Contains the main routines for Biot-Savart Magnetic Vmec Vector-Potential (BMW) code. More...
Functions/Subroutines | |
program | bmw |
BMW is a code for extending fields belond the VMEC domain in a manner that ensures divergence free fields. BMW does a Biot-Savart volume integration of of the equilibrium current density to obtain a continous vector potential every where on the mgrid grid. More... | |
Contains the main routines for Biot-Savart Magnetic Vmec Vector-Potential (BMW) code.
program bmw |
BMW is a code for extending fields belond the VMEC domain in a manner that ensures divergence free fields. BMW does a Biot-Savart volume integration of of the equilibrium current density to obtain a continous vector potential every where on the mgrid grid.
Below is a brief discription of the major top level objects of the code. For discriptions of lower level objects consult the referenced top level objects.
m_grid Object containing the vaccum field information. primed_grid Object containing the plasma currents and primed grid positions. unprimed_grid Object containing the plasma vector potential response. bmw_context Defines the main pointers to all allocated memory and objects.
BMW main program.
Highest level BMW routine. This computes the vector potential on the mgrid grid.