Subroutine that initializes plasma profiles interpolants.
This subroutine initializes either 2-D or 3-D PSPLINE interpolants using the data of plasma profiles in the KORC-dervied-type variable P.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(KORC_PARAMS), | intent(in) | :: | params | Core KORC simulation parameters. |
type(PROFILES), | intent(inout) | :: | P | An instance of KORC's derived type PROFILES containing all the information about the plasma profiles used in the simulation. See korc_types and korc_profiles. |
subroutine initialize_profiles_interpolant(params,P)
!! @note Subroutine that initializes plasma profiles interpolants. @endnote
!! This subroutine initializes either 2-D or 3-D PSPLINE interpolants
!! using the data of plasma profiles in the KORC-dervied-type variable P.
!! Core KORC simulation parameters.
!! An instance of KORC's derived type PROFILES containing
!! all the information about the plasma profiles used in the simulation.
!! See [[korc_types]] and [[korc_profiles]].
!#ifdef FIO
! P%FIO_ne = -1
! P%FIO_te = -1
! P%FIO_zeff = -1
if (params%collisions.or.params%radiation) then
if (params%profile_model(1:8) .EQ. 'EXTERNAL') then
if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then
write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * INITIALIZING PROFILES INTERPOLANT * * * *")')
end if
if (P%axisymmetric) then
if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then
write(output_unit_write,*) '2D ne, Te, Zeff'
end if
profiles_2d%NR = P%dims(1)
profiles_2d%NZ = P%dims(3)
! write(output_unit_write,'("NR",I15)') profiles_2d%NR
! write(output_unit_write,'("NZ",I15)') profiles_2d%NR
! Initializing ne
call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%ne,profiles_2d%NR,profiles_2d%NZ, &
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_2d%ne%x1 = P%X%R
profiles_2d%ne%x2 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%ne, P%ne_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
! Initializing Te
call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%Te,profiles_2d%NR,profiles_2d%NZ, &
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_2d%Te%x1 = P%X%R
profiles_2d%Te%x2 = P%X%Z
! write(output_unit_write,'("Te_interp_R",E17.10)') profiles_2d%Te%x1
! write(output_unit_write,'("Te_interp_Z",E17.10)') profiles_2d%Te%x2
! write(output_unit_write,'("Te",E17.10)') P%Te_2D(10,:)
call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%Te, P%Te_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
! Initializing Zeff
call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%Zeff,profiles_2d%NR, &
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_2d%Zeff%x1 = P%X%R
profiles_2d%Zeff%x2 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%Zeff, P%Zeff_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
if (params%profile_model(10:10) .EQ. 'H') then
if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then
write(output_unit_write,*) '2D Hollmann impurities'
end if
! Initializing RHON
call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%RHON,profiles_2d%NR, &
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_2d%RHON%x1 = P%X%R
profiles_2d%RHON%x2 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%RHON, P%RHON, ezerr, .TRUE.)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
!write(output_unit_write,'("profiles_2d%RHON: ",E17.10)') profiles_2d%RHON%fspl(1,:,:)
! Initializing nRE
call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nRE,profiles_2d%NR, &
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_2d%nRE%x1 = P%X%R
profiles_2d%nRE%x2 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nRE, P%nRE_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
! Initializing nAr0
call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nAr0,profiles_2d%NR, &
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_2d%nAr0%x1 = P%X%R
profiles_2d%nAr0%x2 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nAr0, P%nAr0_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
! Initializing nAr1
call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nAr1,profiles_2d%NR, &
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_2d%nAr1%x1 = P%X%R
profiles_2d%nAr1%x2 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nAr1, P%nAr1_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
! Initializing nAr2
call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nAr2,profiles_2d%NR, &
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_2d%nAr2%x1 = P%X%R
profiles_2d%nAr2%x2 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nAr2, P%nAr2_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
! Initializing nAr3
call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nAr3,profiles_2d%NR, &
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_2d%nAr3%x1 = P%X%R
profiles_2d%nAr3%x2 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nAr3, P%nAr3_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
! Initializing nD
call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nD,profiles_2d%NR, &
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_2d%nD%x1 = P%X%R
profiles_2d%nD%x2 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nD, P%nD_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
! Initializing nD1
call EZspline_init(profiles_2d%nD1,profiles_2d%NR, &
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_2d%nD1%x1 = P%X%R
profiles_2d%nD1%x2 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_2d%nD1, P%nD1_2D, ezerr, .TRUE.)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
end if
profiles_domain%FLAG2D = P%FLAG2D
profiles_domain%DR = ABS(P%X%R(2) - P%X%R(1))
profiles_domain%DZ = ABS(P%X%Z(2) - P%X%Z(1))
if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then
write(output_unit_write,*) '3D ne, Te, Zeff'
end if
profiles_3d%NR = P%dims(1)
profiles_3d%NPHI = P%dims(2)
profiles_3d%NZ = P%dims(3)
! Initializing ne
call EZspline_init(profiles_3d%ne, profiles_3d%NR, &
profiles_3d%NPHI, profiles_3d%NZ,&
profiles_3d%BCSR, profiles_3d%BCSPHI, profiles_3d%BCSZ, ezerr)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_3d%ne%x1 = P%X%R
! profiles_3d%ne%x2 = P%X%PHI
profiles_3d%ne%x3 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_3d%ne, P%ne_3D, ezerr)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
! Initializing Te
call EZspline_init(profiles_3d%Te, profiles_3d%NR, &
profiles_3d%NPHI, profiles_3d%NZ,&
profiles_3d%BCSR, profiles_3d%BCSPHI, profiles_3d%BCSZ, ezerr)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_3d%Te%x1 = P%X%R
! profiles_3d%Te%x2 = P%X%PHI
profiles_3d%Te%x3 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_3d%Te, P%Te_3D, ezerr)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
! Initializing Zeff
call EZspline_init(profiles_3d%Zeff, profiles_3d%NR, &
profiles_3d%NPHI, profiles_3d%NZ,&
profiles_3d%BCSR, profiles_3d%BCSPHI, profiles_3d%BCSZ, ezerr)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
profiles_3d%Zeff%x1 = P%X%R
! profiles_3d%Zeff%x2 = P%X%PHI
profiles_3d%Zeff%x3 = P%X%Z
call EZspline_setup(profiles_3d%Zeff, P%Zeff_3D, ezerr)
call EZspline_error(ezerr)
ALLOCATE(profiles_domain%FLAG3D(profiles_3d%NR,profiles_3d%NPHI, &
profiles_domain%FLAG3D = P%FLAG3D
profiles_domain%DR = ABS(P%X%R(2) - P%X%R(1))
profiles_domain%DPHI = 2.0_rp*C_PI/profiles_3d%NPHI
profiles_domain%DZ = ABS(P%X%Z(2) - P%X%Z(1))
end if
profiles_domain%Ro = P%X%R(1)
profiles_domain%Zo = P%X%Z(1)
if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then
write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * * * INTERPOLANT INITIALIZED * * * * * *",/)')
end if
else if (params%profile_model(1:10) .EQ. 'ANALYTICAL') then
if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then
write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * USING ANALYTICAL PROFILES * * * *",/)')
end if
else if (params%profile_model .EQ. 'UNIFORM') then
if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then
write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * UNIFORM PLASMA: NO PROFILES USED * * * *",/)')
end if
end if
end if
end subroutine initialize_profiles_interpolant