commandline_parser.f File Reference

Contains module commandline_parser. More...

Data Types

type  commandline_parser::commandline_parser_class
 Base class containing a parsed commandline. More...


module  commandline_parser
 Defines the base class of the type commandline_parser_class.


class(commandline_parser_class) function, pointer commandline_parser::commandline_parser_construct ()
 Construct a commandline_parser_class object. More...
subroutine commandline_parser::commandline_parser_destruct (this)
 Deconstruct a commandline_parser_class object. More...
character(len=path_length) function commandline_parser::commandline_parser_get_string (this, arg)
 Get the value of an argument as a string. More...
integer function commandline_parser::commandline_parser_get_integer (this, arg, default_value)
 Get the value of an argument as an integer. More...
real(rprec) function commandline_parser::commandline_parser_get_real (this, arg, default_value)
 Get the value of an argument as a Real. More...
logical function commandline_parser::commandline_parser_is_flag_set (this, arg)
 Check if a command line argument was set. More...
subroutine commandline_parser::commandline_parser_print_help
 Print out help text. More...

Detailed Description

Contains module commandline_parser.