Evaluation of the energy distribution function @f$f_{RE}(\mathcal{E})@f$ of runaway electrons as function of the normalized momentum
@f$p' = p/m_ec@f$. Here, @f$p'@f$ is the normalized momentum and @f$m_e@f$ and @f$c@f$ are the electron mass and the speed of light.
@param p Normalized momentum @f$p' = p/m_ec@f$ of a given electron in the simulation.
@param fRE Computed value of the energy distribution function of runaway electrons.
@param Eo Normalized energy @f$\mathcal{E}' = \sqrt{1 + p'}@f$ of the the electron with normalized momentum @f$p'@f$.
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FUNCTION fRE(p)REAL(rp),INTENT(IN)::p! momentum in units of mcREAL(rp)::fREREAL(rp)::Eo! In units of mc^2Eo=SQRT(p**2.0_rp+1.0_rp)fRE=fGamma(Eo,gamma_pdf_params%k,gamma_pdf_params%t*co)END FUNCTION fRE