No Matches

This is an umbrella project for the stellarator community tools. Currently available subprojects are.

  • LIBSTELL Base library for tools.
  • MAKEGRID Generate vacuum fields from coil models.
  • VMEC 3D Equilibrium solver with nested flux surfaces.
  • DESCUR Spectrally condensed curve fitting with Fourier series.
  • BMW Bio-savart Magnetic VMEC Vector potential.
  • SURFACE Compute vector potential at firstwall surfaces.
  • LGRID Limiter grid preprocessor.
  • SIESTA 3D Equilibrium solver with islands.
  • V3RFUN Magnetic diagnostic responce functions.
  • V3FIT 3D Equilibrium Reconstruction
  • BOOZ_XFORM Convert VMEC coordinates to Boozer coordinates.



Continuous Integration Test


To compile the code, first clone this repository.

git clone

A Stellarator-Tools directory will be created. In this directory create a build directory and navigate to it.

cd Stellarator-Tools
mkdir build
cd build

It's recommended that you use the ccmake to configure the build system. From inside the build directory, run the ccmake command

ccmake ../

Initally, there will be no options.

Inital Screen

press the c key to configure. Once configured, there will be several options. Different codes in the Stellarator Tools suite of codes can be configured to be built by toggling the BUILD_<CODE> from off to on. The build system will automatically turn on any dependencies. You can also set new options like the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.

Inital Screen

After changing settings, keep pressing c until the g option appears.

Inital Screen

After hitting g option ccmake will exit and a Makefile will be generated. The codes can be built using the make command.

Touble Shooting

If cmake fails to find the correct libraries, you may need to set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable to help locate them.