This page documents the contents of a namelist input file. V3RFUN namelist variables are defined in the v3r_coils
common block.
Input variable | Description | Code Reference |
name_coils_dot | Filename for the field coil discription. | v3rfun_input::name_coils_dot |
name_diagnostic_dot | Filename for the field diagnostic coil discription. | v3rfun_input::name_diagnostic_dot |
idrfun | V3RFUN identification for the run. | v3rfun_input::idrfun |
lstell_sym | Control for stellarator symmetry. | v3rfun_input::lstell_sym |
l_read_coils_dot | Control to ignore the coils dot file. | v3rfun_input::l_read_coils_dot |
use_con_shell | Computes the response function for a conducting shell. | v3rfun_input::use_con_shell |
len_integrate_ddc | Integration length in meters. | v3rfun_input::len_integrate_ddc |
is_super_con | Flags a coil as a super conductor. Super conducting are steady state so integated magnetic won't pick up an induced signal. | v3rfun_input::is_super_con |
ir | Number of radial grid points. | v3rfun_input::ir |
jz | Number of vertical grid points. | v3rfun_input::jz |
kp | Number of toroidal grid points. | v3rfun_input::kp |
kp_shell | Number of shell toroidal grid points. | v3rfun_input::kp_shell |
n_field_periods_nli | Number of field periods. | v3rfun_input::n_field_periods_nli |
rmin | Minimum R for plasma grid. | v3rfun_input::rmin |
rmax | Maximum R for plasma grid. | v3rfun_input::rmax |
zmin | Minimum Z for plasma grid. | v3rfun_input::zmin |
zmax | Maximum Z for plasma grid. | v3rfun_input::zmax |
major_radius | Shell major radius for shell grid. | v3rfun_input::major_radius |
minor_radius | Shell minor radius for shell grid. | v3rfun_input::minor_radius |
cg_shift_1 | Vector to shift all the coils before rotation. | v3rfun_input::cg_shift_1 |
cg_shift_2 | Vector to shift all the coils after rotation. | v3rfun_input::cg_shift_2 |
cg_rot_xcent | Position of center of rotation. | v3rfun_input::cg_rot_xcent |
cg_rot_theta | Spherical polar angle to specify axis of rotation. | v3rfun_input::cg_rot_theta |
cg_rot_phi | Spherical azimuthal angle to specify axis of rotation. | v3rfun_input::cg_rot_phi |
cg_rot_angle | Angle to rotate about axis of rotation. Left hand convention. Put left thumb along axis of rotation, fingers indicate direction of positive rotation. | v3rfun_input::cg_rot_angle |
l_rot_coil_center | Controls the center of rotation.
| v3rfun_input::l_rot_coil_center |
Reference material for the coding to implement this namelist is found in the v3rfun_input module.