sample_gamma_distribution Subroutine

private subroutine sample_gamma_distribution(params, g, go)

@brief Subroutine that samples a Gamma distribution representing the runaways' (marginal) energy distribution function. @details This subroutine uses the Metropolis-Hastings method for sampling the Gamma distribution representing the runaways' (marginal) energy distribution function. Unlike the typical Metropolis-Hasting method, after setting the boundaries of the region we want to sample, we perform a sampling in a larger region that contains the original sampling area plus a buffer region. After finishing the first sampling, we only keep the particles in the original sampling region, the particles in the p_buffer are sampled again until all of them lie within the original sampling region. This method ensures that the boundaries are well sampled.

@param[in] params Core KORC simulation parameters. @param[in,out] g Relativistic gamma factor @f$\gamma@f$ of the particles in a given species in the simulation. These are so that, they follow a Gamma distribution in energy. The parameters of the Gamma distributions are given by the user. @param[out] go Mean value of @f$\gamma@f$ of the particles in a given species. used to calculate the minimum required time step to resolve in detail the full-orbit dynamics of the particles. @param p Sampled normalized momentum @f$p' = p/m_ec@f$ of particles in a given particle species. @param p_buffer Size along the momentum axis of the buffer used in the Metropolis-Hastings method. @param p_test The test value of the normalized momentum used in the Metropolis-Hastings method. @param ratio Ratio of probabilities used to determine when a move in during the sampling is kept as part of the sampled chain. @param rand_unif A deviate of a uniform random distribution in the interval @f$[0,1]@f$. @param p_samples Temporary array to keep the sampled normalized momentum. @param deta Step size along the pitch-angle direction of the random walk used in the Metropolis-Hastings sampling. @param dp Step size along the momentum direction of the random walk used in the Metropolis-Hastings sampling. @param ii Iterator. @param ppp Number of particles per MPI processes. @param nsamples Number of total samples in the initial condition of a given simulation. @param mpierr MPI error status.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(in) :: params
real(kind=rp), intent(inout), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: g
real(kind=rp), intent(out) :: go


proc~~sample_gamma_distribution~~CallsGraph proc~sample_gamma_distribution sample_gamma_distribution mpi_bcast mpi_bcast proc~sample_gamma_distribution->mpi_bcast proc~random_norm~2 random_norm proc~sample_gamma_distribution->proc~random_norm~2 mpi_barrier mpi_barrier proc~sample_gamma_distribution->mpi_barrier proc~fre fRE proc~sample_gamma_distribution->proc~fre mpi_scatter mpi_scatter proc~sample_gamma_distribution->mpi_scatter proc~fgamma fGamma proc~fre->proc~fgamma

Called by

proc~~sample_gamma_distribution~~CalledByGraph proc~sample_gamma_distribution sample_gamma_distribution proc~get_gamma_distribution get_gamma_distribution proc~get_gamma_distribution->proc~sample_gamma_distribution


Source Code

  SUBROUTINE sample_gamma_distribution(params,g,go)
    TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) 						:: params
    REAL(rp), INTENT(OUT) 								:: go
    REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE 				:: p
    REAL(rp) 											:: p_buffer
    REAL(rp) 											:: p_test
    REAL(rp) 											:: ratio
    REAL(rp) 											:: rand_unif
    REAL(rp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE 				:: p_samples
    REAL(rp) 											:: deta
    REAL(rp) 											:: dp
    INTEGER 											:: ii
    INTEGER 											:: ppp
    INTEGER 											:: nsamples
    INTEGER 											:: mpierr

    ppp = SIZE(g)
    nsamples = ppp*params%mpi_params%nmpi

    dp = 1.0_rp

    if (params%mpi_params%rank.EQ.0_idef) then
       ALLOCATE(p_samples(nsamples))! Number of samples to distribute among all MPI processes

       call RANDOM_SEED()
       call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif)
       p_buffer = gamma_pdf_params%min_p + (gamma_pdf_params%max_p - gamma_pdf_params%min_p)*rand_unif

       do while (ii .LE. 1000000_idef)
          p_test = p_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,dp)
          do while ((p_test.LT.gamma_pdf_params%min_p).OR.(p_test.GT.gamma_pdf_params%max_p))
             p_test = p_buffer + random_norm(0.0_rp,dp)
          end do

          ratio = fRE(p_test)/fRE(p_buffer)

          if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then
             p_buffer = p_test
             ii = ii + 1_idef
             call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif)
             if (rand_unif .LT. ratio) then
                p_buffer = p_test
                ii = ii + 1_idef
             end if
          end if
       end do

       call RANDOM_SEED()
       call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif)
       p_samples(1) = p_buffer

       do while (ii .LE. nsamples)
          p_test = p_samples(ii-1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,dp)
          do while ((p_test.LT.gamma_pdf_params%min_p).OR.(p_test.GT.gamma_pdf_params%max_p))
             p_test = p_samples(ii-1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,dp)
          end do

          ratio = fRE(p_test)/fRE(p_samples(ii-1))

          if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then
             p_samples(ii) = p_test
             ii = ii + 1_idef
             call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif)
             if (rand_unif .LT. ratio) then
                p_samples(ii) = p_test
                ii = ii + 1_idef
             end if
          end if
       end do

       go = SUM(SQRT(1.0_rp + p_samples**2))/nsamples
    end if

    CALL MPI_SCATTER(p_samples,ppp,MPI_REAL8,p,ppp,MPI_REAL8,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,mpierr)



    g = SQRT(1.0_rp + p**2)

    if (params%mpi_params%rank.EQ.0_idef) then
    end if
  END SUBROUTINE sample_gamma_distribution