Subroutine that loads the simulation parameters from the file specified in params\%path_to_inputs
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(KORC_PARAMS), | intent(inout) | :: | params | Core KORC simulation parameters. Flag to indicate if the simulations restarts (restart=T) or not (restart=F). Restart simulation that exited before simulation_time reached. Flag to indicate if the simulations proceeds (proceed=T) or not (proceed=F). Append simulation results after previous simulation_time reached. Flag to begin a new simulation, reinitializing from restart file state Total simulation time in seconds. Time between snapshots in time of the simulation. Time between overwrites of restart file in time of the simulation. Time step in the simulation as a fraction of the relativistic electron gyro-period @f$\tau_e = 2\pi\gamma m_e/eB_0@f$ Minimum allowed relativistic factor @f$\gamma@f$ of simulated electrons. Flag to indicate if synchrotron radiation losses are included (radiation=T) or not (radiation=F). Flag to indicate if collisionsare included (collisions=T) or not (collisions=F). String with the name of the collisions model to be used in the simulation. String with the name of the model for the plasma profiles. String with the name of the model for the field profiles. String with the name of the model for the fields and plasma profiles. List of electron variables to include in the outputs. Number of different populations of simulated relativistic electrons in KORC. |
subroutine load_korc_params(params)
!! @note Subroutine that loads the simulation parameters from the
!! file specified in params\%path_to_inputs @endnote
!! Core KORC simulation parameters.
!LOGICAL :: restart
!! Flag to indicate if the simulations restarts (restart=T) or not
!! (restart=F). Restart simulation that exited before simulation_time
!! reached.
!LOGICAL :: proceed
!! Flag to indicate if the simulations proceeds (proceed=T) or not
!! (proceed=F). Append simulation results after previous simulation_time
!! reached.
!LOGICAL :: reinit
!! Flag to begin a new simulation, reinitializing from restart file state
!REAL(rp) :: simulation_time
!! Total simulation time in seconds.
!REAL(rp) :: snapshot_frequency
!! Time between snapshots in time of the simulation.
!REAL(rp) :: restart_overwrite_frequency
!! Time between overwrites of restart file in time of the simulation.
!REAL(rp) :: dt
!! Time step in the simulation as a fraction of the relativistic
!! electron gyro-period @f$\tau_e = 2\pi\gamma m_e/eB_0@f$
!REAL(rp) :: minimum_particle_energy
!! Minimum allowed relativistic factor @f$\gamma@f$ of simulated electrons.
!LOGICAL :: radiation
!! Flag to indicate if synchrotron radiation losses are included
!! (radiation=T) or not (radiation=F).
!LOGICAL :: collisions
!! Flag to indicate if collisionsare included (collisions=T) or not
!! (collisions=F).
!CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: collisions_model
!! String with the name of the collisions model to be used in the simulation.
!CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: bound_electron_model
!! String with the name of the model for the plasma profiles.
!! String with the name of the model for the field profiles.
!CHARACTER(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: magnetic_field_filename
!! String with the name of the model for the fields and plasma profiles.
!! List of electron variables to include in the outputs.
!INTEGER :: num_species
!! Number of different populations of simulated relativistic electrons
!! in KORC.
INTEGER :: imax
!! Auxiliary variable used to parse the output_list
INTEGER :: imin
!! Auxiliary variable used to parse the output_list
!! Iterator used to parse the output_list
!! Iterator used to parse the output_list
INTEGER :: num_outputs
!! Auxiliary variable used to parse the output_list
INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: indices
!! Auxiliary variable used to parse the output_list
!LOGICAL :: HDF5_error_handling
!! Flag for HDF5 error handling
!LOGICAL :: FO_GC_compare
!! String with the name of the orbit model ('FO' or 'GC').
!! String with the name of the field evaluation method for
!! analytical fields ('interp' or 'eqn')
!LOGICAL :: FokPlan
!! Flag to decouple spatial-dependence of evolution
!LOGICAL :: SameRandSeed
!LOGICAL :: SC_E_add
!INTEGER :: time_slice
!REAL(rp) :: rmax,rmin,zmax,zmin
!INTEGER :: pchunk
!NAMELIST /input_parameters/ restart,field_model,magnetic_field_filename, &
! simulation_time,snapshot_frequency,dt,num_species,radiation, &
! collisions,collisions_model,outputs_list,minimum_particle_energy, &
! HDF5_error_handling,orbit_model,field_eval,proceed,profile_model, &
! restart_overwrite_frequency,FokPlan,GC_rad_model, &
! bound_electron_model,FO_GC_compare,SameRandSeed,SC_E,reinit, &
! SC_E_add,time_slice,rmax,rmin,zmax,zmin,pchunk
!open(unit=default_unit_open,file=TRIM(params%path_to_inputs), &
! status='OLD',form='formatted')
params%restart = restart
params%proceed = proceed
params%reinit = reinit
params%load_balance = load_balance
params%simulation_time = simulation_time
params%snapshot_frequency = snapshot_frequency
params%dt = dt
params%num_species = num_species
params%profile_model = TRIM(profile_model)
params%field_model = TRIM(field_model)
params%magnetic_field_filename = TRIM(magnetic_field_filename)
params%time_slice = time_slice
params%rmax = rmax
params%rmin = rmin
params%zmax = zmax
params%zmin = zmin
params%minimum_particle_energy = minimum_particle_energy*C_E
params%minimum_particle_g = 1.0_rp + params%minimum_particle_energy/ &
(C_ME*C_C**2) ! Minimum value of relativistic gamma factor
params%radiation = radiation
params%collisions = collisions
params%LargeCollisions = LargeCollisions
params%collisions_model = TRIM(collisions_model)
params%bound_electron_model = TRIM(bound_electron_model)
params%GC_rad_model = TRIM(GC_rad_model)
if (HDF5_error_handling) then
params%HDF5_error_handling = 1_idef
params%HDF5_error_handling = 0_idef
end if
params%orbit_model = orbit_model
params%FO_GC_compare = FO_GC_compare
params%field_eval = field_eval
params%SameRandSeed = SameRandSeed
! Loading list of output parameters (parsing)
imin = SCAN(outputs_list,'{')
imax = SCAN(outputs_list,'}')
ii = 1_idef
jj = 1_idef
num_outputs = 1_idef
do while (ii.NE.0)
ii = SCAN(outputs_list(jj:),",")
if (ii.NE.0) then
jj = jj + ii
num_outputs = num_outputs + 1_idef
end if
end do
if (num_outputs.GT.1_idef) then
indices = 0_idef
indices(2) = SCAN(outputs_list,",")
params%outputs_list(1) = TRIM(outputs_list(imin+1_idef:indices(2)-1_idef))
indices(1) = indices(1) + indices(2) + 1_idef
do ii=2_idef,num_outputs
indices(2) = SCAN(outputs_list(indices(1):),",")
if (indices(2).EQ.0_idef) then
params%outputs_list(ii) = TRIM(outputs_list(indices(1):imax-1_idef))
params%outputs_list(ii) = TRIM(outputs_list(indices(1):indices(1)+indices(2)-2_idef))
indices(1) = indices(1) + indices(2)
end if
end do
params%outputs_list(1) = TRIM(outputs_list(imin+1_idef:imax-1_idef))
end if
if (params%mpi_params%rank .EQ. 0) then
write(output_unit_write,'(/,"* * * * * SIMULATION PARAMETERS * * * * *")')
write(output_unit_write,'("Restarting simulation: ",L1)') params%restart
write(output_unit_write,'("Continuing simulation: ",L1)') params%proceed
write(output_unit_write,'("Number of electron populations: ",I16)') params%num_species
write(output_unit_write,*) 'Orbit model: ',TRIM(params%orbit_model)
write(output_unit_write,*) 'Magnetic field model: ',TRIM(params%field_model)
write(output_unit_write,*) 'Magnetic field evaluation: ',TRIM(params%field_eval)
if (TRIM(params%field_model).EQ.'EXTERNAL') then
write(output_unit_write,*) 'Magnetic field file: ',TRIM(params%magnetic_field_filename)
end if
write(output_unit_write,'("Radiation losses included: ",L1)') params%radiation
if (params%radiation.and.(params%orbit_model(1:2).eq.'GC')) then
write(output_unit_write,*) 'Radiation model: ',TRIM(params%GC_rad_model)
end if
write(output_unit_write,'("Collisions losses included: ",L1)') params%collisions
if (params%collisions) then
write(output_unit_write,*) 'Collision model: ',TRIM(params%collisions_model)
write(output_unit_write,*) &
'Bound electron model: ',TRIM(params%bound_electron_model)
end if
write(output_unit_write,'("Self-consistent E included: ",L1)') params%SC_E
write(output_unit_write,'("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *",/)')
end if
end subroutine load_korc_params