
subroutine | plbdgetrf (A, piv, info) |
| Encapsulates BLAS/LAPACK's DGETRF functionality. More...
subroutine | slavedgetrf () |
| DGETRF support from slave.
subroutine | plbdgetrs (nrhs, A, piv, B, info) |
| Encapsulates BLAS/LAPACK's DGETRS functionality. More...
subroutine | slavedgetrs () |
| DGETRS support from slave.
subroutine | initialize (do_mpiinit, inN, inM) |
| To be invoked, before solve, by user. More...
subroutine | setmatrixrow (globrow, L, D, U) |
| To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine | setmatrixrowl (globrow, L) |
| To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine | setmatrixrowd (globrow, D) |
| To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine | setmatrixrowu (globrow, U) |
| To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine | setmatrixrowcoll (globrow, Lj, j) |
| To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine | setmatrixrowcold (globrow, Dj, j) |
| To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine | setmatrixrowcolu (globrow, Uj, j) |
| To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine | setmatrixrhs (globrow, b) |
| To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine | getmatrixrowcoll (globrow, Lj, j) |
| Can be invoked after initialize, by user, to get a copy of the matrix. More...
subroutine | getmatrixrowcold (globrow, Dj, j) |
| Can be invoked after initialize, by user, to get a copy of the matrix. More...
subroutine | getmatrixrowcolu (globrow, Uj, j) |
| Can be invoked after initialize, by user, to get a copy of the matrix. More...
subroutine | getmatrixrhs (globrow, b) |
| Can be invoked after initialize, by user, to get a copy of the RHS. More...
subroutine | getsolutionvector (globrow, x) |
| To be invoked, after solve, by user to get the solution vector of a local row. More...
subroutine | setidentitytestcase |
| To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to generate a test.
subroutine | setidentityrhs |
| To be invoked, before solve, after SetIdentityCase, by user, to generate a test.
subroutine | setrandomtestcase |
| To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to generate a test.
subroutine | setrandomrhs (randseedoff) |
| To be invoked, before solve, after SetRandomTestCase, by user, to generate a an RHS.
subroutine | finalize (do_mpifinalize) |
| To be invoked, after solve, by user. More...
logical function | iseven (num) |
| Is given integer even? More...
logical function | isodd (num) |
| Is given integer odd? More...
integer function | lr2gr (locrow, level) |
| Determines the global row number of a given local row number at a given level. More...
integer function | gr2lr (globrow, level) |
| Determines the local row number of "globrow" global row number when globrow participates at a given level; returns zero if this globrow does not operate at the given level. More...
integer function | gr2rank (globrow) |
| Determines the rank of the task holding the given global row (at level 1) More...
integer function | lr2rank (locrow, level) |
| Determines the rank of the task holding the given local row (at a given level) More...
subroutine | computeforwardoddrowhats (locrow, level, startlocrow, endlocrow, bonly) |
| Compute the matrix multiplications in the forward solve at some/any level The row should be odd at the level, The locrow should obey startlocrow <= locrow <= endlocrow. More...
subroutine | forwardsolve |
| BCYCLIC forward phase; to be called after Initialize.
subroutine | forwardupdateb |
| BCYCLIC forward phase to deal with a new b; to be called after a SetRHS that may have been invoked after a ForwardSolve, before BackwardSolve.
subroutine | backwardsolve |
| BCYCLIC backward phase; to be called after ForwardSolve.
subroutine | verifysolution |
| Verify the RMS error of solution after backward solve.
subroutine | checksymmetry (asymIndx) |
subroutine | storediagonal (blkrow, colnum, buf) |
subroutine | writeblocks (flag) |
subroutine | displayblocks (flag) |
subroutine | parmatvec (invec, outvec, outveclength) |
subroutine | setblockrowcol (globrow, colnum, buf, opt) |
subroutine | getcolsum (cs) |
subroutine | initscalefactors |
subroutine | getscalefactors (js, scalevector) |
subroutine | finalizescalefactors |
subroutine | parallelscaling (lmp, colsum) |
subroutine | findminmax_tri (lmp) |
subroutine | resetdiagonal (lmp, bReset) |
integer, parameter | rprec = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(15, 300) |
integer, parameter | iprec = SELECTED_INT_KIND(8) |
integer, parameter | cprec = KIND((1.0_rprec, 1.0_rprec)) |
integer, parameter | dp = rprec |
type(levelelement), dimension(:,:), allocatable | lelement |
| Data for each row at each level on this rank The first dimension is the level number [1..L], L=#levels of forward solve The 2nd dimension is the row number [1..K+g], K=#rows at level 1 on this rank The +g is for incoming results from neighbors, 0<=g<=2.
type(levelelement), dimension(:), allocatable | orig |
| Initial problem specification saved for verification at end of solution The dimension is the row number [1..K], K=#rows at level 1 on this rank.
type(solutionelement), dimension(:), allocatable | selement |
| The solution The dimension is the global (level 1) row number [1..N].
integer | p |
| Num of "master" tasks, adjusted such that P=Min(nranks,N)
integer | n |
| Num of row blocks in input block tri-diag matrix.
integer | m |
| Size of each square sub-matrix block.
integer | startglobrow |
| Starting row number of this processor at first level.
integer | endglobrow |
| Ending row number (inclusive) at first level.
integer | nlevels |
| Total number of levels in recursion.
logical | matdirtied |
| Has a new matrix been set after ForwardSolve?
logical | rhsdirtied |
| Has a new RHS been set after ForwardSolve?
character *100 | kenvvar |
character *100 | kenvval |
logical | kpdbg |
| Should debugging output be written? : SKS on Nov 9, 2011.
integer | ofu |
| Output file unit.
integer | pfu |
| Problem file unit.
integer | mpi_err |
logical | writeproblemfile |
| Should save the random test case to a file?
logical | writesolution |
| Should dump solution in output?
logical | usebarriers |
| Should barriers be invoked between levels?
real | membytes |
| A running count of memory allocated so far.
real | dpsz |
| Byte size of a double precision variable.
real | intsz |
| Byte size of an integer variable.
real | ptrsz |
| Byte size of a pointer variable.
real(dp) | one |
| 1.0
real(dp) | zero |
| 0.0
logical(dp) | l_colscale =.FALSE. |
| set true if column scaling is applied
logical | use_mpiwtime |
| Use MPI's timer function?
double precision | loctimer1 |
double precision | loctimer2 |
| Stopwatch snapshots to use locally.
double precision | mattimer1 |
double precision | mattimer2 |
| Stopwatch snapshots for matrix ops.
double precision | globtimer1 |
double precision | globtimer2 |
| Stopwatch snapshots to use globally.
double precision | timerfreq |
| Timer frequency in Hz (count rate)
double precision | tottime |
| Total elapsed time.
integer | totcount |
| Total count.
double precision | totcommtime |
| Total communication time.
integer | totcommcount |
| Total communication operation count.
double precision | totinvtime |
| Total time to invert matrices.
integer | totinvcount |
| Total count of matrix inversions.
double precision | totmatmultime |
| Total time for matrix-matrix multiplications.
integer | totmatmulcount |
| Total count of matrix-matrix multiplications.
double precision | totmatsoltime |
| Total time for matrix-solve multiplications.
integer | totmatsolcount |
| Total count of matrix solutions.
real(dp), public | maxeigen_tri |
| maximum eigenvalue from Gerschgorin theorem
real(dp), public | dmin_tri |
| minimum non-zero diagonal element, used to scale Levenberg parameter (SPH 08-31-16)
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable | origdiagelement |
| Unmodified diagonal element : SKS.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable | topscalefac |
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable | botscalefac |
logical | doblasonly |
| BLACS/PBLAS options.
logical | doblacscomm |
type(blacsparameters) | blacs |
type(pblaslevelparameters) | pblas |
integer, parameter | op_none = 0 |
| Master-to-slave commands.
integer, parameter | op_done = 1 |
integer, parameter | op_dgemm = 2 |
integer, parameter | op_dgemv = 3 |
integer, parameter | op_dgetrf = 4 |
integer, parameter | op_dgetrs = 5 |
type(pblasstats) | pstats |