Command Line Arguments


This contains a description of the command line arguments. All arguments take the form of


Command Line Arguments

ArgumentTakes ValueDiscription
-hNDisplays the help text and exits the program.
-wout_fileYSpecify the wout input file name.
-restart_fileYSpecify the restart input file name.
-test_nameYName of the test to run.
-tolYTolarance value.
-minYMinimum radial value.
-maxYMaximum radial value.
-relativeNUse relative error.
-dumpNDump values to the screen.
-uYPoloidal angle to dump.
-vYToroidal angle to dump.

Test names.

testCheck a test profile of a known function.
rCheck profiles of r.
zCheck profiles of z.
drduCheck profiles of drdu.
drdvCheck profiles of drdv.
dzduCheck profiles of dzdu.
dzdvCheck profiles of dzdv.
phipfCheck profiles of phipf.
chipfCheck profiles of chipf.
bsupsCheck profiles of bsups.
bsupuCheck profiles of bsupu.
bsupvCheck profiles of bsupv.
bsubsCheck profiles of bsubs.
bsubuCheck profiles of bsubu.
bsubvCheck profiles of bsubv.
jbsupsCheck profiles of jbsups.
jbsupuCheck profiles of jbsupu.
jbsupvCheck profiles of jbsupv.
jksupsCheck profiles of jksups.
jksupuCheck profiles of jksupu.
jksupvCheck profiles of jksupv.
jacobianCheck profiles of the jacobian.
curtorCheck total toroidal current.
vmec_divbCheck vmec diveregence of B.
siesta_divbCheck siesta diveregence of B.
pressureCheck profiles of pressure.

Programmers Reference

Reference material for the coding to implement command line parsing is found in the commandline_parser class.