class(fourier_class) function, pointer | fourier::fourier_construct (mpol, ntor, ntheta, nzeta, nfp, sym, tor_modes) |
| Construct a fourier_class object.
subroutine | fourier::fourier_destruct (this) |
| Deconstruct a fourier_class object.
subroutine | fourier::fourier_tomnsp_3d (this, xuv, xmn, parity) |
| Convert a quantity from real to fourier space in parallel.
subroutine | fourier::fourier_tomnsp_3d_pest (this, xuv, xmn, lmns, lmnc, |
| Convert a quantity from real to fourier space in pest coordinates.
pure subroutine | fourier::fourier_tomnsp_2d (this, xuv, xmn, parity) |
| Fourier transform a 2D quantity to fourier space.
pure subroutine | fourier::fourier_tomnsp_2d_pest (this, xuv, xmn, lambda, dup |
| Fourier transform a 2D quantity to fourier space.
pure subroutine | fourier::fourier_tomnsp_2d_u (this, xuv) |
| Sum over the poloidal part.
pure subroutine | fourier::fourier_tomnsp_2d_u_pest (this, xuv, lambda, dupdu, |
| Sum over the poloidal part.
pure subroutine | fourier::fourier_tomnsp_2d_v (this, xmn, parity) |
| Sum over toroidal angle.
subroutine | fourier::fourier_toijsp_3d (this, xmn, xuv, dflag, parity) |
| Convert a quantity from fourier to real space in parallel.
pure subroutine | fourier::fourier_toijsp_2d (this, xmn, xuv, dflag, parity) |
| Fourier transform a 2D quantity to real space.
subroutine | fourier::fourier_get_origin (this, xuv, mode, asym) |
| Computes the origin value of a half-mesh quantity.
subroutine | fourier::fourier_round_trig (cosi, sini) |
| Round trig values to whole number for near numbers.
logical function | fourier::fourier_get_index (this, n) |
| The the index position of the toroidal mode if it exists.
logical function | fourier::test_fourier () |
| Test fourier routines.
integer, parameter | fourier::f_cos = 0 |
| Cosine parity.
integer, parameter | fourier::f_sin = 1 |
| Sine parity.
integer, parameter | fourier::f_none = 0 |
| Do not sum fouier real space transformed quantity. This is used when a stellarator symmetric parity is being converted to real space.
integer, parameter | fourier::f_ds = 1 |
| Radial derivative flag.
integer, parameter | fourier::f_du = 2 |
| Poloidal derivative flag.
integer, parameter | fourier::f_dv = 4 |
| Toroidal derivative flag.
integer, parameter | fourier::f_dudv = IOR(f_du, f_dv) |
| Combined toroidal and poloidal derivatives.
integer, parameter | fourier::f_sum = 8 |
| Sum fouier real space transformed quantity. This is used when a non-stellarator symmetric parity is being converted to real space.
integer, parameter | fourier::f_jac = 16 |
| Quantity, contains jacobian.
integer, parameter | fourier::f_con = 32 |
| Covariant basis.
integer, parameter | fourier::b_ds = 0 |
| Bit position of the f_ds flag.
integer, parameter | fourier::b_du = 1 |
| Bit position of the f_du flag.
integer, parameter | fourier::b_dv = 2 |
| Bit position of the f_dv flag.
integer, parameter | fourier::b_sum = 3 |
| Bit position of the f_sum flag.
integer, parameter | fourier::b_jac = 4 |
| Bit position of the f_jac flag.
integer, parameter | fourier::b_con = 5 |
| Bit position of the f_co flag.
integer, parameter | fourier::m0 = 0 |
| m = 0 mode.
integer, parameter | fourier::m1 = 1 |
| m = 1 mode.
integer, parameter | fourier::m2 = 2 |
| m = 2 mode.
integer, parameter | fourier::n0 = 0 |
| n = 0 mode.
integer, parameter | fourier::n1 = 1 |
| n = 1 mode.