No Matches
Motional Stark Effect Diagnostic Dot File


Diagnostic dot files specify geometric and auxiliary information about each diagnostic. Parsing of a diagnostic dot file begins by searching for a valid keyword. All lines before a valid keyword is reached are ignored allowing for comments and other information to be inserted in the file. Once a keyword is reached, the parsing becomes strict. The diagnostic description format is dependant on the specific keyword. All diagnostic dot files must end with an end_of_file keyword.

This document contains information about the motional stark effect point chord specifications. Points are specified in a structured text file. This file is read in by the v3fit_input::mse_dot_filename variable of the name list input file. There are two types of MSE points.

  • Points specified as vectors of the viewing and neutral beam.
  • Points specified directly with angles with respect to the toroidal direction and the horizontal.
The point of the MSE measurement could be infered from the intersection of the neutral beam vector and the viewing vector. However for numercial reasons the intersection point is expicity defined.
The neutral beam vector could have been defined once however it's simpler to define it for each measurement point.


mse_point_XYZ_degA MSE point specified in Cartesian Coordinates outputting the signal in degrees.
mse_point_RPhiDegZ_degA MSE point specified in Cylindrical Coordinates outputting the signal in degrees.
mse_point_XYZ_radA MSE point specified in Cartesian Coordinates outputting the signal in radians.
mse_point_RPhiDegZ_radA MSE point specified in Cylindrical Coordinates outputting the signal in radians.
mse_point_XYZ_deg_degA MSE point specified in Cartesian Coordinates outputting the signal in degrees. Direction angles are specifed in degrees.
mse_point_RPhiDegZ_deg_degA MSE point specified in Cylindrical Coordinates outputting the signal in degrees. Direction angles are specifed in degrees.
mse_point_XYZ_rad_degA MSE point specified in Cartesian Coordinates outputting the signal in degrees. Direction angles are specifed in radians.
mse_point_RPhiDegZ_rad_degA MSE point specified in Cylindrical Coordinates outputting the signal in degrees. Direction angles are specifed in radians.
mse_point_XYZ_deg_radA MSE point specified in Cartesian Coordinates outputting the signal in radians. Direction angles are specifed in degrees.
mse_point_RPhiDegZ_deg_radA MSE point specified in Cylindrical Coordinates outputting the signal in radians. Direction angles are specifed in degrees.
mse_point_XYZ_rad_radA MSE point specified in Cartesian Coordinates outputting the signal in radians. Direction angles are specifed in radians.
mse_point_RPhiDegZ_rad_radA MSE point specified in Cylindrical Coordinates outputting the signal in radians. Direction angles are specifed in radians.
mse_point_XYZ_ratioA MSE point specified in Cartesian Coordinates outputting the signal ratio.
mse_point_RPhiDegZ_ratioA MSE point specified in Cylindrical Coordinates outputting the signal ratio.
mse_point_XYZ_deg_ratioA MSE point specified in Cartesian Coordinates outputting the signal ratio. Direction angles are specifed in degrees.
mse_point_RPhiDegZ_deg_ratioA MSE point specified in Cylindrical Coordinates outputting the signal ratio. Direction angles are specifed in degrees.
mse_point_XYZ_rad_ratioA MSE point specified in Cartesian Coordinates outputting the signal ratio. Direction angles are specifed in radians.
mse_point_RPhiDegZ_rad_ratioA MSE point specified in Cylindrical Coordinates outputting the signal ratio. Direction angles are specifed in radians.

Point Specification

All motional stark effect points are specified in the following manner. A string containing the diagnostic name. Three reals specfy the measurement point in 3D.

Keywords that only have a single angle specification to the vector discription. For these keyword two sets of three reals are start and end points of the viewing cord. The last two sets of real three reals are the start and end points of the neutral beam. Each set of three reals is a point in either Cartesian or Cyclindrical Coordinates depending on the keyword.

Keywords that contain two angle specification use the angle discription. These keywords specify the angle in using 4 angles. The first line contains the angles alpha and omega. The second set of angles are delta and theta. These angles are defined such that.

  • alpha: The angle between the neutral beam and the toroidal direction. When alpha is 0, the neutral beam points in the negative toroidal direction. When alpha is 90, the beam points in the negative radial direction.
  • omgea: The angle between the view chord and the torodial direction. When omega is 0, the chord points in the positive toroidal direction. When alpha is 90, the beam points in the negative radial direction.
  • delta: The angle between the neutral beam and the horizontal. When delta is 90, the beam points in the negative z direction.
  • theta: The angle between the view chord and the horizontal. When delta is 90, the beam points in the positive z direction.

name(STRING len:data_parameters::data_short_name_length)
vx1(REAL) vy1(REAL) vz1(REAL)
vx2(REAL) vy2(REAL) vz2(REAL)
nx1(REAL) ny1(REAL) nz1(REAL)
nx2(REAL) ny2(REAL) nz2(REAL)

name(STRING len:data_parameters::data_short_name_length)
alpha(REAL) omega(REAL)
delta(REAL) theta(REAL)

Example File

! A motional stark effect chord specified in Cylindrical coordinates using
! the vector representation.
0.5 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0
-1.0 0.5 0.0
1.0 0.5 0.0
! A motional stark effect chord specified in Cylindrical coordinates using
! the angle representation.
0.5 0.0 0.0
1.0 10.0
0.0 0.0
! All files must end with

Programmers Reference

Reference material for the coding to parse these files can be found in the signal_dot and mse_dot modules.