PARAMS Derived Type

type, private :: PARAMS


Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
real(kind=rp), public :: E
real(kind=rp), public :: Zeff
real(kind=rp), public :: max_pitch_angle
real(kind=rp), public :: min_pitch_angle
real(kind=rp), public :: min_energy
real(kind=rp), public :: max_energy
real(kind=rp), public :: min_p
real(kind=rp), public :: max_p
real(kind=rp), public :: k
real(kind=rp), public :: t
real(kind=rp), public :: fGo
real(kind=rp), public :: Bo
real(kind=rp), public :: lambda
real(kind=rp), public :: A_fact

Source Code

     REAL(rp) :: E ! Parallel electric field normalized using the critical electric field
     REAL(rp) :: Zeff ! Effective atomic number of impurities

     REAL(rp) :: max_pitch_angle ! Maximum pitch angle of sampled PDF in degrees
     REAL(rp) :: min_pitch_angle ! Minimum pitch angle of sampled PDF in degrees
     REAL(rp) :: min_energy ! Minimum energy of sampled PDF in MeV
     REAL(rp) :: max_energy ! Maximum energy of sampled PDF in MeV
     REAL(rp) :: min_p ! Minimum momentum of sampled PDF
     REAL(rp) :: max_p ! Maximum momentum of sampled PDF
     REAL(rp) :: k ! Shape factor of Gamma distribution
     REAL(rp) :: t ! Scale factor of Gamma distribution
     REAL(rp) :: fGo ! Normalization factor of Gamma distribution

     REAL(rp) :: Bo
     REAL(rp) :: lambda

     REAL(rp) :: A_fact ! Multiplication factor for A in distributon.