limiter_grid.f File Reference

Contains module limiter. More...

Data Types

interface  limiter_grid::limiter_grid_class
 Base class representing a limiter signal. More...


module  limiter_grid
 Defines the base class of the type limiter_grid_class.


class(limiter_grid_class) function, pointer limiter_grid::limiter_grid_construct (lgrid_file, on_edge)
 Construct a limiter_grid_class. More...
subroutine limiter_grid::limiter_grid_destruct (this)
 Deconstruct a limiter_grid_class object. More...
real(rprec) function limiter_grid::limiter_grid_get_max_fval (this, num_theta, phi_index, r, z, rphiz_at_max)
 Calculates the maximum value of the grid function. More...
character(len=data_name_length) function limiter_grid::limiter_grid_get_type (this)
 Gets a discription of the limiter grid type. More...

Detailed Description

Contains module limiter.