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island_params Module Reference

This file contains fix parameters related to the computational grids. More...


integer ns_i
integer nu_i
integer nv_i
integer nuv_i
integer mpol_i
integer ntor_i
integer ns_v
integer mpol_v
integer ntor_v
integer nfp_i
integer mnmax_i
integer nsh
real(dp) hs_i
 Radial grid spacing. hs = s_i+1 - s_i.
real(dp) ohs_i
 Radial grid derivative factor. d X/ ds = (x_i+1 - x_i)/(s_i+1 - s_i) (1) Where ohs = 1/(s_i+1 - s_i) = ns - 1.
real(dp) dnorm_i
 Differential area element. dudv 1/(ntheta*nzeta) (1)
real(dp) gnorm_i
real(dp) wb_i
 Magnetic energy. 2Pi*wb read_wout_mod::wb.
real(dp) wp_i
 Thermal energy. 2Pi*wp read_wout_mod::wp.
real(dp) volume_i
 Equilibrium volume read_wout_mod::volume.
real(dp) rmajor_i
 Major radius.
real(dp), parameter gamma = 5._dp/3._dp
 Adiabatic constant.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable phipf_i
 Radial toroidal flux derivative.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable chipf_i
 Radial poloidal flux derivative.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable presf_i
 Radial pressure. FIXME: Check if this is really needed.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable vp_f
 Volume of a radial grid surface.
type(fourier_class), pointer fourier_context => null()
 Fourier transform object.

Detailed Description

This file contains fix parameters related to the computational grids.